Wan Chai Police Station

"Wow, I'm sorry, Liangkun, to disturb you and vent your anger."

Shen Qiu didn't expect that as soon as he entered the morgue, he happened to see Liangkun's famous scene.

Well, it was a bit eye-catching, or in other words, he was small and very cute.

"Who are you?"

Liangkun kicked away his fire extinguisher, pulled up the zipper, stared at Shen Qiu fiercely, and said coldly

"Chief Inspector of the Crime Unit, Shen Qiu. Shen

Qiu replied with a smile.

"It turns out to be Sir Shen. I have heard of your name Sir Shen a long time ago. You are so prestigious."

Obviously, as a person in the film industry, Liangkun usually pays more attention to the media. When he heard Shen Qiu's name, his face suddenly changed and he forced a smile.

"Wow, I didn’t know I was so famous. Liangkun, why don’t you come to my office and let’s have a good chat."

Shen Qiu walked up to Liangkun, hugged Liangkun's neck, and walked towards the door of the morgue.

"Sir Shen:"847", it's getting late, I'd better not disturb your work."

Although he didn't know what was going on in Shen Qiu's gourd, Liangkun's intuition told him that it would be bad to have a relationship with the man in front of him, and he subconsciously wanted to break free from Shen Qiu's control.

But what shocked Liangkun was, Even if he tried his best, he couldn't break free. He was like a three-year-old child being held by his father, with no room for resistance.

"Liangkun, I gave you face to invite you to my office for tea. Why, you don’t give me even this face? Shen

Qiu said slowly with a smile on his face.

"How could it be possible? Of course I have to give Sir Shen face."

At this moment, Liangkun regretted and just wanted to give himself two slaps. Damn it, why are you crying and shutting up this bastard so late?

"That's good. Shen

Qiu smiled and nodded.

What surprised Liangkun was that after Shen Qiu took him to the lobby of Wan Chai Police Station, she stood with him in the lobby, seemingly without any intention of taking him to the office.



Big Brother B, who was sandwiched between several policemen from the crime team, looked at Liangkun standing next to Shen Qiu, his eyes full of surprise and doubt, and he exclaimed

"Let's go, Liangkun, go to my office for tea."

Shen Qiu didn't give Liangkun a chance to speak. After letting Boss B see him standing with Liangkun, he walked into his office with Liangkun in his arms.

"Sir Shen, what do you mean? Want to trick me? Liangkun , who was hugged by Shen Qiu, said loudly and unwillingly.

"Liangkun, Ah B has already seen what he should have seen. What's the use of saying this more? Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"Shen Qiu, you are playing dirty tricks on me by holding your mother in your arms, right?"

Liangkun finally couldn't help it and cursed loudly.

"Chen Yaoqing has already reported it to our police force. It was Ah B’s men Chen Haonan and Shan Ji who killed him."


Shen Qiu's words made Liangkun completely confused. He originally thought that Shen Qiu wanted Big Boss B to misunderstand that he had told the police the secret, but Shen Qiu told him that Chen Yaoqing from Xinji had already told the secret.

"Then what are you going to do if you invite me to tea and let Ah B see it?"

Jiangkun asked subconsciously.

Shen Qiu ignored Liangkun's question and picked up the phone to dial the next number.

"Dahua, come to my office."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said calmly.

A minute later, Dahua walked quickly to Shen Qiu and asked:"Sir Shen, what are your orders?"

"I keep an eye on him tonight, and he is not allowed to leave without my permission."

Chen Qiu pointed at Liangkun and said lightly.

"Hey, Shen Qiu, what tricks are you playing? I haven't broken any laws, so why are you detaining me?"

Hearing that Shen Qiu wanted to restrict his freedom, Liangkun immediately became angry.

"Liangkun, you want a reason, right? I'll give you a reason!"

"Does Baguan owe you 20 million and hasn’t paid it back? Is there a possibility that because you urged Baguan many times and Baguan still refused to pay back the money, you became angry and sent someone to kill Baguan. What about this? Is this reason enough?"

Chen Qiu turned to look at Liangkun and said lightly.

"Did you wrong me?"

Jiangkun was shocked and angry.

"Liangkun, if you stay here honestly, no one will wrong you. Do you understand?"

After Shen Qiu said this, he turned around and left his office.


Looking at Shen Qiu's leaving figure, Liangkun snorted coldly, but no matter how unhappy he felt, he still did not dare to leave the office.

After Shen Qiu left the office, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number..On the other side.

In a seaside villa in North Point

"Honey, do you want to sleep?"

Fang Ting walked up behind Jiang Tiansheng, and while rubbing Jiang Tiansheng's temples, she said in a tired voice

"You go to bed first, I still have some things to deal with."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Jiang Tiansheng said lightly.

Perhaps because he played too much when he was young, he is already a little unable to do what he wants now. Even if a beauty like Fang Ting is lying on the bed, Jiang Tiansheng Only under the stimulation of drugs can one show off his male prowess

"Okay, honey, go to bed early and don't be too tired."

After hearing Jiang Tiansheng's words, Fang Ting's eyes flashed with a trace of disappointment and helplessness. Even if she was unwilling, she could only turn around and leave......


As for Fang Ting's mood, Jiang Tiansheng is very clear about Fang Ting's mood, but he doesn't want to care about it, and he has no intention to care about it. It's just a woman, so what if he's dissatisfied? The worst thing is to change her.

Ring, ring, ring~

Just at this moment, on the desk The phone rang for a while

"Which one?"

After Jiang Tiansheng picked up the phone, he asked

"Mr. Jiang, I am Chief Inspector Shen Qiu of the Wan Chai Police Crime Unit. If you have time now, I will treat you to a supper."

Shen Qiu's slightly smiling voice came from the receiver.

After hearing Shen Qiu's name, Jiang Tiansheng frowned slightly. After thinking for a few seconds, he said:"Sir Shen, it seems that we are not so familiar with each other yet. Can we still have a late-night snack together?"

"OK, since Mr. Jiang doesn't want to have a late-night snack, please come to our Wan Chai Police Station. There is a case involving you. I hope you can actively cooperate with our investigation. Shen

Qiu said lightly.[]

"Sir Shen, I suggest you contact my lawyer first. If you have any questions, just talk to him directly."

Jiang Tiansheng's tone was even colder than Shen Qiu's.

Although Shen Qiu brought down Chen Minhong and caused a wave of waves in the underworld, it had a strong deterrent effect on young and Dangerous boys of Chen Yaoqing, Big Boss B, and Liangkun. But for a top boss like Jiang Tiansheng, although he will not take the initiative to offend Shen Qiu, he will not back down when faced with Shen Qiu asking for trouble.

Jiang Tiansheng knows very well that Jiang Tiansheng’s face is not only his own The face of Hong Xing is also the face of Hong Xing. If a chief inspector says a casual word, he, Jiang Tiansheng, will rush to the police station in the middle of the night to wait for his fate. When word spreads, not only Jiang Tiansheng, but also the entire Hong Xing fell shame

"Mr. Jiang, since you are so 5.4-style, I can only be more formal. Now I suspect you. Jiang Tiansheng, the leader of Hongxing Society, ordered members of Hongxing Society to kill Hong Kong Island men by issuing society tasks. Dongxing Society Straw Shoes Baguan"

"How about it, Mr. Jiang, you don’t really want me to bring someone to your door to invite you, do you?"

On the other end of the phone, Shen Qiu spoke in a joking tone, word for word, slowly.

After hearing what Shen Qiu said, the anger in Jiang Tiansheng's heart instantly burst out. Since he became the leader of Hongxing Society, no matter what Whether it was the police or the young and Dangerous boy, no one had ever dared to threaten him in front of him. Phew!

After taking a deep breath and releasing a little of the anger in his heart, Jiang Tiansheng spoke and said coldly:"Sir Shen, I will keep what you just said in mind. Now, I will go to your Wan Chai Police Station and have a good chat with you. If you have no evidence, I will definitely ask my lawyer to sue you for defamation!".

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