While Qiu Gangao, Ahua and others were moving money at Huo's Bank, they were in a kindergarten in Kowloon City.

Kindergarten teacher Lan Keying was preparing lunch boxes for the children in her class. At this time, one of her colleagues walked up to her and said:"Teacher Keying, there is a police officer looking for you outside, saying that he is your husband's colleague."

"My husband’s colleague? Teacher Wang, please help me prepare my lunch box. I will be back in a moment."

After hearing what her colleague said, Lan Keying's face tightened. Her husband is Senior Inspector Zhang Chongbang of the Crime Unit of Kowloon East Region. He often returns home injured. Lan Keying has persuaded him many times to stop working so hard. , Xi Chongbang never listened.

After hearing his colleague say that Zhang Chongbang’s colleagues in the police force were looking for her, Lan Keying’s heart immediately lifted.

A few minutes later

"Hello, my name is Lan Keying. Are you my husband’s colleague?"

Lan Keying looked at the man standing in front of her with a haggard face and gray hair on his temples, and asked cautiously.

"Miss Lan, my name is Szeto Kit, and I am the Director of Operations, Kowloon East Region. This is my ID."

Situ Jie said as he handed his former police officer ID to Lan Keying.

"Director Situ, is he my husband?……"

At this moment, Lan Keying felt like her heart was going to pop out.

"Miss Lan, please come with me. You will know later."

Situ Jie did not solve Lan Keying's doubts, but pointed to a car parked not far away and said to Lan Keying. Lan Keying, who had lost her mind, subconsciously got into the car with 030 Situ Jie car.

However, just after the car door closed, Lan Keying heard Situ Jie say to herself:"Miss Lan, I'm sorry, I was forced to do it."


Before Lan Keying could recover, her mouth and nose were covered with a towel. Half a minute later, she passed out.

"I've got it for you, can you defuse the bomb on me?"

After seeing Lan Keying fainted, Situ Jie immediately opened his suit jacket, revealing a bomb tied to his waist, and shouted loudly to the man who stunned Lan Keying.

"Don't worry, Director Situ, when you finish what you need to do, we will naturally help you defuse the bomb, and we will also give you 2 million Hong Kong dollars in cash."

The man who spoke, with a slightly feminine tone, was the judge. After saying this, he continued:"Let's go, Director Situ, to Tsim Sha Tsui."


Situ Jie sighed deeply, but finally started the car helplessly and drove towards Tsim Sha Tsui.

2 hours later, there was an unfinished building in Tsim Sha Tsui.

On the fourth floor of this building, There are three sealed iron cages placed in three directions. These three iron cages are obviously carefully built. Not only do they have small holes for ventilation, but because these small holes are small enough, people outside cannot see clearly. There is something in the cage.

In addition, these iron cages are firmly fixed to the ground by dozens of expansion screws. The most critical thing is that these three iron cages have no locks. To open them, you can only remove the three screws that fix them. More than a dozen expansion screws must be removed before it can be opened (bcah).

Tian Yangsheng, Tian Yangyi and others stood at 4, watching a Qi Jingsheng arrange the fuses of the bomb.

These fuses connected the three iron boxes, and finally in The three iron cages gathered in the center.

Qi Jingsheng used his nimble fingers to arrange a timing device, then raised his head and said to Tian Yangsheng:"Okay, you can inform Brother Qiu."

After hearing Qi Jingsheng's words, Tian Yangsheng picked up the phone and dialed Shen Qiu's number.

"Brother Qiu, we are ready here."

After the call was connected, Tian Yangsheng said

"okay, I get it. A smile appeared on Shen

Qiu's face. Then he hung up the phone and dialed Zhang Hua's number:"Ahua, you can start taking action.""

At the same time.

Crime Unit of East Kowloon Headquarters

"Abang, I heard that Ao and the others were found not guilty a few days ago and have been released from prison."

Superintendent Yao Ruocheng of the Serious Crime Unit looked at Zhang Chongbang standing in front of him and said.

"I've heard about it too, but you also know the situation between Ao and the others and I'm embarrassed to see them."

Zhang Chongbang showed a wry smile on his face.

"We are all men. If the worst is possible, just admit your mistake and let them beat you up. We were all brothers before, so there is no need to stay apart forever. Yao

Ruocheng advised

"Sir Yao, I am indeed sorry for Ao, but I am not wrong. Ao and the others killed someone, but they should not have done so. I can apologize to Ao, but I will not admit my mistake."

After hearing what Yao Ruocheng said, Zhang Chongbang showed a righteous expression on his face, looked at Yao Ruocheng and said

"You are just stubborn and don't know how to adapt, otherwise you would have been promoted to chief inspector long ago."

Yao Ruocheng obviously knew Zhang Chongbang's temper. He did not persuade him anymore, but showed a helpless smile.

"Sir Yao, it doesn't matter whether I get promoted or not. I'm a policeman, as long as I can catch thieves."

Ring ring ring~

Just at this moment, the cell phone in Zhang Chongbang's pocket rang.

"Which one?"

Zhang Chongbang took out his mobile phone, pressed the answer button, and asked

"Sir Zhang, call your wife’s kindergarten and ask if your wife is still there. Don’t let others know."

"who are you, you……"


After hearing this sentence, Zhang Chongbang immediately spoke, but the answer to him was just a busy tone.

Without a moment's hesitation, Zhang Chongbang directly dialed his wife's mobile phone number, but could not get through.

"Abang, what's wrong?"

Yao Ruocheng saw Zhang Chongbang's appearance and immediately asked

"No...it's okay, my wife's kindergarten phone number, I'm going out."

Zhang Chongbang remembered what the man said just now and did not tell Yao Ruocheng about it. He found a reason and left Yao Ruocheng's office.

Then, Zhang Chongbang immediately dialed the number of Lan Keying Kindergarten, and the answer he got was that Lan Keying was with The police force left.

Ring, ring, ring~

Just when Zhang Chongbang was confused, his cell phone rang again.

"Sir Zhang, did you call?"

It's still the same man's voice

"You can do whatever you want, but don't hurt my wife!"

Zhang Chongbang immediately shouted in a low voice

"Don't worry, Sir Zhang. I understand the rules. It won't harm your wife and children. Now go to Tsim Sha Tsui West Kowloon Avenue. There is an unfinished hotel there. Your wife is there. Don't hang up. When you get there, I will teach you how to do it. save your wife"

"Okay, okay, I'll go right away."

Zhang Chongbang didn't care about anything else, and immediately ran out of the East Kowloon headquarters, got into his car, and drove quickly towards Tsim Sha Tsui.

Half an hour later, at the entrance of the unfinished hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui

"I've arrived, where is my wife?"

Zhang Chongbang shouted loudly while holding his mobile phone.

"Don't worry, there is still plenty of time. Sir Zhang, your wife is on the fourth floor."

At the same time, Yau Tsim Police Station, Commissioner's Office. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


There was a rapid knock on the door.

"Come in."

Chen Zhijie said lightly. After seeing his confidant Shen Qiu pushing through the door, Chen Zhijie immediately showed a smile on his face.

"Sir Chen, it's urgent. I have an informant who just spoke to me on the phone. He saw Fok Zhaotang, the chairman of Huo's Bank who was kidnapped 2 hours ago, being taken into the Haiyun Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui, which is the building on West Kowloon Avenue. There are no finished hotels."

Shen Qiu said this very quickly without being polite to Chen Zhijie.

"Ah Qiu, is your news reliable?"

The smile on Chen Zhijie's face suddenly faded, and he immediately asked.

This morning, two major cases broke out in Hong Kong Island. First, Chief Inspector Yang Jinrong of the Political Department was shot dead, and then the vault of Huo's Bank was robbed. Chairman Fok Siu-tang was kidnapped.

Although these two cases on Hong Kong Island had little impact on Kowloon across the Victoria Strait, Chen Zhijie knew very well that if the Yau Tsim Police Station could rescue Fok Siu-tang, the kidnapping case and even the treasury robbery case could be solved. , what does that mean to myself and to Yau Tsim Police Station?

"Absolutely reliable. Shen

Qiu immediately nodded and replied.

"Okay, Ah Qiu, you got this news. You will lead the team to rescue Huo Zhaotang. I will immediately mobilize the crime team and PTU people to cooperate with you."

Chen Zhijie immediately gave the order

"yes, sir!"[]

Shen Qiu immediately responded loudly.

A few minutes later

"Ao, Ahua, Baozhu, Aquan, let’s take a look at what your old colleague, Zhang Chongbang, calls justice. Is it really as righteous as he says, or is it simply worthless? carry! Shen

Qiu, who was wearing a straight uniform, said with a smile to Qiu Gang'ao, Luo Jianhua, Zhu Xuming, and Mo Yiquan.

In order to create an alibi, after leaving the headquarters of Huo's Bank, Qiu Gang'ao and the other four came to Youjian. The police station, in the name of visiting old classmates, has been staying with Shen Qiu.

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Qiu Gangao and others showed a smile on their faces. Obviously, they and Shen Qiu wanted to The same.

Soon, Shen Qiu led O Ji and the people from the crime team towards West Kowloon Avenue, and Qiu Gangao and others were also taken with him by Shen Qiu on the pretext that they could help.

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