Wan Chai Police Station, inside Shen Qiu's office

"Sorry, Teacher He, for keeping you waiting."

Shen Qiu walked into his office with Wu Zai and Yang Zai, and said with a smile to He Min who was sitting on the sofa.

"Thank you Sir Shen for your help."

After seeing Shen Qiu enter the door, He Min immediately stood up and thanked Shen Qiu. Then he looked at Wizai and Yangzai who were standing behind Shen Qiu and said,"Anyang, Li Ziqian, why don't you thank Officer Shen quickly? If it weren't for Officer Shen's help, I really don't know how to bail you out. Study hard and stop causing trouble."

After Shen Qiu heard what He Min said, he motioned to Wuzai to close the office door, and then said with a smile:"Teacher He, there is something I couldn't tell you, but now you have come to the police station. , I might as well just be frank with you."

"In fact, Anyang and Li Ziqian were undercover agents sent to Edinburgh International School by our police station. Everything they did was to solve the case."

Chen Qiu walked up to He Min and whispered

"Sir Shen, An Yang and Li Ziqian are all undercover? Are they all police?"

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, a trace of shock flashed in He Min's eyes, and then she murmured to herself in a low voice:"No wonder I said they two look a bit old."


After He Min said this, Shen Qiu almost laughed out loud and quickly coughed twice to relieve the embarrassment, while Wu Zai and Yang Zai stood aside with slightly red faces.

He Min also realized that his words were a bit No, her pretty face blushed slightly and she whispered:"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

"Teacher He, that's not important. I hope you will still regard the two of them as your students from now on until they complete their undercover mission. Shen

Qiu said slowly

"Okay, okay, Sir Shen."

He Min nodded and responded.

"Teacher He, in addition to this matter, I also want to ask you for help."

Shen Qiu continued

"Sir Shen, please tell me"

"Can you please ask Teacher He to play my girlfriend?"

Shen Qiu looked hesitant and seemed a little embarrassed.


Hearing Shen Qiu's request, He Minren was stunned. Looking at Shen Qiu's handsome face, his pretty face turned red.

"That's right, Teacher He, in the entire police station, the director and I are the only ones who know that An Yang and Li Ziqian are undercover agents, so I just used the reason entrusted by others to snatch them out of the anti-gangster group."

"You are their teacher, and you also received the call to bail them out. If you pretend to be my girlfriend, I can use your name to the outside world and say that I was entrusted by you to come forward to fish out An Yang and Li Ziqian. Come here so that their undercover identities will not be exposed."

"Please, Teacher He."

Shen Qiu lied, that is, bullying He Min who didn't know what had just happened in the anti-gangster office. While talking, he also gestured wildly to Yang Zai and Wu Zai behind him.

So, after Shen Qiu's words fell, After that, Wei Zai and Yang Zai also immediately said:"Teacher He, please help us two right now, otherwise our undercover identities will be exposed.""

"Yes, Teacher He, at that time, not only would they not be able to complete the tasks of the police force, they would even be targeted by suspects and their lives would be in danger."

Chen Qiu, Yang Zai, and Wu Zai used cover, and the three of them deceived He Min in all kinds of ways. Finally, he nodded inexplicably and said,"Okay, Sir Shen, I'll help you."

"Thank you, Teacher He."

Shen Qiu said to He Min immediately.

Soon, He Min, who was blushing, took Shen Qiu's hand and passed by the places with the most police officers in the police station before walking out of Wan Chai Police Station. As soon as he left Wan Chai Police Station After that, Shen Qiu immediately let go of He Min's hand and said with a smile:"Teacher He, I will take you home.""

"Sir Shen, no need, I……"

Before He Min finished speaking, he saw Shen Qiu quietly pointing in the direction of the Wan Chai Police Station. After seeing a few uniformed policewomen pretending to be doing something but secretly taking aim at herself and Shen Qiu, He Min He instantly understood what Shen Qiu meant and nodded slowly.

A few minutes later

"Teacher He, where do you live? Shen

Qiu looked through the rearview mirror and looked at He Min, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, a little at a loss, and asked with a smile.

"Sir Shen, just drop me off at the intersection ahead. My home is nearby."

Obviously, although He Min agreed to Shen Qiu to play his girlfriend, He Min did not fully trust Shen Qiu.

"No problem, Teacher He. When you face An Yang and Li Ziqian in the future, just treat them as your own students and don't show any abnormalities to prevent them from being exposed."

After Shen Qiu parked the car, he warned He Min.

"Sir Shen, I'm worried that I can't do it well."

He Min's face turned slightly red and he said unconfidently.

"Don't worry, just do what you usually do as a teacher from now on. After this case is over, I will definitely apply for an Outstanding Citizen Award for you and treat you to a celebration banquet. Shen

Qiu said to He Min with a smile.

"There is no need to be so polite. It is our duty as ordinary citizens to cooperate with the work of the police. If you solve the case in the school quickly, we teachers and students in the school will be safer."

He Min said seriously

"Mr. He, if all the citizens of Hong Kong Island think the same as you, then we police officers will have an easy time. I originally wanted to treat you to dinner tonight, but you should refuse. I will use public money to treat you to a big meal next time. Meal, gone."

After Shen Qiu said this, he smiled and waved to He Min, then started the car and quickly disappeared into the traffic.

"Invite me to dinner tonight? You didn't even say how you knew I would refuse. You're not sincere."

He Min looked at the direction Shen Qiu left and murmured in a low voice. Then he seemed to think about having to face two undercover students later. A trace of worry flashed in his eyes. After sighing softly, he turned and walked towards his home.

Another On the other hand, after Shen Qiu separated from He Min, she went straight to a police safe house in Wan Chai. Shen Qiu applied for this place as a place for undercovers such as Yang Zai, Wu Zai and Xiao Ying to live, work and communicate.

"Wuzai, Yangzai, what's going on?"

After entering the house, Shen Qiu immediately looked at Wuzai and Yangzai sitting on the sofa in the living room and asked.

"Brother Qiu, it’s like this. We followed your instructions and set up a small club on campus. With our skills, we subdued some problem students and attracted the attention of another group of problem students. The leader of that group was Qin Junyi. You know, the way these students solve their problems is to have a fight"

"As a result, the boy named Qin was playing dirty tricks. Not only did he ask people from the club to come out to fight us, but when he saw that we couldn't be beaten, he also asked people from the anti-gang group to come out to arrest us and seize his mother. Unexpectedly, even the students were filled with bad feelings."

Wuzai told Shen Qiu the whole story in detail.

"What is the background of Qin Junyi?"

After Shen Qiu pondered for a moment, he asked

"His father is the owner of a company in Wan Chai, and his mother is a member of the Wan Chai District Council. Yangzi immediately replied

"I'll take care of this guy, and you can continue to move forward with your plans in school. Shen

Qiu said lightly.

"Okay, Brother Qiu.

After Wuzai finished saying this, he continued:"Brother Qiu, you asked us to cooperate with you. We have cooperated with you. Teacher He has agreed to pretend to be your girlfriend. Should I treat Yangzi and me to dinner tonight?" Feast?"

"Damn, you think I’m doing this for myself? It's not just because of you two."

Shen Qiu said with an awe-inspiring look.

Buu! Buu!

Shen Qiu responded with two middle fingers raised high.

"Don't believe it. If I pretend to be Teacher He's boyfriend, I can go in and out of Edinburgh International School smoothly. If I get in touch with Teacher He's colleagues, I might find something unusual. Think about it carefully and see if I'm right."

Shen Qiu said with a sincere face.

"Sir Shen, we believe everything, but we are afraid that if you pretend to be fake and really get Teacher He, your sister-in-law will not agree to it."

Wuzai said with a bad smile. He helped Shen Qiu move until Ruan Mei came into existence. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Also, if Teacher He really falls in love with me, it is indeed a difficult thing, and I can only do it reluctantly and let her grow up. Shen

Qiu said with a frown.

Seeing Shen Qiu's troubled expression, Yang Zai and Wei Zai had only one thought in their minds at the moment:"Brother Qiu, please be a human being!""

"It's different from what you guys are talking about. I'm done with it. Let's go."

After saying this, Shen Qiu turned around and left the safe house, sat back in his car, took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhang Hua's number.

"Ah Hua, it's me. There is a student named Qin Junyi at Edinburgh International School. You ask the judge to find his information for you. Find a good reason to break his legs by tomorrow at the latest."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said calmly.

That Qin Junyi is a student after all. It would be too cruel to send him directly to the Victoria Strait to feed fish. It would be enough to break both legs and prevent him from going to school for a few months...

Chapter The next day, Wan Chai Police Commissioner’s Office

"Ah Qiu, I heard that your girlfriend came to the police station yesterday. Please take her two students out of the anti-gangster group?"

"For the sake of your girlfriend, do you think it's appropriate to make a fuss about the anti-gang group and insult your colleagues?"

"Also, you have time to help your girlfriend find people, but why don’t you have time to help me find a gun?"

Huang Bingyao looked at Shen Qiu with an unkind expression and said in a cold tone.

He is now in a very unhappy mood. The reason for his unhappiness is not because Shen Qiu made a big fuss with the anti-gangster group, nor is it because Shen Qiu has not found his gun after searching for more than a month. , but this guy Shen Qiu has a girlfriend, and he actually dares to flirt with his daughter Meazi. He is older now. If he were a few years younger, he would definitely use his deadly scissor feet to cut off this guy's head.

At this time Shen Qiu, the best son-in-law candidate in Huang Bingyao's heart, has been directly thrown into the cold palace.

"Sir Huang, you misunderstood me. Yesterday, Huang Liyang of the anti-gangster team went astray and arrested two undercover agents, Wei Zai and Yang Zai. I had no choice but to sacrifice my appearance and asked Teacher He to help me pretend to be mine. Girlfriend, this prevented Wu Zai and Yang Zai from being exposed. Shen

Qiu looked at Huang Bingyao and said sincerely.

"real or fake?"

Huang Bingyao looked at Shen Qiu and asked doubtfully.

"Sir Huang, you don’t believe me?"

Shen Qiu looked distressed, and then he threw a big move:"Sir Huang, I already have the exact information about your gun. It will be returned to its original owner by tomorrow at the latest."


Huang Bingyao's eyes lit up.

"I can issue a military order to you."

Shen Qiu looked determined. After all, Huang Bingyao's gun has been lying in his office drawer for more than a month.

"There's no need for a military order, Ah Qiu, I knew you wouldn't let me down."

After knowing that his gun was found, in Huang Bingyao's heart, Shen Qiu immediately moved out of the cold palace.

"Sir Huang, there is one more thing that is very important. This is the second reason why I asked Boss He to pretend to be my girlfriend. I arranged for undercover agents to enter Edinburgh International School, and they discovered that a mysterious force had also lurked into Edinburgh International School. School, don’t know what to do"[]

Shen Qiu said slowly

"Ah Qiu, you can't joke about this kind of thing."

Huang Bingyao's eyes suddenly changed and became extremely sharp.

"It's absolutely true and there is absolutely no lie. Shen

Qiu said with a serious face.

"Okay, Aqiu, I have always trusted you. If you continue to let undercover agents lurk in the school, if you need anything, please contact me directly!"

After pondering for a moment, Huang Bingyao finally decided to believe Shen Qiu.

And the moment Huang Bingyao finished saying this, the system voice sounded in Shen Qiu's mind.

"Publish the mission: I am the master of my territory. While the international terrorists are causing trouble at the Edinburgh International School, create a major case with a momentum that will overwhelm the noise caused by the international terrorists. Mission reward: Can summon the firepower team, 1 ton Liquid bomb."

After hearing this mission, Shen Qiu was slightly startled, not because of the reward for Fu Guang's team and the 1-ton liquid bomb, but because: I'm holding your mother in my mouth, system, do you even want to fight for this false reputation? Do you really want to build it? The most powerful gangster!

"Ah Qiu?"

Seeing that Shen Qiu was stunned for a few seconds, Huang Bingyao couldn't help but ask.

"Sir Huang, thank you for your trust and promise to complete the task!"

Shen Qiu, who came back to his senses, looked at Huang Bingyao and said loudly...

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