That night, in a safe house belonging to the police force in Yau Ma Tei

"That Yao Cheng, has he been recruited? Shen

Qiu looked at Qiu Gangao and asked.

Although people like Chen Jiaju and Song Zijie are also members of the task force, after all, Shen Qiu is not familiar with them to that extent. There are some special methods, even if Shen Qiu orders them to use them. , they may not be able to use it, so Shen Qiu will naturally not let them be responsible for the interrogation, and if anything else is found during the interrogation, wouldn't it be leaked?

"The painter's contact information and trading hours have been recruited. In addition, he said that he is a person who the landlord knows how to account for."

Qiu Gangao said to Shen Qiu

"Is it the Landowners Association again? These old guys are really there, they are everywhere."

Hearing Qiu Gangao's words, Shen Qiu was slightly startled, then sneered.

"Let's go, it's time to plan the next step."

After asking about the content of Qiu Gangao's interrogation, Shen Qiu took Qiu Gangao into another room.

"Sir Shen!"Brother Qiu!""Mr. Shen!""

After Shen Qiu entered the room, Chen Jiaju, Zhu Xuming, Song Zihao and others stood up to say hello to Shen Qiu.

"Everyone, take a seat."

Shen Qiu pressed his hands, and after everyone sat down, he continued:"Everyone did a beautiful job in today's action. Ao just asked for the painter's contact information."

Having said this, Shen Qiu looked at Song Zihao and said calmly:"Ah Hao, tomorrow you announce to the Hong Kong underworld that you will take over all of Yao Cheng's business. When the heat is up, contact the painter and tell him , now in the entire Hong Kong Island, only you can trade with him"

"Okay, Mr. Shen."

Song Zihao immediately nodded and responded.

"After you contact the painter, given the painter's character, he will definitely test you. It is very unreasonable that you can kill Yao Cheng and Tan Cheng just after returning to Hong Kong Island from Treasure Island. What you have to do is to take advantage of this unreasonable situation. It's reasonable. In the process of his testing, you can inadvertently reveal that there is a big boss behind you, and this big boss is very powerful, so as to arouse the painter's interest and dispel his doubts."

Having said this, Shen Qiu clapped her hands.

As the sound of slapping fell, Meako, wearing a white kimono, walked into the room with an awkward look on her face. Her face was also decorated according to Shen Qiu's request. The corners of her eyes are raised, her lips are slightly lowered, and her eyebrows have changed from the heroic sword eyebrows to the curved willow eyebrows.

Just these small changes have caused an earth-shaking change in Meiko's temperament, and she exudes a trace of snake and scorpion all over her body. The charm and ruthlessness of beauty

"Hey, Shen Qiu, do you have to wear the clothes of the Japanese devils? It’s so uncomfortable!"

As soon as Meiko opened her mouth, the charm and ruthlessness in her body disappeared in an instant, and she turned back into the resolute and heroic Hong Kong policewoman.

"Wow, Meako, didn't I teach you, speak in a softer tone, and look at people with lowered eyebrows? The painter is so alert, if you are not professional, how can you deceive him? do it again."

Shen Qiu instructed with a serious look on his face.

"Shen Qiu, do you have to wear this outfit? I feel so uncomfortable."

Ya Zi said this sentence again according to Shen Qiu's request. It was just a slight change, but it made her style undergo a huge change. She changed from a policewoman to a forbearing island country woman.

"good. Shen

Qiu nodded with a smile, and then said to Song Zihao:"Song Zihao, this is Meiko Yamauchi, a Chinese-Japanese mixed-race born in Baodao. She is the illegitimate daughter of a boss of the Yamaguchi-gumi, the top Japanese society. She lives in Hong Kong." Both the island and Baodao have strong forces. She is your backer, supporting you to return to Hong Kong Island, seek revenge on Yao Cheng and Tan Cheng, and then take the opportunity to control the counterfeit banknote business in Hong Kong Island."

"Meako Yamauchi, why don't you say hello to your horse quickly?"

After explaining to Song Zihao, Shen Qiu smiled and said to Meazi who looked unhappy. Then, she rolled her eyes at Meazi.

"Remember, starting from tomorrow, you will all go out to take over the business of Yao Cheng and Tan Cheng, and make the play realistic enough so that the painter will be fooled."

After Shen Qiu gave instructions once more, he announced that the meeting was adjourned.

"Ah Qiu, no matter how similar we act, it is still fake after all. If the painter asks us to show our strength, such as giving out huge amounts of US dollars, or doing other things that can only be done by a gangster, the secret will still be revealed."

After everyone left, Yazi said to Shen Qiu with some worry.

"Meiko, your manners are not good at all. You are not like an island country woman at all. Come on, you are like this."

Shen Qiu ignored Yao Zi's words and played with Yao Zi, making her kneel down in front of him. She didn't know whether Shen Qiu did it intentionally or not. At this height, Yao Zi looked up at him and it felt amazing. In fact,

Yao Zi Zi also felt that something was wrong, but looking at Shen Qiu's serious expression, she felt that she had misunderstood him?

"Hey, Shen Qiu, did you hear what I just told you?"

In the end, Yazi, who had been manipulated by Shen Qiu for a long time, couldn't hold back his anger and asked loudly.

"Don’t worry, since you’re going to act, I’ll be ready for everything. Don’t forget, I’m the leader of the anti-gangster group. It’ll be no problem to find someone to help you play the role of the female boss."

Shen Qiu said to Meazi with a smile.

With the Hesheng Gang and Zhang Shihao, Shen Qiu's direct relatives, let alone let Meazi play the female boss, there is no problem even if she is the female boss.

"The only question now is how to ensure your safety when the painter meets you."

Shen Qiu held her chin and said seriously. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Ah Qiu, as police officers, we will inevitably have accidents when handling cases, and may be injured or even sacrificed. If I was afraid, I would not choose to be a police officer."

Having said that, Yazi didn't know why, but after seeing Shen Qiu speaking so seriously about her own safety, she felt a warm current welling up in her heart. It was warm and caring.

"Meiko, you are the one person I least want to see injured among the tens of thousands of people in the entire police force."

Shen Qiu looked down at Meazi and said slowly.

For some reason, Meazi, who always boasted that she was fearless, was a little afraid of facing Shen Qiu's gaze. Her eyes drooped slightly and she whispered:" Is it because of Ah Zhen?"

"It's because you are Huang Dou Ya, the one who always wants to be number one."

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Meiko's mind flashed back to the scene when she was in the police academy a few years ago, and the young man who was taciturn and not good at communicating with others.


"Shen Qiu, I've told you many times, don't call me Huang Douya again!"

Ya Zi jumped up like a spring, grabbed Shen Qiu's collar, and said loudly

"Okay, soybean sprouts!"

Looking at Yao Zi, who was hiding his shyness with anger, Shen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly.

The next day, Yao Cheng's body was found in an uninhabited alley, and Song Zihao also told the whole Hong Kong Island The underworld announced that he will fully take over the business of Hengda Financial Group. If anyone wants to take advantage of the troubled waters, Yao Cheng and Tan Cheng will be his fate.[]

Under Song Zihao's high-profile promotion, before Song Zihao took the initiative to contact the painter, a man came to the door that night and found Song Zihao... dead...

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