Tsim Sha Tsui, Jumbo Seafood Restaurant.

After Shen Qiu left Song Zihao's house, he rushed here without stopping.

This evening, Shen Qiu was particularly busy.

First, he had dinner with a group of local gangsters such as Li Wenbin and Chen Zhijie, then went to discuss matters with Song Zihao and Mark, and finally invited Ya Zi, Song Zijie, Chen Jiaju and other colleagues from the task force to have dinner at the Jumbo Seafood Restaurant.

After all, Shen Qiu was the leader of the task force and the case was successfully solved, so he still had to have a celebration party.

However, Liu Jianming did not attend the celebration banquet because he was older. Shen Qiu naturally knew what Liu Jianming was thinking. After all, both of them were nominally members of the mysterious organization, and Liu Jianming did not want to get too close to Shen Qiu.

"Sir Shen!"

"Sir Shen!"

"Brother Qiu!"


After Shen Qiu walked into the booked box, Chen Jiaju, Song Zijie, Li Huihuang, Mike, Qiu Gangao and others stood up to say hello to Shen Qiu. Before, some of these people were completely unfamiliar with Shen Qiu, and some were unfamiliar with Shen Qiu. Convinced, but after this project, everyone present, without exception, was convinced by Shen Qiu.

"Everyone is sitting down, something happened late, I punished myself with three drinks."

While speaking, Shen Qiu picked up the wine bottle and glass, and in the blink of an eye, he drank three glasses of wine."Nine-eighty-eight"


Chen Jiaju and others immediately clapped their hands and applauded

"Let me first toast to everyone and thank you for your support of me, Shen Qiu, these days."

After drinking three glasses of wine, Shen Qiu downed another glass of wine.

After that, Shen Qiu, Chen Jiaju, Chen Huihuang, Song Zijie and others behaved like brothers. Even Yao Zi was pulled up by Shen Qiu. , singing and dancing together.

By the time everyone finished drinking, it was already 12 o'clock in the evening

"Sir Shen, let's leave first. I'll leave the beauty Meazi to you. You must send her home safely."

Chen Jiaju held the taxi door and said to Shen Qiu inarticulately.

"Go home and sleep quickly."

Shen Qiu pushed Chen Jiaju into the taxi, and then slammed the taxi door.

After the taxi started, Chen Jiaju stretched out his fingers from the window and made a convex shape.

"This kid. Shen

Qiu smiled and shook his head, then said to Meazi who was standing next to him:"Meazi, where do you live? I will take you back.""

"I'll just take a taxi back. You're tired today too, so go to bed early. Yazi brushed her hair that was blown by the sea breeze behind her ears and said to Shen Qiu with a smile.

"How can I let a beautiful woman like you go home alone at such a late hour? Come on, I'll see you off."

Chen Qiu reached out and stopped a taxi.

"My family lives on Canton Road. It's very close. You can just walk back there, no need to take a taxi."

Ya Zi hesitated for a moment and then said

"Okay, then I'll walk back with you. Shen

Qiu said to Yazi with a smile.


Ya Zi responded in a low voice. She didn't know when. When she was alone with Shen Qiu, she always felt like she couldn't let go.

"Meiko, do you plan to work in the Political Department from now on, or will you try other departments?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Shen Qiu forced himself to find a topic.

"I have applied to be transferred to the Security Department. If you had not assigned me to the task force, the transfer order should have been issued by now."

Yezi replied.

"Security Department? Should we go to the protection team or the counter-terrorism team? Shen

Qiu asked curiously. After saying this, Shen Qiu suddenly thought that Meiko would go to a cruise ship named Fuki Maru to perform anti-terrorism missions. She must have joined the anti-terrorist group.

"I would join the CTU."

At this point, Yazi paused for a moment, then leaned close to Shen Qiu's ear and whispered:"Aqiu, the top management is planning to form a counter-terrorism special force. One of the teams will be composed entirely of women. This women's The special forces have no official title yet, they just have a code name called Overlord Flower. This matter is still in the preparation stage, so don't tell others."

As Yazi spoke, bursts of warm air with a slight alcohol smell blew into Shen Qiu's ears, making little Shen Qiu almost raise his head.

However, after hearing Yazi mention the three words"Overlord Flower", Shen Qiu Qiu's attention was instantly attracted. Shen Qiu was familiar with this code name. Although Meazi said that this unit was still under preparation, Shen Qiu knew very well that the police force would really have such a unit in the future. The official code name is Pink Troops

"Wow, Meiko, it turns out you went to reserve a seat in advance."

After Yazi finished speaking, Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"What does it mean to get a position in advance? My personal quality is not in the top five but also in the top ten among all the female police officers in the police force. If I don't go, it will be a waste of my talents. Yazi glanced at Shen Qiu and said with a proud look on her face.

"Yes, yes, Yazi, it would be a waste of money if you didn't go. Shen

Qiu nodded and smiled.

"Are you laughing at me?"

Ya Zi discovered Hua Dian from Shen Qiu's tone.

"No, I'm serious. How can I, an old classmate, not know your skills?"

Looking at Meazi who looked unkind, Shen Qiu quickly put away his playful smile and said seriously.

"When you were in the police academy, you weren't so glib. Yazi rolled her eyes at Shen Qiu.

"He has been undercover in the club for three years, and he who is close to the ink is considered a black man."

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"In fact, it's good for you to be like this. You were too boring before. If you are more lively, you will be more open in the police force."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yazi looked at Shen Qiu and said with a serious face as well.

"So which one do you think is better, the me before or the me now."

Shen Qiu took advantage of the situation and asked this question.

"I'm home now."

Ya Zi quickly walked to the door of an apartment building, turned to look at Shen Qiu, and said with a smile.

"OK, then my task is completed and I'm leaving."

After that, Shen Qiu turned around and left.

"Shen Qiu."

At this moment, Yazi called out to Shen Qiu.


Shen Qiu turned to look at Ya Zi.

"Forget it, it's okay."

Seeing Shen Qiu turn around, a trace of panic flashed in Meazi's eyes, and she immediately waved her hand and said.


Shen Qiu turned around and gave Meazi a gesture[]

Seeing this, Meazi clenched her fist and punched Shen Qiu's back hard in the air, and whispered:"You were not annoying before, but you are annoying now!" Immediately

, a thought came to Meazi's mind. Flashing through my mind: How great would it be if Shen Qiu wasn't Ah Zhen's boyfriend?

Thinking of this, Meiko shook her head quickly, trying to get rid of this idea, but it was like the idea had taken root. No matter how hard she shook it, she couldn't get rid of it...

A few minutes later

"Daughter, are you back?"

As soon as Meiko walked into the door of her house, a man's voice came out.....

"Um. Yazi hummed.

"Why do you smell like alcohol? Did you drink? Who drank with you? Where did you drink?"

A middle-aged man who was about the same height as Meiko and with a stocky build walked out of the room. After smelling the smell of alcohol on Meiko's body, he immediately asked three questions.

"The task force I joined solved the case, and Shen Qiu held a celebration party."

Yezi replied casually.

"Shen Qiu solved the case so quickly?"

Huang Bingyao was shocked when he heard what Meazi said. Shen Qiu took over the international counterfeit banknote case. As the commissioner of Wan Chai Police Station, he was a senior police officer, and his daughter was also transferred to this task force. Naturally knowing how difficult this case was, he never expected that Shen Qiu would solve the case so quickly.

"Yes, Dad, you don’t know that Aqiu is really capable. He asked us……"

Meako didn't realize that her eyes lit up after talking about Shen Qiu, and she praised Shen Qiu's entire case handling process from beginning to end.

"Stop, stop, Yazi, from what you said, Shen Qiu is even more majestic than Li Luofu."

Looking at his energetic daughter, a jealousy burst out of Huang Bingyao's heart, and he immediately stopped Yazi's praise of Shen Qiu.

"I don't know whether he is more powerful than Li Luofu, but I have never seen a more capable policeman in the police force. Yazi said truthfully

"Oh, it's getting late, Yazi, you should go to bed early."

A sad old father turned around and returned to his room. At the same time, he kept the name Shen Qiu firmly in his heart.

The next day, in the afternoon, Li Wenbin's office at the police headquarters

"Ah Qiu, congratulations. The top brass of the police force have just approved your promotion to chief inspector as an exception."

Li Wenbin looked at Shen Qiu in front of him, and the slightly raised corners of his mouth were enough to prove how happy he was at the moment.

"Thank you Sir Li for your care. Shen

Qiu replied with a smile.

"Ah Qiu, actually, even I was a little surprised that you were promoted to Chief Inspector this time."1.9

After Li Wenbin said this, he suddenly asked:"Do you know Huang Bingyao from Wan Chai Police Station?"

"Huang Bingyao? Meiko's father?"

Shen Qiudu has merged with Le Huizhen so many times. Of course he knows that Scissor Kicks Huang Bingyao is her and Meiko's father.

"Yes, there was a high probability that you would not be able to pass this promotion, but Huang Bingyao suddenly supported you. Although he was not affiliated with the three major factions, he had a wide network of contacts. It was precisely because of his words that you were successfully promoted to Chief Inspector.."

At this point, Li Wenbin paused for a moment, and then continued:"However, Huang Bingyao made a condition. He wants to transfer you to Wan Chai Police Station as the leader of the serious crime team. What do you think?"

In the past, Li Wenbin would have directly helped Shen Qiu make the decision, but after Shen Qiu showed his value many times, in Li Wenbin's heart, Shen Qiu's weight has changed dramatically.

"Sir Li, Director Huang has helped me so much. If I don't even agree to this request, how can I be embarrassed to see him in the future? I am willing to go to Wan Chai Police Station to serve as the leader of the serious crime team. Shen

Qiu said to Li Wenbin with a smile.

The Hesheng Gang's layout in Yau Ma Tei and Tsim Sha Tsui has been completed. Shen Qiu was thinking about how to move a place for himself. Huang Bingyao's request played into Shen Qiu's hands.

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