St. John's Hospital, Kowloon, 7th Floor.

After Shen Qiu's constant persuasion (fudge), Yang Zhen agreed to cooperate with Shen Qiu.

As Shen Qiu thought, there was indeed a secret contact between Yang Zhen and Liang Junyi. Yang Zhen would contact Liang Junyi and tell Liang Junyi about his cooperation with Shen Qiu, and then Liang Junyi would contact Shen Qiu.

After discussing these matters, Shen Qiu left Yang Zhen's ward.


Shen Qiu walked out of the ward where Yang Zhen lived, and closed the door of the ward for Yang Zhen. He smiled and said to Liu Jianming who was guarding the door:"Sir Liu, let's go." After hearing

Shen Qiu's words, Liu Jianming looked at His eyes were heavy with Qiu's eyes and his throat moved slightly, but in the end he did not speak and followed Shen Qiu out of the hospital.

"Sir Liu, thank you very much for today. I will treat you to dinner if I have the opportunity in the future."

After Shen Qiu and Liu Jianming walked to the parking lot, Shen Qiu smiled and thanked Liu Jianming.

"Sir Shen, I told you that we are in the same boat, and I hope you will be more honest with me in the future."

Obviously, Liu Jianming was very unhappy with Shen Qiu's behavior of avoiding him in the hospital just now.

"Sir Liu, what I am doing this time is a private matter. Don’t worry, if it is related to you or those people, I will definitely share it with you."

In order to improve Liu Jianming's initiative, Shen Qiu also used some language arts.

"It better be this way."

Liu Jianming looked deeply at Shen Qiu, then turned and walked towards his car.

Looking at Liu Jianming's leaving figure, Shen Qiu smiled slightly, then got into his car, took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Ah Sheng, Zhang Ziwei should be resting almost, it's time for him to move."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"Okay, Brother Qiu."

Tian Yangsheng's voice came out from the receiver.

After hearing Tian Yangsheng's answer, Shen Qiu hung up the phone. However, just as he put down the phone and was about to start the car.

Ring ring ring~

A burst of cell phone ringtones rang.

"Mr. Shen, it's me."

As soon as Shen Qiu pressed the answer button, Judy Tang's voice came from the receiver.

"Sister Judy, what are your orders? Shen

Qiu asked with a smile.

"How dare I, an ordinary citizen, give orders to you, a senior inspector? You are the one who can find the next boat at any time."

Obviously, Judy Tang is still very worried about Shen Qiu's previous threats to her.

"Hahaha, Sister Judy, I just made a little joke with you. Don't take it seriously. There must be something urgent when you are calling me on the phone at this time, right?"

Shen Qiu said haha ​​and changed the topic.

"snort! Judy

Tang obviously heard that Shen Qiu was changing the subject. She snorted coldly and then said:"If you are free now, come to my company. There are some things that are difficult to discuss on the phone~"

"Okay, I'll be there right away."

After Shen Qiu pondered for a moment, he agreed.

At the same time, in an independent house in Yau Ma Tei.

Tian Yangsheng, wearing a Zhu Bajie mask, took Zhang Ziwei, who was recharging his energy, to another room, where Mian Na and Sha Li were They were locked up here, but until now, Mian Na and Sha Li are still in a coma.

Tian Yangsheng put a small blade into Zhang Ziwei's suit pocket and winked at him. Zhang Ziwei immediately understood and took the initiative to lie down on Mian Na's bed. Next to him, he closed his eyes.


After only ten seconds, a basin of cold water was poured on Zhang Ziwei’s face.

Huhuhu~ huhuhu~

After hearing the gasps of Minna and Shali, Zhang Ziwei slowly He slowly opened his eyes and panted rapidly. He was worthy of being an undercover agent who could deceive even the Eight-faced Buddha. His acting skills were comparable to those of movie stars.

"Where is this and who are you?"

Mian Na, whose limbs were tied up, looked at Tian Yangsheng who was wearing a Zhu Bajie mask in front of her, and asked loudly.


Tian Yangsheng did not speak, turned around and walked out of the room, locking the door at the same time.

"Damn it, what do these people mean? They caught us here and didn’t ask or say anything. What the hell are they going to do?"

Sali, whose limbs were also tied, cursed angrily.

"It is estimated that the person just now was just the person working below. Now that we are awake, the person in charge should be here soon."

Zhang Ziwei said calmly with no expression on his face.

"Damn it, you Hong Kong Islanders are so cunning!"

Sha Li cursed again.

However, Zhang Ziwei ignored Sha Li. Instead, he winked at Mian Na beside him and asked her to take out the knife from her pocket.

"Minna, use this knife to cut the rope around me. When the person in charge comes, I will find a way to hold him hostage, and then threaten them to let us leave. Don't let Shali see it, lest he do anything bad."

Zhang Ziwei whispered in Mian Na's ear.

After hearing Zhang Ziwei's words, Mian Na nodded slightly, then deliberately avoided Sha Li's sight and began to help Zhang Ziwei cut the rope.

If it was before yesterday night, Mian Na She might not hide Sha Li's secrets from Zhang Ziwei, but after Sha Li killed Duan Kun without permission yesterday, Mian Na also became suspicious of Sha Li.

"What are you two sneaking about?"

Sha Li asked immediately when he saw Zhang Ziwei biting Mian Na's ear. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Sarit was answered with silence.

"Damn it, adulterer!"

Sha Li cursed in a low voice.


A few minutes later, the door was pushed open again. This time, a man wearing a mask of the God of Wealth walked in. It was Tian Yangyi.

"Minna, Sarit, and Zhang Ziwei, I know that you are the sons, daughters, and sons-in-law of the Eight-faced Buddha. The people above me are very unhappy with the Eight-faced Buddha's support for Kunsha, so I specially asked us to invite a few people to come over and talk to you. Let’s have a heart-to-heart talk, and I hope you can persuade your father to give up supporting Kunsha."

Although Tian Yangyi's acting skills are average, the God of Wealth Mask makes up for his small shortcomings very well.

"Who are you, and who is the person above you?"

The impatient Sha Li immediately asked.


What Sha Li answered was a fierce kick from Tian Yangyi.

"My father has cooperated with Kunsha for decades, and it is impossible to get him to give up supporting Kunsha."

At this time, Minna said

"Kun Sha is at the end of his life. Following him will lead to death. Many people in Southeast Asia, including Hong Kong Island, do not want to see him rise to power, such as Mr. Ma, who laundered money for your father."[]

"I also want to thank Mr. Ma, otherwise we wouldn’t have known that a few of you would attack Duan Kun at the Tsim Sha Tsui Pier. But having said that, you also have to thank us. If we hadn’t taken action, you should be in the interrogation room of the Hong Kong Island Police now. were interviewed by the police. Tian

Yangyi said lightly.

"Impossible. Mr. Ma has cooperated with my father for nearly 10 years and made hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars from my father. It is impossible for him to give up such a big client as my father."

After hearing Tian Yangyi's words, Sha Li immediately shouted loudly

"`Why is it impossible? Think about it, how much profit can Jinshanjiao generate in a year? In the face of these profits, a few hundred million Hong Kong dollars are nothing? Tian

Yangyi said quietly

"Okay, we can promise you, but you have to let the three of us leave!"

At this time, Zhang Ziwei said

"No, to persuade people, one mouth is enough. Among the three of you, who is going to persuade the Eight-faced Buddha? Tian

Yangyi shook his head and said

"Let me go, I am my father’s only son, and only I can persuade him."

After Tian Yangyi finished speaking, Sha Li immediately spoke.

"Let my wife go. Minna is the most beloved daughter of the Eight-faced Buddha, so she can persuade the Eight-faced Buddha."

Zhang Ziwei also immediately said

"Zhang Ziwei, what do you, an outsider, know?"

Hearing Zhang Ziwei's words, Sha Li immediately cursed

"You idiot, what do you know?"

Zhang Ziwei rushed to Sha Li's side, as if he wanted to hit this guy. However, the moment Zhang Ziwei got up, he rushed to Tian Yangyi's side, took out the blade, and laid it across Tian Yangyi's side. neck

"Get your people to open the door now!"

Zhang Ziwei shouted loudly in Tian Yangyi's ear

"OK, don't be impulsive! Open the door!"

Tian Yangyi used his whole life skills to show a trace of fear. (Amazing)

A few minutes later, Zhang Ziwei held Tian Yangyi hostage, took Mian Na and Sha Li to the door of the independent house. At the moment.

When Mian Na opened the door, Zhang Ziwei pushed Tian Yangyi forward, then took Mian Na's hand and ran out the door. When Sha Li saw this, he immediately followed the two of them. He quickly left behind him.

At this moment, a bullet accurately hit Shali's head.

With a thud, Shali fell heavily at the door of the independent house and refused to rest in silence.

But the next few shots were all drawn. With his shooting skills, the bullets hit the ground beside Zhang Ziwei and Mian Na, but failed to hit anyone.

Zhang Ziwei, on the other hand, pulled Mian Na and escaped from the alley where the independent house was located as fast as possible in his life. , came to the street, until this moment, Zhang Ziwei had not acted. After joining the flow of people on the street, Zhang Ziwei's face relaxed, and then he immediately reached out and stopped a taxi.

"Ah Wei, I need to talk to my father on the phone right away."

After getting into the taxi, Minna looked at Zhang Ziwei and said anxiously.


Zhang Ziwei nodded slightly, not letting Minna see the flash of joy in his eyes. At this moment, Zhang Ziwei seemed to have seen the shock and anger on the face of the Eight-faced Buddha...

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