The next day, in the morning, inside Shen Qiu’s office of the Wan Chai Police Station’s Crime Unit.

Qiu Gangao, Zhu Xuming, Mo Yiquan, and Luo Jianhua stood upright in front of Shen Qiu and said loudly:

"Sir Shen, Qiu Gangao reports to you!"

"Sir Shen, Zhu Xuming reports to you!"

"Sir Shen, Mo Yiquan reports to you!"

"Sir Shen, Luo Jianhua reports to you!"

"Okay, Ao, Paozhu, Ah Quan, Ah Hua, welcome back to the team! Shen

Qiu said to the four people with a smile.

Among the matters Shen Qiu reported to Huang Bingyao yesterday, the top one was to transfer Qiu Gangao, who had just won the lawsuit yesterday afternoon and returned to the police force, to serve under him. In addition to In addition, Shen Qiu's old subordinates from Yau Tsim Police Station, such as Yang Zai, Xiao Bao, Wu Zai, Long Legs and Xiao Ying, were temporarily loaned to Shen Qiu's subordinates. The reason why Shen Qiu did this is also very simple. He only knew that international terrorists would kidnap the students of Edinburgh International School, but he did not know when these terrorist"August 10" elements would take action.

Therefore, Shen Qiu prepared to take Qiu Gangao and MoTsuen, Yang Tsai, Xiao Ying and others were all sent undercover at Edinburgh International School.

As long as it is discovered that the Political Department has also sent undercover agents into the school, it will prove that the group of international terrorists are about to take action.

Of course, Qiu Gangao, Yang Zai, Xiao Ying and others were all transferred to Wan Chai Police Station by Shen Qiu on the pretext of helping Huang Bingyao find a gun. Otherwise, Shen Qiu would have no idea why he would find so many undercover agents at once. Attended Edinburgh International School.

As for Shen Qiu himself, although he also wanted to go undercover at Edinburgh International School, not to hook up with He Min, but mainly to try out the feeling of teaching and educating people, but as the leader of the serious crime team of Wan Chai Police Station, he has to deal with many things every day. Even if Huang Bingyao was eager to find his gun, he would not agree to Shen Qiu's decision to leave his job in the crime squad and go undercover.

Therefore, Shen Qiu could only give up this thought.

"Ao, Baozhu, Aquan, Ahua, you came just in time, come with me for an operation tonight."

After thinking of this, Shen Qiu smiled and said to Qiu Gang'ao and others.

Before Qiu Gang'ao and others go undercover, they should first deal with Da Fei, the arms dealer, and hold Huang Bingyao's gun in hand to avoid being sold by Da Fei. Yeah, that wouldn't be fun

"yes, sir!"

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Qiu Gang'ao and the other four people put their legs together and said loudly.

That night, next to an independent house in Wan Chai.

Shen Qiu, Qiu Gang'ao and a group of five people, together with a Dafei Ma Tsai, hiding in a dark alley

"Sir, my boss is here. Please, don't let my boss know that I betrayed him."

Da Fei, a young man, was about to burst into tears. He had a good meal at home, but these policemen rushed into his house, beat him up and forced him to tell him where his elder brother Da Fei was now.

In Shen Under Qiu's grappling hand, not even the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles could bear it, let alone this ordinary young and Dangerous boy, so he sold his eldest brother happily.

But this Ma Zi didn't know either, All his information was given to Shen Qiu by the judge. This disaster was destined for him.

"Be quiet, I can pretend not to see you tonight, do you understand?"

Shen Qiu said to this horse boy


The horse boy immediately nodded crazily.

Then, he was greeted by Qiu Gangao's hand knife, which knocked him unconscious to the ground.

"Ao, remember, we are now police officers. We mainly subdue the people inside. We have no choice but to use guns. Do you understand?"

Shen Qiu instructed.

"Don't worry, Brother Qiu, arresting people is our strength. Zhu

Xuming said with a smile

"Then take action."

After Shen Qiu's words fell, he disappeared into the dark shadow of the alley in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, inside the independent house

"Brother Fei, the girl I brought today is absolutely on point. I guarantee your satisfaction. She is still a chick."

A woman in school uniform snuggled into Da Fei's arms and said softly.

"Yes, Anne, I knew my love for you was not in vain. Da

Fei pinched the woman's nose, and then said to Ma Zai beside him:"I will finish testing the goods later and leave it to you for training. Just like before, I will give her a complete set and tell her that if she dares to call the police, she will be punished." Hong Kong Island will all enjoy her films"

"Yes, Fei Ge."

The horses immediately nodded and said

"Brother Fei, I'm going to give her some medicine."

Annie said to Da Fei with a smile.

"Go ahead, I will feed you both at once tonight."

Da Fei slapped Annie on the butt and said with a lewd smile. Annie winked at Da Fei and then quickly left the room.

"This little slut is getting more and more slutty. If she hadn't been able to seduce those schoolgirls back, I would have wanted her to pick up customers."

After Annie left, Da Fei said to his pony with a smile

"Brother Fei, let her pick up the guests, why not take advantage of us brothers first?"

Da Fei's Ma Zai showed an expression on his face that all men understand.

"Wait until I train her for a while, woman, she will get bored after playing with her for a long time. Da

Fei replied with a smile.

At this moment, the door to the room was pushed open, and a young man with a handsome face and a tall figure appeared in the sight of Da Fei and his two horses. It was Shen Qiu.

"Who is Da Fei? Shen

Qiu asked with a smile.......

"I'm holding your mother in my mouth, who are you?"

Da Fei immediately cursed loudly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Fei Lu Novel Network!)

"No one said anything? Then take them away together."

Before Shen Qiu finished speaking, he turned into a black shadow and came to Da Fei's side. He knocked him unconscious with just one punch. Then, in less than 3 seconds, Da Fei's two A young man was also knocked unconscious by Shen Qiu

"Brother Qiu, Lou, Lou has been taken care of."

At this time, Qiu Gangao also walked to the door of the room and said to Shen Qiu

"Baozhu and Aquan haven't come down yet. Ao, handcuff them both. I'll go to the third floor to take a look. Shen

Qiu said to Qiu Gangao with a smile.

Half a minute later

"Damn it, Ah Quan, what are you doing standing here? Is everyone done?"

After Shen Qiu went up to the third floor, he looked at Zhu Xuming and Mo Yiquan standing in front of him and asked.

"Brother Qiu, it’s done, it’s done, but……"

Before Zhu Xuming finished speaking, Shen Qiu saw a woman in a student uniform fainted on the ground in a room. Needless to say, this one must have been knocked unconscious by Zhu Xuming or Mo Yiquan, but the other woman was lying on the ground. On the sofa, the girl wearing a school uniform, with a pure and beautiful face, and blurred eyes was obviously not one of Da Fei's men.

Shen Qiu walked up to the girl. After seeing the girl's name embroidered on the school uniform, his eyes moved slightly. He saw the name Sandy written on it.


Shen Qiu patted Xiandi's tender face, which still had a hint of baby fat, and shouted

"Don't...don't hurt me"[]

Sandy's eyes were blurry and she looked like she was about to faint at any moment. She was obviously drugged.

"Explode beads, go get some water. 0.9 Shen Qiu first turned around and said something to Baozhu. Then, he helped Santi up and gently patted her cheek while saying:"Santi, I am a policeman and I am here to save you. You Don't sleep yet, I'll take you back to the police station right away."

Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Xiandi glanced at Shen Qiu subconsciously. Then, she didn't know whether it was because she was relaxed after being rescued or because the medicine was too powerful and she couldn't bear it anymore. She fell into Shen Qiu's arms.

"Brother Qiu, here comes the water……"

At this time, Baozhu ran up to Shen Qiu with a basin of water in his hands.

"Your mother, do you think we are conducting an interrogation? Get a basin of water? I asked you to pour a glass of water for this little sister to drink."

Chen Qiu supported Xiandi and said with a speechless expression.

"Oh, then I'll get a glass of water right away"

"I poured your mother out, and everyone passed out. She even farted and went back to the police station."

Shen Qiu held the soft and boneless Xiandi in his arms and walked towards the door of the room.

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