Inside a dilapidated tenement building in Tsim Sha Tsui

"You said you were a painter? Song

Zihao looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, who was wearing a straight suit and gold-rimmed glasses. He looked more like a lawyer than a counterfeit banknote dealer, and asked calmly.

"Brother Hao, I think it’s really not easy to find you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Wu Xiuqing, the painter’s personal lawyer."

Wu Xiuqing was talking while looking at Song Zihao and the dilapidated and cramped room behind Song Zihao.

"This is my family’s old house. My father passed away while I was squatting in the kiln. According to our family’s custom, I will stay with him for seven days after I return. Song

Zihao said lightly after feeling Wu Xiuqing's gaze.

In fact, Shen Qiu had already rented a villa in Gofu Mountain from Judy Tang at the expense of her appearance, but Song Zihao was determined to live in his original home. , to accompany his father.

So that villa became the residence of female boss Meiko Yamauchi

""Seven Zero Zero""Brother Hao is so filial, your father's soul in heaven must be very pleased. Wu

Xiuqing suddenly realized it and said with a smile.

"It would be nice if he doesn't blame me for committing adultery. Song

Zihao sighed and said,"Hey, in this world, what can people like us do if we don't do these things?""

"Brother Hao said it well, we people can't help ourselves."

Wu Xiuqing nodded in response.

"Not to mention this, I know that my former boss Yao Cheng has a deal with your boss, the painter, that has not yet been completed. The painter asked you to come to me because he wanted to continue the deal?"

After Song Zihao performed, he brought the topic to the main topic.

"Brother Hao, my boss really wants to cooperate with you, but as you know, my boss is wanted in nearly 40 countries around the world, including Amilika. Interpol has been following my boss for nearly 10 years, so He must be careful and careful again and again……"

"What does he want?"

Song Zihao interrupted Wu Xiuqing.

"If Brother Hao can trust us, please go somewhere with us. When you get there, you will naturally know what my boss wants. Wu

Xiuqing finished speaking, as if she was worried that Song Zihao would be worried, and continued:"Brother Hao, please don't worry, we are looking for money. You are the most capable person in Hong Kong to cooperate with us, and we will definitely ensure your safety.""

"I understand, wealth can be found in danger, I will accompany you for a trip."

Song Zihao didn't hesitate for a moment and agreed directly.

"Okay, Brother Hao is straightforward. I will pick you up tomorrow morning. I can assure you that no matter whether we reach cooperation tomorrow or not, my boss will treat you as a friend."

Wu Xiuqing said to Song Zihao with a smile.

After that, Wu Xiuqing turned around and left without staying any longer.

After Wu Xiuqing left, Mark, who had been standing behind Song Zihao, said:"Brother Hao, follow me alone. He leaves, right?……"

Before Mark could finish his words, he was interrupted by Song Zihao:"Xiao Ma, if you don't follow him, this line will be broken 100%. Since I promised Sir Shen to help the police solve the case, I must keep my promise."

"I think you are here for Xiaojie."

Mark said lightly.

"As a big brother, I have broken my word once, and I don’t want to break my word a second time."

After hearing Mark's words, Song Zihao's face darkened and he said slowly.

Then, without waiting for Mark to speak again, he picked up the phone and dialed Shen Qiu's number.

"Sir Shen, a man who claimed to be a painter and lawyer just came to me.……"

After the call was connected, Song Zihao immediately recounted the conversation he had just had with Wu Xiuqing to Shen Qiu in detail.

On the other end of the phone, after listening to Song Zihao's words, Shen Qiu pondered for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face:"Ah Hao, the Wu Xiuqing you just met has a 90% chance of being the painter himself."

"What? How dare he come to me alone? He's not afraid……"

Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Song Zihao was shocked

"A person who is wanted by nearly 40 countries, can continue to commit crimes, and can even research new types of money printing circuit boards, must have a big heart, and no one will believe it, so he must see you as a candidate with his own eyes. Only if you know how your partner is doing, you will feel at ease."

Shen Qiu said slowly.

In fact, he made this judgment mainly because of Wushuangli. Even if the painter is caught by the police, he can make up a story that hides the truth, disguise himself as another person, and escape from his shell.

Such a person, It is very likely that he has been pretending to be someone else so that even if his counterfeiting team is caught, he can deal with it calmly.

"Sir Shen, when Wu Xiuqing comes to pick me up tomorrow, do we want to……"

"No, the most important thing in this case is to find the money-printing circuit board and the $10 billion in counterfeit banknotes. We must find these two things before we can take action."

Shen Qiu interrupted Song Zihao. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Sir Shen, I understand what you mean."

Song Zihao nodded and responded.

"Ah Hao, your goal tomorrow is to introduce the big boss behind you, Meiko Yamauchi, to the painter, emphasize Yamauchi Meiko's cards, and lure the painter into taking the bait. You are like this……"

Next, Shen Qiu analyzed in detail with Song Zihao what the painter might do tomorrow and how he should respond.....

And on the other side.

After Wu Xiuqing left Song Zihao's house, she got into a black Crown car

"How about that Song Zihao? Did you deceive him by using my name?"

After Wu Xiuqing got in the car, the woman sitting in the front passenger seat asked with a smile.

Wu Xiuqing, or a painter, said lightly:"With motivation, strength, and courage, a person can indeed be called a person. It's just that I feel like he's more like the eldest brother who is about to retire from the world, rather than the eldest brother who will take strong revenge."

"Is that a problem?"

The real Wu Xiuqing asked with a smile

"The 10 billion U.S. dollars and the money printing board must be sold this time. I promised you that after this time, I will accompany you back to Laos and retire to the mountains and forests."

The painter said lightly

"Do you really remember?"

Wu Xiuqing's face showed a hint of joy.[]


While speaking, the painter pinched Wu Xiuqing's chin and pulled her pretty face to his eyes. After admiring it, he slowly said:"Also, you are Ruan Wen, not Wu Xiuqing."

After hearing the painter's words, the light in Wu Xiuqing's eyes dimmed instantly, and he whispered:"Yes, I am Ruan Wen, not Wu Xiuqing."

The next day, in the morning

"Brother Hao, please."

The painter who continued to pretend to be lawyer Wu Xiuqing said to Song Zihao with a smile.


Song Zihao nodded slightly and then got into a black Crown car.

"Brother Hao, I'm sorry."

After getting in the car, Wu Xiuqing held up a black eye patch and said with a smile.

Song Zi 2.4 did not hesitate and put on the black eye patch.

Next, Song Zihao didn't know how long it took, but he just had a relationship with Wu Xiuqing. After chatting for a while, they went around and around, and then got on a boat and sailed for a while.

When the boat stopped and after a body search, Song Zihao was taken off his blindfold.

"Hey, Mr. Song, welcome to my territory."

Just when Song Zihao was adapting to the light, a man's bold voice came to his ears.

Song Zihao squinted his eyes and looked over. He was now on a small boat on the sea. In front of him, a man wearing flowers A middle-aged man wearing a Caribbean tropical shirt was standing on the yacht, smiling and waving to him.

Wu Xiuqing, who was standing next to him, said in time:"Brother Hao, this is my boss, a painter."

After hearing Wu Xiuqing's words, Song Zihao showed a smile on his face, looked at the painter, and said with a smile:"Hello, painter!".

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