That evening, Kowloon Tong Villa

"Let us observe three minutes of silence to pay tribute to the citizens and police officers who lost their lives in the HSBC bombing."

"The HSBC Bank bombing is the worst and most serious bombing in the more than 100 years since the opening of Hong Kong Island. It is an organized and premeditated terrorist attack. It is a threat to our British Hong Kong government and to the entire Hong Kong. I am here to assure all Hong Kong Island citizens that this group of terrorists will be brought to justice.……"

Looking at the impassioned Hong Kong Governor Yang Ruiying on the TV, the smile on Shen Qiu's face never stopped.

The Edinburgh International School terrorist attack, which had already made the front page headlines the next day, seemed to have turned into an obscure case against the background of the HSBC bombing. TVB spent 20 minutes reporting on the HSBC bombing. The Edinburgh International School terrorist attack only lasted 2 minutes.

However, these two terrorist attacks brought Shen Qiu a lot of profits.

The Edinburgh International School case allowed Shen Qiu to make another great contribution. Although he was fined three months' salary and suspended for seven days for beating his superior, what does this count? I just happened to be accompanying Ruan Mei, Le Huizhen, Wang Fengyi, and Judy Tang.

Shen Qiu's extremely outstanding performance at Edinburgh International School this time impressed the entire Wan Chai Police Department. This means that his qualifications are indeed too junior, otherwise he could compete for the position of superintendent based on this merit.

Not to mention the HSBC bombing case, 1 billion US dollars in cash, Fuguang's team and 1 ton of liquid bombs. For Shen Qiu, except that the 1 ton of liquid bombs have no big use for the time being, the other two things are good things.

One billion US dollars is enough for Wang Jianjun and others to rapidly expand their power in Jinshanjiao. Fuguang's team is also full of gangsters, and they are all the talents Shen Qiu needs.

Ring ring ring ~

Just when Shen Qiu was about to change the channel and watch something else, suddenly a cell phone ring rang.

"Hello, who is this?"

Shen Qiu asked after pressing the answer button.

"Sir Shen, it's me."

Xiandi's voice came out from the receiver.

"Sandy, what's the matter? Shen

Qiu asked with a smile.

"Sir Shen, is the female police officer this afternoon okay?"

Xiandi's tone was full of worry.

"It's okay, the doctor said, you just need to rest for a few months and you will be back to normal. Shen

Qiu replied.

Xiaoying's gunshot wound looked scary, but luckily no bones were injured, which can be considered a blessing in misfortune.

"That's good. Sandy breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued:"Sir Shen, can you take me to see her?" I want to thank her in person"



Hearing the embarrassment in Shen Qiu's tone, Xiandi immediately said coquettishly

"Okay, where are you now, I'll pick you up."

After Shen Qiu pondered for a moment, he agreed to Sandy. When he was in the hospital in the afternoon, Sakura was given anesthesia and was in a coma. He could just go and see Sakura. To be honest,

Sakura's heroic performance this time, It actually made Shen Qiu look at her with admiration.

"Thank you Sir Shen, I am at home. Sandy replied with a smile.

An hour later, Tung Wah East Hospital, Wan Chai

"Sister Sakura, thank you for protecting us today."

Santi looked at Sakura lying on the hospital bed with a grateful face and said.

"I'm here as a police officer, and it's my responsibility to protect you. No need to say thank you."

Due to excessive blood loss, Xiao Ying's face turned pale. After saying this, she looked at Shen Qiu and said gratefully:"Brother Qiu, thank you for saving me today."

"We are here as comrades-in-arms, and it is my responsibility to protect you."

Shen Qiu repeated what Xiaoying had just said to Sandy. Then, he said to Xiaoying seriously:"Xiaoying, you really impressed me today. It's great."

Next, Shen Qiu and Xian Di chatted with Xiao Ying for more than ten minutes, told Xiao Ying to rest in peace and recover, and left Donghua East Hospital after taking an early rest. After that, Shen Qiu drove Xin Di to the courtyard of her villa. doorway

"Sandy, don't think too much and go to bed early."

After sending Santi to the entrance of the villa, Shen Qiu said to Santi with a smile.

"Sir Shen, can I call you Brother Qiu like Sister Xiaoying?"

Xiandi played with the hem of her shirt and asked in a low voice.

"certainly. Shen

Qiu nodded and smiled.

"Brother Qiu, can you give me a hug?"

A hint of joy flashed in Sandy's eyes, and then she continued to ask


Before Shen Qiu could say anything, he was hugged tightly by the girl. Xiandi stood on tiptoes, closed her eyes, and clumsily asked for a kiss from Shen Qiu.

At this moment, she just wants to be with her unparalleled hero forever.

Seeing the cute expression on the girl's pretty face, Shen Qiu carried Santi into her arms with a princess hug, and then sat back in the car.

That night, on a quiet alley in the Hongshan villa area, a restless car parked in an unnoticed corner.


Early the next morning, a refreshed Shen Qiu sent the exhausted Sandy home. Fortunately, due to the terrorist attack, Edinburgh International School had a one-week holiday. Otherwise, given Sandy's condition, she would have to take at least three days off. Fake.

After settling Sandy, Shen Qiu went to Wan Chai Police Station without stopping to receive his leave notice.

"Sir Shen!"Sir Shen!""Sir Shen!""……

After seeing Shen Qiu, the entire Wan Chai Police Station, whether they were people Shen Qiu knew or people Shen Qiu didn't know, all greeted Shen Qiu with respect. Just returning the gift made Shen Qiu dry.

"Huang sir."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After Shen Qiu walked into Huang Bingyao's office, he took out his water glass and poured himself a glass of water. After drinking it all, he turned to Say hello to Huang Bingyao

"Ah Qiu, you were too impulsive yesterday, that is, you have made such a big contribution, otherwise those ghost guys would definitely take the opportunity to cause trouble, and they might even demote you, let alone fine them."

Huang Bingyao looked regretful. He regretted a little. He should have done it himself yesterday. Anyway, he was old and had nothing to mention. A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"Hahahaha, Sir Huang, if I had known that beating that ghost guy would only punish him with three months' salary, I would have kicked him twice more and suspended him for seven days. It just so happened that I was a little tired and needed to recuperate at home for a few days. Shen

Qiu laughed and said

"Ah Qiu, no matter what, thank you very much. This thank you is not said to you in the name of a commander, but in the role of a father."

Looking at Shen Qiu in front of him, Huang Bingyao said sincerely

"Sir Huang, Yazi is also an old classmate of mine, an old friend is here, so there is no need to be so polite. Shen

Qiu replied with a smile.

"So do you want to pick her up? Huang

Bingyao suddenly asked


Shen Qiu replied subconsciously, and then after seeing Huang Bingyao's face change suddenly, he continued:"It also depends on fate."

"If you young people fall in love, as long as it is sincere, then I have no objection, but if it is just for fun……"

Although Huang Bingyao has not finished speaking, the murderous look in his eyes has already told Shen Qiu what he is going to say next.[]

"Sir Huang, I take relationships very seriously. As soon as I start, it is definitely not for fun."

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

In a sense, there is nothing wrong with what Shen Qiu said. He takes every relationship seriously, but he is just a little philanthropic.

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Huang Bingyao nodded with satisfaction. Nodding, he will never forget that when he and Meiko talked about Shen Qiu yesterday night, the look in his daughter's eyes, although it may be a bit exaggerated to say that it is drawn, has definitely reached the standard of a reservoir and is about to overflow at any time.

From then on From a moment on, Huang Bingyao knew that the cabbage he had raised for more than 20 years was going to be on the market.

Ten minutes later, Shen Qiu, who had dealt with Huang Bingyao, returned to the anti-gangster group.

"Everyone, don’t say that your superiors are deceiving you. I will treat you to a big dinner at the Wan Chai Hotel tonight! Shen

Qiu looked at the more than ten members of the crime team in front of him and said with a smile.

Suddenly, a burst of cheers rang in the office of the crime team.

In the next few days, Shen Qiu had an extremely fulfilling life. He accompanied Ruan Mei in the morning We took a walk under the Lion Rock, accompanied Judy Tang to research nursing homes at noon, went to Jinxing International Group to inspect Wang Fengyi’s work in the afternoon, tutored Sandy on her homework in the evening, and went for an exclusive interview with Le Huizhen late at night.

Such a fulfilling experience made Shen Qiu particularly cherishes the time she spends walking with Ruan Mei in the morning. After all, it is only during this time that Shen Qiu's waist and little Shen Qiu can take a break.

Ring, ring, ring~

On the morning of the sixth day of Shen Qiu's vacation, Shen Qiu was holding Ruan Mei's hand. When he walked to a pavilion, his cell phone rang in his pocket.

"Which one?"

Shen Qiu took out his mobile phone, pressed the answer button, and asked

"Sir Shen, it’s me, Ah B."

Big Brother B's voice came out from the receiver.

"B, what's the matter?"

After hearing Big Brother B's voice, Shen Qiu's eyes moved slightly and asked with a smile.

"Sir, yesterday evening, a group of police officers from the Narcotics Investigation Bureau arrested Liangkun on charges of drug trafficking. Chen Yao just called me and said that Jiang Tiansheng was going to hold a meeting of Hongxing Hall Masters tonight. Sir Shen, As you know, our Hongxing gang rules do not allow drug trafficking. I wonder if Jiang Tiansheng wants to take this opportunity to remove Liangkun from his position as the fitter at Mongkok Hall."

On the other end of the phone, Boss B said slowly...

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