Late at night, Wan Chai Police Station, interrogation room.


A basin of ice water directly woke up the unconscious Da Fei.


After a series of rapid breathing sounds, Da Fei regained consciousness.

After seeing the familiar soft bags around him and the familiar iron chair beneath him, Da Fei immediately understood that he had been caught by a police officer, which made Da Fei let out a long sigh of relief.

For someone who is in the arms business, as long as he is not stolen by others, he does not need to be afraid of the police. On the contrary, he is more afraid of other competitors. After all, they are all playing with guns and cannons. The young and the Dangerous will fight each other, and the fight will be over. At most, I will have a few more scars on my body, and I will sleep in a hospital ward. Arms dealers like them will probably have a few more holes in my body after that, and I will sleep in a hospital morgue.

"Hey, what are you guys doing? You are violently enforcing the law, right? Believe it or not, I will ask my lawyer to go to the Complaints Office and file a complaint against you!"

Da Fei looked at the young man who knocked him out and said arrogantly.

Hearing Da Fei's words, Shen Qiu laughed, walked up to Da Fei, and said with a smile:"Da Fei, Do you think we have no evidence? Nothing can be done against you?"

"Well, I won't answer any of your questions until my lawyer comes."

Da Fei obviously watches a lot of TVB TV stations and is very familiar with the lines in the TV series.

"Da Fei, don't worry, I won't ask you any questions, I want you to take the initiative to speak."

After Shen Qiu finished speaking, he gestured to Qiu Gangao and Mo Yiquan behind him. Then he retreated to the door of the interrogation room, took out a cigarette from his pocket, held it in his mouth, and lit the cigarette. While watching Qiu Gangao and Mo Yiquan, they hung the shouting Dafei on the steel pipe, posing like a dragonfly touching the water.

As the name suggests, only a few of the toes can touch the ground, and the whole The weight of the body is supported by the handcuffed wrists. Over time, bruises on the wrists are minor injuries, and dislocations are common.

"Grab your mother and put me down. I want to see a lawyer."

As the main target of the police force, Da Fei naturally knew this trick and immediately shouted that he wanted to see his lawyer.

"Dafei, don't worry, I'll let you see a lawyer after I'm done entertaining you."

Shen Qiu said to Da Fei with a smile.


"ah! I fuck you……"

Just as Da Fei was about to speak, Qiu Gangao hit a book on Da Fei's chest with a hammer.

The sound of"dong~dong~" and Da Fei's scream immediately sounded in the interrogation room.

"Da Fei, this move is called hitting the cow across the mountain. There will be Judicial Milk Tea and Ice and Fire Two Heavens waiting for you later. You can enjoy it slowly."

Shen Qiu walked up to Da Fei, blew a puff of smoke on Da Fei's face, and said with a smile.

Judicial milk tea is to cut the hair into pieces and mix it with the milk tea for people to drink it, because the hair is not easy to be decomposed and will always be there. The stomach is churning and churning, causing severe abdominal pain.

The two worlds of ice and fire are to let the bird cool down on the ice for a few minutes, and then pour hot water on the frozen bird to let the bird warm for a few minutes. Alternate back and forth, a few more times, and the little bird will never be able to turn into a big bird again.

These are the great memory recovery techniques that the Hong Kong Island Police have summarized over the years. They will not leave any trauma, but with the ICAC After the establishment of the Hong Kong Island Police Force and strict restrictions on the power of the police, few policemen are using these methods to help suspects recover their memories. After all, if the case is not solved, the most they can do is to take advantage of their superiors. Come on, the salary is as shown in the foreman's photo. Once you don't use the big memory recovery technique well, you may lose all the clothes you are wearing. The salary is only more than 10,000 points a month. Why are you working so hard?

However, Shen Qiu He didn't care, because he had no intention of letting Da Fei live from the beginning. Outside the police station, he had already prepared a fast track for Da Fei to reincarnate.

"Your mother, what exactly do you want me to say?"

At this moment, Da Fei's whole body was soaked with cold sweat. Thinking that there was the legendary judicial milk tea and the two heavens of ice and fire waiting for him behind, his psychological defense collapsed instantly. He looked at Shen Qiu in front of him and shouted loudly.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you just shot a cow across the mountain, but you can’t hold it anymore? Da Fei, you were so tough just now, I thought you could hold on for a little longer."

Shen Qiu slapped Da Fei on the face and said jokingly

"Boss, stop playing with me, just ask whatever you want."

At this moment, Da Fei felt as if his whole body was falling apart. He just wanted to escape from this place that was scarier than hell. He couldn't care about other things. Even if he went to Stanley to study for a few years, he All admitted

"Dafei, I just said, I won't ask you any questions, you can say it yourself"

"Ao, continue!"

Shen Qiu looked at the pale Da Fei, the smile on his face faded, and he said lightly.


A hammering sound sounded in the interrogation room again.

"Boss, let me tell you, I have controlled 4 schoolgirls in the past few months and asked them to sell them……"

"I bought dozens of guns from the judge a few days ago and plan to transport them to Jinshanjiao for sale.……"

"Also, among that batch of guns is a.38 belonging to your police... Those guns are all stored in the warehouse at Wan Chai Pier.……"

Da Fei told him all his recent crimes intermittently.

Hearing this, Shen Qiu walked out of the interrogation room, took out his cell phone, and dialed the judge's number. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Judge, please remove all the arms from warehouse No. 133 at Wanchai Pier. Except for the.38, you can handle the rest yourself."

After saying this, Shen Qiu hung up the phone.

No matter how small a fly is, it is still meat, and it is still a system task. Shen Qiu is not willing to waste this task by collecting these arms in the name of the police force. At first, Shen Qiu's plan was to help Da Fei recover his memory and then let the judge snatch the arms.

Then, Shen Qiu walked into the interrogation room again and said calmly:"Stop.

Then, he walked up to Da Fei and said with a smile:"Da Fei, if you cooperate with us early, everything will be fine, right?" You have a good rest here and we will talk slowly later."

"Your mother, let me down!"

Looking at the backs of Shen Qiu, Qiu Gang'ao and others leaving, Da Fei wailed in pain.

Ten minutes later, when Shen Qiu, Qiu Gang'ao and others were still a few minutes away from Wanchai Pier, the system in Shen Qiu's mind sound sounded

"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: rob the arms dealer Da Fei's arsenal, and obtain the reward: intermediate bullet antibody (the damage of bullets to the host is reduced by 70%)."

After hearing the sound of the system task reward, a smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face. Da Fei is now useless and can be dealt with.

Half an hour later, the interrogation room of Wan Chai Police Station

"Da Fei, are you bluffing us? There is nothing in that warehouse!"

Chen Qiu grabbed Da Fei's collar and shouted loudly

"No...impossible, boss, all my weapons are really stored in that warehouse, you believe me!"

Da Fei quickly explained[]

"I believe you? I believe in your mother, Ao!"

Chen Qiu roared angrily, and was about to let Qiu Gangao take action again.


At this moment, the door of the interrogation room was pushed open violently, and then Luo Jianhua walked into the interrogation room with a gloomy face.

"Shen Qiu, what the hell are you doing? Torture to extract 303 confessions? Why don't you put the person down quickly!"

Luo Jianhua pointed at Shen Qiu and said with a gloomy face.

Then, under the justice of Luo Jianhua and Bao Qingtian, Da Fei was quickly released and left the Wan Chai Police Station with pain all over his body.

"Shen Qiu, just wait, I will never let you go!"

After leaving the Wan Chai Police Station, Da Fei clenched his fists and said bitterly.

Just at this moment, a car stopped next to Da Fei, and then a very familiar voice to Da Fei came into his ears. :"Da Fei, get in the car"


Da Fei looked at his seller in front of him and asked in surprise.

"Da Fei, guess why the policeman let you go so easily."

The judge stared at Da Fei and said quietly

"Judge, could it be that Sir Luo just now……"


Before Da Fei finished speaking, the judge interrupted him, and then the judge continued:"Get in the car and take you to see something good.""

After knowing that the judge had rescued him, Da Fei's doubts disappeared for the most part, he opened the car door and got into the car.

But Da Fei didn't know that the scene in front of him was all seen by a pair of eyes, and he was even more I don’t know, the sea fish in Victoria Harbor will have another meal tonight...

After the judge drove away with Da Fei, Shen Qiu withdrew his gaze and walked to the lounge not far away, where he placed the unconscious Sandy. There.


When Shen Qiu opened the door, a pair of big smart eyes met his. He saw Sandy curled up on the bed, holding her knees with both hands, with a trace of fear and a trace of grievance on her face. , a trace of worry, just like a poor baby, I feel pity for it...

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