Wan Chai Police Station

"Teacher He, I am Chief Inspector Shen Qiu of Wan Chai Police Station. This is my ID. In fact, I just want to chat with your teacher from Edinburgh International School. Go to my office and wait for me for a moment. I will take your students right away. come over."

After hearing He Min's self-introduction, Shen Qiu reacted immediately, invited He Min to his office, and shouted loudly:"Dahua, make tea for Teacher He."

"No need, Sir Shen, it doesn’t need to be so troublesome."

He Min quickly waved his hand and said politely.

"You're welcome, Teacher He, please wait a moment."

After Shen Qiu and He Min said this with a smile, they quickly left their offices and walked towards the office of the anti-gangster group.

"Hey, man, where is your team leader?"

After walking into the anti-gang group office, Shen Qiu came directly to an anti-gang group police officer and asked

"Brother, who are you?"

Obviously, this police officer from the Anti-Gangster Unit of Wan Chai Police Station is not familiar with Shen Qiu.

"Chief Inspector of the Crime Unit, Shen Qiu."

Shen Qiu held up his ID card and waved it in front of the eyes of the anti-gangster police officer.

After seeing Shen Qiu's police officer ID, the anti-gangster officer's face suddenly changed, his feet were put together and he shouted loudly. Said:"Sir, our team leader went to the UK for further study. The current acting team leader is Sir Huang, and he is enjoying himself in the room right now."

Among the front-line departments on Hong Kong Island, the Crime Unit, or CID, always ranks first, and its status is higher than that of O Ji, NB and other departments. People who serve as leaders of the Crime Unit are generally promoted. The most powerful candidate for section chief

"Take me inside."

When the members of the anti-gangster team said that Huang Si837r was having fun in the room, Shen Qiu's face changed slightly. He knew exactly what"having fun in the room" meant, which was to repair the suspect.

After more than ten seconds.


Sui When the door was opened, Shen Qiu saw at first sight Yang Zai and Wu Zai hanging in the air, as well as several anti-gangster team leaders in tank tops whipping the soles of Yang Zai and Wu Zai's feet with bamboo boards.

As a big brother Shen Qiu, a proficient master of the memory recovery technique, naturally knows that the name of this technique is called Lotus Step by Step, and it is listed as the entry-level three-piece set for the police force along with Beating a Cow from Beyond the Mountain and Touching Water with a Dragonfly.

"Put me down."

Seeing this scene, Shen Qiu immediately shouted loudly.

After hearing Shen Qiu's voice, a man in a vest who was whipping the soles of Yang Zai and Wu Zai turned around. After seeing Shen Qiu, he said with a smile:"Sir Shen? Why did you come to our anti-gang group?"

"These two people are useful to our crime squad, and I want to take them away."

Shen Qiu ignored the man's question and said calmly.

"Sorry, Sir Shen, these two street gangsters are suspected of underworld activities. We are questioning them. Once we have clarified the questions, we will hand them over to your crime team."

After Shen Qiu's words fell, the face of the man who asked Shen Qiu just now changed slightly, then he stared at Shen Qiu and said with a smile.

"Who are you?"

Chen Qiu looked at this man and asked calmly.

"Anti-gangster senior inspector Huang Liyang."

Huang Liyang raised his head slightly and looked at Shen Qiu, as if he wanted to increase his momentum, but the moment he made eye contact with Shen Qiu, he subconsciously avoided Shen Qiu's gaze, just like a herbivore seeing a tiger and wolf. Like lions and leopards, they are born with fear.

The moment he heard Huang Liyang say his name, Shen Qiu suddenly realized that although many things in this Hong Kong variety world were consistent with the contents of the movies in his memory, this was an independent place after all. Many things have changed in the world.

For example, this Huang Liyang should be He Min's ex-boyfriend, but it can be seen from the fact that He Min came to me just now and said that he wanted to bail out the students. In this world, He Min and this Huang Liyang I don't know each other.

This also served as a warning to Shen Qiu. He should not overly believe in the plots in the movies in his memory. He must make his own judgment on everything.

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu glanced at Huang Liyang and said lightly:"Sir Huang , let me tell you again, these two people are useful to our serious crime team, I will take them away now"

"Sorry, Sir Shen, we can't do it!"

Perhaps it was because of the natural fear that Huang Liyang felt so embarrassed that his attitude became even tougher at this time.

"Can't do it? Shen

Qiu smiled faintly, then took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, threw the mobile phone to Huang Liyang, and said at the same time:"Tell Superintendent Peng that I, Shen Qiu, want to take two people away from your anti-gangster group. What do you want to ask him?" Opinion."

Huang Liyang subconsciously caught the mobile phone that Shen Qiu threw to him. After hearing what Shen Qiu said, he doubtfully put the mobile phone to his ear.

"Which one?"

Peng Xinjian's voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone.

At this moment, Huang Liyang's face changed slightly, and a bad premonition suddenly emerged from his heart. After hesitating for a moment, he said:"Superintendent Peng, I am Huang Liyang from the Anti-Gangster Group, Sir Shen from the Crime Group……"

Huang Liyang repeated what Shen Qiu had just said to Peng Xinjian.

"Sir Huang, Sir Shen came to Wan Chai under the orders of Director Huang personally. You should understand what I said, right?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After hearing Huang Liyang's words, Peng Xinjian was silent for a moment, and then said

"Okay, Superintendent Peng, I understand what you mean (bfbg).……"

Before Huang Liyang finished speaking, Shen Qiu took away the mobile phone. Then, he saw Shen Qiu walk directly to Yang Zai and Wu Zai and use the key to unlock the handcuffs on their hands.

"Sir Shen, are you going too far?"

At this moment, an evil fire surged out of Huang Liyang's heart. Even Peng Xinjian's words just now did not suppress this fire.

"Sir Huang, that's it. Fighting with each other requires two groups of people. There is only one group of people here, where is the other group? Do you have to say it so clearly?"

Shen Qiu walked up to Huang Liyang and stared at Huang Liyang. He was so frightened that he unconsciously took a step back and opened the distance between himself and Shen Qiu.

But immediately, Huang Liyang was grabbed by the vest and pulled by Shen Qiu. In front of him:"Also, Sir Huang, you are the senior inspector and I am the chief inspector. You don't even salute and say hello when you see me. Are you looking down on me?" Or do you still look down on our crime squad? Or maybe he looks down on the discipline of the police force!"

Shen Qiu's voice became louder and louder, and his momentum became stronger and stronger. Huang Liyang was so stressed that he could hardly breathe.

"I'm sorry, Sir Shen, it's my fault."

Having no choice but to apologize to Shen Qiu, Huang Liyang put his legs together, saluted Shen Qiu, and shouted at the same time:"Hello, sir."

"The voice was too soft, I didn't hear it. Use the strength you used to hit someone's sole just now and say it again!"

Chen Qiu stared at Huang Liyang and shouted loudly.

At this moment, Huang Liyang's face was uglier than his dead mother. It was unusually red. He didn't know whether he was ashamed or angry. Huh.~[]

After taking a deep breath, Huang Liyang shouted with all his strength:"Hello, sir.""


A warm smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face again, as if the person who forced Huang Liyang and made Huang Liyang lose face was not Shen Qiu at all.

After entering the door, he only saw Yang Zai and Wu Zai. Shen Qiu I knew there must be something fishy in this. This Huang Liyang must be deliberately targeting Yang Zai and Wu Zai. It was precisely because of this that Shen Qiu was so rude to Huang Liyang.


Shen Qiu waved, and then walked away with Yang Zai and Wu Zai under the watchful eyes of Huang Liyang and several other anti-gang police officers.

"Pooh! You pretend to be a bitch, but you still have to work for those rich people!"

When the backs of Shen Qiu and others disappeared from his sight, Huang Liyang spat and cursed in a low voice.

Then, he glanced at the men around him and felt something was wrong with the way they looked at him, so he quickly explained"Superintendent Peng said, what can I do, I can only let him go, what else do you want me to do?" Go do something!"

After rushing all his men to do things, Huang Liyang quickly walked into his office, closed the door, picked up his cell phone, and dialed a number.

"Mr. Qin, the two street boys you mentioned also have backers, and there is nothing I can do against them."

After the call was connected, Huang Liyang whispered.

Then, I don't know what Mr. Qin said on the other end of the phone. Huang Liyang's voice raised an octave:"Your mother, I have lost my face just to help you do things, isn't it? For the sake of your parents, I will take people to arrest you now.……" the other side

"Brother Qiu……"

After leaving the office of the anti-gangster group, Yangzi was ready to report today's situation to Shen Qiu, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Shen Qiu:"No hurry, we will talk later."

Then, Shen Qiu continued to ask:"He Min is your teacher?"

"Yes. Yangzi nodded immediately and said

"You two will cooperate with me later. Teacher He is very important to our case."

Shen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly.

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