Hong Kong Island, Albert Road, mid-levels of Central.

The highest authority in the city of Hong Kong Island, the Governor's Palace is located here.

That afternoon, a Mercedes-Benz sedan with license plate 1 slowly drove into the mansion.

"Mr. Director, Mr. Governor and Mr. Schmeider are waiting for you. Please come with me."

As soon as Police Commissioner Han Yili got off the car, Hong Kong Governor's Secretary Steyer immediately came up to him and said to Han Yili

"Trouble. Han

Yili said politely, and then followed Steyer quickly into the office of Hong Kong Governor Yang Ruiying. At a glance, he saw the gray-haired Hong Kong Governor Yang Ruiying, and HSBC Bank President Schmeider sitting on the sofa nearby.

"Mr. Director, time is urgent. Tell me, what is the situation now?"

Han Yili was about to say hello when he was interrupted by Yang Ruiying.

"The robbers wanted 1 billion US dollars and threatened us that if we didn't agree, they would detonate a bomb in the building every 2 minutes. I fought for 5 minutes. Whether to give money or to attack by force, we had to come up with a charter quickly."

Han Yili spoke concisely and to the point, directly stating the current situation and what response he would make.

"Director Han Yili, Mr. Shi"140" Maid, what do you say?"

After Han Yili's voice fell, Yang Ruiying immediately looked at Schmeider and Han Yili and asked.

As the successor of the most famous Hong Kong Governor MacLehose in the history of Hong Kong Island, Yang Ruiying has been in power for three years, and the outside world has given him a lot of attention. The evaluation is mediocre. To put it nicely, it is called inaction, and to put it badly, it is called not doing anything.

Even in this situation, he will not make a decision on his own, but first listen to what Schmeider and Han Yili have to say.

"Mr. Governor, we don’t know how many explosives the robbers installed in the building. If we want to prepare for the worst, the explosives installed by the robbers are enough to blow up the entire HSBC Headquarters building. In that case , not only will they suffer huge economic losses, but there are many elites from HSBC or other industries in Hong Kong in the building. If they are killed together, the impact will be inestimable."

"In addition, we also have to consider what international public opinion will say if the building is really bombed, as well as the attitude of the ancestors."

Although Han Yili did not say clearly what to do, he expressed his opinion between the lines. The British Hong Kong government cannot afford to take this risk, so let's spend money to buy peace.

"I agree with Mr. Director. The cost of the HSBC Head Office Building alone is HK$5.2 billion. This building alone is worth US$1 billion. We, HSBC Bank, can provide this money!"

Originally, Schmeider was inclined to spend money to buy Ping An. After hearing Han Yili's analysis, he was even more convinced of his idea. Moreover, he is not the same as senior officials of the British Hong Kong government such as Han Yili and Yang Ruiying. HSBC's The headquarters is in the ancestral home. If the HSBC head office building is bombed, the stock price of HSBC will definitely plummet. In that case, he, the general manager, will sit at the end.

"Okay, since both of you said so, then agree to the request of the robbers."

Hearing that Han Yili and Schmeider had chosen a response method for themselves, Yang Ruiying nodded with satisfaction. After saying this, he looked at Han Yili and continued:"Director Han Yili, I hope you police Team, don't let those robbers leave Hong Kong Island with the money."

"Mr. Governor, our police force will definitely do its best."

Han Yili is obviously an old man, and he was not as absolute as he promised. Then he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Cai Yuanqi's number.

"Sir Cai, tell the robbers that we can give them 1 billion US dollars, but they must ensure the safety of the HSBC Head Office building and the hostages inside."

After the call was connected, Han Yili immediately said

"We can agree to your terms!"

After Cai Yuanqi heard Han Yili's words, he immediately said loudly to Wang Jianjun

"You put the money in boxes and transport it over in 2 vans. Remember, I want old banknotes."

Wang Jianjun asked calmly.

"OK, no problem, we’ll arrange it right away!"

Cai Yuanqi immediately told Wang Jianjun after Han Yili agreed.

"I'll give you half an hour."

Wang Jianjun said slowly.

HSBC is the largest issuer of Hong Kong dollars and holds a huge amount of US dollars in its hands. In just over 20 minutes, two vans stopped at the door of the HSBC head office building.

"Don't follow us. There are our people nearby. If you follow us, then……"

Kou Bang ~

While speaking, Wang Jianjun pressed the remote control in his hand

"Ok, ok, don't worry, our police force will definitely not follow you."

Cai Yuanqi said quickly.

Wang Jianjun glanced at Cai Yuanqi, and then directly took Cai Yuanqi and more than a dozen hostages into two vans and three cars, and left the HSBC Head Office building, leaving only a mess.

Sitting in the van Cai Yuanqi's face was calm. The police had installed trackers on the money box and the van, and had now arranged for bomb disposal experts to enter the HSBC Head Office Building to dismantle the bomb.

As long as the HSBC Head Office Building is safe, The Hong Kong Island Police Force can take action at any time to arrest this group of robbers.

More than ten minutes later, the van in which Cai Yuanqi was riding stopped. Cai Yuanqi watched the group of robbers move all the money boxes in the van outside the car. Soon Afterwards, the roar of an engine came to Cai Yuanqi's ears.

When Cai Yuanqi, whose hands and feet were tied up, rolled out of the van with all his strength, he saw two speeding speedboats that had almost disappeared above the sea..

Squeak~ (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this time, several cars following the van stopped not far from Cai Yuanqi. The police officers who ran out of the car immediately helped Cai Yuanqi untie the rope

"Immediately notify the marine police and ask them to dispatch, follow the signal in the cash box, and follow the two large speedboats."

Cai Yuanqi shouted loudly when his police officers were untying the rope for themselves.

Ring, ring, ring~

Just when Cai Yuanqi was giving orders loudly, a cell phone ringing came from the van.

A police officer immediately picked up the ringing phone cell phone and handed it to Cai Yuanqi

"You guys are so careless. You gave me money and installed a tracker inside. You make me very angry. So, 3, 2, 1……"

Boom ~

The moment Wang Jianjun's voice fell, a huge explosion sounded in Cai Yuanqi's ears. He subconsciously looked in the direction of the explosion, looking at the dust and mist rising into the sky, his eyes filled with emotion. It was a shock, and the whole person fell into a sluggish state........

"How about it, is it irritating?"

Wang Jianjun's voice in the receiver woke up the dull Cai Yuanqi, and he shouted loudly:"You are crazy!"

"Don't worry, this is only the power of 60 bombs, there are still 100 bombs that have not detonated. You'd better be honest. If I find out that there is a ship following us, you should understand!"

Wang Jianjun's cold voice came from the receiver.

"I'm warning you, don't mess around!"

Cai Yuanqi yelled, then took the cell phone from the police officer next to him and dialed Han Yili's number.[]

"Mr. Director, just now……"

Cai Yuanqi repeated Wang Jianjun's words just now, and then continued:"Ask the marine police not to follow the two large speedboats for the time being, and also quickly alienate everyone in the building!"

An hour and a half later.

The two large speedboats on which Wang Jianjun and others were riding had arrived on the high seas and parked next to a cargo ship. Then, Wang Jianjun and others moved more than 20 money boxes containing 1 billion US dollars onto the cargo ship and put them inside. It had already been prepared, and the warehouse was covered with tin foil. Not only that, but several signal jammers made by Lao Maozi were also installed in the warehouse to ensure that no signal from the tracker in the money box could be transmitted.

After all this was done, the freighter sailed towards Thailand.

At the same time, the Hong Kong Island Regional Office Building.

Because it is very close to the HSBC Head Office Building, the police set up the HSBC bombing headquarters here.

"Sir Cai, the annunciator in the money box disappeared."

A uniformed policeman quickly ran to Cai Yuanqi and said loudly


Cai Yuanqi's face changed slightly, and then he seemed to realize something, and said loudly:"Quickly inform HSBC 0.6 that all bomb disposal personnel in the bank's head office building should evacuate.……"

Explosion ~

Before Cai Yuanqi finished speaking, a huge explosion sounded in the ears of everyone present. Cai Yuanqi turned around and saw that the already dilapidated HSBC Head Office building was once again filled with dust.

Fortunately, because the bomb disposal department had defused more than 50 bombs in the past hour or so, after the explosion, although the HSBC Head Office building was crumbling, the frame was still preserved and did not completely collapse.

But Cai Yuanqi is very clear that although the building has not collapsed, the impact of public opinion on the police force, HSBC Bank, and the British Hong Kong government will not be reduced at all.

At the same time, Shen Qiu, who was having a meeting at Wan Chai Police Station, heard the sound of the system in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: I am the master of my territory. While international terrorists are causing trouble at the Edinburgh International School, create a major case with a momentum that overwhelms the noise caused by the international terrorists. Reward: You can summon the Fuguang team, 1 tons of liquid bombs."

At this moment, Shen Qiu's handsome face, which was originally filled with a bright smile, became even brighter.

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