
The sound of the interrogation room door being pushed open instantly attracted the attention of Big Boss B, Chen Yao, and Lawyer Zhang.

"Mr. Jiang!"

"Mr. Jiang!"……

After seeing that the person who came was Jiang Tiansheng, the three of them all stood up and said hello to Jiang Tiansheng.

"Ah Yao, Lawyer Zhang, you go out first. I want to talk to Ah B alone."

After a few minutes of relief, Jiang Tiansheng's face has returned to calm.

"Xiaogu, you also come out and let Mr. Jiang and Deng Zhiyong have a good chat."

After Lawyers Chen Yao and Zhang left the interrogation room, Shen Qiu, who was standing at the door, smiled and said to the police officer guarding Big Brother B inside.

Wait until everyone left and the interrogation room door was closed, Mr. Jiang sat down He walked up to Big Brother B and said slowly:"Ah B, how many years have you been joining Hongxing?"

"Twenty-one years."

Big Brother B didn't know why, but he replied immediately.

"In the 21st year, you started from Tsz Wan Shan, worked as a red stick in 49, and then became a fit person at the entrance of Tsz Wan Shan Hall, and then became a fit person in Causeway Bay. It is not easy."

Jiang Tiansheng sighed with emotion.

"It’s all taken care of by Mr. Jiang."

Big Brother B quickly said modestly, but for some reason, listening to Jiang Tiansheng's words, Big Brother B felt that the more he listened, the more imaginary he became.

"After being a big brother for so long, have you ever thought about taking the right path?"

Jiang Tiansheng asked the second question.

"Of course, Mr. Jiang, if we come out to hang out, there are people who are in the first grade of junior high school and not in the fifteenth grade. Who doesn’t want to find a good job and have a long life. After Boss

B finished saying this, he immediately continued:"Mr. Jiang, just say what you want to say. I feel a little panicked when you do this.""

"Ah B, I have opened a company in Yuen Long. I can give you 50% of the shares. The annual income will definitely not be less than what you make in Causeway Bay. Give Chen Haonan and Shan Ji to the police. , and then find a reason to retire and live a good life."

Jiang Tiansheng looked at Big Brother B and said slowly, word by word.


After hearing Jiang Tiansheng's words, Boss B's expression suddenly changed. He never expected that Jiang Tiansheng would say such words to him.

After being stunned for more than ten seconds, Boss B said:"Mr. Jiang, you are not joking with me, are you? If I betray my brothers, everyone on the street will look down on me. And when Anan and the others come out, how will I face them?" them?"

"So I asked you to retire and find a good job. You can find a good job for a few years and earn enough money for you to immigrate. Chen Haonan and the others can't go abroad to kill you, right?"

Jiang Tiansheng said lightly.

"Mr. Jiang, I……"

Big Boss B doesn’t want to do this from the bottom of his heart, and that’s all for others. He really treats Chen Haonan as his son. Whether it’s personal or moral, Big Boss B doesn’t want to betray Chen Haonan.

"Ah B, you have been out for more than 20 years. Now you have a house, a wife, and a pair of children. That is enough. Even if you don’t plan for yourself, you still have to plan for your son and daughter. You have a good job in the Hong Kong Island Police Force. Yes, Island University of Hong Kong and Island Chinese University of Hong Kong will not admit young and Dangerous children. You can only send them to study abroad. Instead of struggling for more than ten years with an uncertain future, it is better to make a decision early."

Seeing Big Brother B's hesitation, Jiang Tiansheng persuaded him again.


After hearing Jiang Tiansheng's words, Boss B was even more confused.

"Ah B, since you talk about loyalty and loyalty, I won’t force you. If Chen Haonan and the others run away, the police will target you to death, and Dongxing will chase you. But don’t worry, the society will carry it with you. As for whether we can bear it and how long we can bear it, let's work hard together."

Jiang Tiansheng said lightly.

"Mr. Jiang, you……"

Boss B raised his head and looked at Jiang Tiansheng in shock. Although the leader of Hongxing Society in front of him said so, Boss B knew very well that what he said was irony. Will Hongxing Society be able to hold it back? I know, his boss B will definitely not be able to handle it.

"Ah B, you are not sitting in my seat. You don’t understand many things. The entire Hongxing Society, with nearly 20,000 brothers, is carrying on my shoulders. Every step I take is like walking on thin ice!"


Having said this, Jiang Tiansheng sighed deeply, then stared at Big Brother B and said slowly:"I'll ask you one last time, are you willing to find a job?"

"Mr. Jiang, I promise you, look for... look for Zhengxing."

Big Brother B spoke very slowly, as if he had to use all his energy to say this sentence.of average strength

"Ah B, we have to talk about loyalty and loyalty, but people always have to think about themselves first."

Seeing Big Brother B's decadent look, Jiang Tiansheng couldn't bear it. After saying a word of relief, he stood up and left the interrogation room.

""Squeak~" (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After opening the door, Jiang Tiansheng saw a smiling Shen Qiu at the first sight, which made Jiang Tiansheng's face instantly become extremely ugly. He nodded to Shen Qiu, indicating that Big Boss B had figured it out, then passed Shen Qiu and left quickly.

"Mr. Jiang, police-citizen cooperation, thank you for your cooperation."

Shen Qiu looked at Jiang Tiansheng's back and said with a smile.


Jiang Tiansheng didn't look back or speak, he just walked faster, and his hurried away figure looked particularly embarrassed.

Shen Qiu smiled and shook his head, then slowly walked into the interrogation room and threw a mobile phone in front of Boss B.

With a snap, Big Brother B, who was in a daze, came back to his senses and looked at Shen Qiu standing in front of him with some confusion.

"Brother B, please call me. You don’t need me to teach you how to say it, right? Shen

Qiu looked at Big Brother B and said with a smile.

After listening to Shen Qiu's words, Big Brother B stared at the phone in front of him and hesitated for more than ten seconds before reaching out and grabbing the phone with such force that even his knuckles were broken. Somewhat white

"Brother B, I asked you to call and dial the number, not the cell phone."

Chen Qiu said quietly.


Boss B took a deep breath and slowly dialed a number.

After the call was connected, he put the phone to his ear and said,"Anan, it's me. I've already taken care of the police force. You don't need to go to sea. I'll arrange for someone to pick you up right away."(Li Zhao)[]

"Really? Brother B, thank you very much."

In the receiver, Chen Haonan's excited voice and the cheers of Pheasant, Datian Er and others came out

"You're welcome. You are my B's and I should take care of you."

Big Brother B's words became smoother and more natural. He chatted with Chen Haonan and others for nearly a minute before hanging up the phone.


Big Brother B hung up the phone, Shen Qiu Immediately applauded Big Brother B:"Brother B, your acting skills are great, you are worthy of being a veteran of more than 20 years.""

"Shen Qiu, don't go too far!"

At this moment, Big Brother B finally couldn't restrain his anger, stood up suddenly, pointed at Shen Qiu, and shouted sternly

"Ah B, do you really think that you are the righteous Guan Erye? The play is over, don't get too involved, it's very unprofessional!"

Shen Qiu looked calm and calm, looking at the furious boss B in front of him, and said slowly word by word...

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