After meeting Shen Qiu, Liu Jianming lived a very painful life every day.

Although the person from the mysterious force promised on the phone that he would help Liu Jianming get rid of Yang Jinrong, Liu Jianming was still extremely uneasy. Every time he closed his eyes at night, he seemed to see Yang Jinrong leading someone to arrest him, and then he would be arrested. Wake up with a start.

After being tortured like this for two days, Liu Jianming felt that he was already a little overwhelmed. until this morning

"Husband, come on to work!"

After receiving a kiss and a word of encouragement from his wife Mary, Liu Jianming, who looked listless, pressed the elevator button.

Ding dong ~

The moment the elevator door opened, a man wearing a hood and a mask came out of the elevator. He walked out and handed a paper box to Liu Jianming's arms. Before Liu Jianming could react, the man quickly went downstairs.

Liu Jianming looked at the Sir Liu written on the box and opened it. It can let you sleep. After hearing these words, Liu Jianming opened the box with a suspicious look on his face.

After seeing the Walkman in the box, Liu Jianming seemed to think of the scene when he was first threatened by that mysterious force, and frowned slightly, but he He picked up the headphones, put them in his ears, and pressed the play button to listen at any time.

After hearing the first sentence, Liu Jianming's expression suddenly changed.

A few minutes later, Liu Jianming slowly took off the headphones. Next, I took out my mobile phone and was about to dial the next number.

Ring ring ring ~ a ringtone rang.

"Sir Liu, the recording you just listened to was wonderful, wasn’t it?"

As soon as Liu Jianming pressed the answer button, a very familiar voice came from the receiver.

"what do you want to do?"

Liu Jianming asked with a frown.

The recording he just heard was a recording of Han Chen talking to another of his moles. The mole's name was Zhao Junfeng.

"Zhao Junfeng, Inspector of the Communications Division of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, Sir Liu, take this recording in your hand to Zhao Junfeng and tell him to make an appointment with Yang Jinrong at the entrance of the Garden Road Zoo in Central."

"After Yang Jinrong gets there, our people will kill him. At that time, Sir Liu, the stone in your heart will fall away."

On the other end of the phone, Tian Yangsheng said calmly.

Listening to Tian Yangsheng's words, Liu Jianming's frown deepened:"Yang Jinrong is the chief inspector of the Political Department. If he dies, the police will definitely investigate to the end. Zhao Junfeng will not be able to escape. Then Aren't I going to be exposed in the same way?"

"Sir Liu, if you want us to help, you have to pay something, right? Just like every time we get information from you, we will also pay you, right?"

Tian Yangsheng said slowly


Hearing Tian Yangsheng's words, Liu Jianming didn't know how to answer for a moment. After almost half a minute, he said:"Okay, I understand what you mean."

"Sir Liu, you are very important to us. We will not give up on you unless we have to. Don’t worry, we have arranged for Zhao Junfeng. As soon as the matter is done, he will leave Hong Kong Island immediately. How about it? not worried?"

Tian Yangsheng's cold tone, coupled with the lines prepared by Shen Qiu for him, had an indescribable sense of violation, but it made Liu Jianming's hair stand on end.

Only at this moment did he realize that he was being played by that mysterious force. Damn it, although Zhao Junfeng has left Hong Kong Island, he is still under the control of that force. As long as he is disobedient, he is not only Han Chen's mole, but also the murderer behind the murder of a chief inspector of the police force.

"OK, I will do what you ask."

Liu Jianming felt that he had used all his strength to say this. He slowly put down the phone, took a dozen deep breaths, and then pressed the elevator button again. He took the elevator down to the first floor and sat on it. After the car, Liu Jianming drove straight towards the police headquarters building.

In the morning, 8:40.

Political Department of West Kowloon Headquarters, Yang Jinrong's office.

Ring ring ring ~

On Yang Jinrong's desk, a phone rang.

"Which one?"

Yang Jinrong picked up the phone receiver and asked

"Is it Chief Inspector Yang Jinrong?"

In the receiver, a man's voice that was very unfamiliar to Yang Jinrong came out.

"I am Yang Jinrong, who are you? Yang

Jinrong said lightly.

"Sir Yang, this is Chief Zhao Junfeng of the Communications Division. I have some information about Han Chen’s faction in the police force. I want to hand it over to you in person."

Zhao Junfeng's voice was a little urgent.

After hearing Zhao Junfeng's words, Yang Jinrong's expression suddenly changed and he immediately said:"Sir Zhao, I am very curious, why do you have this information?"

As for why Zhao Junfeng knew that he was investigating Han Chen, Yang Jinrong was not surprised at all. Now almost half of the police force knew that he, Yang Jinrong, was investigating the mole in the police force.

"Because I am Han Chen’s undercover agent in the police force. Now Han Chen’s partner in Thailand has come to Hong Kong Island and wants to open up new markets. I don’t know why, but the audio recording of my previous conversation with Han Chen was brought to his hands. Now he has found me, threatened me, and asked me to cooperate with him and continue to be a mole."

"Sir Yang, being a mole is too painful. I don’t want to go through it again. I want to be a tainted witness. I hope you can give me a chance."

Yang Jinrong could hear that Zhao Junfeng was sincere when he said he didn't want to be a mole. He said slowly:"Sir Zhao, I welcome you as a tainted witness, but I need you to produce key evidence. Only in this way can I help you appeal to the top brass of the police force and the court."

"Sir Yang, at 9:30 in the morning, the Thai man asked me to meet at the gate of Garden Road Zoo. You can take the opportunity to arrest him, but that guy is very alert. If there is any disturbance, he will change the place and the date. You'd better Be careful and don't let him notice anything unusual."

Zhao Junfeng said slowly

"okay, I get it."

Yang Jinrong nodded and said slowly.

On the other side.

While Yang Jinrong was on the phone with Zhao Junfeng, Zhang Wenyao also received a call

"Sir Zhang, at 9:30 this morning, Chief Inspector Yang Jinrong of the Political Department of the West Kowloon Headquarters was beaten to death by a few gangsters in the street at the gate of the Garden Road Zoo. I hope that after the incident, you can lead the entire Hong Kong Island Region to be on alert. The PTU.EU Flying Tigers captured these big gangsters."

Tian Yangsheng's voice came from the receiver.

"What, you are going to kill a chief inspector of the Political Department this time?"

Zhang Wenyao immediately found the bright spot in Tian Yangsheng's words.

"The point is not that we want to kill a chief inspector, but that you lead the PTU in Chapter 837 sir.EU.The Flying Tigers successfully killed these big gangsters in just one hour, making another great contribution. With this achievement in hand, your chances of being promoted to Senior Superintendent must be even greater."

Tian Yangsheng said calmly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"okay, I get it."

After hearing what Tian Yangsheng said, Zhang Wenyao nodded and said slowly.

At the same time, in an abandoned factory near Pok Fu Lam Road in Wan Chai.

A cash transport truck was parked here, and several men were escorting it. while other men threw several bodies into the bed of a truck.

"Big bosses, you promised me that as long as I cooperate with you, you will let my wife and children go."

The driver of the cash transport truck looked at the men in front of him who had put on the work clothes of his deceased colleagues, and begged repeatedly.

"Don't worry, as long as you are obedient, you can not only see your wife and children, but also take your wife and children to live abroad with 1 million Hong Kong dollars."

The speaker is a man with a middle-parted hairstyle, a resolute face, and wise eyes. He is the wise bandit Zhang Hua summoned by Shen Qiuxin.

"Okay, okay, I promise you!"

The driver of the cash transport truck said quickly.

"Let's go. If you're late, you won't be able to make it to the headquarters of Huo's Bank."

Zhang Hua said lightly.

Beat Yang Jinrong to death in the street, and kill the PTU of the Hong Kong Island Region..EU.Lure away all the mobile units like the Flying Tigers, then calmly rob the vault at the headquarters of Huo Bank in front of Huo Zhaotang. This is Shen Qiu's big plan!.

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