Hong Kong Island Police West Kowloon Headquarters, prison visit room.

Liangkun picked up the document bag and took out a stack of paper from it with a curious look on his face. After just reading a few pages, the expression on his face changed from curiosity to shock and anger.

Finally, when he turned to the fifth page, Liangkun couldn't hold back and punched the table in front of him heavily.

A loud bang immediately attracted the attention of the uniformed police officers who were guarding not far away.

"What are you looking at, damn it."

Liangkun, who was full of anger, cursed the uniformed police officer angrily, then looked at Zhang Hua, who was sitting in front of him with a calm expression, gritted his teeth and said:"Damn it, how did you get these things?"

"Liangkun, it doesn't matter how I got these things. Why don't you first guess who gave these things to the police?"

Zhang Hua said lightly

"Are you pretending to be a ghost and trying to take advantage of me? Do you think I will be fooled by you?"

At this moment, Liangkun's face returned to calmness. He looked at Zhang Hua and said with disdain.

"OK, Liangkun, you are very smart. You know that we want to use you, so there is no need to talk about it. But it doesn’t matter. After tonight, you are no longer a fit person in Hongxing Mongkok Hall, but a loner."

As Zhang Hua spoke, he picked up the stack of paper and the document bag in front of Liang 550 Kun, and was about to get up and leave.


Liangkun immediately stood up, grabbed Zhang Hua's clothes, and shouted in a low voice:"Tell me clearly, what do you mean by saying that I am not Hongxing's follower tonight?"

"What's the meaning? Liangkun, half of the people in Hongxing now know that Jiang Tiansheng is going to hold a hall meeting tonight. Think about it, you were arrested for drug trafficking yesterday, and today Jiang Tiansheng is going to hold a hall meeting. You Hongxing Society Do you need me to explain to you in detail what Longtou wants to do?"

Zhang Hua said faintly.


Hearing this, the anger in Liangkun's heart spurted out again, and he punched the table again.

"Damn it, Jiang Tiansheng, this old dog, actually wants to expel me from the club, and I’m going to bite his old mother!"

Jiangkun gritted his teeth and said word by word.

As a member of the gang, Liangkun was naturally very clear about the Hongxing gang rules. The gang rules clearly stipulated that Hongxing members cannot deal in drugs. Once discovered, , and immediately expelled Hongxing.

But in this era when etiquette and music have collapsed, in Liangkun's opinion, it's a bit of a shame. Who cares where the money comes from? He never expected that Jiang Tiansheng would rely on this trick. , and will destroy the most competitive leader.

Liangkun will never allow his many years of management to go to waste. Thinking of this, he looked at Zhang Hua, who had a calm face in front of him, and said,"You guys come to me. , and told me this, he must want to cooperate with me, tell me, what do you want me to do, and what can you do for me?"

Jiangkun can stand out among the more than 10,000 members of Hongxing. Whether it is brains or courage, he is definitely far higher than ordinary people. Although he was a little confused by Jiang Tiansheng's move, he still quickly I reacted and started looking for a way to crack it.

"Liangkun, do you know about a man named Wang Jianjun in Jinshanjiao?"

Zhang Hua leaned close to Liangkun's ear and whispered.

Liangkun's eyes moved slightly, but he did not speak, just nodded slightly.

All his goods were taken from Jinshanjiao Kunsha's hand, naturally I know that a ruthless man named Wang Jianjun has recently appeared in Jinshanjiao. He has hundreds of Vietnam War veterans. They are all brave and good at fighting, fearless of death, and have very sophisticated weapons. In just a few months, they captured two towns. , controlling nearly 10,000 residents

"We are Wang Jianjun’s people."

Zhang Hua said lightly

"What does he want me to do?"

Liangkun's face moved slightly, and then he asked softly

"Kun Sha earns hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars from the Hong Kong Island market every month. All this money will be used by him to buy arms, and then he will fight with my boss. Liang Kun, you are now the largest supplier in Kowloon. My boss hopes From now on, don’t buy Kunsha’s goods, but buy his goods instead"(bife) Zhang Hua said slowly.

In fact, Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo and others have no drug trade at all. What Shen Qiu wants to build in Jinshanjiao is a mercenary base, and then use these mercenaries to go to troubled countries such as Africa and Luzon to pan for gold.

To be honest, Shen Qiu really doesn't like the drug trade. In the future, Kunsha will become the world's drug king, and he will sell 80% of the drugs in the world, but so what? It’s not like he couldn’t defeat countries like Thailand and Myanmar. He was then placed under house arrest in a small courtyard and died of suffocation.

With a gun in your hand and fearsome force, that is the way to go.

The reason why Zhang Hua said this was purely to fool Liangkun and make him believe it.

"I can promise you that from now on, I will only buy your products, but how are you going to help me? Liangkun said slowly

"Liangkun, if we can get these things, you should have guessed that we have people in the police force."

Zhang Hua shook the information bag in his hand and said lightly.

Liangkun nodded.

"Jiang Tiansheng is the leader of the society. It is very easy to arrest him and lock him up in the police force for 48 hours. Our plan is to use these 48 hours to get you out, and then you can find a way to frame these things on Jiang Tiansheng. On the head. Zhang

Hua pointed to the information bag in his hand and said quietly:"I remember that there is also a rule in your Hongxing gang rules. Anyone who betrays the brothers in the society will be killed with three swords, six holes, and five thunders!""

"OK, OK, OK!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After listening to Zhang Hua's words, Liangkun's eyes suddenly lit up and he cheered repeatedly. The anger in his heart had long since dissipated. Regarding the plan Zhang Hua said, Liangkun It was 120% satisfactory.

Before Zhang Hua could speak, Liangkun continued:"If you can help me unseat Jiang Tiansheng and let me take the position of the leader of Hongxing, I can guarantee you that in one year at most, No, in half a year, half of the drug market in Hong Kong Island will be mine. By then, you will be able to earn hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars every month, which is definitely no less than Kunsha."

"Okay, Liangkun, then I wish us a happy cooperation."

Zhang Hua smiled and extended his right hand to Liangkun.

"A pleasure to work with."

The smile on Jiankun's face was ten times brighter than that of Zhang Hua.

After talking to Jiankun, Zhang Hua left with Shen Junbao who was sitting far away pretending to be deaf and dumb. However, after leaving the visiting room, Zhang Hua immediately He took out a handkerchief from his suit pocket, wiped his right hand that he had just shaken with Liangkun carefully, and then threw the handkerchief into the trash can.

After leaving the West Kowloon headquarters, Zhang Hua took out I dialed Shen Qiu’s number on my cell phone.

"Brother Qiu, Liangkun has already taken care of this, and he is very cooperative."

After the call was connected, Zhang Hua said lightly

"Okay, let's inform Thor and work tonight."

On the other end of the phone, Shen Qiu looked calm and said slowly.

Borrowing a knife to kill someone. Since you have borrowed a knife, you should kill someone!.

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