Late at night, at the Mong Kok Typhoon Shelter, a small boat slowly docked at the pier.

Minna, Zhang Ziwei and a man missing his right hand stood on the shore, as if waiting for some big shot to arrive.

Soon, an old man with medium-long gray hair, a beard, a crisp suit, and a cigar in his mouth walked out of the cabin and came to the deck.

After seeing the old man, Mian Na and Zhang Ziwei immediately went up to him. Mian Na held the old man's hand and helped him off the boat.

"Lord Buddha."

After the old man came ashore, the man who was missing the fingers on his right hand immediately came up to him, forcing a smile on his cold face.

"Ksitigarbha, you are still here blowing the sea breeze and waiting for me, an old man, at this late hour. You are serious."

The Eight-faced Buddha looked at Ksitigarbha standing in front of him, with a smile on his face.

"Without Buddha, I would not be where I am today. In my opinion, Buddha, you are just like my elders.~"

Ksitigarbha gives you a flattery

"OK OK."

The Eight-faced Buddha smiled and nodded. Then the smile on his face suddenly faded. He turned to look at Minna and said coldly:"Mianna, how did your brother Shali die?"

"Father, the night before yesterday, we……"

Minna told the Eight-faced Buddha in detail what happened after killing Duan Kun.

"Lord Buddha, I think this matter is closely related to Ma Zhihua. Only Ma Zhihua and Ji Zang knew about the place where we killed Duan Kun. As a result, the Hong Kong Island police did not know about it either. The force that kidnapped us also knew about this.……"

After Minna finished speaking, Zhang Ziwei immediately spoke and gave Ma Zhihua eye drops, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by the Eight-faced Buddha:"Okay, stop talking, get the 2 billion Hong Kong dollars back first. Let’s talk about other things."

Hearing the words of the Eight-faced Buddha, Mian Na’s face showed a hint of embarrassment:"Father, Ma Zhihua was arrested by the Hong Kong Island police for hiring a murderer this afternoon. The 2 billion Hong Kong dollars, it is estimated that Ma Zhihua cannot hand it over for the time being."

The expression on the Eight-faced Buddha's face froze, and he said slowly:"Ma Zhihua was arrested by the Hong Kong Island Police?"

"Yes, father."

Mian Na nodded and responded.


The Eight-faced Buddha took off the cigar from his mouth, took a deep breath, looked at Ksitigarbha, and said slowly:"Ksitigarbha, can you do me a favor?

Da da da da da~

At this time, several cars drove out of the darkness. Before the cars could stop, the people sitting in the cars had already taken out their submachine guns and pointed them at the dozen or so soldiers brought by Ksitigarbha. Crazy shooting.

Caught off guard, most of the Ksitigarbha gang were killed before they could even react. The rest were also suppressed by firepower and could only hide behind the car, with no room to fight back.


Seeing this scene, the Eight-faced Buddha did not hesitate for a moment. He directly took Minna's hand and was about to return to the boat.

At this moment, a rocket blast directly hit the small boat parked on the sea. Exploded.



A bullet accurately passed through the chest of the Eight-faced Buddha, blasting a wound as big as a bowl, killing the Eight-faced Buddha on the spot.

This drug lord who once dominated Southeast Asia for decades was dreaming I never imagined that I would die in this way in a small typhoon shelter on Hong Kong Island.


Looking at the eight-faced Buddha lying in a pool of blood, Mian Na cried bitterly.

However, bang~ another bullet went directly through Mian Na's head. In just an instant, she fell on her father's body. beside

"There are snipers!"

Ksitigarbha roared angrily, and then he tried to find a bunker to hide.


Unfortunately, the person who sniped him was Thor, a quasi-Olympic champion, the sharpshooter among sharpshooters.


A big drug addict who has been active in Hong Kong Island for nearly ten years. Owl Ksitigarbha suddenly fell to the ground.

Looking at the eight-faced Buddha, Mian Na, and Ksitigarbha who were killed one after another in just ten seconds, Zhang Ziwei froze on the spot. He had thought that one day the Eight-faced Buddha would die. How would he feel when he was in front of him? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Joy, excitement, relief?

But when this day came, Zhang Ziwei found that except for relief, he had no There was no feeling, no joy, no excitement. Even when he glanced at Mian Na's body, he still had a trace of unexplainable sadness.


A bullet passed through Zhang Ziwei's chest. His sadness , so far... mouth blast~ mouth blast~

Li Xiangdong and Guo Xuejun directly carried rocket launchers and aimed at the two cars where the Tibetan horsemen were hiding. Each fired an RPG, and the huge power directly hit these two cars. The two cars flew up.

Bang bang bang...

According to the standard of one shot in the heart and one shot in the head, everyone present was shot twice to ensure that they could not die again. Thor, Li Xiangdong, Guo Xuejun, Gao Fei , Xiaozhuang and others took the body of the Eight-faced Buddha and drove away in three cars.

Please wait for flowers.

When the officers from the Mong Kok Police Station arrived, in addition to more than a dozen corpses and what looked like a world war, Nothing was found outside the scene.

On the other side, Li Xiangdong dialed Shen Qiu’s number after leaving the Mong Kok Typhoon Shelter.

"Brother Qiu, the matter has been finished."

After the call was connected, Li Xiangdong said

"okay, I get it."

At this time, Shen Qiu was standing behind Ma Zhihua, monitoring the conversation between Ma Zhihua and the lawyer. At this moment, Ma Zhihua no longer had the high spirits of before. He was just like the rich man who had just learned that he was bankrupt. From beginning to end, his whole person exuded Two words: decadence[]

Although the lawyer's words were very cryptic, Shen Qiu, who was in charge of all this, heard clearly that in this round, Li Xiaowen admitted it, and Ma Zhihua and Chen Minhong were the scapegoats.

"Wuzai, I'm going to make a phone call. You can keep an eye on me here."

After hanging up the phone from Li Xiangdong, Shen Qiu turned to Wu Zai beside him and said.

Now that the dust has settled and the Eight-faced Buddha is dead, what Shen Qiu has to do is to get the 2 billion Hong Kong dollars from the Eight-faced Buddha.

After walking out of the interrogation room, Shen Qiu dialed Tian Yangsheng's number.

"Ah Sheng, you can take action now."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said slowly.

After saying that, Shen Qiu hung up the phone.

After accepting her fate, Chen Minhong told Shen Qiu everything she knew about Ma Zhihua, including that many things about Ma Zhihua were caused by His secretary Lu Guohua was responsible for collecting the black money and where it was stored.

Also, Fei Guoxiong was responsible for Ma Zhihua’s operations in the stock market, so the black money that was to be invested in the stock market was also managed by Fei Guoxiong. Guoxiong came to manage.

Taking advantage of Lu Guohua and Fei Guoxiong was equivalent to taking advantage of the black money in Ma Zhihua's hands.

Shen Qiu has not forgotten that to complete the task of ill-gotten gains, in addition to killing the Eight-faced Buddha, he must also rob the Eight-faced Buddha. 2 billion Hong Kong dollars for the face of Buddha

"After taking 2 billion Hong Kong dollars from a Southeast Asian drug lord, the Southeast Asian drug lord led his men to snatch the money back and then killed two people to vent his anger. It should be reasonable, right?"

After hanging up the phone, Shen Qiu walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the brightly lit night view of Central not far away, and whispered to himself...

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