Edinburgh International School, in the cafeteria

"Ah Qiu, do you know why I am here?"

After meeting Shen Qiu, Meazi didn't actually want to ask this question, but she couldn't help but ask it.

"I just saved a guy from the security department on the road. He told me that you were going to the canteen, so I rushed over immediately. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"Thank you, Aqiu. Yazi hugged Shen Qiu fiercely and whispered in his ear.

"You're welcome."

Chen Qiu also whispered in Meazi's ear. This move made Meazi's pretty face turn red instantly. The two light bulbs on the side simply raised their heads and looked at the ceiling to avoid being starved to death by dog ​​food.

"Ah Qiu, I suspect that those terrorists must have important things or important people around here. When we just came in……"

After venting her emotions, Meazi returned to rationality and told Shen Qiu in detail about her recent experience and analysis.

Kou Bang~Kou Bang~Kou Bang~

Da Da Da~

At this moment, a violent explosion and dense gunshots came to the ears of Shen Qiu and Meiko. Shen Qiu immediately looked up and saw Edinburgh. The entrance of the international school has been shrouded in smoke

"Meiko, the Flying Tigers have arrived. My suggestion is to put safety first and gather with the Flying Tigers before taking the next step."

Shen Qiu immediately squatted down and said to Yazi


"Meiko, as I said, the entire police force, I don’t want to see the injured person being you."

If Yazi refused, she would be drowned in Shen Qiu's care.


This also made Meazi no longer insist on

"Let's go and meet the Flying Tigers first!"

Shen Qiu immediately left the canteen with Meazi and two other police officers from the security department.

"Brother Qiu!"

Just after Shen Qiu left the cafeteria with Yazi and others, he met Wu Zai head-on.

After seeing Shen Qiu, Wu Zai immediately leaned into Shen Qiu's ear and whispered:"Brother Qiu, 480 just got seven or eight terrifying people. The elements took a dozen teachers from the school hostage and hid in the boiler room."

Seeing Wu Zai pointing at the boiler room next to the canteen, Shen Qiu instantly understood why those terrorists arranged so many people in the canteen.

"Meiko, the hostages are in danger now. I'm going to the boiler room, and you immediately call the Flying Tigers to support me."

Without a moment's hesitation, Shen Qiu spoke directly to Yazi.

"No, I'll go with you!"

Ya Zi didn't hesitate at all and refused directly.

"Madam, you think you are filming a romantic drama. I will go in first to understand the situation, and you can quickly call for reinforcements."

Shen Qiu winked at Wuzai, and then like a cheetah, he had already entered the boiler room in the blink of an eye.

"Madam, let's go, call for reinforcements! One second later, Sir Shen and the hostages will be in greater danger"

Zai understood Shen Qiu's eyes perfectly and immediately persuaded Meazi to


After hesitating for a moment, Meazi gritted her teeth and ran quickly to the teaching building not far away!

On the other side, in the basement of the boiler room.

He Min and a dozen other teachers from Edinburgh International School were forced to squat by the terrorists. The room in the corner was then guarded by two terrorists with guns and ammunition.

He Min originally had a chance to run away, but thinking of the students in her class, she finally decided to return to the classroom, and then on the way , held hostage by terrorists

"Tap tap tap~"

At this time, a burly ghost guy who was obviously the leader of the terrorists walked up to He Min and other teachers and said loudly in English:"Everyone, I have no intention of hurting anyone. As long as you are obedient, you will If the Chinese government and the British government agree to our request, you can go home safely."

At this point, the ghost guy changed the topic:"But, if you dare to play tricks,……"


The ghost guy didn't finish his words, but raised his pistol and fired a shot into the air, shocking all the teachers like He Min. at this time.

Bang bang bang bang ~

A burst of dense noises rang out, and soon a ghost guy ran to the side of the ghost guy leader and said hurriedly:"Boss, people from the Hong Kong Island Police Force came in, and their marksmanship is very good." Yes, our people can't bear it"

"Tell him that if he doesn't stop, I will start killing the hostages immediately, one in a minute!"

The terrorist leader said fiercely


The ghost guy nodded in response, and then quickly ran out of the room where the hostages were held.

After he left the room, the gunshots outside stopped ringing.

Whether it was the terrorist leader, He Min and other hostages, they all thought that The police didn't dare to shoot again, but they didn't know that Shen Qiu was already killing people outside.

After arriving at the underground boiler room with dense pipes and cramped space, Shen Qiu was like Jackie Chan who returned to the furniture city, invincible.

A dagger, in just a few minutes, killed three people. In addition to the two people who had just been shot and killed by Shen Qiu, Shen Qiu killed five terrorists in the boiler room alone.

And , and soon, the ghost guy who reported to the terrorist leader just now also appeared in Shen Qiu's field of vision.

Shen Qiu was as light as a kitten, silently and quickly came to the ghost guy Behind his back, he placed the dagger across his neck, slashed lightly, and covered his mouth at the same time.

Ho ho ho ho...

After a helpless moan, the ghost guy's whole body went limp, and Shen Qiu... After letting go, he fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

Soon, Shen Qiu felt outside the room where He Min and others were detained.

After observing the positions of the three ghost terrorists in the room, Shen Qiu Qiu decided to take a risk and threw the dagger in his hand into the room.

With a bang, it instantly attracted the attention of the three terrorists.

And in that instant, Shen Qiu was like a god of death, Appeared at the door of the room, raised his hand, and pulled the trigger.

Bang~bang~bang~bang~ bullets spurted out from the barrel of the gun, killing the two terrorists accurately, but the terrorist leader was obviously not an ordinary person. The moment Shen Qiu appeared, he immediately turned over, rolled into the crowd of hostages, grabbed a hostage casually, and put the pistol against her head.

But he never dreamed that Shen Qiu's speed had already It exceeded the limit of human beings. Almost in the blink of an eye, Shen Qiu came to him and snatched He Min, who was held hostage by him, into his arms.


The terrorist leader subconsciously fired a shot. He Min Min's eyes widened, with a look of horror on her face. At this moment, Shen Qiu hugged her, crossed her body, blocked the bullet with his body, and at the same time used an upper leg whip that violated the principles of mechanics, and hit her hard. Kicked the terrorist on the head, knocking him unconscious with just one kick

"Sir Shen, are you okay? Don't let anything happen to you!"

He Min hugged Shen Qiu and said eagerly.

"Teacher He, I'm wearing a bulletproof vest, so I'm fine. If you don't let go, something might happen to me. Shen

Qiu felt the pain in his back and said with a smile.

He was wearing a body armor, and with the talent of intermediate bullet antibodies, he could be immune to 75% of bullet damage. Without any worries, Shen Qiu He would resist this shot. Otherwise, with Shen Qiu's speed, although he would not be able to prevent the terrorist leader from firing that shot, there would be no problem in dodging the shot.

"Yes...I'm sorry, Sir Shen(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After hearing what Shen Qiu said, He Min quickly let go of Shen Qiu and said with a blushing face.

"Teacher He, we are all friends of life and death. From now on, just call me Aqiu. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"Well, Shen... Ah Qiu, don't call me Teacher He from now on, just call me Amin."

He Min lowered his head and said.


Just at this moment, a burst of noise came into the room. Shen Qiu immediately protected He Min behind him. Then after seeing that the leader of the visitor was Ya Zi, he said with a smile:"Everyone is okay. Yes, this is someone from our police force."

"Aqiu, are you okay?"

At this time, Meazi also saw Shen Qiu, walked quickly to Shen Qiu, and asked with concern.

Then, Meazi felt a gaze staring at her, and she followed this gaze, Immediately he saw He Min, whose figure, appearance, and temperament were not inferior to hers. A woman's intuition told Meazi that this woman was not friendly to her and seemed to regard her as a competitor. At this moment, Shen Qiu stood in the way. Shen Qiu got between Meazi and He Min and interrupted the duel between the women that was about to break out. Shen Qiu said to Meazi:"Meazi, you take these hostages out of here immediately to ensure their safety."

"Ah Qiu, what about you? Yazi asked subconsciously.

"Of course I took this guy to claim credit. This case belongs to our Wan Chai Police Department. Shen

Qiu pointed to the unconscious terrorist leader lying on the ground not far away and said with a smile.[]


Being so angry at Shen Qiu, Yazi didn't care to pay attention to He Min anymore and left the basement with the hostages.

He Min, on the other hand, kept observing Meazi and Shen Qiu. Her eyes became more and more determined, until finally, her eyes focused on Shen Qiu and never left them again.

When Shen Qiu returned to the ground, he saw Huang Bingyao arguing fiercely with a ghost guy.

"Your mother, Shi Paiming, let me tell you, you must bear full responsibility for everything that happened today. Damn it, you better keep my people okay, otherwise you will be dead!"

Huang Bingyao is rarely angry.

This time the security department's arbitrary actions not only put his daughter in danger, but also put the police officers of Wan Chai Police Station in danger. That is to say, the situation is now under control, otherwise Huang Bingyao will die. I have Shi Paiming’s heart

"Sir Huang, what you said is wrong. Everyone is here to handle the case. Why, you are allowed to handle the case at the Wan Chai Police Station, but not our Security Department?"

Obviously, Shi Paiming wanted to characterize this incident as the security department doing bad things with good intentions, thereby reducing his own responsibility.

"Are you drafting it? Why is someone farting? Damn it, it smells bad!"

After hearing what Shi Paiming said, Shen Qiu immediately covered his nose and said loudly

"Who are you? Dare you insult your superior?"

After hearing what Shen Qiu said, Shi Paiming, who was already angry, seemed to have found an outlet, pointing at Shen Qiu and yelling

"If I hold your mother in my mouth, I will not only insult you, I will also beat you!"

Shen Qiu slapped Shi Paiming hard on the face, and then before Huang Bingyao could react, he slapped Shi Paiming on the other side of the face with his backhand.

Shen Qiu knew very well that he He had just been promoted to Chief Inspector less than 2 months ago. Even if he made great achievements this time, he would not be promoted. It would be better to use this merit to teach this ghost guy in front of him a lesson!

Even if Shen Qiu withdraws his strength, Shi Paiming's cheeks were still swelling at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this moment, everyone from the Wan Chai Police Station's Serious Crime Unit, including Yuan Haoyun and Jiang Lang, who were watching, looked at Shen Qiu with a look in their eyes. A hint of admiration, a hint of respect

"Ah Qiu, don't be impulsive!"

After Shen Qiu slapped Shi Paiming's face until it was swollen, Huang Bingyao hugged Shen Qiu and persuaded her loudly.

"Sir Huang, I must not be impulsive!"

While speaking, Shen Qiu accurately kicked Shi Paiming's key parts. After hearing a miserable howl of pain, Shi Paiming fainted and the whole scene suddenly became chaotic.

And in Edinburgh When the international school was in chaos, three cars slowly parked on the roadside in front of the HSBC Head Office building in Central. Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo and others wearing sunglasses slowly walked towards the HSBC Head Office not far away.……

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