Wan Chai, Emperor Nightclub

"Sir Shen, when you said this, I took it as a joke."

After hearing what Shen Qiu said, Chen Yaoqing sneered.

"Then we don’t need to talk tonight. From now on, all your places will be closed. When you don’t think the joke is funny anymore, we can talk slowly.~"

After Shen Qiu finished speaking, he said calmly:"Collect the team!"

"Sir Shen, please wait."

Just when Shen Qiu was about to leave, an anxious voice called out - Shen Qiu

"and who are you?"

Chen Qiu looked at the man standing next to Chen Yaoqing and asked calmly.

"Sir Shen, I am a white paper fan from Xinji. My boss is drunk and talking nonsense. I will take him to wake up. Please wait a moment. We will give you a satisfactory explanation tonight.."

Ahong smiled and talked to Shen Qiu while dragging Chen Yaoqing to a box not far away.

"Damn it, Ah Hong, why are you so crazy? Everyone is……"

Hearing that A Hong was so humble to Shen Qiu, Chen Yaoqing was about to get angry. However, before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by A Hong:"Brother Qing, please stop talking and go in. Let me explain to you slowly!"

"Humph, let me see what you are going to say."

Seeing his brother's appearance, although Chen Yaoqing's tone was still cold, his body was very honest and he walked into the box.

"Brother Qing, I have told you many times that you are now the leader of Xinji in Wan Chai. You are no longer one of those little gangsters who kill people on the street with kitchen knives. When you have time, read newspapers and watch TV news. Stop playing with racing and women, okay?"

After entering the box, A Hong immediately said to Chen Yaoqing

"Your mother, I haven’t graduated from elementary school. Those words in the newspaper, they know me, but I don’t know them. How do you read it? And now I want you to explain to me why you have to humble yourself to the street cop outside. Isn’t it for you to teach me a lesson? I!"

Chen Yaoqing was also angry and shouted loudly

"Do you know Chen Minhong? Number Gang Yong is the talker, and the next Number Gang will be the leader. Do you know how he failed? That Shen Qiu outside, who commanded the entire Hong Kong Island, sealed off all the stalls and places in Yong Zi Dui, forcing Yong Zi Dui to give up all his talking points."

"Brother Qing, do you think you are more ungrateful than Chen Minhong, or do you think the people in those places in Wan Chai are more loyal and loyal than the people in Yongzidui?"

A Hong is obviously very impressed by Shen Qiu.

"I know what the police did that time. It was Chen Minhong who had a bad idea and hired someone to kill Judy Tang, so the entire police force was dispatched to deal with him. I don't believe that Shen Qiu could use the entire police force to deal with me."

Although Chen Yaoqing said this, his tone was already three points softer.

"Do you need the entire police force to deal with you?"

Ah Hong's words made Chen Yaoqing's face stiffen.

Then, Ah Hong continued:"Brother Qing, this time Shen Qiu suddenly came to the door, there is a 90% chance that he, Ba Guan and his younger brother were hacked to death in our place. Does it matter? Is it necessary for us to fight Shen Qiu because of Ah B?"

At this point, Ahong's tone became serious and sincere:"Brother Qing, we have gone from being a gangster on the roadside holding a machete to fighting people to the present. There is no day when we are not walking on thin ice, and there is no day when we are not trembling with fear. Even if you don't do it for yourself. Think about it, and also think about A Cong, Dadi and other brothers who risk their lives against you."

"Ah Hong, I know what to do."

After listening to A Hong's words, Chen Yaoqing lowered his head that had been held high and said in a low voice.

"Brother Qing, I know you are feeling aggrieved, and I am aggrieved too, but a man can bend and stretch, and one day, there will always be a day."

Ahong saw Chen Yaoqing's downcast expression and couldn't help but comfort him.

"Okay, I have done some licking of people's shoes. This little grievance is nothing. Let's go and lick the shoes of Sir Shen."

Although Chen Yaoqing spoke freely, his eyes were full of coldness.

A minute later

"Sir Shen, I was drunk just now and talked nonsense, please don't take it to heart."

Chen Yaoqing stood in front of Shen Qiu, bowed and said

"Don't worry, I have always been tolerant of good citizens as long as they can cooperate with the work of our police force. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"Sir Shen, how do you want me to cooperate with the police?"

Chen Yaoqing immediately followed Shen Qiu's words and asked

"Hongwangfa is your place. Whoever cuts off Baguan must be very clear to the horse boy you arranged to watch the place. Tell me, who is it? Shen

Qiu asked with a smile.

"Hong Xing's Ah B's men, Chen Haonan, Shan Ji, and Da Tian'er's group."

After Chen Yaoqing hesitated for a moment, he answered

"Witnesses, please help me prepare and do their ideological work well. After this case is solved, I will award you the Good Citizen Award."

The smile on Shen Qiu's face was very bright. Without waiting for Chen Yaoqing to reply, he patted Chen Yaoqing on the shoulder and turned to leave.

After Shen Qiu and other police officers left, Chen Yaoqing said to A Hong beside him:"Call and tell Ah B, Chen Haonan’s murder was seen by an informant from the police force. I can’t handle this and let him do it on his own."

"Okay, Brother Qing."

For Chen Yaoqing's behavior of being a bitch and setting up a memorial arch, if it were done by other people, A Hong would definitely despise it, but if it were done by his eldest brother, A Hong would understand.

On the other hand, after leaving the Emperor Nightclub

"Dahua, tell the guy to take Ah B back to the police station. I want to have a good chat with him. Shen

Qiu said lightly.

"yes, sir!"

After witnessing Shen Qiu's great power, Dahua has regarded Shen Qiu as his new idol.

At the same time, Sulang Nightclub

"Brother B, Xinji Duo Naohong’s phone number."

A horse boy ran into the box and said to Big Brother B

"Lots of phone calls?"

Big Brother B frowned.Then he stood up and walked quickly to the phone, taking the microphone Ma Zai handed him.

"Duo Naohong, I am Ah B."

Big Brother B said lightly.

"Brother B, people from the police force came to the Emperor Nightclub just now. The scene was very ugly. An informant from the police force saw how your subordinate Chen Haonan killed people. We, Brother Qing, can't handle this matter. You should take care of it yourself."

After saying this, A Hong hung up the phone directly.

"Hello, hello? Oh shit!"

Big Brother B slammed the phone receiver on the phone. Ah Hong's meaning was obvious. Chen Yaoqing had already recruited people like Chen Haonan and Shan Ji. Then... thinking of this, Big Brother B immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed next number

"Anan, listen to me, I am now trying to find a way to help you arrange a boat to Treasure Island tomorrow morning. You go to Treasure Island to hide for a while, and then return to Hong Kong Island after the storm has passed."

After the call was connected, Boss B said immediately

"Brother B, what happened? Didn’t you just stay in Yuen Long for a few days?"

From Yuen Long to Baodao, from a few days to an eternity, now even Chen Haonan, who has always obeyed Big Boss B, can't help it.

"Your murder of Baguan was seen by the police informant. If you don't run away now, if you are caught by the police, you will have to stay in jail for at least 5 years."

Big Brother B said hurriedly

"Okay, okay, Brother B"[]

Big Brother B's words made Chen Haonan feel cold.

"Anan, you can leave the green hills without worrying about having no firewood. It will take at most a year. When the storm passes, you will be able to come back."

After all, it's Ma Zai who I brought up since childhood.Hearing Chen Haonan's decadent tone, Boss B couldn't bear it and comforted him.

"Brother B! There are a few police officers outside looking for you, saying they are from the major crimes unit!"

At this moment, a man quickly ran up to Big Brother B and said loudly

"Deng Zhiyong, now we suspect that you are related to a murder case, please follow us back to the police station for investigation!"

Before this Ma Zai could finish his words, several police officers from the serious crime team also came to Big Boss B and said loudly.

Bang ~

Big Boss B slowly put the phone back on the phone and said calmly:"Okay, I'll go back to the police station with you."

At the same time, Wan Chai Police Station

"Sir Shen, Liang Kun from Hongxing came just now, saying that he is the best brother of Ba Guan. He wants to see Ba ​​Guan for the last time. He is now in the morgue."

As soon as Shen Qiu walked into the police station, a police officer from the serious crime team came up to him and said to Shen Qiu.

"oh? Liangkun is here."

In Shen Qiu's mind, he instantly remembered that famous scene, and said with a smile:"Then let's go meet him."

At this time, in the morgue, Liangkun was venting his anger. His muscles were tense, his fists were clenched tightly, his eyes were slightly closed, and his mouth was slightly open. It was obvious that his anger was about to be released.

However, right here, At that moment, a voice made Liangkun shrink back the anger that was about to burst out.

"Liangkun, I heard that you are very angry now?".

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