In the East District, in an independent house.

After listening to Ah Jue's report, Chen Minhong thought for a few seconds and then said slowly:"Okay, I understand. Now go and hire the two middlemen for the artillery.""


After Ah Jue said this word, he immediately hung up the phone.

After a moment of hesitation, Chen Minhong walked to the statue of Guan Gong, took out a satellite phone from the shrine, and dialed a number.

"My name is Chen Minhong. There is something I want to tell Mr. San."

After the call was connected, Chen Minhong said slowly.

Ten seconds later, a man's voice came from the receiver:"Old Chen, what's the matter?"

"Third Master, just now……"

Chen Minhong repeated what Ah Jue had just reported to him.

"Lao Chen, I have promoted you to the position of being a talkative person, but you can't even do this little thing well?"

The man's voice in the receiver was calm, but it made Chen Minhong feel shuddering.

"Third Master, it was my fault, please give me a chance to make up for it!"417"

Chen Minhong said quickly

"Making amends? Are you going to kill Judy Tang again?"

There was a hint of ridicule in the third master's tone.

"This time, I will make sure nothing goes wrong."

Chen Minhong's tone was extremely firm, extremely firm.

"Foolproof? Okay, Lao Chen, if you fail again this time, you don’t need to tell me anymore."


After listening to the third master's words, Chen Minhong heard a busy sound. At this moment, Chen Minhong's face was very ugly. He knew very well what the third master meant by saying that he didn't need to talk to him anymore. If he couldn't kill Judy Tang this time, Chen Minhong would be the one who died.

Thinking of this, Chen Minhong put the satellite phone back into the shrine. After thinking for a long time, Chen Minhong took out the mobile phone in his pocket and dialed A number.

At the same time.

In a garage in the underground parking lot of Shimao Building.


Waves of wailing came from the garage, rendering the originally dark underground parking lot like a hell on earth. Although Judy Tang, who was standing outside the garage, did not see the scene inside, she knew just by listening to the wailing that the two What kind of torture is the shooter undergoing?

"Why, your bones are so hard, why don’t you tell me? Don’t forget, there are still hundreds of bones in the human body. How long can you survive?"

Shen Qiu grabbed the left and right little fingers of a gunman and broke them hard.

Yes, Shen Qiu, who is proficient in grappling, used the simplest and most unsophisticated interrogation techniques to remove the two gunmen, starting from their fingers, bone by bone. breaking of bones

"I said, I said, Bingqiang of Kowloon Walled City paid us 100,000 Hong Kong dollars to kill people, but we don’t know anything else."

After a gunman had all 10 of his fingers broken off, his psychological defense completely collapsed and he told everything he knew.

After the gunman finished saying this, Shen Qiu immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number"Tian Yang Health". number

"Ah Sheng, please immediately take people to Kowloon Walled City to find a man named Bingqiang. I don’t care what method you use, you must pry open his mouth and ask who asked him to help find two gangster gunmen today.!"

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said immediately.

Then, without waiting for Tian Yangsheng's reply, Shen Qiu hung up the phone number.

Bang, bang, bang~

Just at this moment, there was a sound of banging on the iron door.

"Sister Judy, what's the matter?"

After Shen Qiu opened the iron door of the garage, he looked at Judy Tang who was standing at the door and asked with a smile.

"Ah Qiu, Wen Jing called me just now and said that people from the police force have arrived. They won't cause you any trouble, right?"

Tang Judy first glanced at the two gunmen who had been tortured and looked a bit inhuman, and then said

"What's the trouble? Sister Judy, you can testify to me that the two of them fell like this."

Shen Qiu said to Judy Tang with a smile.

"Yes, yes, they fell like this."

Judy Tang's eyes lit up and she immediately nodded in response.

"Sister Judy, you ask people to bring the police down to arrest people. I have other things to do, so I have to take the first step."

Shen Qiu said with a smile.


Judy Tang nodded slowly, then immediately looked at Shen Qiu and said,"Aqiu, be careful."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful."

After Shen Qiu left these words, he quickly walked toward the elevator in the underground parking lot.

"Sister Judy, I have sent people to protect you. I have thought about their salary for a long time and think you still have to pay it."

Just when Shen Qiu walked to the elevator, he turned to look at Judy and said with a smile.

"OK, I'll pay."

Judy Tang smiled. At this moment, she seemed not to be the strong business woman, but a young girl who had just fallen in love.

Twenty minutes later.

Ring, ring, ring~

Shen Qiu's car had just passed through the Hung Hom Cross-Harbour Tunnel. When entering the Tsim Sha Tsui boundary, the phone rang.

"Brother Qiu, when we arrived at Kowloon Walled City, Bingqiang had already been killed, but we caught the person who killed Bingqiang. This guy had a tough mouth. I had already used some tricks on him, but he didn't open his mouth."

Shen Qiu can faintly hear the screams in the sound of Tian Yangsheng talking from behind. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Take a picture of him and send it to me right away."

Shen Qiu is ready to use the resources of the police force to find out the identity of that person.

"Okay, Brother Qiu."

Tian Yangsheng responded immediately.

At the same time, the news that Judy Tang was assassinated at the door of Shimao Building also reached Ma Zhihua's ears. 0

"The third master moved so quickly, but I don’t know which one made the move, Chen Minhong or……"

Ring ring ring~

A phone ringing interrupted Ma Zhihua’s mumbling.

"Which one?"

Ma Zhihua picked up the phone receiver and asked

"Mr. Ma, it’s me, the Eight-faced Buddha."

A slightly older man's voice came out of the receiver.

"Lord Buddha, you, this noble man, suddenly called me. Do you have something to tell me?"

After Ma Zhihua heard that the person calling him was the Eight-faced Buddha, a smile immediately appeared on his face.[]

Not to mention that he has not officially retired yet. Being a monk means hitting the clock every day, otherwise the third master will not let him go. Even if he retires, the Eight-faced Buddha is someone Ma Zhihua cannot mess with.

"Mr. Ma, I don’t care what method you use, you must return my 2 billion Hong Kong dollars to me tomorrow."

On the other end of the phone, the Eight-faced Buddha said slowly with a heavy face.

After receiving a call from his daughter Mian Na, the Eight-faced Buddha couldn't even eat lunch and kept dialing Ma Zhihua's phone because Ma Guohua went to Wong Tai Sin Temple to see blessings. Because of Uncle Ma, Ma Guohua didn’t receive a call from the Eight-faced Buddha until just now.

Just as Shen Qiu expected, the Eight-faced Buddha immediately made a decision after answering Mian Na’s call to take it back and put it in Ma Guohua’s hands. 2 billion Hong Kong dollars, the reason is the same as Shen Qiu thought, the Eight-faced Buddha cannot afford to gamble

"Lord Buddha, what happened? Why are you in such a hurry?"

The smile on Ma Zhihua's face froze slightly, and then he asked

"You don't have to worry about what happens. I will come to Hong Kong Island personally to collect the money tomorrow. I hope you won't make it difficult for me!"

Eight-faced Buddha said slowly, word for word.

"Okay, okay, Buddha, you are our 1.1 most distinguished customer. Since you have made a request, we will definitely satisfy you. Ma

Zhihua agreed with a smile.


Hearing Ma Zhihua's words, the Buddha was slightly relieved and hung up the phone.

Beep beep ~

Listening to the busy signal coming from the phone receiver, the smile on Ma Zhihua's face disappeared instantly, and he immediately dialed another number

"Guohua, go and find out what happened to Minna and Sali's gang yesterday, and let me know the results immediately!"

Ma Zhihua was convinced that something must have happened to Mian Na and Sha Li on Hong Kong Island, which made the Eight-faced Buddha so eager to get his money back.

After saying this, Ma Zhihua hung up the phone, and then sat down Sitting on his office chair, with his eyes closed and his hands rubbing his temples, so many things coming together made Ma Zhihua feel extremely tired at this moment.

However, Ma Zhihua didn't know that what happened next was not only beyond his control, It might even kill him……

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