The news that Shen Qiu was promoted to Chief Inspector and transferred to the head of the Serious Crime Team of Wan Chai Police Station quickly spread throughout Hong Kong Island.

He went from trainee inspector to chief inspector in 2 months. The 24-year-old chief inspector, no matter what the news is, is enough to shock the entire Hong Kong Island Police Force.

And Shen Qiu is the protagonist of these two news at the same time.

Although many people in the police force were jealous that Shen Qiu could become chief inspector at such a young age, after learning about Shen Qiu's resume and how many cases Shen Qiu had solved in two months, these jealous people all shut their mouths..

Currency and goods must be thrown away; people must be compared with each other and must die.

However, there are some people in Yau Tsim Police Station who are not jealous but reluctant to give up.

"Brother Qiu, I have just been transferred to Yau Tsim Police Station. You are going to Wan Chai Police Station.……"

Wu Zai, Xiao Bao, Long Legs and others looked at Shen Qiu with great reluctance.

I originally thought that I would be transferred to take off with my old boss, but just after I started, Shen Qiu jumped out of the plane.

"Don’t worry, I have recommended to Director Chen that Sir Ma take over my position as the leader of the anti-triad team. Think about it, your immediate boss is Sir Ma and your immediate boss is Sir Chen, even if I am not at Yau Tsim Police Station. You will definitely be able to enjoy it as well."

Shen Qiu analyzed it, and the people who analyzed it, such as Wu Zai, Xiao Bao, Long Legs, etc., were all smiles again.

"Sir Shen, we are all one family. I won’t say thank you. They are all here."

After 14 Xiaobao, Wuzai and others left, Ma Jun came to Shen Qiu, beat his chest, and said sincerely

"Don’t think that just by saying this, I will skip your meal. Tonight, I must eat French food from the French restaurant of the Peninsula Hotel. Shen

Qiu said to Ma Jun with a smile.

"Damn, pretend I didn’t say anything, bye-bye."

Ma Jun turned around and left.

"Wow, I even said it was all in my heart, and I was not willing to give up this little money. Shen

Qiu gave Ma Jun a middle finger as he left, then walked quickly to the anti-gangster office and loudly said,"Sir Ma is treating me to a treat tonight at the French restaurant of the Peninsula Hotel!""

"Wow, Sir Ma is awesome!"

After Shen Qiu's words fell, everyone in the anti-gangster group cheered.

"Your mother, Shen Qiu, I just want to pack you up and send you to Wan Chai Police Station immediately!"

Ma Jun thought about the thickness of his wallet and said through gritted teeth.

That evening, in Le Huizhen's apartment in Tsim Sha Tsui

"Ah Zhen, you are in for a treat tonight. I brought back a piece of pure French foie gras from the French restaurant of the Peninsula Hotel. Shen

Qiu held the packing box in his hand and said to Le Huizhen with a smile.

"What a good thing today, going to eat French food?"

Le Huizhen, who was applying cucumber on her face, asked with a smile.

"Ma Jun was promoted to the leader of the anti-gang team and invited everyone to dinner. Shen

Qiu replied with a smile.

"Ma Jun was promoted to the leader of the anti-gang team, what about you?"

Le Huizhen immediately discovered Hua Dian.

"I was transferred to the Wan Chai Police Station as the head of the serious crime team. By the way, Ah Zhen, you probably haven’t told your dad about us being together yet, right?"

Shen Qiu asked.

"No. After my father and my mother divorced, my mother and I had very little contact with my father. Why, were you afraid that he would target you at the Wan Chai Police Station? Le

Huizhen asked with a smile.

"Not only am I afraid that he will target me, but I am also afraid that he will kill me with one shot when he finds out that I have taken advantage of him."

Shen Qiu sat down next to Le Huizhen, let her lie on his lap, and helped her press the cucumber

"If not, the most I can do is shoot your little brother."

Le Huizhen stretched out Lushan's claws and controlled Shen Qiu's key parts.

"Ah Zhen, then you must be sad."

Little Shen Qiu looked up instantly

"I don't know how. Le

Huizhen said arrogantly

"Oh, is it so? let me see"

"No, you wash first." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Wash together!"


The next day, Shen Qiu's transfer order was officially issued. After receiving the transfer, Shen Qiu, who was feeling refreshed, immediately came to Wan Chai Police Station and went straight to the Commissioner's office.

"Director Huang, hello, number 1792, Shen Qiu is reporting to you."

Shen Qiu saluted with his legs together. As he spoke, he looked at Huang Bingyao, who looked like a short winter melon in front of him. At the same time, he sighed in his heart about the diversity of human genetics. Huang Bingyao had such a figure and appearance that he could have Ya Zi and Le Huizhen. Darwin probably wouldn't have been able to figure out such a beautiful daughter even if he had been underground for hundreds of years.

"Sir Shen, I have heard of your name a long time ago. Yes, our Wan Chai Police Station needs talents like you. Huang

Bingyao had a smile on his face, just like Shen Qiu. While talking, he looked at Shen Qiu carefully:"Not bad, he has a good figure, he is handsome, and he is capable. No wonder Ya……"

At this point, Huang Bingyao reacted and quickly closed his mouth. After coughing in embarrassment, he continued:"Sir Shen, I am now your elder. I will call you Aqiu from now on.""

"Yes, Director Huang."

Shen Qiu immediately replied

"Ah Qiu, it’s like this. The reason why I transferred you to Wan Chai Police Station is not only because I value your abilities, but I also need your help with a little matter."

Huang Bingyao walked to Shen Qiu's side while talking.

In fact, there was another most important reason. Huang Bingyao didn't say it. He wanted to observe Shen Qiu closely to prevent this guy from deceiving his precious daughter. Of course, If Huang Bingyao knew that Shen Qiu had given up his other precious daughter, Shen Qiu might not be promoted to chief inspector in a year, let alone half a year.……

"Sir Huang, if you want to help me, you can just give me the instructions. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.[]

"The little mouth is so sweet, I like it."

Huang Bingyao smiled and patted Shen Qiu on the shoulder, and then whispered:"Aqiu, I'm a little embarrassed to speak about this matter. A few days ago, students from Edinburgh International School came to visit our police station, but after they left , I found that my gun was missing. You know, this kind of thing is not easy to investigate openly, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

"You are very capable, help me get this done, I won't treat you badly."

The Hong Kong Island Police Force has very strict management of police firearms. Even the bullets fired must be reported in a report for review, not to mention that the firearm is lost. Even for high-level officials like Huang Bingyao, it is a very troublesome matter.

Issue 487 mission: rob arms dealer Da Fei’s arsenal. Mission reward: You can upgrade the talented primary bullet antibody to an intermediate bullet antibody (the damage of bullets to the host is reduced by 70%).

After Huang Bingyao’s words fell, Shen In Qiu's mind, the voice of the system sounded

"Don't worry, Sir Huang, I will take care of this matter. I will definitely return your firearms to their original owners."

Being able to complete the task and please his future father-in-law, Shen Qiu directly agreed to the task without a moment's hesitation.

"Okay, Aqiu, just tell me what you need. Also, please remember to keep this matter secret. Seeing that Shen

Qiu agreed to his request so readily, Huang Bingyao's smile became even bigger. After saying this, he continued:"Let's go, I'll take you to see your immediate superior, Operations Section Chief Peng Xinjian."."

After hearing this name, Shen Qiu remembered that he had such an acquaintance in the Wan Chai Police Station. Shen Qiu had not forgotten that Peng Xinjian still owed him a favor. That afternoon, the Wan Chai Police Station Serious Crime Unit Office. Shen Qiu did not forget that Peng Xinjian still owed him a favor.

Qiu was looking at the list of staff and students of Edinburgh International School obtained by Huang Bingyao through special means.

Not surprisingly, Shen Qiu saw the name He Min, and then, the appearance of a name made Shen Qiu's eyes move slightly: Santi.

This made Shen Qiu immediately realize that this Edinburgh International School was not just the school where he skipped school in Weilong No. 1, but also the school where he skipped school in Weilong No. 2. This meant that... at this moment, a plan was planned for Shen Qiu. Starting to brew in my mind……

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