Ring, ring, ring~

Not long after Shen Qiu hung up on Wuzai, his cell phone rang again.

"Which one?"

After pressing the answer button, Shen Qiu asked

"Ah Qiu, it’s me."

Ya Zi's voice came from the receiver.

Although the voices of Ya Zi and Le Huizhen were almost the same, after getting used to Le Huizhen's voice, Shen Qiu could easily tell the difference between the two voices. Ya Zi There is a heroic spirit in her voice, while Le Huizhen's voice is more solemn.

"Meiko, what are your orders? Shen

Qiu asked with a smile.

"Ah Qiu, what case did you put Wuzai undercover at Edinburgh International School for? Didn't you know earlier than we did that terrorists were targeting these international schools on Hong Kong Island?"

Meazi asked curiously.

After hearing what Meazi said, Shen Qiu remembered that Meazi had been transferred to the Anti-Terrorism Team of the Security Department. The Security Department was actually part of the Political Department, and had just been transferred from the Political Department. It has only been 2 years since I came out, and most people in the police force are still accustomed to calling the Security Department also the Political Department.

"What, your political department also sent people undercover to the Edinburgh International School? This is a case discovered by our people from Wan Chai Police Station! Shen

Qiu also pretended to be surprised.

Beep beep beep...

Shen Qiu was answered by a busy tone. Apparently Yazi realized that she had said the wrong thing and accidentally let it slip. In order to avoid embarrassment, she immediately hung up the phone. 16.

Shen Qiu smiled and shook his head, then quickly walked to Huang Bingyao's office.

"Sir Huang, the Political Department has also sent people undercover to the Edinburgh International School. My people have been undercover in that school for almost 2 months. People like Wuzai and Yangzi did their homework every day as students. Yesterday they told me that they You are already admitted to the University of Hong Kong. What does it mean that the Political Department suddenly intervenes? It is obvious that they are here to grab the credit!"

Shen Qiu spoke very fast, like a machine gun

"What, there is such a thing? I immediately reported to the senior management, Damn it, you want to take the credit from our Wan Chai Police Station, no way!"

After hearing what Shen Qiu said, Huang Bingyao's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately decided to make the decision for Shen Qiu.

Ring ring ring ~

At this moment, the phone on Huang Bingyao's desk rang.

"Hey, which one?"

Huang Bingyao picked up the phone receiver, and within ten seconds, his expression suddenly changed:"Okay, I understand."

A few seconds later, Huang Bingyao put the phone back on the phone and said to Shen Qiu:"Aqiu, just now in the Southern District, the Flying Tigers were ambushed by terrorists and suffered heavy casualties. Now the headquarters has determined that those terrorists The target is all international schools in Hong Kong, including Edinburgh International School."

Having said this, Huang Bingyao paused for a moment, then looked at Shen Qiu and said slowly:"Ah Qiu, can your intelligence confirm that the group of terrorists will definitely take action at Edinburgh International School?"


Without a moment's hesitation, Shen Qiu nodded and said

"Okay, Ah Qiu, I'll make the decision. I'll leave this case to you, Flying Tigers.、PTU.On the EU side, I will coordinate and catch the terrorists before they start taking action!"

After Huang Bingyao pondered for a long time, he looked at Shen Qiu and said slowly

"Sir Huang, where is the Political Department?"

Shen Qiu immediately asked

"I will coordinate with the Political Department. This case, whether it is merit or demerit, belongs to our Wan Chai Police Department. Ah Qiu, I believe you!"

Huang Bingyao looked at Shen Qiu and said slowly, word by word.

"Sir Huang, I will definitely live up to your trust! Shen

Qiu put his legs together and said loudly to Huang Bingyao.

Then, Shen Qiu continued:"Sir Huang, those terrorists just ambushed the Flying Tigers today. I think they will start my plan in the next two days." Yes, tomorrow we will bring the Flying Tigers into the school in the name of a safety drill, and then alienate the teachers and students of the school, and kill all the terrorists in the school!"

"Okay, Aqiu, I will report your plan to the senior management."

Huang Bingyao pondered for a moment, then nodded.

Then, Shen Qiu and Huang Bingyao further improved the plan before leaving Huang Bingyao's office.

When Shen Qiu returned to his office, he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Ahua's number

"Ahua, how are the preparations going at the HSBC head office building?"

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu asked

"We have installed explosives in 190 of the 197 explosion points, and there are 7 explosion points that require special equipment to install. However, the power of the explosion of these 190 explosion points is enough to blow up the building."

Ahua replied immediately. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After getting rid of Tim Walker, Ahua immediately asked the ghost guy to steal the drawings of the HSBC Bank Head Office Building. According to Explosives experts Guo Xuejun and Qi Jingsheng jointly researched and selected 197 explosion points in the building. As long as these 197 explosion points are detonated at the same time, this behemoth building costing HK$5.2 billion and using a full 30,000 tons of steel will collapse.

After identifying the explosion points, Tian Yangsheng, Tian Yangyi, Qi Jingsheng and others, under the cover of Tim Walker, pretended to be security guards of the building, and spent almost a week installing explosives at 190 explosion points.

This action, which has consumed a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, is about to reap its rewards.

"Okay, inform Wang Jianjun that they are ready. As soon as news comes out from Edinburgh International School tomorrow, they will immediately act according to the plan."

Shen Qiu said lightly.


Ahua nodded and responded.


At noon that day, in a police safe house next to Edinburgh International School.

The Director of Security, Senior Superintendent Shi Paiming, is furious.

"You guys are stupider than pigs. Our Political Department has so many resources and intelligence personnel. Even the people in Wan Chai Police Station know that terrorists are hiding in Edinburgh International School. You don’t know?"

"Now that guy Huang Bingyao has obtained permission from the top management, the actions of Edinburgh International School tomorrow will be led by Wan Chai Police Station. The credit that was about to be obtained is now gone. Tell me, what should we do now?"

Since the Security Division was separated from the Political Department, although it still maintains a disconnected relationship with the Political Department, its status within the Hong Kong Island Police Force has indeed plummeted. This can be seen from the fact that the director of the Security Department is only a senior superintendent. It can be seen.

Shi Paiming originally planned to use this opportunity of terrorists coming to Hong Kong Island to cause trouble to prove the strength of the Security Department, so that he can ask the senior management to adjust the level of the Security Department upward.

For this operation, Shi Paiming Ming used all the favors he had accumulated over the years in the Political Department, only to be picked off by the Wan Chai Police Station. How could he endure this?


His immediate boss was furious, and all the more than ten security police officers in the room remained silent. No one dared to speak to touch the bad guy in front of him.

"Wan Chai Police Station will take action tomorrow, right? This afternoon, I transferred everyone from the Security Department over. Let’s go one step ahead of the Wan Chai Police Station to find those terrorists and deal with them!"

After thinking for a moment, Shi Paiming said slowly.

Then he looked at Meazi standing in the crowd and continued:"Before taking action, everyone must hand over their communication equipment and are not allowed to contact the outside world. , two people have to go to the toilet together and supervise each other, do you understand?"

"yes, sir!"

When Yazi yelled this, there was a flash of displeasure in her eyes. This ghost guy clearly didn't trust her.

Soon, on 377 that afternoon, more than 40 police officers from the Security Department came under the command of Shi Paiming. Next, they began to search for terrorists at Edinburgh International School, and their abnormal behavior was immediately reported to Shen Qiu by Wu Zai.

"Taking his old mother into his mouth, are all the people in the security department pig-minded? I don't even care about my life if I take credit for it. Damn it. You Zai, keep an eye on the situation over there. I……"


At this moment, a subtle gunshot came to Shen Qiu's ears through the phone receiver.

"Brother Qiu……"

Wuzai's voice became urgent, but was immediately interrupted by Shen Qiu:"I heard it, protect yourself and the students, I'll take people there right away!"

As he spoke, Shen Qiu ran out like a whirlwind. In his own office, just a few seconds later, he opened the door and walked into Huang Bingyao's office:"Sir Huang, the guys in the security department acted in advance to get the credit and forced the terrorists out. Now at Edinburgh International College, There are hundreds of students and dozens of teachers, and Meiko is also inside!"

"I'll call the Flying Tigers right away. Ah Qiu, you……"[]

Before Huang Bingyao finished speaking, he found that Shen Qiu had left his office.

Ten seconds later, outside the office of the Crime Squad:"Guys, a terrorist has been discovered at Edinburgh International School. Everyone, put on your equipment and follow me to rescue people!

"In the office, including Yuan Haoyun and Jiang Lang, all the police officers did not hesitate for a moment. They jumped up, stood up, and responded loudly:"Yes, sir!"

A few minutes later, three cars sped out of the Wan Chai Police Station. , heading towards Edinburgh International School.

At the same time, three cars also set off from the Sai Wan Pier and drove towards the HSBC Bank Head Office Building in Central.

The unauthorized action of the Security Department not only allowed the terrorists to be discovered one day in advance, but also allowed a shocking bombing that would go down in the history of Hong Kong Island to be launched one day in advance.……

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