Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 403 I haven’t brushed my teeth yet, please wait for me

In July 1995, (The Storm 2) and (Harry Potter 3) had already launched a wild summer war. The crew of (King Kong) was filming in Shanghai. As soon as the crew finished filming, they saw Gao Yuanyuan leading Came over with a compact video camera.

"Boss, Director Chen, this is the DV camera just launched by Sony. After shooting a video, you can watch the finished film directly through the camera lens. It's so convenient."

"It's as fast as a digital camera. Will this change the film and television production process?"

When a DV camera was delivered to her like a treasure, the video recorded on the tape was a self-portrait of Yuanyuan. Zhao Donghuai was delighted, "The filming was pretty good. The digital age has officially entered the film and television industry."

"But at this stage, DV cameras have too low pixels and are not suitable for large-scale movie production."

Although the first digital camera took the first digital photo in the Kodak laboratory as early as 1975, the commercialization process of digital cameras still started late. It was not until 1991 that Kodak and Toshiba launched the first digital camera for sale on the market. Digital machines are rare.

It was not until 1994 and 1995 this year that large-scale commercially sold digital cameras entered the market, with basically 410,000 pixels.

The digital DV camera Gao Yuanyuan bought now also has 410,000 pixels.

In the future, the built-in cameras of Apple phones, Huawei, etc. will basically be 8 million pixels, 12 million pixels, or even 50 million pixels. Do you lower it to 410,000 pixels? ?

At this stage, it is not very competitive with traditional film camera recorders. That is, if you are shooting news or producing TV programs, in order to save film, you can try it.

After watching Gao Yuanyuan's cute selfie, Zhao Donghuai said, "Now that we have entered the digital age, without pursuing the theater, I will give you an assignment. You can build a team by yourself and make a short film by yourself. .”

Gao Yuanyuan was dumbfounded, homework? Make your own short film?

She came here to offer a treasure, why did she drag herself into the water in a daze?

Zhao Donghuai spoke again, "I will write two short scripts for you later. You can prepare them yourself. As long as they are filmed before the Spring Festival of 1996, there will be rewards if they are done well, and there will be punishments if they are not done well."

Gao Yuanyuan then smiled guiltily, "Boss, I don't want you to write the script for me yourself. If I fail in the filming, it won't be a waste of your talent. Can I find the script myself?"

Director Zhao was speechless, "You have studied with me, Director Huang, and Xiao Chen for five months, and you can't even make a short film of a few minutes?"

"And DV cameras are not as troublesome as film cameras. After shooting a scene, you won't know the effect until it is developed. The former can be seen directly by playing it on the DV screen."

Chen Musheng was overjoyed, "Xiao Gao, the big boss's books are so scarce. There are so many outsiders who want to spend money to hire the boss to master the planning scripts, but they can't find a way."

Gao Yuanyuan nodded even more guiltily, "Thank you boss, I will definitely work hard."

Although she was worried and unsure, she did know that any insider could have the opportunity to learn from the top directors such as Chen Musheng, Huang Jianxin, and Zhao Donghuai? Not to mention how much professional knowledge Zhao Donghuai taught her, Huang Jianxin and Director Chen also carefully taught her various shooting abilities and techniques, breaking them apart and breaking them into pieces.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "I'll give you the script after we finish work today and return to the hotel."

What he plans to give Xiao Gao are the micro-movies (Tuner) and (Leave Me), rewards and punishments? If the shoot is successful, we will provide her with higher-end Dongtian products. If the shoot is not successful, the supply will be cut off for a period of time.

She has been eating it regularly for four or five months, and Gao Yuanyuan is the one who knows best what kind of changes those fruits and vegetables have brought to her.

It doesn't matter if you haven't eaten it before. If you really eat it often, if you stop eating it and go back to eating ordinary fruits and vegetables, you will collapse.


Night falls.

When Gao Yuanyuan knocked on the door in the presidential suite of Huazhi flagship store in Shanghai, she was ushered in by Ah Hong. Zhao Donghuai directly handed over two paper document bags, "You don't have to be nervous. You will face two dozen people every six months." Minutes, a few minutes of short film, just shoot whatever you want."

"By the way, this is special food prepared for you. The recipes will also be changed in the future."

In addition to written scripts, the new set meal arranged for her by Director Zhao is fish, eggs, walnuts and other recipes that are good for the brain.

It is said that the taste test similar to that of Zeng Li and Liang Yongqi has already produced strong results. When Zeng Li stopped the set meal, her career ambition to catch up with Li Zhi was still very healthy.

It's been a year now, and the growth period has ended, and my body is in great shape.

Last summer, Xiao Liang felt that level B was not enough, so he continued to eat for a few more months, but in the end it still stayed at the level of less than C and died.

This adjustment and improvement of subsidizing professionalism is related to one's own foundation. The better the foundation, the stronger the effect.

At this stage, the improvement of small height can also be stopped at a net height of 1.69 meters, with white skin and beautiful hair. She has just entered the growth period, so she cannot make up for it too much. Too much is actually a burden.

The Gao family's old parents and her brother are both top academics, but she is the only one in the family who is a scumbag... Well, this is not a disadvantage, after all, she has perfectly inherited all the good looks of the Gao family! !

Now Zhao Donghuai just wants to experiment and eat more brain supplement packages to see if it can stimulate Xiao Gao to become smarter at the age of sixteen or seventeen.

Xiao Gao thanked him movedly for a while, then took the homework and food supplement materials and left.

Ah Hong then asked curiously, "I read those two scripts. Even if they are micro-movies, they are very sophisticated works. Do you really want her to just film and play?"

Director Zhao burst out laughing, "It doesn't matter if she failed in the filming. Another director could have easily shot it well. It's just such a short short film... It's not right. In fact, (leaving me behind) can be used as a commercial for a camera."

"If necessary, it can be used as an advertising piece."

Time passes.

What pleased Zhao Donghuai was that for the short film (Stay with Me), Gao Yuanyuan came to the presidential suite to hand in her first assignment more than half a month later in late July.

The picture taken... is quite satisfactory and can be read, barely passing?

The story of Leave Me Behind is very simple. The male protagonist has been immersed in grief because his beloved wife died unexpectedly. The old father took the camera that the female protagonist used during her lifetime and wanted to comfort the male protagonist with the photos in it. Something magical happened.

When the shutter is pressed, the male protagonist enters the photo world.

The photos inside include photos of landscapes and photos of other people. After the male protagonist recalled which photo the female protagonist was in, he shouted to his father outside the camera world to rewind to the photo with the female protagonist. , very suddenly, the camera ran out of battery...

In the end, the old father used the remaining weak power to restart the phone, and the male protagonist ran desperately towards his beloved wife.

In the real world, the old father is quite miserable.

The original version (Leave Me) is 5 minutes long and didn't win any awards. It's just a very sensational short art film, purely based on the performances of one male and two male actors. In the future, it will receive a high score of 8.8 in a certain film.

A few minutes of performance, a few changes of scenes, and a little provocative music can make you tear-jerking.

(King Kong) There is no shortage of good actors in the big cast, and they are great at acting.

For the past half month, Gao Yuanyuan has cast Qin Pei to play the old father and Zhang Jiayi to play the male lead. Both of them performed very well and had strong sensational skills. However, Gao Yuanyuan's editing and soundtrack were extremely mediocre.

The short film that can make people cry is ruined by editing and soundtrack.

But the setting and filming are still passable.

After watching the micro-movie, Zhao Donghuai was silent, but Winona was overjoyed, "Hey, boss, it seems you didn't teach her the soundtrack, editing and other post-production, right? Is this a crime other than war?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded helplessly, "It's okay. You've passed the test. Have you backed up the earliest tapes? Bring the shooting materials and I'll teach you re-editing and other production."

Xiao Gao smiled sweetly in surprise, "Thank you boss, I've kept all those materials."

This is the advantage of DV digital cameras. As long as the tapes used during shooting are retained, multiple backups can even be uploaded to the computer. Copying and backup costs are faster and more economical.

When Zhao Donghuai got up and set off to find the behind-the-scenes production room, Winona grabbed a handful of blueberries, strawberries and other berries and handed them to Xiao Gao, "Eat more to replenish your brain."

At this point, Winona held Yuanyuan's arm and said, "Xiao Gao, I am very optimistic about you. You will definitely have a seat in the director world in the future."

Xiao Gao was flattered and said, "Sister Na, you think too highly of me, but it's a bit strange to say that I just cautiously followed my experience in preparing (King Kong), such as the perspective layout, etc. This aspect of this micro-movie is too simple and easy. …”

"During the filming, the actors communicated easily. The main reason was that Zhang Jiayi and Qin Pei had good acting skills. The filming was completed in a matter of seconds. It felt smoother than I expected."

"I'm still a little confused now. I didn't expect that it would actually become the production of a short film."

Now it's a micro-movie. If we follow this formula to make a big movie, it will just mean that we will be busy longer?

Winona continued to praise Xiao Gao with a smile. She was the first talent to experiment with brain supplement products. From late February to late July, she suffered an unbearable weight in her life, which was larger than her shoe size of 36. months.

Of course, I also know the various effects of special grade ingredients.

What she wanted to complain about was, Zhao Donghuai had these, why didn't he use them for her back then? She also wants to have a more ambitious career. Fortunately, as a 24-year-old, she often takes fitness and brain supplements, which also have certain effects.

Do you have something to say? One of the peaks of knowledge that most people master in their lifetime is during the third year of high school. They know everything about astronomy and geography, and they have a thorough knowledge of history and a brief understanding of mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

Except for those talents who are getting higher and higher in the professional field, after the third year of high school, they gradually forget all kinds of knowledge. And these nourishing ingredients for brain strengthening can prevent forgetting and losing if you eat too much...

She is really optimistic that during the period of learning directing skills, there are so many big bosses who will teach her knowledge, and these special ingredients, Xiao Gao will make a short film this year, and maybe he will be able to make a big movie next year.


In late July, the biggest event in the film and television industry was none other than Zhou Xingxing's (Westward Journey: Westward Journey). The first part (Westward Journey: Moonlight Box) was released in East and Southeast Asia on the 20th, although the initial box office was good.

But that was aimed at Zhou Xingxing’s comedy appeal. As a result, countless viewers scolded Zhou Xingxing for not being able to understand it after watching it. Some even scolded Zhou Xingxing for ruining the original work and Journey to the West...

Ah Xing was scolded miserably.

The higher the box office trend starts, the louder the criticism becomes.

As a result, the box office collapsed in the second week of release. The first part of "Original Tracks" also took 25 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office in Hong Kong. However, the early sweep of VCDs and discs in this dimension, and the cheap disc prices, made the film critics The impact on a film seems stronger.

Therefore, movies with good reputations and poor reputations face two extreme impacts on market treatment. During the four-day opening weekend from July 20 to 23, the mainland grossed 110 million yuan and Hong Kong Haowan 21 million Hong Kong dollars. In the second week, the mainland dropped directly. To 6,000 RMB, Hong Kong Haowan adds up to only 7 million Hong Kong dollars.

The stock price of 100 Years Pictures has been affected to a certain extent.

As a result, Zhou Xingxing and Liu Zhenwei flew to Shanghai together on August 3 to ask for help. It didn't count... The two were undecided as to whether they should let the second part be released.

In the first 11 days of its release, it took in 170 million yuan in box office in the Mainland, which is definitely not a loss for the entire project. But what Ah Xing is afraid of is that if the second part continues to be released, the audience will accuse him of cheating money. This will not be a loss for the overall project. There has been no good news for the film industry this year.

After completing the one-day filming of "King Kong" step by step, Zhao Donghuai calmly received Ah Xing in Huazhi's flagship store, "The second part will be released as usual, and the word-of-mouth is just waiting to keep the bullets flying for a while."

"Now is the Internet age. Audiences buy the disc and go home to watch it. Watching it over and over again will lead to a lot of self-interpretation. I am afraid that by then, you and Ah Wei will be able to interpret content that neither you nor Ah Wei have thought of."

"You can work on other projects first, and just pay attention to the film and television section of Songshan Forum."

Yuan Lu’s two-part Westward Journey journey was a trend of interpretation brought out by universities in northern Qing Dynasty. It rehabilitated him and brought out various classic interpretations...

It is really the development of the Internet that has made the Westward Journey project popular.

The internet speed in the mainland of this plane is still average at this stage, not much better than the original track, but Hong Kong Haowan has long been in the fiber optic era. Now Ah Xing is being scolded so badly. Those old star fans know how to do things. It is nothing more than the current level. No DVDs were released.

The second part will be released as usual and will continue to have a low box office, but there is hope that it will be able to make a comeback in the disc market. No, strictly speaking, at this stage, the two films have failed in theaters and have not made much money. If the reputation reverses and is over-interpreted countless times, it will be repaid in the overall market value of Hundred Years Pictures.

However, all kinds of over-in-depth interpretations... still need to read both parts in order to understand it.

In the first part, Zhu Yin's Zixia Fairy was just a guest appearance. Without the follow-up of the second part, it was fragmented and had little impact at all.

Without the love story about the Supreme Treasure in the second part, Zhu Yin's mark of the times would not be so strong that it would still make countless people miss Zixia decades later.

With Zhao Donghuai's affirmation, Ah Xing and Ah Wei breathed a sigh of relief. They were really afraid that the market value of Hundred Years Pictures would plummet due to the impact. It was nothing to lose money for the time being, which would cause the wealth of Zhao Donghuai, Wang Jing, Liu Dehua and others to shrink. , that would be great fun.

While a few people were chatting, Gao Yuanyuan came to hand in homework again. She greeted her politely before handing in the second version (leaving me behind).

After reading it this time, Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but nod, "I've made good progress. I barely passed with 60 points for the first time. There is still 1 point given to you because of your face. This time I can get 70 points."

"There is no need to shoot anymore (leave me), you go prepare (the sound engineer)."

Xiao Gao laughed happily and silently for more than ten seconds before nodding, "Thank you boss, I will start filming (sound engineer) tomorrow."

Zhou Xingxing said in surprise, "Xiao Gao, is it your first time as a director to make such a good film? That's okay."

Think about it, in January Gao Yuanyuan went to the crew of "Westward Journey" to interview Fairy Zixia, but because of her poor acting skills, she was left too far behind by Zhu Yin... and was screwed.

I watched a five-minute short film (Leave Me) before. For a student work, it was really good. At least if it was placed in the directing department of the film school, it would definitely be above the passing level.

Liu Zhenwei all praised, "I didn't expect that Xiao Gao is not only so handsome, but also has first-class qualifications, and he is also so talented."

Gao Yuanyuan hurriedly said politely, "I don't dare. It's because the boss has a good script and the actors performed well. I didn't do anything."

For big directors such as Liu Zhenwei, Liu Weiqiang and Wang Jing, they can finish a big movie in a month, but she can finish a short film with just a few actors and a few ordinary scenes in a month? ?

She didn't dare to take credit at all.


New Day On August 4, Gao Yuanyuan was still thinking about how to film the sound engineer in the guest room, when she received a call from Ah Xing and asked her if she could read the sound engineer script.

On the second floor of Huazhi flagship store, when Gao Yuanyuan and her assistant knocked on the door in a private room, they saw Ah Xing and Liu Zhenwei already sitting there. After being polite, when they finished reading the tuner's script, Ah Xing slapped the table and sighed. , "It is indeed a good book by Zhao Sheng. This book is really wonderful."

"Xiao Gao, do you want me to be the leading actor? I'll be a guest star for free, whatever you want."

Gao Yuanyuan is numb. She was interviewed in January, and now in early August, Zhou Xingxing comes to apply for her micro film project? ?

Liu Zhenwei said with a smile, "I can play a part-time role, even if I'm in charge, I'm not afraid of embarrassment. Ah Xing and I just want to avoid the limelight and avoid the scolding. The original date is August 10th (The Great Sage's Marriage in Journey to the West) Released.”

"The audience is scolding us so fiercely now, and we will be even worse off then."

It is said that the director's assistant who started out as an assistant to Zhao Donghuai has been busy for half a year, but how many people in the industry only treat Gao Yuanyuan as an ordinary assistant apprentice?

Deputy directors Huang Jianxin, Chen Musheng and other assistant directors broke down all kinds of knowledge and skills and taught them again and again, for fear that Xiao Gao would not be able to learn...

Ah Xing and Liu Zhenwei must have made guest appearances for the sake of on-site teaching. Of course, the two of them really admired the script for its excellence and ingenuity.

The original track of the ten-minute short film won the French César Award for Best Short Film.


August 10th arrived as scheduled, and with the release of "The Marriage of the Great Sage", this movie is still trending high and low.

Many star fans and viewers who had watched the first Moonlight Box went to the theaters because of it. In the first four days of the first weekend, it once again took in a box office of 150 million yuan in the mainland and 22 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong.

Massive curses once again swept across East Asia and Southeast Asia, and there was even no shortage of media to criticize the film in print media. Are the viewers stupid? The curses in the first part were so loud and obvious. Why are there so many people entering the second part? Going to the theater and paying to watch a movie?

This is not how people cheat money, it’s because the audience is too stupid...

The related market value of 100 Years Pictures has dropped by hundreds of millions. The project still made money from the box office in theaters, but the profit was not as much as the market value dropped.

Cheng Long felt this the most. Last year's "Thunderbolt" had a box office loss in terms of investment. Not to mention that the subsequent market value of New World Pictures plummeted, and the losses were even more serious.

But at this stage, Zhou Xingxing is hiding in the (King Kong) studio area in Shanghai, slowly following Gao Yuanyuan's shooting plan. The short film "Stay with Me", the perspective shooting, and other aspects of the production are very cheap and efficient.

In fact (the sound engineer) is similar. The scenery is simple and there are not many changing places. Everything is enriched by the performances of the actors.

Zhou Xingxing played a man who pretended to be blind to help customers tune and play the piano, a role full of voyeurism, and the most important murder case of the female head of household, played by an actress, was played by Li Lizhen.

Li Lizhen was on the set of (King Kong). She played the role of Annie, a pretend singer who was sent to the stage after King Kong was captured and brought back to Shanghai in the later stages of the movie. Her role was very small, and the guest sound engineer also played a fun role.

Ah Zhen, who is 29 years old this year, you can also say that she is an actress.

In late August, when the summer season came to an end, (Harry Potter 3) lived up to expectations and had accumulated a total box office of more than 800 million US dollars worldwide, once again perfectly continuing the strong money-making power of the major series.

Gao Yuanyuan also went to Huhuazhi flagship store and handed in her (tuner) job.

After Zhao Donghuai, Ah Hong, and Winona watched the 14-minute short film, Ah Hong said in surprise, "Okay, Xiao Gao, this movie can be considered quite satisfactory, with a score of 70."

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "Let's reshoot it again, using a film camera. After the shooting, we can get it to the TV station for free broadcast."

Gao Yuanyuan said in surprise, "It's only been ten minutes? It doesn't seem to be useful if it's broadcast, right?"

Director Zhao smiled and nodded at her, "You should contact the piano manufacturers of major brands now and ask them for advertising sponsorship fees. If it is less than 20 million Hong Kong dollars, they will reject it directly."

"My book, Ah Xing and Li Lizhen will help you perform guest appearances for free. The advertising sponsorship fees collected from this micro-film will be your reward for making the film."

"In this short film, it's not just the piano that can ask for sponsorship money! In this regard, you can ask Mei Xiaoqing from ATV, she is the best at soliciting sponsorship."

Ever since (Meteor Garden), the producer Mei Xiaoqing has been the favorite TV producer of various high-end brands and luxury car groups.

Not to mention micro-movies, commercials of tens of seconds to one or two minutes, as long as they are well shot and so exciting that the audience can remember and praise them, there will be no shortage of investors to spend money on them.

Gao Yuanyuan is numb again, can it still be like this?

For 20 days in August, Zhou Xingxing and Liu Zhenwei taught her how to be a normal director, and they never kept secrets, but...

Pulling the film from the DV digital camera and asking Mei Xiaoqing for money from various producers? I feel numb from learning.

Zhao Donghuai came up with another script. The title of the film (The Crowd) is actually the core of the island country's 2012 version (The Method of Stealing the Key). It directly uses the Hong Kong version of the original key-stealing plot. This film not only has a box office after its release It’s good, it has a strong reputation, and it won a lot of awards at film festivals.

It has been remade one after another in South Korea and the Mainland, and has received high ratings and praise.

Even though the mainland remake (with huge crowds) received poor reviews, it still took in a box office of 486 million yuan after its release.

"After you finish filming (the sound engineer of the film version), take a break and return to the crew of King Kong to continue studying. After the Spring Festival, you can start fighting for this big movie in 1996."

"Whether it's to win awards or make money at the box office, this movie (The Crowd) will most likely be very strong. As long as you make it to the eight-point level I estimate, it will be your battle to become famous in the world of directors."

Xiao Gao hasn't read the script yet, but she is still very moved. After all, she was only 17 years old in 1996, and the big boss was so kind to her that she didn't know how to repay her gratitude.

From a child star whose acting skills often hindered the crew to a great director? If the transformation can really be successful next year, it will be too...


Time flies, October 9th is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

When the (King Kong) crew re-shot a scene on the cruise ship, Zhao Donghuai officially announced that the crew was finished filming.

Cruise ships and other cruise ships also turned around and sailed directly to Shanghai.

Shooting officially started on April 10th, and after six months of travel, the big movie was really finished, and the rest was left to the special effects base to work on slowly.

Originally, we planned to have a holiday during the Mid-Autumn Festival, but we can finish filming the completed scenes in a few hours, so there is no need to leave it until tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

At the closing banquet, many people drank too much.

In other words, Zhao Donghuai could drink a thousand cups without getting drunk. The next day, the sun shone brightly. He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window of the presidential suite. He looked at the ever-changing street scene outside the window with a leisurely and relaxed attitude, rather than the rush of work during the work period. River views, etc., are full of emotion.

Huazhi flagship store is not far from the Oriental Pearl Tower.

As early as 1990, when Pudong was being developed, Huazhi Group was invited to develop real estate, commercial communities and other development projects. The flagship store, a five-star hotel with more than 30 floors, was also built in 1994 and put into commercial use.

Several Huazhi real estate communities have been built nearby, whether they are in the style of high-end luxury villas with single floors, or similar to the Huayuan on Hong Kong Island, with one to ten phases, they are all available.

Just like the Binjiang Community in the Future (Thirty Only), it is built to the same standard as in the TV series. It just changed the name of the community and called it Sanjiu Shuyuan Series.

This Sanjiu refers to the abbreviation of Sangong Jiuqing, and the meaning of Shuyuan is also very obvious. It is a new brand of high-end residential communities launched by Huazhi Construction.

There is no doubt that the three-story house with invincible river views, which is only thirty miles away, belongs to Zhou Huimin. However, a Sanjiu Shuyuan community has more than one building and is composed of more than a dozen buildings. Guan Jiahui, He Qing, etc. have naturally already Start owning your own mansion.

As for the Sanjiu Shuyuan Community built by Huazhi Group in Shanghai, the different communities are distinguished by San Gong Yuan and Jiu Qing Yuan.

Sanjiu Shuyuan, which is close to the Huangpu River and not far from the Oriental Pearl Tower, is the Shaofu Garden.

Today, the average price of Shaofuyuan is more than 2,000 yuan per square meter... It started out as high-end luxury housing in Shanghai. In recent years, due to the Yecheng real estate bubble incident, housing prices in Beijing and Shangyang have actually been falling.

It was not until the late 1990s that prices began to rise. For example, the average house price in Shanghai as a whole did not exceed 3,100 yuan per square meter until 1999. By that time, it is estimated that high-end residential areas such as Shaofuyuan would have already cost six to seven thousand yuan per square meter.

Even so, there are actually very few people living in Shaofuyuan, which is more than 2,000 square meters per square meter.


On October 10, Gao Yuanyuan was still sleeping when she heard knocking on the door and various phone ringings. It was not until she was awakened by the bomb that she discovered that Bingbing and Chen Hao were waiting outside her guest room.

When she walked to open the door, Fan Bingbing walked over and said, "Let's go to Sanjiu Shuyuan Shaofuyuan to look at the house."

Gao Yuanyuan said in astonishment, "What kind of house are you looking at in a daze? Are you planning to buy a house here?"

Fan Bingbing explained, "I knew that the crew of (King Kong) was finishing filming, and I specifically asked for leave from the crew of (Harry Potter 4), so I came to you to buy a house together. The Oriental Pearl Tower is so popular now, and it is a top tourist attraction."

"The high-end Huazhi residential community built nearby will definitely become popular in the future. Moreover, Jay Chou and Sister Jiahui both bought and left houses in Shaofu Garden. It is estimated that Shaofu Garden will become the Huayuan of Hong Kong Island in the future. It’s been reprinted.”

"It's comfortable to live in that kind of community. You don't have to pretend to go out for walks, exercise, etc., and you don't have to worry about being mobbed by fans. There are elite bodyguards from Chinese real estate companies living there, and you have a stable sense of security. Take advantage of the current slump in sales and stock up on some in advance. I have a house in hand."

"Whether you live in it by yourself in the future, resell it to other celebrities to build connections, or wait for appreciation, it's good. It costs more than 2,000 yuan per square meter. Even if it is calculated at 2,500 yuan, a large house of 150 square meters only costs 375,000 yuan. "

"A two-storey duplex with an area of ​​200 to 300 square meters costs less than 1 million yuan. If you buy the same apartment in the first phase of Huayuan in Tsim Sha Tsui, it will cost almost 7 to 8 million or even nearly 10 million Hong Kong dollars."

Gao Yuanyuan was said to be confused and a little excited. After the film version of (Sound Engineer) was shot, she attracted 30 to 40 million Hong Kong dollars in fees from various investment sponsors, and she didn't even spend much, let alone the goods she had accumulated over the years. Income.

She originally planned to transfer the unspent 30 to 40 million to Zhao Donghuai, but she didn't have time to buy a house...

You can easily buy several sets without that amount of money.

After Chen Hao joined in the persuasion and pulled her to change clothes and go out, Gao Yuanyuan was suddenly shocked and said, "Hey, let me not say that I didn't put on makeup, and I haven't brushed my teeth yet. Wait for me, wait for me Go back and put on makeup.”

After saying that, she ran back to the hotel.

Until she disappeared, Fan Bingbing and Chen Hao looked at each other in silence for more than a minute. Chen Hao said in disbelief, "She didn't put on makeup? Didn't brush her teeth? It's not so outrageous to lie, right?"

Xiao Gao's previous state was obviously more attractive than after they were decorated. They didn't smell any bad breath during the conversation, right? ? Chen Hao just wanted to ask Yuanyuan what brand of toothpaste she used!

Although she did not wear lipstick or anything like that, it is normal for a girl who is only sixteen or seventeen years old not to use those.

Fan Bingbing's face was a little dark. This little tall girl must be hiding something from her. This sister felt like she couldn't do it anymore.

If she wanted to calm her down, she would have to at least ask Gao Yuanyuan for two more boxes of fruit and vegetable platters that were impossible to buy outside and that she couldn't describe in words.

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