7 o'clock in the evening is the time when Hong Kong Island's nightlife is about to begin, but today's Hong Kong Island seems a little different.

From Hong Kong Island to Kowloon, from Kowloon to the New Territories, from Southern District to North District, from Tuen Mun to Western District, Hong Kong Island Region, West Kowloon Region, East Kowloon Region, New Territories South Region, New Territories North Region, As well as 22 police stations, nearly a thousand O reporters and anti-gangster police officers went into battle, leading thousands of people from the PTU and EU to shut down all the places in the Number Gang Yongzidui, and at the same time arrested nearly 2,000 members of the number gang Yong Zi Dui.

These brave people filled all the detention rooms of all regions and police stations on Hong Kong Island.

But there is one thing. I don’t know whether it was intentional, careless, or not noticed. Yongzidui’s uncle and the fit people from various areas were not arrested by the police, and these people all gathered in Yongzidui’s talker. Chen Minhong's home

"Lao Ding, the police force is obviously targeting us, Yong Zidui, this time, but we don’t seem to have done anything to offend the police force!"

"Yes, Lao Ding, now that the society is encountering such a big thing, shouldn't you stand up and take charge of the overall situation?"


It's all about money. Now the police force has made it clear that it wants to cut off Yong Zidui's money. This has also caused some changes in the attitude of these uncles and fit people towards Chen Minhong who were originally respectful to Chen Minhong..

Listening to the words of his men727, Chen Minhong's face turned pale. He probably knew why the police force would carry out such a thunderous operation against them Yongzi Dui tonight.

In fact, since he couldn't contact Chen Zizi in the afternoon, Chen Minhong had an ominous premonition. He could basically conclude that something happened to Chen Zizi, and there was a high probability that he would be caught by the police.

But he never expected that the police force would move so quickly and violently.

Chen Minhong had only seen such a scene in an event of this scale during the decisive battle with Lian Sheng's two double bonus sticks, Axe Jun and Big Brother Cheng.

At that time, Ax Jun and Big Brother Cheng each pulled nearly 10,000 soldiers to start a battle in Tsim Sha Tsui. At that time, the entire Hong Kong Island Police Force, in order to prevent the 20,000 people from fighting, dispatched thousands of police officers to force the battle. Press.

Unexpectedly, the person who was pinned down by the police this time was Chen Minhong and his Yong Zi Dui.

Chen Minhong didn't think about it, whether Ah Jue was recruited by the police force and confessed herself, which led to the police force taking action in anger.

But after thinking about it carefully, Chen Minhong rejected his idea. The reason was very simple. If Chen Zizi really recruited Chen Minhong, he would not be questioned by his uncles and fit men at home now. Instead, he sat in the police station and was interrogated by the police.

Thinking of this, Chen Minhong slowly said:"What are you all so anxious about?"

"Is the police force going to exterminate all of us who are brave? Okay, let’s see how they support our more than 10,000 brothers in Yongzidui"

"You guys usually say that you have been out there for more than ten years or decades, and you all brag about how awesome you are, but what's the result? As soon as the police took action, they were so panicked?"

"Calm down! As long as I'm here, Yong Zi Dui won't be able to collapse. Please keep a low profile these days. The police force won't last long if they play like this!"

Chen Minhong decided to use her prestige accumulated over the years to suppress these uncles and fitters and stabilize them for a few days, because Chen Minhong believed that the purpose of the police force tonight was to frighten him and let Chen Minhong expose himself. Trapped.

At this time, the more he has to calm down. Chen Minhong believes that if the police force does this, it will not last for a few days. As long as he survives it, the police force will not be able to do anything to him.

Although the police force is strong, it can crush Hong Kong. Any association on the island, but the police force works in chains, and it has a circle of activities.

As long as he does not enter the circle where the police force can move, the police force will be unable to do anything to him.

But Chen Minhong didn't know Yes, right across the road from his house, a gray car was parked quietly on the side of the road.

"Brother Qiu, the gang from Yongzidui have been in for 20 minutes. When should we take action?"

Yangzi, who was sitting in the driving position, asked Shen Qiudao

"We will take action after a while. Such a big thing happened in Yong Zi Dui today. Let's let Chen Minhong perform a show first to appease the people of his subordinates (bafa). After he is almost appeased, we will go in and tell his subordinates. , Chen Minhong did something. Shen

Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly.

A few minutes later,

Shen Qiu glanced at the time on the watch on his wrist and said lightly:"Let's go to see Chen Minhong."" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Brother Qiu, are we the only ones? No support? There are more than 20 brave people inside."

Yang Zai, who had always wanted to take action, asked hesitantly after discovering that the only people arrested were him, Shen Qiu, Wu Zai, and Ma Jun 4.

"Wow, Yangzi, weren't you anxious to arrest someone just now? Why are you still timid if we really want to arrest people now?"

After hearing what Yang Zai said, Wu Zai, who was sitting in the back row, laughed.

"Damn it, I am strictly abiding by police regulations, and the premise of all actions is to protect my own safety, do you understand?"

Yangzi's face turned red and he quickly defended himself.

"Let's go. Brother Qiu and Brother Jun are about to come in. If you don't leave, you might as well take the car to protect yourself."

After Wu Zai said this with a smile, he opened the car door and quickly followed Shen Qiu and Ma Jun.

"Depend on!"

Looking at Wu Zai's back, Yang Zai gave a middle finger, then quickly got out of the car and followed Shen Qiu, Ma Jun, and Wu Zai.

"Hello, private residence, you can't go in."

When Shen Qiu walked to the door of Chen Minhong's house, two red sticks with the character"Yong" stretched out their hands to stop Shen Qiu. Originally, these two red sticks were also the targets of Shen Qiu's arrest, but because they followed Chen Minhong closely every day, they acted as his Bodyguard, I missed the opportunity to have tea at the police station.

"The Royal Hong Kong Police are investigating the case, get out of here!"

Wu Zai, who was standing behind Shen Qiu, took out his police officer ID card and placed it in front of the two red sticks with the word"Yong" on them.

After the two red sticks saw Wu Zai's police officer ID card, their expressions changed slightly, but after a moment Then they said,"Sorry, we can’t read."

The two red sticks knew very well that the big bosses in Yongzidui were discussing important matters and could not let the police officers enter the factory. In desperation, the two of them could only pretend not to know how to read and not to muddle through, at least they could delay it. a period of time

"oh? Don’t know the words? Then you should know this, right?"

There was a smile on Shen Qiu's face, and then he punched hard. In just a blink of an eye, one of the red sticks was knocked unconscious. The other red stick saw this and was about to take action, but was hit by Shen Qiu again. Kicked unconscious on the spot by whipping his leg

"Brother Qiu, are you too majestic?"

Seeing this scene, Yi Zai and Yang Zai looked at Shen Qiu with admiration.

"Stop flattering me here and get down to business."

Shen Qiu cursed with a smile, then pushed open the door of Chen Minhong's house, looked at the more than 20 people sitting or standing in the living room, and said with a smile:"What are you guys talking about? Are you interested in chatting with me? Chat?".

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