Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 404 An advertising blockbuster even more outrageous than Evolutionary Crisis

On October 12, when Zhao Donghuai led his team back to Hong Kong Island, he returned to the top floor of the ATV headquarters and saw Isabel Adjani walking happily and performing a lively Chinese-French friendly interaction with him.

A few minutes later, Adjani took a long breath and said, "Zhao, you said you would give me some benefits. What kind of book is it?"

"I've had a lot of headaches over the past two years because of Xiao Nutan's rebellion. It's time to change my mind and try life on a set."

Sister Adjani is already 40 years old, and she is 40 years old this year. However, due to the problem of proper maintenance, mainly due to the many gifts of Chinese friendship, her beautiful appearance is the model of a thirty-year-old young and mature woman. She is still a French socialite. The best spokesperson for Women’s Addicted Baicaotang Health Pills.

And her son is 16 years old this year. He is in middle school in Hong Kong. It is indeed the most troublesome rebellious period. In order to teach his son not to go astray, Adjani has not received many serious scripts for two or three years. At most It's a guest appearance.

Under the words, Zhao Donghuai smiled and took out a notebook, "This is what I came up with after filming (King Kong). Most of the time, you need to perform alone to support the overall structure. In terms of acting skills, many movies from the East and the West have Finally, there are few who can perform better than you."

The special effects production of (King Kong) still needs a lot of time, and it would be great if it can bombard the world in the summer of 1996.

Next time, Zhao Donghuai plans to make a new movie. The script is "Cast Away". Originally a big movie supported by Tom Hanks alone, more than half of the time is spent on the protagonist surviving on a desert island.

This requires very strong acting skills.

Tom is also worthy of his Oscar-winning actor ability. Not only did he win the Golden Globe Award and be nominated for an Oscar-winning actor for (Cast Away), he also won and nominated a number of other awards.

The most important thing is that this movie also took in US$430 million at the global box office. The reputation and box office have really taken off.

Why doesn't Zhao Donghuai star himself? He just needs to be a director.

As for why the female version was chosen, Zhao Donghuai did not play the leading role, but he could still make a cameo. For example, the fiancé of Adjani's character in the movie guest-starred. After she lost contact in a plane crash, he also did a lot in the early stage to find Adjani's whereabouts.

There was no news for several years before she married another person.

In the original version (Castaway), the male protagonist can survive alone on a desert island for four years. His beloved fiancée is his biggest spiritual support. Four years later, when he returns to modern society, he unexpectedly discovers that his fiancée is married to his dentist...

In the face of such a huge change in life, the ending is really very realistic.

In the reverse script, Adjani's dentist is played by Winona Ryder, and the ending is that she finally escapes from the desert island and returns to society, losing everything she had before.

And the courier company in design? In fact, he is mainly promoting Pacific Express, which is about to open. Zhao Donghuai has already established a Zhao Logistics team for Wanjia Comprehensive Supermarket, which has also built many warehousing centers in East and Southeast Asia.

It’s already 1995, and it’s time for Zhao’s Pacific Express to make its debut.

The original version of "Cast Away" is known as one of the most successful commercials around the millennium. It is even more outrageous than "Evolution", with a global box office of US$430 million. It has been nominated for various movie stars and has swept all major film festivals. From beginning to end, the footage is shot wildly to FedEx in North America.

Isn't it a very serious operation for Zhao Donghuai to cut off Hu and place an advertisement for Zhao's (Pacific Express)?

Besides, this was October 1995. The air transport aircraft team he bought from Big Bear in 1988. Although the continuous Moscow trade was still profitable, profits had plummeted. It was transformed into Pacific Express's air transport team, which was just in use. .

At least at this stage, the express delivery groups covering all parts of East and Southeast Asia are still very stable.

When Adjani took the notebook and read it, Zhao Donghuai was just about to sit back in the office chair. When she looked at it, Adjani whispered, "Zhao, I'm looking at mine. I'm playing with yours. Don't break the Sino-French friendship." .”


On October 15th, in a 30-storey skyscraper in Central, the sign on the top floor and the outdoor logo have been transformed into Pacific Express. Workers of various professions have successfully joined the company. Adjani and Winona, one on the left and one on the right, are wearing high-end express clothes. In charge of clothing, Zhao Donghuai inspected the company's operations.

Zhao Donghuai explained as he walked, "Although the company is currently in its infancy, it will be running smoothly after the filming of the movie is completed."

"Your return scene after four years of survival on a desert island needs to be more grand."

Adjani nodded with a smile and praised, "This book is so exciting. I have a lot of room for performance. If I perform well, I feel like I can compete for various awards."

"But Winona, your character is a bit speechless. You are promised to be a dentist and a good sister. You treat me like a sister, but you actually stole my home while I was living abroad?"

Winona Ryder also lamented, "Adjani, how do you take care of yourself? This is too exaggerated. Even if Monica takes good care of herself, you are already 40 years old? Who dares to tell you? letter?"

She is still very satisfied with her new role, but she is envious of Adjani's condition. Do you think Monica Bellucci is 31 years old, but her appearance is better than that of 24-year-old her? After all, there is a nine-year gap between the ages of 31 and 40.

Adjani rolled her eyes, "That's because you are so strange when you are rare. When you are injected with more positive energy, you will be as energetic as me."

"By the way, when will the filming start? I'm a little impatient too."

The original version (Cast Away) took a full year and 4 months to film, but that was when the crew stopped filming for a year to help the actor lose weight and lost 50 pounds! And make his hair grow long enough to fit the four-year timeline of the desert island.

Sister Adjani is petite and exquisite, with a net height of 1.63 meters and a height of only 95 pounds. She does not need to lose weight at all. Even if she should lose weight after four years of survival on a deserted island, she can just lose a few pounds, otherwise she will become a paper person. of.

As long as the filming of this movie starts and the acting skills are strong enough, it can be completed in three to four months or even faster.

If the production is efficient, it can even be released in time for the Lunar New Year this year.

Chinese New Year's Eve in 1996 was already February 18, 1996 in the Gregorian calendar, and today is only October 15, four months and three days away from New Year's Eve.

Zhao Donghuai responded with a smile, "We have sent people to look for suitable desert islands. They are looking for uninhabited islands in Qiong Province. This time the crew can be regarded as a trip to Qiong Province."

We were filming in Shanghai and Zhoushan for 6 months. In addition to the two main heroines who were always there, Azhen, Xiaoxian, and Amin also went to play there from time to time. After playing there for just half a year, the new crew was amazing. Went to Qiong Province.

After the three of them visited the Pacific Express headquarters for a while, when they arrived at the headquarters on the 33rd floor, Li Jiaxin came with Hong Xin and the two women dragged two large boxes full of things.

Entering the big office, Ah Xin smiled and said, "Adjani, you live in rags on a desert island, but you always have to show your underwear for the big screen. I brought you a box of five thousand years of high-end luxury goods. You How many to choose?”

Surviving alone on a desert island, the original male protagonist showed many shirtless scenes, and most serious desert island survival is a realistic interpretation.

This version is definitely not shirtless, but after a long time, the outer layer is damaged and the inner lining is still necessary.

Ah Xin smiled and said, "That's right, here is a box of 5,000-year-old luxury stockings. You can choose whatever you like. Although the quality may not be much better than my brand, the brand value bonus is high."

"There's also fashion, but the ready-to-wear clothes are on the helicopter."

After so many years of development at this stage, the high-luxury positioning of Dongfang and Five Thousand Years has gradually taken root in people's hearts. At first, Five Thousand Years, which only dealt in women's bags, stockings, shawls, etc., has also become involved in fashion ready-to-wear. A set of limited-edition women's ready-to-wear. Whether it is a dress or workplace fashion, the price is hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

What sells is the brand!

After all, there used to be a large number of celebrities from East and Southeast Asia. They thought that your 5,000 yuan package was too cheap. Ordinary people could afford it. They felt shameless when using it... They actively pushed for higher prices. From 5,000 yuan a bag, it rose all the way. to 10,000, 50,000, 100,000, 200,000 per package.

If you are a rich and famous lady, what you buy is not cheap!

If Five Thousand Years Group were to go public, its market value would easily be tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars. Once a package cost 100,000 yuan, with a limited edition of 10,000, and it would easily be snapped up and sold out, that sub-brand would have a sales volume of 1 billion Hong Kong dollars.

There are many similar sub-brands.


There are examples of luxury goods kings becoming the world’s richest and second richest people. Are you saying it hasn’t happened yet? Isn't this what we are walking on?

The main heroine of Cast Away was originally a very successful senior executive before she encountered a plane crash. In addition to her main promotion of Pacific Express ads, she also promoted Oriental and Five Thousand Years.


On October 18th, after several days of operation, the cast of "Cast Away" officially started shooting in Central. When it started, it showed the 40-year-old Adjani in the workplace. She is a super workaholic, self-disciplined and busy in life at the Pacific Group. In three years, Adjani has also given Oscar and Cannes Best Actress level performances.

In the plot, she rarely spends time with her fiancé played by Zhao Donghuai. She focuses on her work. Her mantra is that every inch of time means every inch of money. As an employee of a courier company, she should control her sense of time and not waste customers' time.

When it comes to work, she also has the aura of a queen (The Queen Who Wears Five Thousand Years).

When eating, I always ask Good Luck to come for takeout...

At the end of the day's shooting, Adjani had just relaxed and wanted to have a big meal when she saw the director's assistant Gao Yuanyuan running from the outside and said, "Boss, Liu Xiaoli is here and said she has something to ask you."

Yuanyuan's big movie (The Crowd) is scheduled to start filming after the Spring Festival in 1996, and the film version (The Sound Engineer) has also been filmed and is just waiting to be broadcast on ATV.

After learning that Zhao Donghuai had a new project, she continued to come here to study. At this stage, she is already very skilled in handling various grassroots tasks.

Zhao Donghuai asked curiously, "What is she doing here?"

After a brief chat, Liu Xiaoli came from the outside and said, "Boss, does this movie (Cast Away) still need a Chinese female protagonist? I feel that this role is also very challenging. Adjani's film The final strength will only be stronger than Julia, the queen of five thousand years, right?"

"I just want to recommend myself and contribute to the promotion of your various business groups, boss..."

"I'm not here alone this time. Lin Qingxia, Hu Huizhong, and Li Saifeng are all outside."

Zhao Donghuai suddenly realized that it was for this. He took a sip of water and shook his head, "I know what you mean. There is no need to shoot the Chinese female lead version. I have finished work today. If you are here, let's go to the Good Luck Flagship Store to gather together. Bar."

Why not make a version with a Chinese female lead? Because when you get to a desert island, Zhao Donghuai can handle all the behind-the-scenes matters by himself! He handles director's assistant, assistant director, lighting, makeup, scene notes and other tasks all by himself.

What can be photographed on the island, how to photograph it, and what is the scale?

Regardless of the scale of the final edit, it can easily become a hit during filming.

Even if there is a Chinese female protagonist version, it will be played by He Qing or Guan Jiahui, and both of them are only collected in private and not shown to the public.

When filming a movie (King Kong 1995), there has been an unexpected bonus like Winona, and he will definitely pay attention to control it.


It was dark at 9pm, when Gao Yuanyuan returned to her home in Huayuan Phase I. She received a call from Fan Bingbing when she arrived at the door.

"Yuanyuan, the video you filmed (The Tuner) is broadcast on ATV, come up and watch TV."

Gao Yuanyuan was startled and ran upstairs happily. When she got upstairs, she saw the tuner already playing on the big color TV in the living room.

The tuner played by Zhou Xingxing once practiced piano for 15 years. He wanted to perform well in major performances and gain various successes, but he was too nervous and the performance failed.

From then on, I started to give up on myself, and my girlfriend ran away...

Suddenly one day, he began to tell his agent that he wanted to pretend to be blind and use the sympathy and kindness of the world to make a living. The video was quickly edited to show him how to wear contact lenses to change the color of his pupils and pretend to be blind.

Enjoy all kinds of peeping while helping customers tune and play the piano.

Watching it, Fan Bingbing exclaimed, "The filming was very smooth, and it told a clear story very well... Mr. Xing's acting skills are very strong, and the micro-expression fluctuations on the face of a man pretending to be blind are very natural."

"Like a mean voyeur."

At this moment, the reason for the tuner's work appeared on the small screen. He arrived at the door of an old building customer. He pressed the doorbell several times but got no response. When he continued to press it, he heard from the door that Li Lizhen did not welcome him. He will do this next time. Shan responded.

The tuner still used the advantage of being "blind" to complain. I am a blind person. Do you know how difficult it is for me to come here?

Even the family at the door behind him opened the door to see what was going on.

Li Lizhen then opened the door and let Zhou Xing into the room. In the room where the lights were not turned on, Li Lizhen just closed the door when she saw Ah Xing fell while walking forward and the stolen goods stuck to his back.

His vision was a little dim. Zhou Xingxing didn't know what it was yet. He was pretending to be blind and wanted to get up. He felt that his clothes were wet...

Li Lizhen turned on the light and came to pull him up. When she got up, the camera turned and saw a dead man sitting on the sofa in the living room. The floor was covered in blood. The dead body was Liu Zhenwei's guest appearance.

This sense of suspense and horror suddenly arose. Fan Bingbing was startled and screamed. Zhou Xingxing also saw the dead body. He controlled various expressions and continued to pretend to be an unaware blind man. Li Lizhen asked him to take off his clothes. Help him wash up.

He could only obey, and his sunglasses were asked to be taken away. He sat in front of the piano wearing only boxers and socks, preparing to tune and repair it.

The inner monologue also came out, I am blind, she doesn't know... As long as I pretend to be blind, don't show any flaws, I can leave after tuning and so on.

This is because he has been playing the role of a blind man cheating for many years, so he is used to it, and he has deeply experienced it. Otherwise, even if an adult strong man encounters this kind of situation, he will have a chance to fight hard! Li Lizhen is just a woman without a weapon.

Thinking about the drama in his heart, with the help of the bathroom light, he could see that Li Lizhen was busy. Ah Xing suddenly remembered that he still had a notebook in his clothes, writing down his work schedule. He suddenly broke into a cold sweat. How could a blind person use normal Do people use notebooks to write their itineraries?

He didn't write in Braille.

At this moment, Li Lizhen came out, holding a nail gun in her hand, and aimed it at the back of Asing's head.

Nail guns can kill people, too.

The camera turned and it was gone!

Advertising has been placed.

This film version of the remake is already at an eight-point standard.

Fan Bingbing said in shock, "What's behind? Is he dead? The short film also has advertisements. The boss should really reduce the advertisements..."

She thought that after the commercial, there would be a follow-up plot and she could continue watching. Gao Yuanyuan had already stood up happily and sneaked out.

It's enough that Bingbing can watch the sound engineer's broadcast with gusto. This is her first-hand reaction to watching it.

There is no more behind!

Instead of staying here and being questioned by Bing Bing, it would be better to use thirty-six strategies.

When she went back, she only needed to browse the Songshan Forum. She should be able to see more audience discussions. After secretly opening the door and then closing it, Gao Yuanyuan ran and slipped downstairs.

Ten minutes later, just as she turned on her computer and cut a fruit platter to check for more reactions, she heard a loud banging on the door and roaring.

Gao Yuanyuan sighed helplessly, she should have run away to the hotel before.

After a while, when Fan Bingbing also started to sit at her computer desk and browse the forum, she was surprised and said, "Hey, how come the film and television section was blocked by the two parts of (Westward Journey)?"

Gao Yuanyuan looked at it and was also shocked, "Is it true that the fans have been scolding me for several months and it's not enough?"

When she took a closer look, she realized that all the posts on the forum were...

"It sucked once, laughed twice, and cried three times. Do you really understand Westward Journey?"

"The ending song is super catchy and brainwashing!"

"When he traveled through time and space to save his lover, it turned out that he was just to meet another person."

"A movie that makes you laugh to the extreme and cry to the extreme. Those who scold Mr. Xing are thrown into the street. Come out and get beaten. If you are beaten, stand at attention!"

"Eternal Zixia Fairy, Zhu Yin is so amazing!"


I read one post after another and turned down the page. They were all praising the two parts of "Westward Journey". I turned over several pages in a row and it was still like this.

Gao Yuanyuan and Fan Bingbing looked at each other, what's going on? Are these really the two movies that were criticized so much that they almost doubted their lives after they were released back-to-back in July and August? ? They had also watched it, and after watching it again, they were very moved by the love story in the second part in which the Supreme Treasure lied to Fairy Zixia...

I also cried watching the finale.

However, at that time, the prevailing trend in the paper media and in reality was to criticize and criticize, so they did not speak out much and did not discuss these two movies much.

It’s only October 18th, what happened? ?


On October 25, Gao Yuanyuan went to the cast of "Cast Away" early in the morning. As soon as she got off the car and greeted several peripheral bodyguards, a Pan-Asian female bodyguard said, "Director Gao, look at ATV's 9 o'clock Is there a (sound engineer) short film that will be aired on the same day?"

Gao Yuanyuan was stunned, "Look, what's wrong?"

A female bodyguard complained with a look on her face, "Which street-fighting director filmed it? Why didn't it finish filming? It was replayed on ATV at 9pm for a week. The film looked good, but why didn't it end? Did that woman kill Zhou? Star?"

Another bodyguard also came over and said, "Yes, this movie or TV short film is quite interesting. A normal person pretends to be a blind person to gain sympathy, deliberately deceiving the kindness of normal people, and doing all kinds of voyeurism. It's so despicable."

"But cleverness can lead to misfortune. It will be miserable when you meet a murderer. Is he dead?"

In the past few days, the voices on the Internet to vindicate Zhou Xingxing's Westward Journey spiel have become louder and louder, and no one has deliberately organized it, even after the big movie was turned into a disc.

Normal fans feel that the two films are not so bad and should not be criticized so badly. They watch them over and over again on the disc. Watching them again will give you a different mentality and movie-watching experience.

Fans of the stars began to post vindication posts one after another. Those who wanted to criticize this wave of people also watched it again... and I felt new feelings just watching it.

But in reality, (the tuner's) voice is still making a lot of noise.

The 9 o'clock slot every night is also one of the prime slots and has been broadcast for 7 consecutive days! A short film is known and watched by countless people. After all, it stars Zhou Xingxing and Li Lizhen and allows everyone to watch it for free.

Then the character of the tuner who pretends to be blind is naturally despicable, but is he dead? Just say it! What does it mean not to give an ending?

This wave of bodyguards are not the same group of bodyguards as those in Shanghai Zhoushan (King Kong 1995). The bodyguards also need to rest...

Faced with the discussion and questioning by several bodyguards, Gao Yuanyuan laughed and said, "I don't know who took the photo. I went to work first."

Then she ran away quickly.

It's just that no matter where I go or where I work, I can hear the staff discussing and talking about the (sound engineer) short film from time to time.

When she walked up to Chen Musheng and asked what she needed to do today, Lao Chen smiled and said, "Xiao Gao, (the sound engineer) did a really good job. Is that the sound of a gunshot at the beginning? The reverse sequence mode starts with It’s the end of Ming Dynasty, the tuner was killed?”

"When I first read it, I thought the sound at the beginning was the noise from the piano lid."

Gao Yuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled broadly, "Does this kind of setting exist? Thank you, Director Chen. I will know how to respond next time I encounter someone asking questions..."

Chen Musheng, "..."

At this moment, Zhao Donghuai also arrived on the set. When Xiao Gao came to say hello happily, Director Zhao grabbed a script from his briefcase and said, "The short film tuner has a good reputation and a good reputation. This is the feature film version, and it is also your 1996 year’s homework.”

Gao Yuanyuan said in surprise, "Thank you boss, I will study hard and repay the boss's kindness."

She felt pressured by this kind of homework that came from time to time, but from the first time she did the homework to now, she often drank Dongtian delicacies that nourished her brain, and she also felt that she was getting better and better at learning things.

Even without reading the script, she knew it must be a good story.

After the Spring Festival (the crowd was huge), I am continuing to shoot other new films, which seems to be no problem.

Zhao Donghuai said with a smile, "While the (Cast Away) crew's filming in Hong Kong Island has not yet been completed, study hard. If you can't finish filming these two films next year, then film until you are 18. As long as you succeed, you can be considered a capable actor." A talented female director.”

This version of the full-length movie and the theatrical movie (The Tuner) is the 2018 White Elephant version. I have to say that sometimes White Elephant movies are not bad, but the White Elephant version (The Tuner) is all the villains. , relying on various suspense, reversal and other rhythms.

After it was released in the mainland, it relied on word-of-mouth to break out of the industry and took in a box office of 320 million yuan!

A White Elephant movie with all White Elephant actors and mediocre promotions, earning more than 300 million by word of mouth? This is the third highest box office of a White Elephant movie in the Mainland.

For the remake and expansion of the short film, it is also a very classic interpretation. If it uses a star cast and the filming is more exciting, there is still great hope for the total box office in East and Southeast Asia to exceed 1.5 billion Hong Kong dollars.

And it’s not that difficult for the remake (The Crowd) to break one billion.

It was not difficult for Gao Yuanyuan to become one of the most talented female directors in the industry at the age of eighteen. Both short films were shot twice, and you can clearly see her growth and progress.

The brain-tonifying effect of Dongtian’s new ingredients seems to be very strong.

No matter how bad he is, he won't be worse than Brother Kai.


On November 10th, the Hong Kong Island scenes of (Cast Away), which was started for more than 20 days, have almost been filmed. Only Adjani's return scene after four years has not yet been filmed.

In that scene, Adjani needed to show different skin colors, hair colors and makeup. After living alone on a desert island for four years, she would not be as white, tender and moist as she is now. She really needs to get a tan in the sun. skin.

After a night of wrapping up partying, the crew turned to Qiong Province.

There were really not many people going out to sea this time... Zhao Donghuai prepared three large luxury yachts, accompanied by a bunch of Pan-Asian female bodyguards, and sailed to the desert island.

Just looking at the scene, it looks like a family of more than ten people preparing to travel overseas.

At the same time, in Gao Yuanyuan's own big office on the ninth floor of ATV headquarters, she was still worrying about whom to send film appointments to.

Fan Bingbing walked around a few times inside and outside the office, walked near the office and asked curiously, "Didn't you say that filming will start after the Spring Festival? Why have you decided on a project now?"

Gao Yuanyuan said seriously, "My boss thinks so highly of me, so I have to work hard. Starting filming early is just a way to stay busy for a while. This (The Crowd) script is very exciting. Who do you think I should choose as the male and female lead?"

Fan Bingbing had already read the script, and she exclaimed at this moment, "The male lead should play a fake professional killer who swindles money. He should look like a boss and be cool and handsome. There are too many targets to choose from. Zhang Guorong, Liang Jiahui, Seniors like Zhou Runfa can do it."

"The girl can just choose any actor in her 30s, because she is in a hurry to get married in order to fulfill her dying father's last wish... Anyway, you are making a movie for Zhao Films. Who will refuse a film appointment if you like it? "

"Hey, I found out that you are such a stupid idiot, how did you accidentally stumble onto a very bright road? Being a director is different, you can use whoever you want?"

Localized in Hong Kong (the way of stealing keys), a top-rich killer lost his memory because he fell in the shower. His identity was inexplicably assumed by the second male lead, and he became a down-and-out sidekick. He accomplished nothing and lived in an old shabby tenement building apartment. …

And because he met the heroine in the hospital, the heroine thought she was good, so he tried a fake marriage in order to let his dying old father die in peace.

The professional liar and high-level killer actually took up the role and fell in love with the heroine.

In the end, the female protagonist became the target of the murderer, and the male protagonist and the second male partner coincidentally deceived the mission, allowing the murder team to be arrested.

Funny, comedy, twist routine? Bingbing could only sigh that it was indeed Zhao Sheng's script, which was another version of the feature film (The Tuner). It also opened her eyes and left her amazed.

After sighing, she nodded Gao Yuanyuan's forehead, "You are so lucky. Zhao Sheng personally taught you, gave you such a wonderful script to shoot, and pushed you to the position of a talented director. What should you do in the future? To repay the big boss?"

Gao Yuanyuan blushed, "I want you to take care of it?"

After thinking about it, she picked up the landline phone and called the secretarial room outside. When the female secretary came in, Xiao Gao said, "Send a film appointment to the seniors like Teacher Zhang Guorong, Teacher Liu Xiaoli, and Teacher Wu Zhenyu, and make three copies." Send the script."

"If they are willing to play, the three most important roles will be decided."

The secretary nodded and went out to do some work. Bingbing asked curiously, "Wu Zhenyu plays the middle-aged guy who rushes to the streets and plays a small role??"

Gao Yuanyuan also explained, "The second male lead should not be too handsome. Being too handsome will make the audience feel unreal. In fact, I feel that Fan Wei, Jack Ma, Zhang Jiahui, and Chen Baixiang can also try it. The comedy effect is most outstanding with Chen Baixiang."

"But that person is still the CEO of 100 Years Pictures. I'm afraid he won't be able to schedule."

"Liu Xiaoli is old enough to play an unmarried career elite in her 30s. It can be explained that she is too beautiful and has high standards of vision, so she has never been suitable. She knew that her father was about to die of illness, so she started to be anxious to fulfill his father's wish. people……"

Considering it from the director's point of view, she was relaxed and was very objective when commenting on these seniors.

Bingbing thought for a while, "Okay, there is nothing inappropriate. If Wu Zhenyu can play a small character well, he is a small character at the age of 35, has no prospects, is too poor to see any hope in life, and suddenly changes his identity and becomes rich. The comedy contrast is so great that even if he is not as funny as Chen Baixiang, he will not delay the box office explosion."

"If you don't talk about anything else, the number one king of Asia's music scene has enough appeal!"

"Now I'm curious, after you finish filming "The Crowd", if you make a big movie version of "The Tuner", will you still use Xing Ye to star? The whole crew is evil, the black irony is so full, it's almost a villain template. However, he was able to succeed in the end."

Xiao Gao smiled brightly, "We'll see when the time comes. If (The Crowd) is a success, a box office hit, and good reputation, I will definitely try to give him a film contract. After all, he doesn't want to be limited to comedies."

"But for a remake starring all villains, it's normal for him to refuse."

"I suddenly felt that this kind of movie, which relies entirely on actors' acting skills, without big special effects or too complicated action scenes, might not be too slow to shoot."

"New Year's Eve is still more than three months away. Maybe I can finish filming before the year?"

Not talking about the star's salary, both movies were made with a small budget and relied on the crew. The more she talked about it, the more confident she became. She still felt that she would finish the filming as soon as possible and make a big splash to make the boss a lot of money...

"Hey, wait, I almost forgot about the white version of the heroine. Can the second male lead also be shot with a white counterpart?"

“Also contact advertising investors!”

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