After talking to Ma Jun on the phone, Shen Qiu dialed Guo Jinfeng's mobile phone number again.

"Ah Feng, it was me who asked you to do something. How did you do?"

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu asked.

After taking down the two gangster gunmen and leaving Shimao Building, Shen Qiu immediately talked on the phone with Guo Jinfeng, with only one purpose, to invest all his current assets. Enter the stock market and short Huaye Group.

Although it claims to invest 2 billion Hong Kong dollars to build a nursing home, after all, the project has just begun, so most of the money is still in Shen Qiu's own hands, about 160 million U.S. dollars and 1.3 billion Hong Kong dollars, which is equivalent to 2.6 billion Hong Kong dollars. The current share price of Huaye Group is 6.7 cents. After Shen Qiu invests all the money in the stock market to short Huaye Group, he can exchange it for 38,000 shares of Huaye Group shares.

In this way, Shen Qiu can make a profit of HK$380 million for every RMB 1 decline in Huaye Group's stock price.

And Shen Qiu's short-selling goal is to bankrupt Huaye Group, in which case Shen Qiu will gain from it. The profit was 2.6 billion Hong Kong dollars, completely wiping out the wealth obtained by Ma Zhihua after 10 years of hard work in laundering money!

"Brother Qiu, I exchanged all the shares of Huaye Group in the hands of major banks and large investors in the Hang Seng Index at high prices, but together they only have 11% of Huaye Group’s shares, worth 250 million. share."

Guo Jinfeng's voice came from the receiver.

"okay, I get it."

Shen Qiu nodded slightly and responded.

Earning 2.6 billion Hong Kong dollars is the most ideal state. Now that he can buy 250 million shares, he will eventually earn nearly 1.7 billion Hong Kong dollars. It is also a huge profit. People To be content, Shen Qiu feels that he has always been a relatively contented person.

On the other side, the headquarters building of Huaye Group, Ma Zhihua’s office

"Mr. Ma, I just got the news that Guo Jinfeng of Kangmeile Company used a high price of 2 billion Hong Kong dollars to replace all the stocks of our Huaye Group in the hands of major banks and stock market players in Hong Kong Island."

"According to my experience, Guo Jinfeng is very likely to short our Huaye Group."

Fei Guoxiong quickly walked into Ma Zhihua's office and said to Ma Zhihua.

One of the largest shareholders of Huaye Group is the third master behind Ma Zhihua, and the other is the uncle behind Fei Guoxiong, so when he heard that Guo Jinfeng wanted to short Huaye Group, Fei Guoxiong was more anxious than Ma Zhihua after

"We have already taken action against Guo Jinfeng, isn't it normal for others to fight back? Do you know how long the replacement period was given to her by banks and large accounts? Ma

Zhihua said lightly

"This kind of high-price replacement is all about pursuing short-term high profits, and the period is very short, one week at most."

Fei Guoxiong, as a financial veteran, immediately gave his answer.

"I want the exact time. Ma

Zhihua said lightly

"Mr. Ma, please wait a moment."

While Fei Guoxiong was speaking, he took out the mobile phone in his pocket. More than a minute later, he put down the mobile phone, looked at Ma Zhihua and said:"Five days, after five days, Guo Jinfeng will return the stocks she lent."

"5 days? Hahaha, who is the person behind Guo Jinfeng who is so anxious to eat our Huaye Group?"

Hearing Fei Guoxiong's words, Ma Zhihua laughed loudly, and then the smile on his face suddenly faded:"Since that person is so confident, we will have fun with him and repay the US$60 million that came from South America the day before yesterday. All the 2 billion Hong Kong dollars of the Eight-faced Buddha have been invested in the stock market. I want Huaye to become the benchmark king of the Hang Seng Index in the next five days!"

After all, Ma Zhihua is still unwilling to accept that he has worked hard for 10 years and ended up like this, but he does not dare to resist the third master's order. This time, Guo Jinfeng's short selling is a God-sent opportunity in Ma Zhihua's eyes.

Ma Zhihua is betting, I bet that I can severely damage Guo Jinfeng and the people behind him in the stock market. In that case, maybe the third master will change his mind and continue to let him operate on the stage.

As for the Eight-faced Buddha, how will he explain it?

Compared with his own future prospects. , explaining this matter to the Eight-faced Buddha is not worth mentioning at all. The big deal is that after 5 days, he will pay the Eight-faced Buddha some more interest.

Moreover, as long as he continues to be reused by the Third Master, as long as the Eight-faced Buddha still relies on him Money laundering, don’t pay too much attention to the little dissatisfaction of the Eight-faced Buddha.

From this moment on, Ma Zhihua has become a gambler

"Okay, Mr. Ma, I understand what you mean."

After listening to Ma Zhihua's words, Fei Guoxiong nodded in response, and then turned and left Ma Zhihua's office.

After Fei Guoxiong left, Ma Zhihua did not hesitate for a moment, opened the drawer, took out the satellite phone inside, and dialed a Number

"I'm Ma Zhihua, I'm looking for Mr. San."

After the call was connected, Ma Zhihua immediately said

"I am listening."

The third master's voice came out from the receiver.

"Third Master, just now……"

Ma Zhihua immediately told San Ye that Guo Jinfeng wanted to short Huaye Group and how he planned to deal with it.

"Zhihua, you have been with me for 10 years. I have never doubted your ability. I can give you 5 days. Don’t let me down."

After listening to Ma Zhihua's plan, the third master on the other end of the phone pondered for a moment and said lightly.

"Thank you, Mr. San, for your trust."(If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After hearing the third master's words, a trace of ecstasy flashed in Ma Zhihua's eyes.

"Toot toot……"

The answer to Ma Zhihua was a busy tone on the phone, but Ma Zhihua didn't care at all. At this moment, his brain was filled with joy. In his opinion, with the third master's approval, he, Ma Zhihua, had already won half of this round.

At the same time, Fei Guoxiong, who returned to his office, was also on the phone with his boss behind the scenes, Tong Shu.

".Uncle Tong, this is the situation."

Fei Guoxiong told his uncle in detail the conversation he had just had with Ma Zhihua.

"Ah Xiong, you have been practicing in the stock market for so many years. Tell me, which side do you think will win?"

On the other end of the phone, Uncle Tong said calmly.

"Ma Zhihua is a person who launders money for drug dealers and gangs around the world. He has a lot of funds in his hands. If he wants to increase the stock price of Huaye, there will be no more than 20 people in Hong Kong who can stop him."

Fei Guoxiong pondered for a moment and then slowly said his answer.

"In fact, it doesn't matter to us who wins or loses, but that woman Guo Jinfeng's short selling of Huaye has messed up our rules. Everyone plays like her and uses the stock market as a place to vent their personal anger. So what about the rest of us? It would be difficult for people to do."

Uncle Tong said slowly.

"Uncle Tong, I understand what you mean, and I will fully cooperate with Ma Zhihua."

Fei Guoxiong's eyes moved slightly, and he immediately nodded in response.

"It is said that a raptor cannot cross the river. This time I want to see which raptor is standing behind Guo Jinfeng."[]

(Qian Li’s) uncle said slowly, word for word.

"Uncle Tong, no matter which Raptor it is, our landlord association has the final say on the Hong Kong stock market, and the rules must be formulated by our landlord association. Fei

Guoxiong said with a smile.

"Ah Xiong, I have told you many times that the purpose of our Landlord Association is to maintain the stability and prosperity of the stock market and to help those who abide by the rules get the help they need from the stock market. Don't make it sound like we are doing it for personal gain. Same."

On the other end of the phone, after hearing Fei Guoxiong's words, Huang Shitong, the top figure in the landlord association, his face darkened slightly and he said slowly.

"Yes, yes, uncle Tong, it’s me who doesn’t hesitate to speakSaid the wrong thing."

Fei Guoxiong quickly laughed and apologized.

"Remember, only with great justice in our hearts can we be successful in the stock market."

Huang Shitong said slowly, word by word.

It is said that the battlefield is terrifying, with flesh and blood flying everywhere, and corpses everywhere. Those who fail will pay the price with their lives, but in fact, shopping malls are even more terrifying, killing people invisible, and losers will even pay the price with their lives. Being eaten dry and wiped clean by the winner... loose...

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