"Bastard, this is a naked provocation. I just asked the mourning dog to release a few dead cats and dogs to scare them, but they... they actually killed the mourning dog and threw the body at the door of my company. This was to scare them. me?"

In the office of the chairman of Huaye Group, Ma Zhihua's face was uglier than his dead mother.

"Mr. Ma, this is obviously the response that woman Guo Jinfeng gave us. What should we do now? Fei

Guoxiong, who was standing in front of Ma Zhihua, asked cautiously.

"what to do? I said, either we can get rich together, or no one can make money. Since Guo Jinfeng doesn't want to make money by being friendly, let her know that not everyone can make money in Hong Kong Island. Ma

Zhihua said coldly.

Then, without waiting for Fei Guoxiong to speak, Ma Zhihua continued:"Ah Xiong, this week, you will drive up the stock prices of Fengguang and Lianguang, and next week you will get the 2 billion Hong Kong dollars for the Eight-faced Buddha.""

"Okay, okay, Mr. Ma."

Fei Guoxiong originally wanted to ask Ma Zhihua how he wanted to deal with Guo Jinfeng next, but after being told by Ma Zhihua, he could only suppress his curiosity and turned around to leave Ma Zhihua's office.


Looking at Fei Guoxiong's leaving figure, Ma Zhihua snorted coldly. Then he walked to his desk, picked up the phone receiver, and dialed the next number.

"Minhong, it’s me, at my old place, I’ll treat you to morning tea."

After the call was connected, Ma Zhihua immediately said

"Okay, let’s talk at 09 when we meet."

On the other end of the phone, a middle-aged man wearing a silk t-shirt, with a strong build and sparkling eyes, said calmly.

This man is Chen Minhong, the boss of the number gang and the talker of Yongzidui.

With Xinji, The three clubs, Hongxing and Dongxing, are different. The leaders of Number Gang and He Liansheng are all selected.

However, the leaders of He Liansheng are selected from the talkers in the nine districts, while the leaders of Number Gang are selected from among the talkers in the nine districts. The person in charge can choose from the two prefixes of Yi Zidui and Yong Zidui.

In other words, when the leader of the Number Gang, Hu Yong, the person in charge of Yi Zidui, leaves office, Chen Minhong will automatically take over as the Number Gang leader. The leader became the number one figure in the largest society in Hong Kong.

After listening to Chen Minhong's words, Ma Zhihua hung up the phone, then opened the drawer of his desk, looked at the satellite phone placed in the drawer, and pondered for a moment. , and closed the drawer.

Many people in Hong Kong know that Ma Zhihua is Chen Minhong’s financial backer, but few people know that Ma Zhihua and Chen Minhong both have a boss in common. That big shot can not only support Chen Minhong, the future The number one gangster in Hong Kong Island can also support Ma Zhihua, a financial genius who has earned tens of billions in ten years.

However, it is obvious that Ma Zhihua does not think that Guo Jinfeng, or Judy Tang, needs to alarm that big shot.

After finishing with Chen Minhong After this call, MaHua quickly left his office.

At the same time, in Fei Guoxiong's office, Fei Guoxiong was also talking to someone on the phone.

"Uncle Tong, this is the situation. Ma Zhihua knows that I am yours, so of course he will not tell me what he will do next, but one thing is for sure, this guy Ma Zhihua will definitely fight back against Guo Jinfeng and Tang Judy"

"Okay, I understand. You don’t have to ask about this anymore. We just make money. If Ma Zhihua can make us money, we will help Ma Zhihua become invincible in the stock market. If Guo Jinfeng can make us money, we can also help her make money in the stock market. They are unscrupulous. In short, let them fight. As long as they want to make money from the stock market, they will definitely need our help."

An old man's voice came out from the receiver.

"Uncle Tong, I understand what you mean."

Fei Guoxiong immediately nodded in response.

Only when you really get into core industries such as real estate and stocks can you meet the real top people in Hong Kong Island.

Half an hour later, Yuezhou Tea Restaurant

"A plate of barbecued pork buns, a plate of shrimp dumplings, and two bowls of rice rolls. Thank you. Ma Zhihua

, who was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, seemed a little out of place in this traditional Cantonese tea restaurant. When he saw Chen Minhong, who was wearing a silk shorts and walked slowly into the door of the tea restaurant, he said to the waiter with a smile.

"The lost dog is your boss. He is dead. Why don't you seem to feel it?"

When Chen Minhong sat across from him, Ma Zhihua asked with a smile.

"How do you want me to feel? Immediately mobilize all the brothers to wipe out the Hong Kong Island until the murderer is wiped out? Please, Zhihua, you have studied abroad. You should have put down those old ideas long ago. This is not the 1950s. If I want to do that, the police force will not just ask me to make a record."

Chen Minhong said calmly with a calm face.

"You are right. I want to apologize to you for this matter. Originally, I wanted to be friendly and make money, but unfortunately, the other party did not appreciate it."

Although Ma Zhihua said he was sorry, there was no apologetic look on his face.

"peace brings money? What annoys me the most is this sentence. If you have strength, it's called being friendly and make money. If you don't have strength, it's called kneeling and begging."

Chen Minhong said with an unhappy look on her face. She didn't know whether she was really unhappy with the words"harmony and wealth", or whether she was insinuating that Ma Zhihua was naive and caused his horse and dog to die.

"Sir, your meal is ready, please take your time."

At this time, the waiter in the tea restaurant placed a plate of barbecued pork buns, a plate of shrimp dumplings, and two plates of rice rolls, a total of 4 snacks, between Ma Zhihua and Chen Minhong.

"Minhong, the current situation is that there are 4 dishes in front of me. I paid and wanted to eat a pan of rice rolls, but the person sitting opposite me paid 10 times the money and bought all four dishes. Leave nothing for me to eat, what do you think I should do?"

Ma Zhihua looked at Chen Minhong and said

"Grab it."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Chen Minhong said lightly

"Even if I grab the item, I still have to pay 10 times the price. Ma

Zhihua said slowly

"Then no one should eat it

Chen Minhong stretched out her right hand and with a fierce wave, she swept down a plate of barbecued pork buns, a plate of shrimp dumplings, and two plates of rice rolls and smashed them to the ground. The plates shattered and made a clanging sound, which immediately attracted the attention of all nearby customers. look

"Sorry, my friend has slippery hands. This money should be enough to compensate you for your losses and cleaning costs, right?"

Ma Zhihua put 4 big bulls (500 Hong Kong dollars) on the table and said to the waiter who came over with a smile.

"Enough, enough."

The waiter immediately nodded and replied,"For 2,000 Hong Kong dollars, let alone smashing 4 plates, it would be no problem even if the table in front of them was smashed.

"Minhong, my point is the same as yours, since you won’t let me eat it, then no one else can eat it."

After Ma Zhihua dropped these words, he stood up and walked towards the door of the tea restaurant. 093

Looking at Ma Zhihua's leaving figure, Chen Minhong cursed in a low voice:"Damn, I stayed in school for a few days and I feel that I am so amazing, every day Play riddles with me and grab your mother!"

After that, Chen Minhong also stood up and walked towards the door of the tea restaurant.

On the other side, at St. John's Hospital in Kowloon, Shen Qiu and Liu Jianming took the elevator to the 7th floor.

Shen Qiu and Liu Jianming had just left the elevator, and several men in suits He came up to them and stopped Shen Qiu and Liu Jianming. Liu Jianming immediately said:"I am Liu Jianming, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Division of the West Kowloon Region. This is Shen Qiu, Senior Inspector of the Anti-Gangster Unit of Yau Tsim Police Station. This is our Certificate, we have a very important time to talk to Yang Zhen."

Among these men in suits, the leading man carefully checked the police certificates of Shen Qiu and Liu Jianming and said,"Sir Liu, Sir Shen, I need you to register your visit record. Please understand."

"Got it, totally understood."

Shen Qiu and Liu Jianming nodded and smiled.

After registering their information, Shen Qiu and Liu Jianming were taken outside a ward. After knocking on the door a few times, a voice without any emotion came from inside. A living voice:"Come in."

When Shen Qiu opened the door of the ward, a man with gray hair, a blind eye, a broken hand, and a haggard look immediately appeared in front of Shen Qiu.

"Yang Zhen, my name is Shen Qiu."

While talking, Shen Qiu walked to Yang Zhen's ward bed. Then, Shen Qiu leaned down and whispered:"You do something for me, and I will help you deal with Ma Zhihua."

When Shen Qiu mentioned the name Ma Zhihua, Yang Zhen's eyes, which were originally as calm as dead water, suddenly moved!.

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