Causeway Bay, Speed ​​Waves Nightclub. squeak~

"Brother B!"Brother B!""……

As the box door was pushed open, Chen Haonan, Shanji, Da Tianer and others stood up one after another and said hello to Big Brother B who walked into the box.

"Anan, you did a good job this time and killed Baguan. Mr. Jiang is very satisfied."

Big Brother B said to Chen Haonan with a smile.

"This guy was lucky and escaped several times, otherwise he would have been killed long ago."

Before Chen Haonan could speak, Pheasant standing next to him spoke first.

Boss B glanced at Pheasant, and then continued to say to Chen Haonan:"Anan, take Pheasant and Datian Er to Yuan Dynasty first. Go to the countryside to avoid the limelight. In a few days, the limelight will pass. I will find someone to take the blame for you. You can come back then."

"Brother B, after coming back this time, will Brother Nan be able to take up a position?"

Big Brother B's voice just fell, and Pheasant was the first to speak.

This time, Big Brother B didn't hold back and said calmly:"Pheasant, the society will naturally make arrangements for getting promoted to a higher position. What are you anxious about?"


After being scolded by Big Brother B, Pheasant let out a low voice.

"Anan, take the money first and don't treat yourself badly in Yuen Long."

After scolding Pheasant, Boss B took out a wad of banknotes from his pocket, about 20,000 Hong Kong dollars, and handed it to Chen Haonan

"Thank you, Brother B."

Chen Haonan immediately thanked Big Brother B

"Pack up. The car is waiting for you outside. I will let you know if anything happens."

Big Brother B said lightly.

"Okay, Brother B."

Big Brother B patted Chen Haonan on the shoulder, then turned and left the box.

"Wow, why don't you be in such a hurry and leave for Yuen Long now? I'm still thinking about having another good time tonight. When I get to Yuen Long, a place where birds don't shit, if I want to have fun, I can only rely on Xiaozuo Xiaoyou."

After Big Brother B left, Pheasant immediately said with a smile.

"Pheasants, there are also country girls in Yuen Long, you can play wild sex, maybe it will be more to your taste."

After Pheasant finished speaking, Datian Er also said with a smile.

"Okay, if you have anything to say, let’s talk in the car and let’s go."

After saying this, Chen Haonan turned and left the box.

On the other side, there was the street of Causeway Bay.

After Shen Qiu drove to Wan Chai, he did not go to the Wan Chai Police Station, but went directly to Causeway Bay

"Sir Shen""Sir Shen!"

After seeing Shen Qiu, the police officers from the serious crime team who were investigating the scene immediately said hello to Shen Qiu.

"Dahua, what's going on?"

Shen Qiu walked to Dahua, who had just called him, and asked

"Sir Shen, according to our investigation, a group of community members set up an ambush in the Hongwangfa Bathing City, killed one of Baguan's men, and wounded three of them. However, Baguan escaped and chased him all the way. When he reached the road, he hacked Baguan to death."

Dahua immediately replied

"Who was the group of community members who ambushed Bhagwan?"

In fact, Shen Qiu is basically certain that Ba Guan was hacked to death by Chen Haonan and others, but he still had to ask questions knowingly.

"Sir Shen, you are from O Ji, so you should know the urinal nature of this gang in Hong Kong Island. The people who watched the scene just said that they didn't know, and then the employees of the bathing city didn't know either because they were afraid of retaliation. Or maybe the boss had already warned them out of fear of trouble, but none of them said they knew."

Dahua said with a bitter smile.

"Whose place does Hong Wangfa belong to?"

Shen Qiu asked lightly.

"New reporter Chan Yiu-hing (from the movie"Tiger of Wan Chai")."

Dahua immediately replied

"The Tiger of Wan Chai in the new Ten Tigers?"

Chen Qiu's eyes moved slightly.

Chen Yaoqing, the Tiger of Wan Chai, is also an old acquaintance of Shen Qiu. At this stage, the title of the Five Tigers of Causeway Bay for Chen Haonan, Pheasant and others can only be regarded as a joke, and they all rely on themselves.

And Chen Yaoqing of Wan Chai Zhihu's name was derived from his practical use of fists and machetes.

"Yes, Sir Shen."

Dahua replied

"Okay, let’s go meet the Tiger of Wan Chai for a while, and find someone to inform the owner of Hong Wong Fat Bathing City and tell him that because the property under his name is involved in murders and has serious safety risks, our Wan Chai Police Station Crime Team is going to When will he figure out how to conduct safety inspections on all of his property sites and cooperate with our police investigation, and when will our safety inspections be completed? Shen

Qiu said lightly.

"yes, sir!"

Dahua immediately responded.

On the other side, Wan Chai, Emperor Nightclub.

This is the largest and most luxurious nightclub in Wan Chai area, and it is also the most profitable of all Chen Yaoqing's venues. Normally, if nothing happens, Chen Yaoqing will be here to be chic.

"Brother Qing, Ah B from Hongxing just called and said that he would treat you to tea tomorrow."

Chen Yaoqing's leader, Ah Hong, walked quickly to Chen Yaoqing's side and whispered.

"Ah B is a bastard. He didn’t even say hello to me, so he started in my place, drinking tea, right? Let's see what benefits he can get out of it. If it doesn't satisfy me, hum!"

After Chen Yaoqing heard the name of Big Brother B, his expression changed and he snorted coldly.

Then, Chen Yaoqing continued:"Do you know who did it in Hong Xing?"

"Ah B's subordinate Chen Haonan is very popular with Ah B. If he kills Ba Guan this time, Ah B will probably support him in his promotion."

Ahong replied

"I use my position to promote my younger brother to the top, and I want more benefits from him."

Chen Yaoqing's face has returned to normal at this moment, and he said calmly.

At this moment, a burst of noise came from outside the box, and the originally exciting music stopped abruptly.

"Ah Cong, go and see what's going on?"

After hearing this voice, Chen Yaoqing frowned slightly and said to his confidant A Cong sitting next to him.

At the same time, in the lobby of Emperor Nightclub

"Police, turn on the lights and check the cards!"

After Shen Qiu led several police officers from the crime squad into the Emperor Nightclub, Dahua and others immediately shouted loudly

"Depend on! Disappointing!"

Amid a burst of complaints, Xinji's Ma Zai honestly turned off the music and turned on the lights in the nightclub hall.

"I'll find your eldest brother Chen Yaoqing and ask him to come out to see me immediately."

Shen Qiu walked up to a new reporter Ma Zai and said calmly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I'm holding your mother in my mouth, who are you? You said you want to see my boss, so you have to meet my boss?"

This young and Dangerous boy obviously doesn't know who is standing in front of him.

"You have a bad mouth."

Shen Qiu looked at him and said lightly

"So what, you want to arrest me?"

The young and Dangerous boy said with his head held high.

"Dahua, help him rinse his mouth with water from the thermos bottle. Shen

Qiu pointed to the hot water bottle on the bar and said to Dahua who was checking his ID card.

"You are holding your mother in your mouth and playing with me, right? Believe me or not……"


Before this horse boy could finish his words, Shen Qiu pulled his hair and knocked him hard against the bar. Then, without waiting for Dahua, he picked up the hot water bottle and poured it directly into this horse boy's mouth. Hot water.


This horse boy was burned instantly and let out a miserable howl of pain and lamentation.

This scene was caught by A Cong who walked out of the box. He quickly said to Shen Qiu:"Sir, do you want to be so harsh? If you have anything to say, please sit down and talk. Don't embarrass me.""

"Are you Chen Yaoqing?"[]

Shen Qiu looked at A Cong and said lightly


"Let Chen Yaoqing talk to me."

Before Acong finished speaking, he was interrupted by Shen Qiu.

Ahhhh~ Listening to the wails of his men, Acong's eyes flashed, he gritted his teeth, then turned and walked towards the box where Chen Yaoqing was.

Twenty-something seconds later

"Sir, I am Chen Yaoqing. Do you want to let my brother go first?"

Chen Yaoqing quickly walked up to Shen Qiu and said with a stern face.

At this time, the foul-mouthed Ma Zai was already numb from the hot water, and his howls of pain became weak.

"OK, smell your brother's mouth and see if it still smells bad."

Shen Qiu grabbed Chen Yaoqing's Ma Zai's hair, lifted him in front of Chen Yaoqing, and asked with a smile

"Sir, there are so many people here, don't make the scene too ugly."

Chen Yaoqing's face became increasingly grim.

"It seems that his mouth still smells bad."

Shen Qiu waved his hand, threw the boy back to the bar, and said lightly to Dahua:"Continue to rinse his mouth."

"That's enough, sir. Just say what you want and don't make things difficult for my brother."

Chen Yaoqing yelled this sentence

"Dahua, why are you standing there? Rinse his mouth!"

Compared with Chen Yaoqing's ugly face, Shen Qiu's face was calm, as if nothing had happened.

"Sir, his mouth doesn't stink anymore."

Seeing Dahua pick up the hot water bottle and continue to pour water, Chen Yaoqing finally gave in and whispered this sentence

"ah? I didn't hear what you said clearly. Shen

Qiu asked with a smile.

"I said, sir, he no longer has a bad mouth. Can you be noble and let him go?"

At this moment, Chen Yaoqing's face was uglier than his dead mother.

"That's right, Chen Yaoqing, we police officers are easy to talk to. As long as you answer whatever we ask, you can tell us anything."

The smile on Shen Qiu's face was very gentle, as if the one who used hot water to help people rinse their mouths just now was not him at all.

"Sir, I've never seen you before. Are you new to Wan Chai? How to call it?"

Chen Yaoqing stared at Shen Qiu and asked through gritted teeth.

"I am Shen Qiu and Chen Yaoqing, the newly appointed heads of the serious crime team of Wan Chai Police Station. We will have many opportunities to interact in the future. Shen

Qiu replied with a smile.

"Sir, I kindly remind you that you violated the rules by doing this!"

Chen Yaoqing said coldly

"Are you threatening me? Shen

Qiu asked with a smile.

"I dare to threaten Sir Shen. I have always adhered to police-civilian cooperation. However, in Wan Chai, police-civilian cooperation has the rules of police-civilian cooperation. Sir Shen, you can't do this."

Chen Yaoqing said quietly

"Chen Yaoqing, since you are so kind, I would also like to remind you that I didn’t care what happened to Wan Chai before. After I come here, my rules are the rules."

The smile on Shen Qiu's face faded, she looked at Chen Yaoqing and said slowly, word by word.

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