Tsim Sha Tsui, Hengda Financial Group, general manager Yao Cheng's office

"Ah Cheng, you did a beautiful job this time, and you have established a relationship with the painter. From now on, we won’t have to worry about supply and market. Yao

Cheng looked at Tan Cheng sitting in front of him and said with a smile.

"Hahaha, it is only because Mr. Yao trusts me and is willing to delegate power to me that I can achieve these results."

Although Tan Cheng's words were very polite, his tone was not polite at all. However, he did not see the cold light flashing in Yao Cheng's eyes when he heard these words.

"Ah Cheng, I am old and will retire in just a few years. The future belongs to young people like you. Yao

Cheng said to Tan Cheng with a smile.

"No, Mr. Yao, please don't say that, you are getting stronger with age."

Tan Cheng's eyes flashed with joy.

"Ah Cheng, in three days, the painter will come to Hong Kong Island. I will give you full responsibility for this transaction. Remember, we can eat the 10 billion U.S. dollars, but only if the painter has the latest piece of printed money. The electrical panel must be given to us for use. Yao

Cheng said slowly

"Okay, Mr. Yao, I remember."

After Tan Cheng said this, he exchanged a few words with Yao Cheng, then got up and left Yao Cheng's office.

After Tan Cheng left, Yao Cheng picked up his mobile phone and dialed the next number.

"Brother Zhan, it's me."

After the call was connected, Yao Cheng said.

The person Yao Cheng was talking to was his partner and a member of the Hong Kong Landowners Association, Chen Zhan. Relying on the protection given by Chen Zhan using the influence of the Landowners Association, Yao 370 Only a successful counterfeit banknote company can reach its current scale.

"Ah Cheng, what the hell are you talking to me on the phone at this time?"

On the other end of the phone, the gray-haired Chen Zhan asked calmly.

"The deal with the painter is basically fine, but I think this guy Tan Cheng has turned against him. After this deal is completed, I plan to get rid of him. Yao

Cheng said slowly

"Whatever you want, I have already contacted the buyers in the Middle East and North Africa. After the transaction is completed, sell the 10 billion U.S. dollars as soon as possible and transfer 200 million U.S. dollars to my account."

Chen Zhan said slowly

"Brother Zhan, you landlords are most in need of cash. Why are you so anxious to ask for money this time? Yao

Cheng asked curiously

"Do you remember what happened with Huaye Group before? I invested heavily in Huaye Group, and almost all of my cash flow was invested in it. I didn’t expect the profit... That guy is usually so arrogant, but he actually got cold feet this time, causing me to lose everything. If the landlord knows about it, others will know that I am now in possession of it. If there's no cash in it, I'll be in trouble."

Chen Zhan almost let it slip and told Li Xiaowen, but fortunately he reacted in time and stopped the car.

The Li family has an extraordinary status in Hong Kong Island. Even Chen Zhan, as a member of the Landlords Association, did not dare to touch it. Lee's bad luck

"Okay, Brother Zhan, I understand."

Yao Cheng naturally heard Chen Zhan's talk, but since Chen Zhan didn't say anything, he wouldn't ask.

"Well, after finishing this order, I took a break for a while. Recently, I always feel a little evil, so it’s better to keep a low profile."

After saying this, Chen Zhan hung up the phone

"Evil nature? Humph, those who fish for side projects are afraid of evil."

Yao Cheng smiled and shook his head, then threw the phone aside.

On the other side

"Aaron, after the deal with the painter is completed this time, you take action to kill that old guy Yao Cheng. I will arrange for you to run away and hide on the treasure island for a while. After the limelight has passed, you will come back. By then, the entire Hong Kong Island The counterfeit money market belongs to us. Tan

Cheng held a cigar in his mouth and said to Ma Zai Alon who was driving with a smile.

"Brother Cheng, why do you have to wait until the deal with the painter is completed before taking action? I can kill that old guy Yao Cheng right now."

Aron said with an indifferent expression.

"If I kill Yao Cheng now, wouldn't I be deceiving my master and destroying my ancestors? When I make a deal with the painter, I will kill the painter, and then put the blame for Yao Cheng's death on the painter's men."

Tan Cheng sneered.

It was obvious that both Tan Cheng and Yao Cheng were from the same place.

But Tan Cheng didn't notice that when he and Alon were chatting happily, an inconspicuous black car had quietly followed. Behind his car.

Then, bang!

The black car slammed into the butt of the car Tan Cheng was riding in. The huge impact made Tan Cheng directly hit the back of the front seat.

"Damn it, stop the car!"

The severe pain on his forehead made Tan Cheng angry immediately. He yelled at Along. Before the car stopped, he opened the door and got out of the car. As

Tan Cheng, Along Tan Cheng's personal bodyguard also immediately opened the car door and followed behind Tan Cheng.

"Grab your mother in your mouth, come down, dare to hit my car, you……"

As the people in the black car got out of the car, Tan Cheng's voice suddenly stopped because he saw Song Zihao

"bang bang bang bang……"

Song Zihao raised his gun and shot, without giving Tan Cheng time to reminisce (bcfi), he directly shot Tan Cheng and Alon who were following him to death on the spot. Then, he quickly sat back in the car and drove away.

At the same time, at Yau Ma Tei Pier, a car parked on the coast

"Can Sir Liu confirm that this place is Tan Cheng's home base?"

Chen Jiaju looked at a warehouse not far away and asked.

"Sir Liu is the Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Division. His information is unreliable. Whose information is reliable? Li

Guanghuang, who was sitting next to Chen Jiaju, said lightly.

"Makes sense."

Chen Jiaju nodded.

Ringing ringing~ (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this moment, the phone rang.

"Hey, I got it. Mike

, who was sitting in the back row, put down his cell phone and said,"Sir Shen asked us to do something. The bigger the noise, the better.""

"no problem."

Li Huihuang, who was sitting in the main driver's seat, nodded, then stepped on the accelerator and slammed into the warehouse not far away.

Then. Click, click, click, click, click, click, click

, click, click, click, click. Under the overwhelming firepower of Song Zijie and the four men, Tan Cheng's Ma Zai in the warehouse had no power to fight back. In just a few minutes, he was dead, wounded and able to escape.

This exciting gun battle made Fei Fei Mike, who was born in the Tigers, said that he was very happy. Although Chen Jiaju, Li Huihuang and Song Zijie on the side did not say how happy they were, but from their excited eyes, it could be seen that this feeling of being ordered to rob was indeed very good.

Kouhong~kou Boom~Kouboo~

Before leaving, Chen Jiaju and others threw more than a dozen grenades, destroying the warehouse. On the other side

, Qiu Gangao, Luo Jianhua, Mo Yiquan, and Zhu Xuming came to Heng Da Financial Group

"Hello, I’m looking for Mr. Yao Chengyao."

Qiu Gangao walked to the front desk and said to the lady at the front desk.[]

"Sir, do you have an appointment?"

The lady at the front desk asked politely.

"I'm a police officer."

Qiu Gangao handed Liu Jianming the official fake police ID card produced by the Criminal Intelligence Division and flashed it in front of the front desk lady.

"Four officers, I'm on the phone with our boss right away."

When the front desk lady is talking, she has to pick up the phone.

"Beauty, how much is your monthly salary? Do you want to be so conscientious? Come on, be careful, we will sue you for obstructing official duties!"

Qiu Gang'ao pressed the front desk lady's hand holding the microphone and said lightly.

Then, half forced and half frightened by Qiu Gang Ao, the front desk lady led Qiu Gang Ao and the four of them to the door of Yao Cheng's office. Bang. ~

Qiu Gangao kicked Yao Cheng awayAfter entering the office door, he looked at Yao Cheng who was stunned and said:"Mr. Yao, Brother Hao is back from Treasure Island. He asked me to take you to see him, don't make it difficult for me!"

Hearing Qiu Gangao's words, Yao Cheng was shocked and frightened. After seeing the black star in Qiu Gangao's hand, Yao Cheng immediately made the right choice:"I will go with you."

That night, there was a news The underworld in Hong Kong went viral. Song Zihao, who was sentenced in Baodao two years ago, returned to Hong Kong. With the help of a mysterious backer, he captured and killed his former boss Yao Cheng in just one day. Yao Cheng's current top horse, Tan Cheng, took only one day to forcefully announce his return to the entire Hong Kong Island.

It's just that the Hong Kong underworld gang didn't know that Song Zihao, who was so powerful in their mouths, was listening to someone's plan with a submissive look on his face.……

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