"Hey, I'm on the fourth floor. Where's my wife?"

In the unfinished hotel, Zhang Chongbang held his mobile phone and looked at the three iron cages placed separately in front of him, as well as several wires between the three cages, and the wooden box in the middle, and shouted loudly.

"Your wife is in front of you now."

Zhang Hua's voice came out from the receiver.


Zhang Chongbang looked at the three iron cages in front of him, and an ominous feeling emerged in his heart.

He quickly ran to one of the iron cages, looked inside, and shouted loudly:"Wife? Wife?"

He was answered by a burst of inarticulate whimpering, but Zhang Chongbang could hear it. , this was a man's voice. He tried to push the iron cage, but after finding that it couldn't be pushed at all, he immediately ran to another iron cage.


It’s still a man’s voice.

This time, Zhang Chongbang didn't hesitate for a moment, and ran directly to the third iron cage, shouting loudly:"-Wife!"

Hearing the whimpering sound coming from the iron cage, Zhang Chongbang's eyes flashed with joy, Because he heard that it was a woman's voice

"Wife, wait a moment, I will rescue you right away!"

While speaking, Zhang Chongbang tried his best to overturn the iron cage, but unfortunately, the iron cage did not move at all.

"Sir Zhang, if you see that there are no wires on the ground, I put explosives in the iron cages. The explosives are enough to kill the people in the iron cages. There are people in the three iron cages now. You can choose one to cut, and it will be cut by you. The explosives in the iron cage of the wire will not explode, but when you cut the wire, the explosives in the other two iron cages will explode immediately."

"Sir Zhang, don't think about cutting several wires at the same time, otherwise the explosives in the three cages will explode at the same time. Now you have 15 minutes to make a choice, and the countdown begins."


As Zhang Hua's voice fell, not far away, the wooden box made a sound. Zhang Chongbang immediately ran to the wooden box, opened the lid, and an electronic clock counting down appeared in front of him, and Next to the electronic clock, a pair of scissors was thoughtfully placed.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Chongbang collapsed and yelled:"I'm holding your mother in my mouth. If you want to deal with me, come directly at me. Why did you touch my wife!""


Zhang Chongbang was answered by a busy phone tone.


In anger, Zhang Chongbang kicked the cement wall next to him hard. Then he looked at the electronic clock counting down in the wooden box, his eyes full of tangles.

He wanted to save his wife, but this meant Seeing that the other two people in the iron cage were about to be blown up, this went against his principles of life and work.

Looking at the less and less time on the electronic clock, Zhang Chongbang's face became more and more ugly.


At this time , an alarm bell rang.

Zhang Chongbang walked to the edge of the floor and looked down. Several police cars and cars stopped at the entrance of the unfinished hotel. Policemen wearing PTU uniforms, EU uniforms and plainclothes policemen got out of the car and ran quickly. Entering the building.

This made Zhang Chongbang's eyes flash with joy. There are still more than 6 minutes left in the countdown. In his opinion, with so many colleagues helping, more than 6 minutes are enough to save three people, including his wife. come out

"Ring ring ring~"

At this moment, a cell phone ringtone rang.

Hearing the cell phone ringtone, Zhang Chongbang's expression suddenly changed, but he still picked up the phone and pressed the answer button:"Sir Zhang, you are very dishonest. , I'm very unhappy, don't let those policemen go to the fourth floor, otherwise I will detonate the bomb immediately, and besides, from now on, you only have 2 minutes"




Listening to the countdown in the receiver, Zhang Chongbang's face was uglier than his dead mother. Then, he saw a young man in uniform who was a senior inspector with the same rank as him had already gone up to the fourth floor. It was Shen. Autumn

"Get down, get down now!"

Zhang Chongbang roared towards Shen Qiu

"I am Senior Inspector Shen Qiu of Yau Tsim Police Station. Don't get excited. Listen to me. Fok Zhaotang, the chairman of Huo Group, is being held here. We are here to rescue him."

Shen Qiu pretended not to know Zhang Chongbang, spread his hands to show that he was not a threat, and shouted to Zhang Chongbang.

Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Zhang Chongbang's face suddenly changed. Huo's Bank was robbed in the morning, and he naturally He had also heard about it, but he never expected that the kidnapped Huo Zhaotang was actually imprisoned with his wife.


At this moment, Zhang Chongbang had big questions in his mind.

But. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels net!)


The countdown sound coming from the mobile phone made Zhang Chongbang ignore these doubts and shouted:"Sir Shen, I am Senior Inspector Zhang Chongbang of the Crime Unit of East Kowloon Region. There is a bomb here. As long as you come up, the gangsters will detonate it immediately." Bomb, get down right away"

"Sir Zhang, we……"


Seeing that Shen Qiu had no intention of going downstairs, Zhang Chongbang directly pulled out the.38 from his waist, fired a shot into the air, then pointed the gun at Shen Qiu, his expression twisted, and he shouted:"Go down!"

"Okay, ok, Sir Zhang, don’t get excited! Shen

Qiu forced himself to suppress the rising corners of his mouth, and slowly retreated to the corridor. At the same time, he shouted loudly:"Sir Zhang, I don't know what happened, but don't forget, you are a policeman!" Your job is to deliver justice!"

Please give me flowers.

" After hearing Shen Qiu's words, the expression on Zhang Chongbang's face became more distorted, more painful, and his eyes became more hesitant.




The ever-decreasing numbers are like a reminder, constantly stimulating Zhang Chongbang's nerves.

"enough! Zhang

Chongbang roared angrily, and then quickly ran to the wooden box containing the electronic clock, picked up the scissors, clicked and cut the wire connecting the iron cage where his wife was.[]

Mouth blast~

Mouth blast~

Mouth blast~

With Zhang Chongbang's cut, the explosives in the other two iron cages exploded at the same time. The originally fixed iron cage was blown away directly, and Zhang Chongbang was knocked to the ground by the airflow generated by the explosion.

However, Zhang Chongbang didn't care about anything else and ran directly to the cage where his wife was.

Hiss, hiss~

Just at this moment, a voice came out from the only iron cage that was still intact.

"Zhang Chongbang, your so-called justice turns out to be just a joke!"

Hearing this sound, Zhang Chongbang's face suddenly changed, and then... there was a loud bang, and Zhang Chongbang was blown up together with the iron cage next to him.

After a moment, Zhang Chongbang fell heavily. On the ground, when he was dying, he saw that there was no one in the iron cage that was blown up with him...

At the same time, in Shen Qiu's mind, the system voice sounded:"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: kill Situ Jie, Huo Zhaotang, received the reward: summoned character, suit thug Gao Jin;"

"Congratulations to the host: Let Zhang Chongbang be a gangster once, let him know that the justice he said is not worth mentioning, and get the reward: Talented Justice Stand"

"Innate justice substitute: (can die once) (justice cannot be killed, but false justice can be killed)"


After hearing the rewards from the system, Shen Qiu felt a little confused. He took billions of Hong Kong dollars from Huo's Bank, so why didn't he trigger his talent for ill-gotten gains? Doesn't this count?Eat black?

Although there were some doubts in his heart, on the surface, there was nothing unusual about Shen Qiu. She shouted loudly:"Call an ambulance, and ask people from the explosion department to come over for reinforcements!"

At the same time, a nervous and worried woman ran in. East Kowloon Headquarters

"I am Lan Keying, the wife of Zhang Chongbang from the serious crime team. I want to find Zhang Chongbang. Please help me contact him quickly!"

Lan Keying put her hands on the arms of the female policewoman in uniform who was responsible for the reception, and shouted anxiously...

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