After leaving Huang Bingyao's office, Shen Qiu did not return to his office. Instead, he left the Wan Chai Police Station, got into his car, took out a satellite phone from the storage compartment of the car, and dialed a number.

"It’s me who builds the army."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said

"Brother Qiu, what are your orders?"

Wang Jianjun's voice came out from the receiver.

With the support of the Sea Dragon King, Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo successfully established themselves in Jinshanjiao. With Shen Qiu's ability, Wang Jianjun relied on his identity as a Vietnam War veteran to recruit dozens of Vietnam War veterans. , coupled with the weapons provided by the judge, Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo have now successfully established a base in Jinshanjiao, with more than a hundred Vietnam War veterans and hundreds of soldiers recruited locally.

"Jianjun, take a dozen of your elite men back to Hong Kong Island immediately. I have an important thing for you to do."

Shen Qiu said slowly.

If international terrorists could kidnap a school, it would have to be a shocking event, similar to assassinating the governor of Hong Kong.

After hearing about this mission, Shen Qiu's A great idea,"Seven Five Seven", immediately came to my mind, which is sure to shock the entire Hong Kong Island.

"Okay, Brother Qiu, I'll leave right away."

Wang Jianjun immediately agreed.

"In addition, go ask the Sea Dragon King to prepare two ships. A speedboat is parked on the coast of Hong Kong Island, and a ferry is parked on the high seas. I will be useful when the time comes."

Shen Qiu continued


Wang Jianjun nodded in response.

After hearing Wang Jianjun's words, Shen Qiu hung up the phone, then picked up the phone and dialed the judge's number

"Judge, it's me. You should contact the international arms dealer immediately and buy a batch of C4 bombs. The faster, the better, the more, the better. At least 500 kilograms are needed."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu immediately said

"Brother Qiu, if you need so many C4 bombs, are you going to blow up the Governor's Mansion or the Hong Kong Island Municipal Building?"

The judge was a little confused.

C4 bombs are extremely powerful. One kilogram of C4 bombs can blow up a 5-story building. With 500 kilograms of C4 bombs, the judge didn't even dare to think about what Shen Qiu had to blow up to need so many. C4 bomb

"Am I that crazy? Bomb the Governor's Mansion and the Hong Kong Island Municipal Building? That British guy is going crazy, rest assured, he just bombed the headquarters of HSBC Bank. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

HSBC is the largest bank in Hong Kong Island and a famous bank in the world. Its headquarters is located at the intersection of Queen's Road and Des Voeux Road in Central, Hong Kong Island. Absolutely.

In this place, the impact of the news about bombing the headquarters of HSBC will definitely be greater than the news about terrorists kidnapping a school.

Besides, it doesn’t have to be really bombed. If HSBC is willing to come up with something to make Shen Qiu’s heart flutter For the ransom, Shen Qiu can also let these gangsters go. After all, he, Shen Qiu, is not a lunatic.

"Okay, Brother Qiu, I'll get ready right away."

The judge said while crazily complaining about the word"just" in his heart.


Shen Qiu responded with a smile, and then hung up the phone.

Then, Shen Qiu dialed the third number.

"Ah Hua, go check the information on the senior management of the HSBC security department. You can use the money as you wish. Ah Sheng and the others are at your disposal. I don’t care what method you use to get rid of him."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said


Ahua's calm voice came out from the receiver.


A few days later, in Yau Ma Tei, inside an underground casino belonging to the Hop Sing Gang.

A blond ghost guy is killing everyone in the VIP room. You can see from the pile of chips in front of him that he has won at least millions of Hong Kong dollars. From time to time, this excited ghost guy will sit next to him. The beautiful woman next to him pulled her into his arms and made each other affectionate, feeling indescribably free and proud.

These days, Tim Walker is having a particularly good time. He has never been like this since he retired from the Royal Navy as a colonel and joined the security department of HSBC Bank and came to the Eastern city of Hong Kong Island.

First, he met an extremely beautiful Chinese woman in Lan Kwai Fong, who threw herself into his arms and gave him a pleasure he had never experienced before.

Then he was shocked to find that this beauty was not only beautiful, with a hot figure, and had great kung fu, but she was also a rich woman who never asked him to spend money when she went out with him.

After a few days of intimacy, Tim Walker, who had already made up his mind to be a lifelong prodigal, changed his decision and wanted to marry this oriental beauty.

However, what disappointed Tim Walker was that his proposal was rejected. However, the oriental beauty did not completely reject him. She just said that the two of them should be together more and become more familiar with each other.

So, Tim Walker naturally lived with this oriental beauty. Next, under the introduction of this oriental beauty, Tim Walker got to know her family and her friends. Then Tim Walker felt inferior. I didn’t expect that the wealthy Chinese in Hong Kong Island would have such a good time.

Even if he is the deputy manager of the security department of HSBC, with a monthly salary of 70,000 Hong Kong dollars, he will still feel ashamed when he sees the consumption of these people. 70,000 Hong Kong dollars is just the price of a meal for others, and it is not an exaggeration at all. , which gave Tim Walker, who has always had a strong sense of superiority towards the Chinese in Hong Kong Island, a severe blow.

The only thing that comforted Tim Walker was that his woman did not dislike him, but treated him better. Then, by chance, Tim Walker walked into this casino and won 500,000 Hong Kong dollars in one night..

This made him proudly invite his woman's family and friends to spend a lot of money the next day. Then, in the evening of the same day, he won 1 million Hong Kong dollars in this casino... for several days in a row. , Tim Walker's spending was so generous that even a billionaire would be nothing more than that, which greatly satisfied Tim Walker's self-confidence.

But tonight, his luck was incredible. In just 3 hours, he had already won millions of Hong Kong dollars.

"Honey, you have won enough today, let's go home and rest."

The woman lying in Tim Walker's arms said to Tim Walker softly........

"Dear, my luck is very good tonight. If we win 10 million, we will leave."

Tim Walker stared at the gaming table and said casually.

But Tim Walker didn't know that a pair of eyes was in the dark room of the VIP room, watching Tim Walker's every move.

"The net can be closed."

Ahua said softly to Zhang Shihao who was standing next to him.

Zhang Shihao nodded slightly, then picked up the phone and dialed a number.

In the next time, Tim Walker's luck took a turn for the worse, and the chips in his hand quickly disappeared. After losing everything, the woman's many persuasion did not make Tim

Walker stop. Instead, he risked everything on him.

His house, car, savings, and finally, he also bet the woman.

"Sorry, sir, you lost."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Upon hearing the dealer's words, Tim Walker's mind went blank and his eyes lost focus until:

"Walker, honey, save me, save me quickly!"

Looking at the woman being dragged away by several men, Tim Walker was angry. He rushed over and was beaten all over.

In the next hour, Tim Walker didn't know what happened. All he knew was that he had signed one IOU after another, and he had not been able to pay the amount in three lifetimes.

At this moment, a man walked up to him and said condescendingly. Looking at him, he said calmly:"Mr. Walker, do a few things for me. I can write off your gambling debt in one go!"

Hearing these words, Tim Walker was like a drowning man grabbing the last straw, his eyes suddenly lit up. For him, as long as he can get rid of his gambling debts, as long as he can save his woman , even if he was asked to kill the Hong Kong Governor, he would dare to do it.

Thinking of this, he said eagerly:"What do you want me to do?"

"It's simple, Mr. Walker, all you have to do is……"

Zhang Hua looked at the ghost 3.2 guy in front of him and said slowly, word by word.

"Okay, okay, I promise you, as long as you promise to return Qiu to me."

Walker immediately agreed.

"Mr. Walker, after you finish your work, you can naturally get your woman back."

Zhang Hua said lightly.

But what Tim Walker didn't know was that his woman was already getting paid 2 million Hong Kong dollars to accompany her true lover and prepare to travel around the world...

Seven days later, in Shen Qiu's office[]

Ring ring ring ~ a phone ringing

"Which one?"

Shen Qiu picked up the phone and asked

"Brother Qiu, it's me. I found someone from the Political Department."

In the receiver, a somewhat excited voice came out from the earphones.

"Okay, I get it, keep an eye on them, pay attention to the new faces of ghost guys in the school, and contact me immediately if there is any situation!"

There was a hint of excitement on Shen Qiu's face. He was not excited because the people from the Political Department appeared, but the appearance of these people from the Political Department meant that his plan to shake Hong Kong Island was about to begin!.

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