Wan Chai Police Station, interrogation room


Faced with Shen Qiu's cynicism, Big Boss B decided to remain silent. It was also his retort with force. He was indeed a bitch and built an archway, and then the archway was demolished.

"Ah B, are you interested in telling me what conditions Jiang Tiansheng agreed to to make you, Guan Gong, change his face?"

Shen Qiu asked the boss B with a smile.


Boss B continues to remain silent in response

"Ah B, actually I can guess that it is just to give up a little profit from your business, so that you can withdraw from the world and go home to be with your wife and children, right?"

Shen Qiu looked at Big Brother B. The smile on his face became brighter and brighter, which made Big Brother B very unhappy.

But Shen Qiu's next words made Big Brother B change his expression instantly:"Ah B, you Think about it, Jiang Tiansheng is such a face-saving person. Once you withdraw from the world and have no soldiers or power, will he really let you live your life in such a comfortable way?"

"Shen Qiu, what exactly do you want to say?"

At this moment, Big Boss B couldn't bear it anymore.

If Shen Qiu had said this to him before tonight, Big Boss B would have just thought that Shen Qiu farted, but when Jiang Tiansheng persuaded him to give up morality and betrayal, After Chen Haonan and others, Big Boss B's trust in Jiang Tiansheng has reached an all-time low.

Big Boss B doesn't fully believe Shen Qiu's words, but he doesn't completely disbelieve them either.

"I can help you so that no one knows that it was you who betrayed Chen Haonan, Pheasant, and Datian Er253. You can continue to be your leader in Causeway Bay and your boss.……"

"You want me to be an informant for your police force? I might as well believe Jiang Tiansheng if I believe you guys."

Before Shen Qiu finished speaking, he was interrupted by Big Brother B.

"No, I'm not asking you to be a police informant."

At this point, Shen Qiu lowered his voice, put his hands on the table, looked down at Big Boss B, and said slowly:"I want you to be my informant!"

"Your informant?"

Big Brother B's face suddenly changed.

"Yes, you are just my informant, and your task is to continue to climb up in Hongxing. I will help you replace Jiang Tiansheng, and you will be the leader of Hongxing Society. When the time comes, Jiang The natural power, Jiang Tiansheng's money, are all yours."

Shen Qiu said slowly, word for word.

"So what do I have to pay?"

Big Brother B asked curiously.

"Ah B, guess how old I am this year?"

Shen Qiu did not answer Big Brother B's question. Instead, he asked Big Brother B a question.

"More than twenty?"

Hearing this question, Big Brother B was a little confused.

"24. I am the youngest Chief Inspector in the police force. In 2 months, I completed the journey that other colleagues took 10 years to complete, from being promoted from trainee inspector to Chief Inspector."

"If I want to continue to move up, I need to make more contributions. I need to have my own team and my own (bedi) power. The ghost guys are already delegating power. In 10 years at most, they will give up the police department. Long this position"

"Before Gui Lao gives up his position, I have to go up as much as possible, so that I can get as much cake as possible after Gui Lao completely delegates his power. And you, Ah B, what you have to give is your full support for me. , remember, is full support from all aspects. Shen

Qiu looked at Big Brother B and said lightly.

"You are crazy. If people in the society find out that I am a police informant, even if I become the leader, I will be kicked down."

Big Boss B looked at Shen Qiu who was full of confidence in front of him, as if his whole body was radiating light. He was silent for more than ten seconds before uttering these words.

"Ah B, I am telling you so much, not because I want to convince you, but because I feel that if a person knows the goal of struggle, he can better exert his enthusiasm."

At this point, Shen Qiu changed the topic:"I guarantee you, if you don't become my informant, tonight the entire Hong Kong underworld will know that you betrayed your own men. At that time, even if Jiang Tiansheng wants to protect you , there is nothing he can do, there is only one fate waiting for you, be infamous, be expelled from Hongxing, and then hide in Tibet on the east side of Hong Kong Island like a street rat."

At this moment, Big Boss B completely understood that in fact, he had no choice at all from the beginning. Thinking of this, he asked unwillingly:"Sir Shen, did you include me in it from the beginning?"

"Yes, from the moment I knew that Chen Haonan killed Ba Guan, you had no other choice except to be my informant. As long as you are a fit person in Causeway Bay, you must save Chen Haonan and Shan Ji. , as long as you save them, you have no choice."

Chen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly

"Sir Shen, with you in the police force, these societies in Hong Kong will suffer."

Big Brother B lowered his head and said with a dejected look.

"Ah B, cheer up, the seat of Hongxing's leader is still waiting for you to sit."

Shen Qiu smiled and patted Boss B on the shoulder, then turned around and walked out of the interrogation room. On the other side, a van was driving on the Qinglang Highway from Yuen Long to Wan Chai.

In the van, Pheasant, Da Tianer and others were all While excitedly discussing Chen Haonan's appointment, although Chen Haonan tried his best to restrain himself, it could be seen from the raised corners of his mouth that he was as excited as Pheasant, Datian Er and others.


Right here At that time, the van suddenly stopped

"what happened?"

Chen Haonan asked.

"Brother Nan, there is a guard posted in front."

The van driver replied.

"Brother Nan, do you want to run away?"

Hearing that there was a guard posted, Pheasant asked nervously.

"Turn around."

After Chen Haonan pondered for a moment, he spoke.

Although Big Brother B told them that it was done, just in case, Chen Haonan decided to play it safe.

However, just when the van in which Chen Haonan and others were riding turned around.

Woo woo woo. Woo~

A police bell rang, and a troop carrier chased the van where Chen Haonan and others were riding. At the same time, the loudspeaker on the troop carrier played a recording:"Police, stop the car immediately and accept inspection!"

"Get rid of these gangsters."(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Chen Haonan said loudly


After the van driver heard Chen Haonan's words, he immediately stepped on the accelerator. The speed of the van suddenly increased and it ran wildly.

However, the troop carrier behind was like a dog-skin plaster, sticking tightly to the van, no matter how the van driver shook it, Can't get rid of them.

Inside the troop carrier

"Awen, hit him directly."

After seeing that the speed had reached almost 100 yards, He Wenzhan said calmly to Awen who was driving.

After Shen Qiu had an agreement with Big Brother B, he asked He Wenzhan to lead people to set up traffic jams on the only road from Yuen Long to Wan Chai. At the same time, I told He Wenzhan that Big Boss B was sent to borrow the license plate number of the van belonging to Chen Haonan, Shan Ji and others.


The troop carriers of the Hong Kong Island Police Force are all heavy-duty vans purchased from Germany. In order to be bulletproof, a large number of steel plates are added. This brings the weight of the entire vehicle to an astonishing 8 tons.

With the blessing of a speed of 100 yards, even if a vehicle of this weight is not as strong as a tank, it is not much different. I saw the van in which Chen Haonan and several people were riding. As if they were made of paper, they were directly knocked away and rolled on the road for more than ten times before stopping. He

Wenzhan and others, who had been prepared for a long time, except for two people who suffered arm sprains due to the huge inertia, , the rest of the people were unscathed.

He Wenzhan looked at the van that had almost fallen apart in the distance, and said calmly:"Call an ambulance, save people!"

3 o'clock in the morning the next day.

Ring ring ring~[]

Shen Qiu, who had fallen asleep in the duty room of the police station, was awakened by the ringing of his cell phone.

"Which one?"

Chen Qiu picked up the phone with his eyes closed, pressed the answer button, and asked

"Sir Shen, it’s me, He Wenzhan."

He Wenzhan's voice came from the receiver

"A Zhan, have you already caught the person I asked you to arrest?"

Shen Qiu asked with a hint of meaning.

"Sir Shen, I followed your instructions and originally stopped the van for questioning, but the van immediately turned around and fled. During the pursuit, the van had an accident and all six people in the vehicle died."

He Wenzhan said slowly

"A Zhan, I will report this matter to my superiors to prove that it is not your responsibility."

Shen Qiu said

"Thank you Sir Shen for your understanding."

"It's okay, after all, no one wants this to happen. Shen

Qiu said slowly with a calm face.

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