Located on the 9th floor of the Hong Kong Island Police Headquarters Building at 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, in the office of the Minister of Criminal Affairs Li Wenbin

"Sir Li, now I can confirm that it was this Hong Kong Island man named Chen Zizi who killed the gunman agent of Kowloon Walled City, Hong Kong Island man He Bingqiang, and the two big men who assassinated the chairman of Shimao Real Estate, Judy Tong. The gangster gunman was hired by He Bingqiang"

"Chen Zizi and He Bingqiang had no contact before. This time Chen Zizi suddenly attacked He Bingqiang. It can be inferred that Chen Zizi killed He Bingqiang to silence him."

"Chen Zizi is a red stick of the Number Gang and a confidant of Chen Minhong, the talker of the Number Gang Yong. From this, I can conclude that the two gangster gunmen who assassinated Judy Tang have nothing to do with Chen Minhong." Shen

Qiu held the Photos of Chen Zizi, He Bingqiang and Chen Minhong were talking eloquently to Li Wenbin who was standing in front of him.

Two hours ago, after getting the photo of Chen Zizi, Shen Qiu immediately called up O Ji's internal information about major major cities in Hong Kong Island. About ten people from the Yau Tsim Police Station's anti-gang group searched for information about the society for a full hour and a half, and finally found Chen Zizi.

Afterwards, Shen Qiu immediately reported to Chen Zhijie, and Chen Zhijie listened to Shen Zhijie. After Qiu's report, he rushed to the police headquarters without stopping and took Shen Qiu to see Li Wenbin.

Although less than 3 hours had passed since the assassination of Judy Tang, it was already the hottest hot spot on Hong Kong Island. Not only Tang Judy and Shimao Real Estate are putting pressure on the police force. The Jiangsu-Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce, where Judy Tang is from, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, and other most influential private organizations on Hong Kong Island have put pressure on the police force. The

Jiangsu-Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce is a One of the four major private chambers of commerce, it is as famous as the three major chambers of commerce: Chaofeng, Guangfu, and Minnan. There are nearly 20 justices of the peace in the chamber of commerce alone, and they have great influence in almost every industry on Hong Kong Island.

East H3C is even more remarkable. It is the first charity organization founded by Chinese in Hong Kong. After nearly 100 years of development, it has become a behemoth comparable to the Hong Kong Jockey Club. Only the top rich can get invitations. Join the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and get the qualification to donate money. Once these two private organizations speak out, even the Hong Kong Governor has to sit down and listen carefully. Under this pressure, the top brass of the police have listed the assassination of Judy Tang on the list. For a top-notch case.

As the Minister of Criminal Affairs, Li Wenbin is the first to bear the brunt. The Commissioner of Police has issued a death order to him. Within 48 hours at most, he must give it to Judy Tang, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, and all the people. The citizens of Hong Kong Island gave an explanation.

At this moment, Li Wenbin's face was solemn. After listening to Shen Qiu's words, he pondered for nearly a minute and then said:"Aqiu, what you said are all your inferences. There is no substantial evidence to prove these few facts." Individuals cannot be linked together to form a chain of evidence, and it is difficult to convict them."

"Sir Li, there is nothing wrong with Hong Kong Island being a society governed by the rule of law, but at this time, I think it is no longer important whether there is evidence or not."

Shen Qiu looked at Li Wenbin and said slowly, word by word.

"Ah Qiu, I heard from someone from the CID of the Hong Kong Island Region that you used special means to interrogate the two gangster gunmen and rendered them humanoid. Is this true?"

After hearing what Shen Qiu said, Li Wenbin's eyes moved slightly, and then he said this sentence that seemed to have nothing to do with what Shen Qiu just said.

"Yes, if I dare to attack Judy Tang, this person or this force must be very powerful. If I were slower, they would definitely not leave any evidence to our police force. Shen

Qiu nodded and admitted.

"When things are urgent, follow the authority and never do it again."

Li Wenbin said lightly.

"yes, sir!"

After hearing what Li Wenbin said, Shen Qiu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately put his feet together and shouted loudly. What

Li Wenbin said would not be the same in this case. It was not that he would not be the same when Shen Qiu was tortured to extract confessions, but that Shen Qiu wanted to use evidence. Under the circumstances, help with the number will never happen again.

Seeing that Shen Qiu understood what he meant, Li Wenbin raised the corner of his mouth slightly, then he picked up the phone receiver next to him and dialed a number

"My name is Li Wenbin. I am informing all departments under the Crime Department that from now on, the assassination case of Judy Tang of Shimao Real Estate will be handled by Senior Inspector Shen Qiu of the Anti-Gangster Unit of Yau Tsim Police Station. All departments will cooperate as long as he needs it.

After saying this, Li Wenbin put down the phone, looked at Shen Qiu, and said slowly:"Aqiu, you only have forty-eight hours, and I only have forty-eight hours.""

"yes, sir!"

After Shen Qiu said this, he immediately turned around and left Li Wenbin's office.

"Sir Li, the superiors are watching this case so closely and handing it over to Shen Qiu to take full responsibility, right?……"

After Shen Qiu left, Chen Zhijie looked at Li Wenbin with a hesitant and worried look on his face. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Zhijie, are you worried about Shen Qiu or me?"

Li Wenbin said lightly.

"You are our present, Shen Qiu is our future, I am worried about both of them."

Chen Zhijie gave a perfect answer.

"Ah Qiu is right to say that Hong Kong is a society governed by the rule of law, but sometimes evidence is not needed. The explanation that Gui Lao wants is to satisfy Judy Tang, the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce, and the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals."

"What Judy Tang, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, and Tung Wah Group of Hospitals want to explain is that finding the real culprit is the second most important thing, and the more important thing is to make those who dare to attack their group of top rich people be afraid and not dare to attack them again in the future."

At this point, Li Wenbin showed a smile on his face:"Zhijie, at this time, it doesn't matter who is the real culprit behind the scenes. What matters is how to solve this case to everyone's satisfaction."

"Ah Qiu is a smart man, he won't let us down"

"Huang Zhicheng is really crazy. Such a talent would actually choose him to be a sleeper.㡳!"

This is the only thing Chen Zhijie felt after hearing what Li Wenbin said.idea. the other side.

After Shen Qiu 450 left Li Wenbin's phone, he immediately dialed Ma Jun's mobile phone number.

"Ah Jun immediately notified all 5 regions and 22 police stations in Hong Kong Island, and all O reporters and anti-gangster team members were mobilized. Anyone who worked in the number gang with the word"yong" would be brought back to the police station. It is a place where numbers are piled up. KTV, nightclubs, saunas, and even public restrooms are not allowed to operate!"

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said immediately

"Brother Qiu, if you have done such a big thing, will other police districts, police stations, O reporters, and anti-gangster guys cooperate with us?"[]

After listening to Shen Qiu's words, Ma Jun was stunned on the spot.

Number Gang Yong Zi Dui is one of the two most powerful prefixes of the Number Gang. There are more than 10,000 members alone. The three-digit numbers of the guarded areas go up, and the number of regular staff is at least several hundred people. According to Shen Qiu, he wanted to drive out such a large society. This...

Ma Jun already felt that he was very reckless. Now he realized that compared with Shen Qiu, he was simply too calm.

"Ah Jun, I have already obtained the Shang Fang Sword. Just call me, let alone rush out the numbers to help Yong Zi Dui. Even if I have to scrape the entire Hong Kong Island tonight, there will be no problem!"

Shen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly.

After saying this, Shen Qiu hung up the phone, and then whispered to himself:"Chen Minhong, the boss of the number helper, the next leader of the number helper, have you ever done anything wrong to me? It’s not important without you, it’s important to me!".

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