Song Zijie and Chen Jiaju stayed on the island for three days before completing all the procedures and returned to Hong Kong Island with Song Zihao.

The day after Song Zihao returned to Hong Kong Island.

Yau Tsim Police Station, Task Force Office.

Shen Qiu walked into the office with two tall men wearing caps, sunglasses, masks, and three-piece confidentiality suits, including Qiu Gangao, Luo Jianhua, Zhu Xuming, and Mo Yiquan. Such a huge team It also immediately attracted the attention of Yazi, Liu Jianming and others.

"Song Zihao, Mark, please take off your masks, sunglasses, and hats."

After closing the door of the office, Shen Qiu first said to Song Zihao and Mark.

Then, Shen Qiu looked at Yazi, Song Zijie and others, and said:"Everyone, the difficulty of the case we are handling now is not Heng. Yao Cheng, the boss of Da Financial Group, or Tan Cheng, Yao Cheng's current leader, these two people, as long as our police force wants to take action, we can arrest them at any time."

Yazi, Song Zijie, Liu Jianming and others all agreed with Shen Qiu's words, and no one objected.

"The difficulty of this case is how to find the painter. In the past two days, you must have read the information about the painter sent by Interpol. This guy is very mysterious. Interpol has been investigating him for 8 years, and we still don’t know what this guy looks like. Looks like, I can only confirm that he is a man"

"Only by finding the painter can we find his money-printing electrical board and the case can be solved. Therefore, my plan is to stage a scene about the return of the Avengers on Hong Kong Island."

At this point, Shen Qiu paused for a moment, then pointed at Song Zihao and Mark and said,"Let me introduce you first. This is Mr. Song Zihao, and this is Mr. Mark. Before Tan Cheng, Song Zihao and Mark were Yao Cheng's. Left and right hands."

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Song Zihao and Song Zijie's expressions moved slightly, but they held back and did not speak.

"Two years ago, after Song Zihao had an accident in Baodao and was arrested by Baodao police, Tan Cheng quickly rose to become Yao Cheng's right-hand man."

Having said this, Shen Qiu looked at Song Zihao again and said calmly:"Song Zihao, I have studied the information about you these days, and I can conclude that you were betrayed by Yao Cheng two years ago, and that's why something happened in Baodao."

"Sir Shen, Mr. Yao……"

After hearing what Shen Qiu said, Song Zihao subconsciously wanted to refute, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Shen Qiu interrupted him forcefully:"Song Zihao, I'm not interested in explaining to you why Yao Cheng betrayed you. You don't have to believe it. It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe me. Now that I say Yao Cheng betrayed you, that means Yao Cheng betrayed you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir Shen."

Song Zihao faced Shen Qiu and could only nod.

"Since it was Yao Cheng who betrayed Song Zihao, does Song Zihao want revenge now that he has returned from Treasure Island? Do you want to seek justice for yourself? Shen

Qiu once again set his sights on Yao Zi, Song Zijie and others:"My plan is for Song Zihao and Mark to come back from Treasure Island and lead their team to sweep across Yao Cheng and Tan Cheng's territory, replace them and become painter's partner"

"For the painter, as long as he proves his strength, it doesn't matter who cooperates with him. When the time comes, Song Zihao and Mark can help us target the painter, and we can arrest him."

Shen Qiu slowly spoke out his plan, which made Yaozi, Liu Jianming, Chen Jiaju and others stunned.

After hearing Shen Qiu's plan, Chen Jiaju only had one thought in his mind: he was convinced. Such an exquisite plan, How did the guy in front of him come up with this idea?

Yazi completely understood why Shen Qiu could climb so fast. Having someone to support him was one thing, but strong ability was probably the most important thing.

Liu Jianming was thinking about Shen Qiu's Was this plan designed by the mysterious organization for him?

While everyone was thinking wildly, Shen Qiu continued:"I named this plan Revenge. The four are Qiu Gangao, Luo Jianhua, Zhu Xuming and Mo Yi Tsuen, who used to be a member of the police force, will soon return to the police force. Next, they will play the roles of Song Zihao and Mark, the brothers who returned from the treasure island."

"Mike, Li Huihuang, Chen Jiaju, Song Zijie, you play the role of the pony that Song Zihao and Mark collected after returning to Hong Kong Island."

"I have received permission from the top management for this operation. During the operation, you do not need to bear any consequences for the damage you cause. The bigger the trouble you make and the more realistic your acting, the better the effect will be."

At this point, Shen Qiu paused slightly and said in a deep voice:"Of course, if something happens to you, the police force will not recognize your identity, so you must be careful."

"yes, sir!"

After Shen Qiu's words fell, Mike, Li Huihuang, Chen Jiaju, Qiu Gangao and others all put their legs together and said loudly

"Sir Liu, you are responsible for the information about Yao Cheng and Tan Cheng."

Shen Qiu looked at Liu Jianming and said

"yes, sir! Liu

Jianming also stood up and shouted loudly

"Sir Shen, what should I do?"

Seeing that Shen Qiu had assigned a circle of tasks, but it wasn't her turn yet, Yazi couldn't help but asked.

"Yazi, you are the liaison officer. If anyone has any situation, they can contact you directly, and then you can summarize the information to me."

Shen Qiu naturally has to take special care of his sister-in-law.

".yes, sir! Yazi secretly rolled her eyes at Shen Qiu and said reluctantly.

"I declare that the revenge operation has officially begun!"

Chen Qiu ignored Yazi's eyes and shouted loudly

"yes, sir!"

As Shen Qiu's words fell, everyone began to work according to Shen Qiu's division of labor. Soon, only Meazi and Shen Qiu were left in the entire office.

"Ah Qiu, when you allocate tasks like this, you are obviously using me as a vase. If you tell me about the achievements you have made like this, who in the police force will be convinced?"

After everyone left, Yazi complained to Shen Qiu.

"Meiko, actually I have the most important task for you to handle, but I still need to keep it a secret for now, so I haven’t said it out loud yet. Shen

Qiu replied with a smile.

"What task?"

Meazi immediately became energetic.

Shen Qiu walked up to Meazi and stretched out his hands to hold Meazi's cheeks. Meazi subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but Shen Qiu scolded her: After"Don't move", I don't know why, but she didn't move.

"Ah Qiu, what are you doing?"

Seeing Shen Qiu looking at her seriously, Yazi blushed slightly and couldn't help but ask.

"Do not talk."

While Shen Qiu was talking, she slightly raised the corners of Meazi's eyes, which gave Meazi's charming almond eyes a hint of murderous intent.

Then, Shen Qiu pulled Meazi's charming red lips down a little. Nod, then nodded with a smile:"Well, that’s right."

At this moment, the image of Yazi overlaps with the image of another great beauty Ding Yao in Shen Qiu's mind, like a wolf in sheep's clothing, exuding a bit of a femme fatale.

"Shen Qiu, what are you doing?"

After being fiddled with by Shen Qiu, Yazi was ashamed and annoyed, and asked Shen Qiu in a sweet voice.

"Meiko, are you interested in playing the role of a female boss for once?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shen Qiu looked at Ya Zi, smiled slightly, and said slowly.

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