When Shen Qiu led the crime team to Edinburgh International School, this aristocratic school was not as peaceful as it used to be. The gunshots and screams that came from time to time all indicated what was happening on this campus.

"Dahua, take a few guys to guard here and guide the students who run out to prevent them from causing secondary harm. The rest of the people enter the school in groups of two. Remember, your task is to protect the safety of students and teachers. Leave, don't fight to the death with terrorists, and be sure to protect your own safety, do you hear me clearly?"

Shen Qiu immediately began to give orders.

"Yes, r!"

After Shen Qiu's words fell, more than a dozen police officers from the serious crime team present said at the same time.

"I will be the host tonight and treat you all to a big dinner. I wish you all good luck!"

After Shen Qiu said this with a smile, he accelerated like a rabbit and climbed over the school wall in the blink of an eye and entered Edinburgh International College.

After Shen Qiu entered the school, the police from the crime team The members entered the Edinburgh International School in pairs, and in the end only Yuan Haoyun and Jiang Lang were left.

"What, you dislike me? Then go it alone. Yuan

Haoyun looked at Jiang Lang and said lightly.

"I rarely obey orders in my life, but that guy just now, unlike other officers in the police force, was faster than us subordinates. I listened to him this time."

Jiang Lang's tone was even colder than Yuan Haoyun's.

"What nonsense is that? gone!"

Yuan Haoyun ran directly to Edinburgh International School, followed closely by Jiang Lang.

On the other side, in a classroom

"Don't be afraid, everyone. I am a police officer from the Hong Kong Island Police Force. You will be safe hiding in the classroom. Don't make any noise to attract the attention of the gangsters outside."

Sakura gathered more than 20 students in the classroom together, asked them to huddle in the corner against the wall, and whispered instructions.

Sandy also huddled in the crowd, listening to the gunshots coming from outside the classroom, her eyes full. It was fear.

Bang bang bang ~ da da da da ~

At this time, a burst of violent gunfire sounded, and it was getting closer and closer to the classroom where Sandy and others were. Finally, the gunfire even stopped suddenly at the door of the classroom. This made Everyone present held their breath, and Sakura hid behind the door, preparing that if a gangster came in, she would find a way to subdue the first gangster and grab a gun to resist.


Just at this moment, the classroom door was blocked. The person slowly pushed away, and the sound made a girl scream in terror.


With this scream, the classroom door was kicked open violently, and a ghost guy holding a Scorpion submachine gun took the lead. Rushing into the classroom, Sakura hooked her leg and knocked the ghost guy down, grabbed the submachine gun in his hand, and pulled the trigger. Click, click, click~

A string of bullets shot out from the Scorpion submachine gun, directly Kill the ghost guy who fell to the ground.

Bang~ Before Sakura could feel happy, she felt a sharp pain in her arm. She didn't even have time to pick up the Scorpion submachine gun next to her, ducked and hid behind the wall.

, step, step~

Perhaps it was because the first ghost was ambushed and killed by Sakura. The second ghost walked very slowly, but his footsteps were like a reminder, making everyone in the classroom Everyone had expressions of fear and despair on their faces.

Sakura was so painful that she was sweating all over her body. She wanted to fight back, but the severe pain in her arms could only make her lean against the wall and wait for disappointment.

Soon, a Zhang Gui Lao's face appeared in front of Sakura, Sandy and others, with a cruel smile on his face, and the muzzle of the Scorpion submachine gun in his hand was pointed at Xiao Sakura.


Just as this Gui Lao was about to Pulling the trigger of the Scorpion submachine gun, a bullet accurately passed through his temple.


The ghost's burly body fell to the ground.

Then, in Sakura's eyes, Shen Qiu appeared like an angel. In her sight, this made Sakura relax and almost fainted on the spot.

"Sakura, you are hurt."

Chen Qiu immediately discovered the gunshot wound on Xiaoying's arm, and immediately took out a tourniquet from his personal equipment to help bandage Xiaoying to stop the bleeding.

"Brother Qiu, am I so...so useless?"

Sakura's weak voice reached Shen Qiu's ears intermittently.

"Sakura, you have done a great job, killing a terrorist and protecting so many classmates."

Only then did Shen Qiu see that Sandy was also in this classroom.

"Sir Shen."

Xiandi also immediately called Shen Qiu. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In fact, Xiandi saw Shen Qiu from the first second she entered the classroom, but she was just worried about affecting Shen Qiu. That's why I never spoke

"Sandy, I will send you, your classmates, and Sakura out of school first. You follow me. Remember, the speed must be fast!"

Chen Qiu knew very well that even if the bleeding was stopped, Xiaoying must be sent to the hospital for treatment immediately, otherwise her arm would not be saved. Without a moment's hesitation, Shen Qiu directly carried Xiaoying on his back and left quickly with Xiandi and others. Classroom.

Bang bang bang~

As soon as he went out, Shen Qiu shot and killed two terrorists. Then he led Santi and others on a wild ride. In just over 3 minutes, he killed Sakura, Santi and others. Sent out of Edinburgh International School.

But Shen Qiu didn't see it. In just over 3 minutes, Santi's eyes towards Shen Qiu changed from admiration to one of embarrassment. From this moment on, the girl's heart remained Entering a world-class hero, the girl will never forget this world-class hero in this life. She even wants to announce to the world that the person I love is a world-class hero.……

"Dahua, as soon as the ambulance arrives, take Sakura into the ambulance for first aid. These students, immediately arrange for them to go to a safe place. After a while, people from the Flying Tigers and the EU arrive and tell them that the radio signals in the school have been blocked. To screen out terrorists, it is best to enter in groups of 5 in a dispersed manner."

Having said that, Shen Qiu turned around and continued to rush towards Edinburgh International School.

At this moment, Sandy's eyes when she looked at Shen Qiu were already filled with indescribable love.

At the same time, in the kitchen of Edinburgh International School.

Meiko and two colleagues from the security department hid behind a wall

".Sir Huang, we don't have many bullets in our guns anymore."

The security officer squatting next to Meiko said.

"With such powerful firepower, this place must be very important to the group of terrorists. Maybe their command post is here and the news must be spread."

Yezi said.[]

When the terrorists discovered that they had been discovered by the security police officers, they immediately launched an attack. In just one confrontation, 7 or 8 security police officers were killed, and several others were seriously injured.

The rest of the Security Department police officers were all dispersed, so they couldn't gather at all. They all worked in groups of several people and acted individually.

Meiko took four police officers and hid in the school kitchen while beating her legs. However, she did not expect that after hiding in the kitchen, she was attacked from both sides. Two police officers from the Security Department died on the spot. Meiko took the remaining two The security officer is hiding behind a wall and could be killed at any time.

"Sir Huang, the radio and mobile phone signals are all blocked, and the walkie-talkies and mobile phones are malfunctioning. How can we get the news out?"

A police officer from the security department whispered.

Meiko leaned out slightly, took a quick look at the terrorists behind the wall, and then said:"There are seven terrorists outside. I will fight, and you guys will cover me. , I rush out!"

"Sir Huang, it is too dangerous for you to do this."

A police officer from the security department immediately advised

"What kind of police are you afraid of danger? It's decided like this, I'll count to 10, and when the time is up, you'll shoot to cover me immediately.

Meako whispered.

Then, she began to count down:"10!"""9!""8!"……"3!"2 pools!""

Bang, bang, bang, bang...

Just when Meiko was about to count to 1 and then turn on the mad mode, a violent gunshot sounded.

Then, a familiar voice came into her ears.

"Meiko, are you here?"

I don't know why, when she heard this voice, Yazi suddenly had the urge to cry. She suppressed her emotions and whispered:"Aqiu, I am here, I am here."

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