Hong Kong Island, Central, HSBC Bank Head Office Building.

Like most British-owned companies on Hong Kong Island, HSBC also only hires Ah San and local British ghost guys as security guards, and does not trust the Chinese at all.

But Asan's work quality was well known to everyone around the world. Without any alertness at all, Wang Jianjun and other dozen well-built men walked into the lobby of this building in batches, and then followed a plan that had been rehearsed more than a dozen times. , scattered throughout the hall, ensuring that the entire hall can be controlled at the first time.

After everything was ready: click, click, click...

Wang Jianjun took out the short-handled UZI hidden in his coat, fired it into the air, and shouted loudly:"Everyone squat down!" click, click, click...

At the same time that Wang Jianjun opened fire, Wang Jianguo and others also opened fire immediately, killing all the security guards in the hall, Ah San, on the spot.


The ordinary citizens in these halls have never seen such a bloody scene. Some people couldn't help it and screamed subconsciously, and then~: da da da da~

The sound of gunshots taught these people something. Shut up

"Everyone, we only want money, please cooperate with us, and you can leave here safely, otherwise……"

Having said this, Wang Jianjun pressed the remote control in his hand and pressed one of the buttons.

With a loud bang, the C4 bomb buried in the security department of the HSBC Head Office Building was detonated. The huge power directly killed more than a dozen Ah San and British security guards on duty inside.

The huge impact directly shattered the glass on the third floor where the security department was located, causing a rain of glass to fall in the bustling Central.

Then, there were two loud bangs, and the power distribution room and elevator shaft of the building were all blown up. This means that the HSBC staff on the upper floors of the building could not go downstairs except by taking the stairs. Outside, you can only jump from the window.

Because of the overhang design on the first floor, the second floor of HSBC Bank is 6 meters above the ground. If you jump from such a high height, you will die if you are not careful. This means that from now on, the entire building will Almost all of them have been held hostage by Wang Jianjun and others.

The robbery that occurred in the HSBC headquarters building immediately alarmed the top brass on Hong Kong Island.

As the purse strings of the British Hong Kong government and one of the cornerstones of British rule on Hong Kong Island, HSBC has an extraordinary position on Hong Kong Island.

Even every general manager of HSBC Bank will also serve as an adviser to the Governor of Hong Kong, possessing great power.

Because of this, Hong Kong Governor Yang Ruiying immediately issued a death order to the Commissioner of Police Han Yili, and the police force must properly handle this robbery case.

In fact, even if Yang Ruiying did not issue a death order, Han Yili would treat it with all his strength. After receiving the news, he immediately took charge personally and served as the commander-in-chief. The on-site command was handed over to the director of the police operations department and the assistant director of the police department. Cai Yuanqi is in charge.

It was only after Cai Yuanqi received the news that he discovered that the entire Hong Kong Island Flying Tigers team had been transferred to deal with the case of the Edinburgh International School terrorists kidnapping the teaching students in Wan Chai.

There was no other way. Cai Yuanqi could only send PTU EU to maintain order on site, and then transfer the Flying Tigers from Kowloon and the New Territories.

Less than 10 minutes after the robbery, Cai Yuanqi rushed to the scene. The police team had set up a temporary command site opposite the HSBC Head Office Building.

"Sir Tsai!"

Sir Cai!


After seeing Cai Yuanqi, several superintendents and senior superintendents present greeted Cai Yuanqi one after another. Among them were Senior Superintendent Qu Xiangdong and Superintendent Zhang Wenyao, the CID commander of the Hong Kong Island Region.

"At this time, let’s not engage in these red tapes. What’s going on inside?"

Cai Yuanqi waved his hand, indicating to the group in front of him not to waste time, and asked quickly at the same time

"Sir Cai, I tried to communicate with the kidnappers inside, but they said they would only talk to those who can make the decision. They also said that a bomb would detonate every 5 minutes. There have been two explosions now."

Qu Xiangdong immediately reported to Cai Yuanqi.

After listening to Qu Xiangdong's words, Cai Yuanqi immediately looked at the HSBC Head Office Building. Sure enough, on the 3rd and 4th floors, there was a large hole blown by the bomb.

Kou Bang ~ Kou Bang ~

Right there At this time, another violent explosion occurred in the HSBC Head Office building. This time, Wang Jianjun detonated 5 C4 bombs at the same time. The huge power not only caused glass to rain down in Central again, this time even the fourth floor of the building was blown out. a gap

"There's no time, I'm going to talk to the robbers."

As Cai Yuanqi spoke, he took off his suit jacket, wearing only a white shirt, raised his hands high, and walked towards the HSBC Headquarters building not far away.

"I am Cai Yuanqi, Chief of Operations Department of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, and I am also the commander-in-chief here. If you want to talk about anything, just tell me directly."

When Cai Yuanqi almost reached the door of the building, he shouted

"You come in."

A voice came from the lobby of HSBC Bank.

Without a moment's hesitation, Cai Yuanqi walked in directly. Then he saw a dozen armed robbers holding more than a hundred people in the lobby on the first floor under gun control. Under the mouth, and in front of him stood a man wearing a hood and eyes full of indifference.

"Whatever you want, you can tell me directly."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Cai Yuanqi asked while observing the situation around him.

"$1 billion."

Wang Jianjun directly stated the conditions set by Shen Qiu.

After all, it costs 1 billion Hong Kong dollars to kidnap a person, and 1 billion U.S. dollars to kidnap a building should not be excessive.

"$1 billion is too much, I……"

Explosion ~

Cai Yuanqi originally wanted to bargain, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Wang Jianjun pressed the button of the remote control in his hand. There was a violent explosion accompanied by a shaking, which immediately made Cai Yuanqi change his words:"Calm down, I will report to the senior management immediately.!"

After that, Cai Yuanqi, under Wang Jianjun's gaze, took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of Police Commissioner Han Yili.

"Mr. Director, the other party’s offer is US$1 billion."

After the call was connected, Cai Yuanqi immediately said

"I am rushing to the Governor's residence now. Mr. Governor and Mr. Schmeider, the general manager of HSBC Bank are waiting for me. You can stabilize the robber first and promise him some conditions. After I see Mr. Governor, we will Give you an answer."

In the receiver, the voice of Police Commissioner Han Yili came out.

One billion US dollars, even if Han Yili is the top brother of the police force, he cannot make this decision.

After hearing Han Yili's words, Cai Yuanqi immediately looked at Wang Jianjun and was about to When he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Wang Jianjun:"Promise or not?""


Oral bomb~

Cai Yuanqi hesitated slightly, Wang Jianjun immediately pressed the button on the remote control, and then said calmly:"Next, I will detonate a bomb every two minutes until you agree."

"Mr. Director……"

"Needless to say, I have already heard the explosion and told the robbers to wait for 5 minutes. We will definitely give them an answer after 5 minutes."

After Han Yili said this, he hung up the phone directly.

"5 minutes, please wait 5 minutes."

Cai Yuanqi immediately shouted Han Yili's words to Wang Jianjun.

No matter for him, the director of operations, or for Han Yili, the first brother of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, they have never been so aggrieved. They have always been Others begged them. On this day, they experienced the feeling of begging for the first time, and the person they begged was a robber.

But at this moment, Cai Yuanqi and Han Yili did not know that these were just appetizers prepared by Shen Qiu for them... Five….

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