Also in the morning, Wong Tai Sin District, Wong Tai Sin Temple.

Ma Zhihua was also meeting with a person, to be precise, an old man.

Ma Zhihua, who was originally high-spirited, high-spirited and had the temperament of a tycoon, was now like a primary school student meeting his teacher. There was no domineering look on his face, but only awe and respect.

At this moment, the old man was offering incense to the statue in front of him with a pious expression. After completing the entire process of offering incense, he slowly walked under the statue to a middle-aged man in Taoist robes and said with a smile:"Thank you. Huang Miaozheng took time out of his busy schedule to pray for my wife. My wife sincerely donated 10 million Hong Kong dollars for the maintenance of the temple to express her gratitude to Huang Miaozheng."

"Madam is polite."

Huang Miaozheng looked calm and returned the favor.

After he finished speaking to Huang Miaozheng, the old man turned around and walked to Ma Zhihua and said lightly:"Zhihua, you have been working for the third master for almost 10 years. Bar?"

"Yes, Forbes."

Ma Zhihua nodded immediately and said

"The third master asked me to give you a message: you have worked hard these past 10 years, and it is time to step back and enjoy life."

This old man named Fu Bo said that he wanted Ma Zhihua to retire, as if Ma Zhihua was not the chairman of Huaye Group with a market value of 15.8 billion Hong Kong dollars, but the long-term employee of their family.

"Uncle Fu, did Zhihua do something wrong to make Third Master angry?"

After hearing what Uncle Fu said, Ma Zhihua's expression suddenly changed and he quickly asked.

"You did nothing wrong, the third master meant. He underestimated the elderly care industry before. Before, he only wanted to make a fortune from this industry. Now he wants to take charge of this industry."

Fu Bo said slowly.

After listening to Fu Bo's words, Ma Zhihua seemed to have thought of something. His expression suddenly changed:"Could it be that the Third Master wants to……"

At this moment, Ma Zhihua had already guessed that Daikin behind him would directly attack Judy Tang and completely crush the cooperation between Shimao and Kang Meile, and then he would calmly enter the elderly care industry for layout.

And he, Ma Zhihua, was the scapegoat to eliminate the negative impact caused by Judy Tang's accident.

"Zhihua, don’t lie in front of gods. Before Ma

Zhihua finished speaking, he was interrupted by Uncle Fu. Then Uncle Fu said lightly:"The third master sees everything you do for the third master. He will not treat you badly.""

"I understand what Third Master means. Thank you Third Master for taking care of me, and thank you Uncle Fu for spreading the word."

Even if he was dismissed with just one sentence, Ma Zhihua could only accept it with his head down, because he knew very well that everything he had was given by the third master that Uncle Fu said, and with the power of that third master's family, , not to mention himself, even the butler Fu Bo, Ma Zhihua can only do his best to please and cannot offend.

"Also, don’t show off your cleverness in the future. If you need to say something to the third master, say it to the third master in time. Remember, there will be no next time."

After Uncle Fu said this, he walked towards the gate of Wong Tai Sin Temple, leaving Ma Zhihua standing there, his back already soaked with cold sweat. The moment he heard Uncle Fu's words, Ma Zhihua He thought of the satellite phone he put in the drawer.

At that time, Ma Zhihua wanted to contact the third master, but he just had a thought and didn't expect that even the third master knew about such a thing.

Thinking of this, Ma Zhihua had already put down the last trace of unwillingness. , turned towards the gate of Wong Tai Sin Temple, and left slowly step by step.

At the same time,

Shen Qiu and Judy Tang took the elevator down to the first floor of the Chinachem Real Estate Headquarters Building and walked towards the gate.

In Judy Tang Under the warm invitation, Shen Qiu agreed to have lunch with Judy Tang. In fact, after Shen Qiu and Judy Tang finished talking, it was already noon, and Shen Qiu wanted to have a luxurious lunch.

However, just when Shen Qiu The moment he walked out of the Chinachem Real Estate Headquarters Building, he was immediately keenly aware that the two men's eyes were fixed on Judy Tang who was following him, and they were moving towards him, or in other words, towards Judy Tang.

Shen Qiu didn't She quietly protected Tang Judy behind her, making it impossible for the two men to target Tang Judy. Until she was less than 5 meters away from the two men, Shen Qiu deliberately exposed some flaws and sold. Judy Tang was hiding behind him.

When the two men saw this, they immediately pulled out the black stars from their waists, pointed at Judy Tang and shot. The moment the two men took out their guns, Shen Qiu's With a movement of his body, he covered a distance of several meters in the blink of an eye and kicked one of the men nearly 3 meters away. By the time the man landed, he had already passed out.

With Shen Qiu's speed, he could have completely knocked down another man. He was killed before raising the gun to shoot, but in that moment, Shen Qiu protected Tang Judy behind him. When the man pulled the trigger, Shen Qiu was able to kick the man and hit him with the gun. With his right hand, he kicked the gun to the ground, and the bullet shot into the air. The bang of the gunshot immediately caused confusion in the bustling Central District, and many citizens who did not know what was going on were running wildly in all directions.

In this area In the chaos, Shen Qiu was as calm as a robot. After kicking the black star away from the man's hand, he kicked the man unconscious with another whip kick.

"Sister Judy!"

After Shen Qiu kicked both gunmen unconscious, he looked at Judy Tang, who was in a daze, and shouted


Hearing Shen Qiu's cry, Judy Tang came back to her senses. However, the way she looked at Shen Qiu changed slightly.

From Judy Tang's perspective, the two gunmen were obviously coming towards her. , Shen Qiu first kicked a gunman away, and then protected herself behind her, using her body to block the danger for her.

At that moment, Judy Tang felt an unprecedented sense of security. This sense of security, even for her Her husband, Wang Wanwan, had never given it to her, which also gave Judy Tang a special new feeling for Shen Qiu.

And this was why Shen Qiu let the gunman fire that shot.

"Sister Judy, is there any secluded place nearby? Soldiers are very quick. I want to interrogate these two gunmen immediately and find out who is behind the scenes!"

Although Shen Qiu told Judy Tang that Ma Zhihua might do something to her, in fact Shen Qiu was not sure whether Ma Zhihua would do it, because what Judy Tang said was indeed fine, and he really did something to Judy Tang. , then Ma Zhihua will definitely not be able to survive in Hong Kong Island. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Regarding these gray gloves that have been used for 10 years, maybe the big boss behind the scenes doesn’t want to change them?

Shen Qiu Na then told Judy Tang just to buy an insurance policy. In the end, he never expected that the other party would not only attack Judy Tang, but also do it so quickly. This only meant that the other party was also eyeing the elderly care industry. This piece of fat.

At this time, what Shen Qiu can do is to seize the opponent's flaws as much as possible before the opponent resolves everything. Even if he cannot kill the opponent, he must gnaw a few more pieces of flesh from the opponent's body to let him They knew that if they wanted to take advantage of Shen Qiu, they would have to be prepared to cut his flesh, bleed him, or even rush to the streets.

Therefore, for Shen Qiu, time is money now.

"Aqiu, are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Tang Zhudi did not answer Shen Qiu's question, but looked at Shen Qiu with concern and asked this question. And by the look in her eyes, Shen Qiu knew that what she just said, Tang Zhu Dee didn't even listen.

"Sister Judy, I'm fine. Find me a secluded place now. I want to interrogate these two gunmen."

Shen Qiu once again repeated what he just said.

"Just be fine. Judy

Tang breathed a sigh of relief first, and then said:"There are several garages in the underground parking lot of Shimao Building that only Wang Wanwan and I can use. I will take you there right away.""


Shen Qiu nodded slightly, then dragged the two gunmen and walked quickly towards the Shimao Real Estate headquarters building.

At this moment, opposite the Shimao Building, in a gray car, Ah Jue, who had just strangled Cannon in the morning, saw Shen Qiu. After Qiu dragged the two gunmen back to Shimao Building, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

After thinking for a moment, Ah Jue took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.[]

"Laoding, something happened!"

After the call was connected, Ajue said immediately.

But at this moment, Ajue didn't know that a volcano was right in front of him and was about to erupt!

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