After Zhang Ziwei and Mianna escaped from the independent house, Tian Yangsheng took out his mobile phone and dialed Shen Qiu's number.

"Brother Qiu, he has left and the plan is going smoothly."

After the call was connected, Tian Yangsheng said

"okay, I get it."

At this time, Shen Qiu had already arrived downstairs at the Shimao Real Estate headquarters building in Central. After saying this, he hung up the phone, got out of the car and walked towards the Shimao Real Estate headquarters building.

Shen Qiu is not afraid of the Eight-faced Buddha. The reason why he is not fooled is not because he knows how good actors like Tian Yangyi and Zhang Ziwei are, but because he knows that for the Eight-faced Buddha, the 2 billion Hong Kong dollars he put in Ma Zhihua's hands must not be lost.

This is naked Even if the Eight-faced Buddha realizes that something might be wrong, he still has to fall into the trap. Even if he knows that 99% of the story is false, he can't afford to bet on the 1% chance!

"Mr. Shen, Miss Tang is waiting for you in the office. Please come with me."

As soon as Shen Qiu entered the headquarters building of Shimao Real Estate, Cheng Wenjing, who had been waiting in the lobby on the first floor for a long time, immediately came up to her and said to Shen Qiu with a smile.

"Thank you, Ms. Cheng."

Shen Qiu smiled and thanked her, then followed Cheng Wenjing into the elevator and went directly to Judy Tang's office on the 26th floor of the building.

"Sister Judy, what's going on? It's so mysterious that you can't even talk about it on the phone?"

After walking into Judy Tang's office, Shen Qiu sat down on the sofa, looked at Judy Tang who was sitting not far away, and asked with a smile.

"Did you send someone to throw the three corpses at the entrance of the Huaye Group headquarters building this morning?"

393 Judy Tang looked at Shen Qiu and asked

"Oh, this thing, those three people sneaked into Guo Jinfeng's villa and tried to scare people with dead cats and snakes. Don't you think it's funny? I like to be a teacher, and I just want to teach Ma Zhihua how to be scary. Shen

Qiu replied with a smile.

"When everyone comes out to do business, do you want to play it so big? I have clearly rejected Ma Zhihua. He will either spend billions with us, or he can only watch us make money."

When Judy Tang heard what Shen Qiu said, she reached out and rubbed her temples. Her partner is good most of the time, but sometimes the things she does are really too flamboyant, such as blowing up Lin Dayue, such as this time Throw the body in front of someone's company

"Sister Judy, I'm very curious, you are so kind, how did you make Shimao Real Estate so big? Don’t forget, you told me that one of the three policemen who exposed Ma Zhihua’s Fengguang Company’s manipulation of the stock market a year ago was dead and two disappeared. Don’t you think that Ma Zhihua will throw cats and snakes to death this time, and he will just throw them to death next time? A dog dies a pig, right?"

At this point, Shen Qiu paused slightly, and then a teasing smile appeared on his face:"Or, Sister Judy, do you think you are worth tens of billions, blessed by the God of Wealth, able to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and be invulnerable?"

Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Judy Tang frowned and said lightly:"You (ajci) mean that Ma Zhihua will do something to me?"

After asking this question, without waiting for Shen Qiu's answer, Judy Tang continued:"It's impossible. The impact on me would be too great. It would do more harm than good to Ma Zhihua. As long as he is a smart person, he will not Instead of provoking me, he will continue to make moves and try to find out the boss behind Guo Jinfeng. See if he can offend this boss before making the next decision."

"Hahaha, Sister Judy, you are too naive. If it were me, I would definitely take action against you. You have no heirs. Once you die, your Tang family and Wang family will definitely fight for the inheritance. At that time, who has the spare time to help? You take revenge?"

Chen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly

"Then he, Ma Zhihua, will no longer have to do business. He will kill people whenever he disagrees. No one in Hong Kong dares to do business with him."

Judy Tang said lightly. Apparently Shen Qiu's words did not scare her.

"Sister Judy, you are right. As long as Ma Zhihua still wants to act in front of the screen, he will not do anything to you. He is just afraid. There are some things that Ma Zhihua says don't count."

Shen Qiu said quietly


A trace of doubt flashed in Judy Tang's eyes, and she raised her head to look at Shen Qiu.

"Sister Judy, you don’t really think Ma Zhihua is a business wizard, do you? I studied his resume yesterday and I can conclude that he must be the white glove of some big shot. He is not even a white glove, only a gray glove."

"Gray gloves are troublesome to replace with new ones, but it’s not impossible to replace them."

Shen Qiu said slowly, word for word.

"With that said, I need to strengthen my security."

Judy Tang's eyes moved slightly, and then a smile appeared on her face again. Obviously, she believed Shen Qiu's words eight or nine times.

"Sister Judy, this is why I came to see you so quickly. You are my most important partner, so nothing can happen to you. If you believe me, I can send two men to protect you until I solve this matter.."

Shen Qiu looked at Judy Tang and said sincerely.


Judy Tang nodded, and then she seemed to think of something, and smiled:"But you have to pay their salary."

"Wow, Sister Judy, don’t let me take advantage of this. You are the richest man in Hong Kong! Shen

Qiu shook his head and smiled.

"Of course you need to pay your people a salary. Also, thank you for the reminder, Aqiu."

At this moment, Judy Tang truly reached a cooperation with Shen Qiu.

On the other side, in an independent house in the East District of Hong Kong Island, Chen Minhong, the speaker of the number gang Yongzidui, stood in front of a statue of Guan Gong with green shoes, playing with her hands with her eyes closed. Buddha beads inside, and at the same time listening to the report of his subordinates. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Lao Ding, I have followed your instructions and found two big gangsters. They are both veterans of murder. They should be ambushing at the door of the Shimao Real Estate headquarters building now."


After hearing what her subordinates said, Chen Minhong did not open her eyes, but nodded slightly.

Seeing the appearance of her boss, the Ma boy hesitated for a moment, and then said:"Old man, Judy Tang is famous in Hong Kong Island. We are looking for a gunman to kill her. If this matter is exposed, we all may not be able to bear it together."

"Then don't let anyone know about it, and when those two big circle guys are done, shut them up forever."

Chen Minhong said lightly.

"Lao Ding, I mean, do we have to do something about Judy Tang? can it……"

"cannot! Before Ma

Zai finished speaking, he was interrupted by Chen Minhong in a decisive tone. Then, Chen Minhong opened her eyes, turned to look at Ma Zai, and said lightly:"Cannon, how long have you been with me?""

"Laoding, I have been with you for nine years."

Cannon replied immediately

"After following me for nine years, you should know my temper very well. What I said just now, I thought you cared about the club and me. Forget it this time. Remember, it will not be the same next time."

Although Chen Minhong's tone was calm, it made Artillery feel cold after hearing it. He immediately replied:"Old top, it's me who talks too much. There will never be a next time."

"Well, go do it."

Chen Minhong turned around again, closed her eyes, and said lightly while playing with the Buddhist beads in her hand.[]

"Yes, Laoding."

Cancano nodded quickly in response, and then turned around to leave.

However, at the moment Cancano turned around and left the room, a figure flashed to Cancano's side, knocking Cancano to the ground with just one punch, and then strangled Cancano's Neck, until the fire suffocated him to death. In the room, Chen Minhong acted as if nothing happened outside the door. It was not until Cannon died that he spoke:"Ah Jue, you are responsible for taking care of this matter. I don't want Judy Tang to die." Death has nothing to do with our brave character."

The young man at the door who had just strangled Cannon nodded slightly, and then dragged Cannon's body away.

Only then did Chen Minhong open her eyes, look at the green-shoe statue of Guan Gong in front of her, and sighed deeply:" People are in the arena and can't help themselves. Artillery, don't blame me. Only the dead can keep secrets!".

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