Hong Kong Island, Central and Western District, top floor of a 29-storey apartment building.

Fei Guoxiong, the financial director of Huaye Group, lives here

"Why! Fei

Guoxiong, who had been tossing and turning in bed for more than an hour without falling asleep, turned his head and glanced at his girlfriend from Hong Kong, who was already asleep and more than 20 years younger than him. He sighed deeply, then got up and walked to the wine cabinet. , after pouring himself a glass of red wine, he walked to the floor-to-ceiling window again, looking at the brightly lit night scene of the Central and Western District, but his face was extremely gloomy.

He had already received the 2 billion Hong Kong dollars and 60 million US dollars in cash that Ma Zhihua gave him, and was ready to Invest in the stock market from tomorrow to support the share price of Huaye Group and withstand this wave of public opinion storm against Ma Zhihua.

Fei Guoxiong is confident that after the public opinion storm against Ma Zhihua passes, their landlords will fight with the big boss behind Ma Zhihua Working together to cover the market, the share price of Huaye Group can be raised to 15 Hong Kong dollars or even more than 20 Hong Kong dollars. At that time, even if Guo Jinfeng sold himself, he would not be able to fill the mouths of those banks and big investors.

Unfortunately, as theZhihua was arrested on the spot by the police in front of dozens of media outlets on Hong Kong Island. The"373" plan encountered unprecedented difficulties.

"Guo Jinfeng and Judy Tang, you are really good at it. Whatever you earned this time, I will let you spit it out with profits in the future! Fei

Guoxiong whispered to himself.

In his opinion, the series of things against Ma Zhihua this time were all caused by Guo Jinfeng and Judy Tang, and the purpose was to cooperate with their short selling of Huaye Group. The current situation is, As long as Ma Zhihua does not come out of the police station for a day and Fei Guoxiong throws all his money into it, the most he can do is maintain the current stock price of Huaye Group.

And more than 2 hours ago, Fei Guoxiong received a call from his boss, the landlord After receiving Huang Shitong's call, Huang Shiming told him not to worry about Huaye Group anymore, and even to dispose of the Huaye Group stocks held by the Landlords Association as soon as possible.

Fei Guoxiong knew what this meant. Their Landlords Association was actually in this stock market. Giving up in the game!

Huang Shitong’s words had a huge impact on Fei Guoxiong. Originally, in Fei Guoxiong’s perception, their landlords would be invincible in the stock market, but now they actually had to give up on their own initiative... At that time

, Fei Guoxiong couldn't hold back and asked Huang Shitong why, but the answer he got was, don't ask if you shouldn't ask.


Just as Fei Guoxiong was thinking wildly, a subtle sound came into his ears.

Following the direction of the sound, Fei Guoxiong walked to the living room, and then:


Fei Guoxiong saw the door of his house being pushed open, and before he could react, a black figure rushed in front of him, and then Feeling pain in his neck, Fei Guoxiong's eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.

Two hours later, the voice of the system sounded in Shen Qiu's mind, who was writing notes for Ma Zhihua.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission, killing the Eight-faced Buddha, and snatching the 2 billion Hong Kong dollars from the Eight-faced Buddha. The mission reward: you can summon Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo's team, and you are gifted with ill-gotten wealth (double the income obtained by cheating)、"

"It was detected that the host was cheating and he got 60 million U.S. dollars. He activated his talent to make ill-gotten gains. Congratulations to the host and got 120 million U.S. dollars."

Hearing this voice from the system, Shen Qiu, who was already in a good mood, felt even better. For a moment, the corner of his mouth became harder than AK, which made Sakura who was taking notes next to her a little confused. She thought: What? What makes Sir Shen so happy?

At the same time, in Victoria Harbor, a fishing boat was floating on the dark sea.

Wuwuwu~ wuwuwu~

Fei Guoxiong and Lu Guohua, who were told to keep their mouths sealed, watched helplessly He watched Tian Yangsheng, Tian Yangyi and others put themselves into the iron bucket, and at the same time returned the cement poured into the iron bucket. Being deeply trapped in the cement brought greater physical pain to Fei Guoxiong and Lu Guohua. Pressure and psychological pressure, the eyes of the two people looking at Tian Yangsheng, Tian Yangyi and others were full of pleading, and their mouths were moving crazily, wanting to beg for mercy. The

Eight-faced Buddha in the third iron bucket was much more honest, after all. The man was already hard.

Tian Yangsheng very professionally sealed the three iron barrels with iron nails, and then kicked the three iron barrels one by one into the dark sea water.

Gudong~gudong~gudong~ three times Soon after the sound, the ripples on the sea disappeared, and Victoria Harbor once again returned to calm.

The next morning, two major pieces of news spread throughout Hong Kong Island. In the first piece of news, Ma Zhihua admitted to the police’s accusation against him and told the truth. He committed crimes such as money laundering, intimidation, fraud, and hiring murderers; the second news is that the Southeast Asian drug lord Ba Mianfu led people to Hong Kong Island and kidnapped Huaye Group’s financial director Fei Guoxiong and chairman’s secretary Lu Guohua. According to It is said that the Eight-faced Buddha put 2 billion in the Huaye Group and asked Ma Zhihua to help him clean it up. After seeing what happened to Ma Zhihua, the Eight-faced Buddha immediately led people to Hong Kong Island to kidnap Fei Guoxiong and Lu Guohua. The purpose was to kidnap Fei Guoxiong and Lu Guohua. Get back your 2 billion Hong Kong dollars.

After these two news came out, the share price of Huaye Group fell. After falling for a full week, it fell from 6.7 cents per share to 4.00 cents per share.

This At that time, the Hong Kong Financial Supervisory Authority stepped forward and announced that it had received Huaye Group’s bankruptcy application and would initiate the delisting process of Huaye Group. Huaye

Group, which once had a market value of HK$15.6 billion, disappeared in less than 10 days , no longer exists……

"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission, using the most secretive way to get rid of Ma Zhihua, plundering his property, and getting rewards: summoning the character Zhang Hua, the wise bandit, and the gifted spider nerve."

"Spider Nerve: Greatly enhances the host's sensing ability and sixth sense, and enhances the host's ability to predict danger."

Watching the news on TV, the system voice rang in Shen Qiu's mind.

Then, Shen Qiu felt that his brain suddenly became clear, and then, his thoughts seemed to be emanating from his brain. Jimmy He can clearly feel the slightest movement outside. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Sir Shen, Ma Zhihua was a man of great influence at the beginning, but he didn't expect to fall so quickly."

Yang Zai saw Shen Qiu standing on the TV in a daze and said with a smile.

Yang Zai's words awakened Shen Qiu from the system reward. He turned to look at Yang Zai and said with a smile:"So many people say that Hong Kong Island It is a place of turmoil, the Tomb of Heroes, where rich people are born every day, and rich people fall every day."

After finishing Ma Zhihua's case, Shen Qiu returned to Yau Tsim Police Station and continued to be the leader of his anti-gang team. However, everyone in the entire Yau Tsim Police Station knew that the only difference between Shen Qiu now was his qualifications. As soon as you arrive, you will be promoted immediately.

That afternoon, Stanley Prison, Visiting Room

"Ao, the court will hear your lawsuit tomorrow. You should have received the notice, right?"

Shen Qiu looked at Qiu Gang'ao sitting in front of him and said with a smile.

"Received, Brother Qiu, I won’t say thank you anymore. From now on……"

When Qiu Gangao said this, he hammered his chest

"After your lawsuit is over, I will let the lawyer continue to sue the police force and strive to get you to return to the police force. When the time comes, I will arrange for you to work under me. What do you think?"

Shen Qiu continued to ask with a smile.

"Brother Qiu, we will only be angry if you don't arrange for us to work under you."

Qiu Gangao immediately replied

"Okay, then you guys have a good rest tonight and go to court tomorrow."

After Shen Qiu said this, he stood up and left.[]

"Brother Qiu, there is one more thing."

At this moment, Qiu Gangao said hesitantly


Shen Qiu sat back on the chair and looked at Qiu Gangao

"Well, Brother Qiu, the young master heard that you helped several of us appeal, and he asked me to give you a message, can you……"2.4

Speaking of this, Qiu Gangao felt a little embarrassed to continue talking.

Hearing Qiu Gangao's words, Shen Qiu was not surprised at all. Young Master Zhao Zhiqiang, a pure pig teammate, can be said to be more reliable than him in both intention and profit. For such a person, Qiu Gangao is always with him. He worked together until he was finally sure that this guy had leaked the news, and then he took action to kill him.

"Zhao Zhiqiang's situation is different from yours, so I'll try my best."

After Shen Qiu pondered for a moment, he slowly said

"Thank you, Brother Qiu."

Qiu Gangao immediately thanked Shen Qiu

"It's okay. From now on, everyone is on their own, so there's no need to be so polite. Let's go."

After Shen Qiu said this with a smile, he stood up and left.

Ten minutes later, outside Stanley Prison.

Shen Qiu got into the car, took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhang Shihao's number.

"Ah Hao, find someone to arrange a serious criminal in Stanley Prison, give him 500,000 Hong Kong dollars, and ask him to kill a prisoner named Zhao Zhiqiang."

For scammers like Zhao Zhiqiang, Shen Qiu has three words: zero tolerance.

You Zhao Zhiqiang also want to get out of Stanley Prison, right? Just lie down and leave!"

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