While Ah Hua and others were taking down the cash transport truck, inside the flat floor of a mansion facing the sea in Repulse Bay,

"Gentlemen, how much money do you want, please tell me directly. There is more than 3 million in cash in the safe in my room. You can take it to drink tea or do whatever you want, as long as you don't hurt me."

Huo Zhaotang, chairman of Huo's Bank, knelt on the ground, looking at the four men wearing black hoods in front of him, begging for mercy.

Huo Zhaotang never dreamed that he would be fighting with the Hong Kong sister all night, and when he woke up, he saw What stood out was not the Hong Kong sister’s beautiful face and proud figure, but four people wearing masks with murderous odors all over their bodies.

Seeing this scene, Huo Zhaotang was so frightened that he softened up and even took the health medicines that were valid for 36 hours. All have lost their efficacy

"wear clothes"


Huo Zhaotang was stunned for a moment, and then he was kicked to the ground.

"I'll wear it, I'll wear it right away."

After Huo Zhaotang put on his clothes tremblingly, he was knocked unconscious by the butt of a gun. Then, Qiu Gang'ao and Luo Jianhua directly stuffed Huo Zhaotang into a large suitcase, wearing a hood, openly. After leaving Fok Zhaotang's mansion.

On the other side, near the gate of the Garden Road Zoo, a black car parked quietly by the road.

Yang Jinrong, who was sitting in the driver's seat, had a cigarette in his mouth, and the smoke he exhaled covered his face. Completely enveloped, giving him a layer of natural protective color.

Soon, a man wearing a green suit top and black suit shorts attracted Yang Jinrong's attention. This unconventional dress was exactly what Zhao Junfeng had made an appointment with. Good logo.

In Yang Jinrong's field of vision, Zhao Junfeng looked around and walked to the entrance of the zoo. After a while, a man with dark skin and who looked like he was not a native of Hong Kong walked up to Zhao Junfeng and started talking to Zhao Junfeng. Talk.

Yang Jinrong picked up the walkie-talkie next to him and said:"At the entrance of the zoo, the man in the green suit and the man talking to him, take action immediately!"

As an excellent police officer, Yang Jinrong never completely trusts anyone. This time he brought an action team affiliated to the Political Department with the purpose of capturing Zhao Junfeng and the Thai man.

But Yang Jinrong did not find out. , when he was observing Zhao Junfeng, someone was also observing him

"Kill the man in the black car in front, and the 5 million Hong Kong dollars will be yours."

In a shop on the roadside, the judge pointed to the car Yang Jinrong was riding in and said to the big circle boys beside him.

After the judge's words fell, these big circle boys didn't hesitate for a moment, got up and left the shop, and walked quickly Walked to the car where Yang Jinrong was riding


The vigilant Yang Jinrong reacted immediately after these big circle boys came to his car. However, bang bang bang bang~

These big circle boys were obviously very professional and did not give Yang Jinrong any time to react. Kill the chief inspector of the Political Department.


The sudden gunfire immediately caused panic among pedestrians and vehicle drivers on the Garden Road. It also made the Political Department action team who arrested Zhao Junfeng slightly stunned. When they saw that the person who was shot was Yang Jinrong. After getting into the car, these people didn't know for a moment whether they should chase the gunmen who shot Yang Jinrong or continue to arrest Zhao Junfeng.

While they were stunned, Zhao Junfeng immediately ran towards a van parked not far away and drove away.

Upon seeing this, the members of the Political Department Action Team could only change their arrest targets to the men who shot Yang Jinrong.

On the other side, Hong Kong Island Region

"What, a shooting occurred on Garden Road, and Chief Inspector Yang Jinrong of the Political Department was shot dead?"

Zhang Wenyao looked at the time on his watch with a look of shock. What shocked him was not that Yang Jinrong was killed, but that the place and time of Yang Jinrong's death were almost the same as the place and time that the mysterious organization told him. Really

? What's more, the King of Hell wants you to die at the third watch, and he doesn't dare to let you die after the fifth watch. Thinking of this, Zhang Wenyao had a creepy feeling.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wenyao immediately shouted:"Shooting the chief inspector of our police force in the street is a violation of The provocation of the entire Hong Kong Island Police Force immediately requested the PTU.EU.SDU (With the support of the Flying Tigers (Flying Tigers), even if we search the entire Hong Kong Island area today, we still have to catch these daring guys!"

In Hong Kong Island Region PTU、EU、When SDU City was arresting the gangster gunmen, a cash transport truck took away cash from seven bank websites according to the established route, and finally drove to the headquarters of Huo's Bank in the Wan Chai area.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, Ah Hua, Tian Yangsheng, Tian Yangyi and others, disguised as escorts, carried the iron boxes containing money and walked to the gate of Huo's Bank's vault on time.

"Lao He, why do all the people you escort today have unfamiliar faces?"

The security guard at Huo's Bank's vault who was responsible for handing over the cash asked the driver of the cash transport truck with a smile.

"Well, the schedule has changed."

The driver of the cash transport truck didn't dare to talk nonsense, so he could only say something random to get over it. However, the security officer didn't take it seriously. After all, it is normal for a security company to change shifts.

Soon, all the banknotes were handed over. The security guard turned around and walked to the vault door of Huo's Bank, entered a series of passwords, then turned to look at Ah Hua and others, and said with a smile:"It's your turn."

The passwords for the vault doors of these banks in Hong Kong are jointly kept by security companies and banks. One party only holds half of the passwords. Both parties must enter the passwords for each handover, and after each handover, the passwords will be changed to ensure It’s foolproof.

Ah Hua nodded, then walked to the treasury door and entered the second half of the password.

Bang ~ the treasury door opened in response. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

".Thank you for your hard work."

The security personnel of Huo's Bank said to Ah Hua and others with a smile.

"Well, you have worked hard too."

Ahua nodded slightly, and then in the astonished eyes of the security personnel, he pulled out the pistol from his waist.

Bang bang bang bang...

After a series of violent gunshots, the six Huo's Bank security personnel in the vault All were shot dead.

At the same time, a car also drove into the underground parking lot of the Huo's Bank headquarters building.

"Boss Huo, take us to the vault of your Huo's Bank. Don't play any tricks. Otherwise, you know the consequences."

Qiu Gangao put a pistol into the mouth of Huo Zhaotang, who was already awake, and said lightly.


Huo Zhaotang nodded repeatedly, indicating that he knew everything and that he loved money, but at this moment, he cherished his life even more Soon , under the guidance of Huo Zhaotang, Qiu Gangao and others arrived at the treasury on the 12th floor.

After reaching the door of the treasury, Huo Zhaotang was shocked to find that all the security personnel he hired had been shot dead, and the door of the treasury had also been opened. opened by someone

"Let's go! Boss Huo (Mo Qian Zhao)!"

Qiu Gangao pushed Huo Zhaotang into the vault, and then Huo Zhaotang saw Ah Hua and others carrying banknotes.

"Open the door, Boss Huo!"

In the vault, in addition to cash worth billions placed on shelves, there are also special cabinets used to store valuables, and the secret rooms where these cabinets are stored require the boss Huo Zhaotang to open them.

"I have no idea……"

Before Huo Zhaotang finished speaking, a gun was pressed against his head. In desperation, he could only open the secret room where the counter was located, and then he immediately said:"Boss, you have great powers. The money and money in this are You can take as much stuff as you want, as long as you spare my life."

At this moment, even if Huo Zhaotang was unwilling to give in and his heart was bleeding fiercely, he could only accept his fate. Now he only asked these gangsters to spare one's life

"Boss Huo, don't worry, you are still useful to us, but I am not willing to kill you now."

Qiu Gangao thought of the plan Shen Qiu told him, and a smile appeared on his face that made Huo Zhaotang shudder.

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