Under the Lion Rock, Kowloon Tong

"Amei, please sit here and rest for a while."

Shen Qiu first helped Ruan Mei into the pavilion and asked her to sit down. Then she picked up the phone and continued:"B, please continue."

"Sir Shen, in the past few months, Liangkun has taken advantage of the old Hong Kong drug lords such as Han Chen, Ji Zang, and Lian Haolong to attack the streets and purchase goods on a large scale. His power has expanded very quickly. Now he is all oily, sharp, and prosperous. Almost half of the goods are provided by Liangkun"

"After this guy makes money, he recruits troops. In the past month, he and Jiang Tiansheng have spoken out several times. I even wonder if Jiang Tiansheng secretly sent people to the police to report the police and borrowed the police's knife to get rid of Liang Tiansheng. Kun is a serious problem."

On the other end of the phone, Boss B slowly spoke out his analysis of the whole matter.

"Ah B, whether it is the knife handed to the police force by Jiang Tiansheng or not, this is your chance."

After Shen Qiu pondered for a moment, he said lightly

"My chance?"

On the other end of the phone, Boss B was slightly confused.

"Yes, in the current Hongxing Society, Jiang Tiansheng’s overall strength ranks first. He has a reputation and orthodox principles. Most of the fit people in Hongxing’s Twelve Halls will give him a favor."

"Liangkun quickly accumulated a lot of wealth through drug trafficking, and the strength of his men was the highest in Hongxing. However, due to lack of righteousness, he could only fight alone, and his strength ranked second."

"Next, the third one is Han Bin. He has a good relationship with Thirteenth Sister, a fitter in Portland Street. His brother Dinosaur is also a fitter in Tuen Mun. After Han Bin, he is Ah B you."

"This means that under normal circumstances, Ah B, you have to surpass Jiang Tiansheng, Liang Kun, and Han Bin before you can take the leading position in Hongxing."

"But now Jiang Tiansheng wants to depose Liangkun from the position of fitter in Mongkok, which gives you a God-given opportunity, a chance to overtake in a corner."

When Shen Qiu said this, he paused slightly, and then said slowly:"Listen up, Ah B, next, I will……"

"Okay, okay, Sir Shen, I will definitely act according to your plan."

After listening to Shen Qiu's plan, Big Boss B has already begun to pity Jiang Tiansheng and Liang Kun. Shen Qiu's plan is really a bit too poisonous.

At the same time, Big Boss B is also glad that he did not Shen Qiu fights to the end, otherwise he will have only one end, and that is to be played to death by Shen Qiu

"Ah B, our police force likes to give operations a code name before taking action. I also gave our operation a code name, New World! I want Hongxing Society to change the world! Shen

Qiu said slowly

"New world? Okay, Sir Shen, I remember."

On the other end of the phone, Boss B's eyes lit up, and then he nodded and said

"Ah B, I'm looking forward to your performance in Operation New World, don't let me down!"

After saying this, Shen Qiu hung up the phone.

After hanging up the call from Boss B, Shen Qiu dialed Liu Jianming's mobile phone number

"Which one?"

Liu Jianming's voice came out from the receiver.

"Sir Liu, it’s me, Shen Qiu. Shen

Qiu replied with a smile.

"Sir Shen, what's the matter?"

After hearing Shen Qiu's self-report, Liu Jianming frowned slightly, and then asked.

Since the last time he cooperated with Shen Qiu to solve the international counterfeit banknote case, Liu Jianming realized that Shen Qiu was definitely not as good as he was. It’s so simple in front of him.

Years of undercover experience have made Liu Jianming subconsciously stay away from these uncertain factors in order to obtain his own safety.

"Sir Liu, I’ll treat you to tea at our old place. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.


After pondering for a moment, Liu Jianming agreed:"Okay."

"See you later."

After saying this, Shen Qiu hung up the phone, sent Ruan Mei back to the villa, and drove towards Tsim Sha Tsui.

40 minutes later, it was still the same teahouse.

"Sir Liu, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

Shen Qiu sat down opposite Liu Jianming and said with a smile.

"Sir Shen, if you have anything to say, just tell me."

Obviously, Liu Jianming has no interest in chatting or spanking with Shen Qiu.

"Okay, Sir Liu, those people have assigned me a task. Do you know about the arrest of Liang Kun, a Mong Kok fit man from Hung Hing Society, by the Narcotics Investigation Bureau of West Kowloon Region yesterday?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shen Qiu lowered his voice and asked.

Yau Ma Tei, Tsim Sha Tsui, and Mong Kok all fall under the jurisdiction of the West Kowloon Region

"As you know, Liang Kun’s case was jointly handled by our Criminal Intelligence Division and Narcotics Investigation Division. This guy has gone too far in the past few months. He is too unscrupulous in both his style and methods. Our West Kowloon Region is ready to take action. He sets an example and serves as a warning to others."

Liu Jianming said slowly.

After hearing Liu Jianming's words, Shen Qiu immediately understood that Big Boss B had misunderstood Jiang Tiansheng. Jingkun was not betrayed by Jiang Tiansheng, but was targeted by the police by committing suicide.

Liu Jianming replied After finishing Shen Qiu's question, he also asked:"Does the task those people gave you have something to do with Liangkun?"

"That's right. Seeing Liu

Jianming starting to think about it, Shen Qiu was also happy to follow suit:"Sir Liu, can you give me a copy of Liangkun's criminal evidence? I have a very important role.""

"Is this what those people asked for? Liu

Jianming asked pretending to be casual.


Shen Qiu didn't hesitate and nodded directly.

".Okay, at noon, still here, I will give you the evidence about Liangkun. Liu

Jianming nodded slowly and said

"Thank you, Sir Liu. In addition, these people will send someone to visit Liangkun in the name of a lawyer this afternoon. You have to make it easier for them."

Shen Qiu said slowly.

That afternoon,

Zhang Hua walked into the West Kowloon headquarters with one of Shen Qiu's old partners, barrister Shen Junbao.

Shen Junbao and Shen Qiu had a very pleasant cooperation last time, and Shen Junbao became a famous barrister. , without doing anything, he earned a commission of HK$50 from Shen Qiu. This time, after being invited, Shen Junbao agreed to lend his name as a barrister again without hesitation.

"I am barrister Shen Junbao. I have submitted an application to your police force to see my client Li Qiankun."

Shen Junbao came to the Narcotics Investigation Section with ease and applied to see Liangkun.

"Please wait."

As one of the investigators, Liu Jianming had already agreed to Shen Junbao's visitation request, so after the uniformed police officer looked through the records for a while, he picked up the phone and asked the detention room to prepare and take Jingkun to the visitation room.

After completing these preparations (by Wang Nuo), the uniformed police officer took Shen Junbao and Zhang Hua to the visiting room. At this time, in the visiting room,

Liangkun held his head high, put his feet on the chair, and His face was unruly.

Whether it was drug trafficking or distribution, Liangkun was confident that he was doing it very cleanly. Even if the police caught something small, he would still find someone to take the blame, so he didn't panic at all now.

It's just Liangkun. What was a little strange to Kun was that he had clearly not applied to meet with a lawyer, so why did a lawyer suddenly come to see him?

Soon, he got the answer to his question.

With a creak~, the door to the visiting room was pushed open, and then Liang Kun I saw two strange men walking in.[]

"Mr. Li Qiankun, I am your attorney Shen Junbao. This……"

"Represent your mother, I don’t know you!"

Before Shen Junbao finished speaking, he was interrupted by Liangkun.

"Li Qiankun, after reading this, you will get to know us."

Zhang Hua threw the document bag in his hand in front of Liangkun and said calmly.

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