After answering He Zhanwen's call, Shen Qiu lay back on the bed again. When he woke up, it was already 8:30 the next day. Only then did Shen Qiu remember that there was still a big enemy still in his office..

A few minutes later

"Liangkun, you can go."

Shen Qiu walked into his office and looked at Liangkun who was sleeping on the chair and said lightly.

"Um? Liangkun , who was awakened by Shen Qiu, was stunned for a moment, then woke up and said with an unhappy face:"Sir Shen, you detained me here all night, just to let me sleep in your police station?""

"Why, you slept soundly, do you still want to sleep one more night? Shen

Qiu said lightly.

"My brain is sick, I need to sleep one more night~"

While talking, Liangkun walked quickly towards the door of Shen Qiu's office.

"Oh, by the way, Liangkun, there's something I forgot to tell you."

Just when Liangkun had reached the door of Shen Qiu's office, Shen Qiu suddenly said


"Yesterday, your Hongxing leader Jiang Tiansheng also came. I told him that you were drinking tea in my office. Shen

Qiu looked at Liangkun who looked confused and said with a smile.


After hearing Shen Qiu's words, a burst of anger instantly surged out of Liangkun's body. He pointed at Shen Qiu and said loudly:"Your mother, Shen Qiu, are you cheating on me?" Yesterday,

Boss B was arrested by the police team After investigation, his horseman ran away, and then Jiang Tiansheng was also called to the police team for investigation. Shen Qiu also told him that Liangkun was also at the police station.

Putting these things together, Liangkun knew without even thinking that Jiang Tiansheng would have a huge misunderstanding of him, not to mention that during this period, he had been competing with Jiang Tiansheng overtly and covertly. This... thinking of this, Liangkun wanted to give himself two slaps. Why did he come here to give that bastard a slap in the face last night? Damn it!

"Wow, Liangkun, it's wrong of you to say that. I'm just telling the truth. Shen

Qiu looked at Liangkun with an innocent face and said with a smile.


Liangkun exhaled heavily, suppressed the anger in his heart, and left Shen Qiu's office quickly. He was worried that he would stay for one more second. They will all be pissed off by this bastard Shen Qiu.

"Liangkun, now that it's like this, shouldn't it be time to take action against Jiang Tiansheng?"

Looking at the back of Jingkun leaving, a smile appeared on Chen Qiu's face.

He deliberately put eye drops between Jiang Tiansheng and Jingkun, making the originally disharmonious relationship between the two people even more tense. The purpose was He had to force Liangkun to take action, so that he, Shen Qiu, could help Big Boss B profit from it.

Thinking of Big Boss B, Shen Qiu quickly walked out of the office and walked towards the interrogation room.

A few minutes later

"Ah B, you can notify your lawyer to handle the procedures for you."

Shen Qiu looked at the boss B in front of him and said lightly.

"OK, thank you Sir Shen."

Big Brother B looked haggard. It was obvious that he didn't sleep at all last night.

"Another thing is that there was an accidental car accident on Qinglang Highway yesterday night. Five people, Chen Haonan, Shan Ji, Da Tianer, Bao Pi and Chao Pi, were all killed in the car accident."

Shen Qiu said slowly.

With a bang~

Shen Qiu's words were like a thunder that hit Big Brother B directly, making him stunned on the spot and his mind went blank.

He didn't sleep all night last night and thought a lot. A lot, including how Shen Qiu would arrange Chen Haonan, Pheasant and others, but Boss B never dreamed that Shen Qiu would be so... so cruel.

Thinking of this, Boss B looked at Shen Qiu, Hanging on a trace of fear

"Ah B, cheer up quickly, Chen Haonan, the five souls in heaven of Pheasant, Datianer, Foreskin, and Chaopi will always be watching you. Shen

Qiu looked at the blank-faced boss B and said with a smile.

"Okay, Sir Shen, I understand what you mean."

Big Brother B immediately replied

"By the way, here is a recording, you can listen to it, maybe it can help you recover faster."

Shen Qiu took out a Walkman from his pocket and threw it in front of Boss B. Boss B, who looked confused, picked up the headphones, put them on his ears, and pressed the play button on the Walkman, but he couldn't hear anything. Within 10 seconds, his face suddenly changed. He looked at Shen Qiu with a look of shock and shock, and he was about to speak immediately.

However, Shen Qiu made a silent gesture towards him, indicating that he should continue to stop.

The next thirty minutes were the most difficult thirty minutes in Big Brother B's life, because in these thirty minutes, he completely recounted the conversation he had with Jiang Tiansheng yesterday night, as well as the conversation he had on the phone with Chen Haonan. Reviewed it again.

Boss B knew very well what would be waiting for him if this recording was circulated.

At this moment, the last trace of resistance against Shen Qiu in Boss B's heart completely disappeared. He understood that from now on From now on, I have no other choice but to be Shen Qiu's loyal dog.

"Ah B, do you feel a little better? I will leave this tape to you to keep for yourself. When you are in a bad mood or can't think about it, listen to it."

The smile on Shen Qiu's face was warm and welcoming, but in the eyes of Big Boss B, Shen Qiu at this moment was more terrifying than the most ferocious demon.

"Ah B, I still have something to do, so I won’t chat with you. Please notify your lawyer quickly and take you away."

After saying this, Shen Qiu turned around and left the interrogation room, leaving only Big Boss B with a dull expression sitting on the chair, motionless.

Half an hour later, in Shen Qiu's office.

Ring ring ring ~ a burst of Cell phone ringtone

"Hello, who is this?"

Shen Qiu asked.

"Brother Qiu, it’s me, the judge."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The judge's feminine voice came from the receiver

"Did you find that.38? Shen

Qiu asked immediately

"Yes, one of Dafei's men told me that the night before yesterday, there was a rich second-generation student from Edinburgh International School who brought some.38 to Dafei."

The judge replied.

"Okay, I understand, thank you for your hard work."

After Shen Qiu said this with a smile, he hung up the phone directly.

Now that he knew that 0.38 was now in Da Fei's hands, Shen Qiu was not in a hurry. He now needed to start the second step of the plan. Thinking of Here, Shen Qiu walked out of his office, went straight to the door of Huang Bingyao's office, and knocked on the door.

Dong Dong Dong~

"Come in!"

In the office, Huang Bingyao's voice came out

"Director Huang."

After entering the office, Shen Qiu saluted Huang Bingyao and said hello.

"Ah Qiu, you came just in time. You did a good job on the Causeway Bay street murder case yesterday. You solved the whole case in one night. It's a pity that the last five suspects accidentally got into a car accident. Otherwise, this case would have been perfect."[]

Huang Bingyao now enjoys the same happiness as Chen Zhijie

"Sir Huang, I didn't expect an accident. It's my fault. I told the PTU people to follow Chen Haonan and his gang to death."

Shen Qiu took the initiative to admit his mistake.

"It's normal to have some surprises when handling a case. It's only the young and Dangerous guys who are unlucky. Huang

Bingyao waved his hands and said with a smile.

"By the way, Sir Huang, I'm not here to come to you about the Causeway Bay street murder case."

At this point, Shen Qiu lowered his voice:"I already have clues about your gun."


Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Huang Bingyao's eyes widened by a third. He originally thought that Shen Qiu was busy with the murder case yesterday and had not had time to investigate his gun. But he never expected that Shen Qiu not only committed the murder The case was solved, and clues were found that he was equipped with a gun.

Is this the strength of Hong Kong Island's most prestigious and popular hot chick? He is indeed a worthy warrior despite his reputation! At this moment, Huang Bingyao completely understood Chen Zhijie The happiness of being a subordinate is what all department heads in Hong Kong dream of. At a certain moment, Huang Bingyao had the urge to simply introduce Meazi to him.

But in the end, the love for his cabbage still outweighed this Impulsively, Huang Bingyao looked at Shen Qiu and asked in a low voice:"Aqiu, do you need my help when you come to me now?"

"Sir Huang has a wonderful plan, I hope you will do it next……"

Shen Qiu slowly spoke out his second step plan..

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