That night, the Hung Hing Ancestral Hall in North Point.

Except for Liangkun, who was still detained at the West Kowloon headquarters, the other eleven people from the Twelve Halls of Hongxing were all present.

Silly Ji was bragging as usual, while Big Brother B was sitting silently in the corner, quietly watching everything that happened in front of him.

Ever since the deaths of Chen Haonan, Pheasant and others, Big Boss B has been extremely low-key, so low-key that Jiang Tiansheng wanted to ask Big Boss B to give up his position as the fittest person at the Causeway Bay Hall many times, but he couldn't find a chance to speak.

At this time, the curtain of the Hongxing Ancestral Hall was opened, and then Jiang Tiansheng led Chen Yao into the hall.

"Mr. Jiang!"Mr. Jiang!""……

All the people present at the Hongxing Fit stood up and said hello to Jiang Tiansheng. Jiang Tiansheng was also smiling and nodded in response to everyone.

"Everyone sits down."

After Jiang Tiansheng walked to his seat, he said with a smile

"Everyone, despite your busy schedule, I invite you to come to this meeting. The purpose is actually very simple. You should have heard about the arrest of Liangkun by the Narcotics Investigation Bureau yesterday, right?"

Jiang Tiansheng said with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang, this guy Liang Kun is selling drugs. Who on the whole Hong Kong Island doesn’t know about it? In the past, I thought he was a club brother and just turned a blind eye. Now that he was arrested by the police, he brought it upon himself."

After Jiang Tiansheng finished speaking, Sha Ji, a wallflower, was the first to respond to Jiang Tiansheng.

"Mr. Jiang, according to the gang rules of our Hongxing Club, members cannot sell drugs. Anyone who violates this rule will be expelled from the club."

After Sha Ji's words fell, Jiang Tiansheng's second iron man, the prince, also spoke.

"Prince, you are right. The rules of the Hongxing Society are passed down from the ancestors of the Hongxing Society. I don’t care whether Liangkun did it before, but now that he has been arrested by the Narcotics Investigation Bureau, I You can't pretend you haven't seen it."

At this point, Jiang Tiansheng paused for a moment, looked around at everyone present, and then slowly said:"Everyone, I suggest that Li Qiankun, a member of the Hongxing Society, be expelled from the Hongxing Society. What do you think?"


Although many fit people present had long known Jiang Tiansheng’s intention of convening the hall meeting tonight, when they actually heard that Jiang Tiansheng wanted to expel Jingkun from the club, they still looked shocked and started talking in low voices.

"I agree with Mr. Jiang’s proposal!"

"I agree!"


After Jiang Tiansheng's words fell, Prince Edward, Sha Ji, and Chen Yao immediately expressed their support.

Just when Jiang Tiansheng smiled and thought that he was 100% sure tonight, a discordant voice came out:"Mr. Jiang, I did not offend you. I mean, but Liangkun was only arrested by the Narcotics Investigation Bureau and was not charged. Isn’t it a bit inappropriate to expel him from the club now?"

"Ah B, do you mean that the police force wrongfully accused Liangkun?"

After hearing Big Brother B's words, Jiang Tiansheng's expression suddenly changed. He looked at Big Brother B and asked with an unkind expression.

"Mr. Jiang, you don’t have to wait for a few days anyway. You won’t be able to wait even for a few days, right?"

Big Brother B changed from his usual attitude of firmly supporting Jiang Tiansheng, and directly attacked Jiang Tiansheng.

Jiang Tiansheng looked at Big Brother B deeply, then looked at the other fit people and asked:"What are the opinions of other people? ?"

"Mr. Jiang, Liangkun was caught by a police officer yesterday, and today the society will expel him. If this kind of thing spreads, it will affect the reputation of our Hongxing Society. My opinion is the same as B. Anyway, we don’t have to wait long, the police will either crack down on him. Either kill Liangkun or let Liangkun go. We don’t have to rush."

Han Bin, who ranked third in strength in Hongxing Club, slowly said.

"My brother means what I mean"

"I agree with Han Bin's opinion."

After Han Bin finished speaking, Dinosaur and Thirteenth Sister immediately continued.

"What about the rest?"

Seeing that there were already four votes against him, Jiang Tiansheng's eyes became more gloomy.

"Mr. Jiang, I mean the same thing as Ah B and Han Bin. There is no need to be so hasty. Another fit person also spoke.

The final voting results made Jiang Tiansheng very uncomfortable. He actually failed with a slight disadvantage of 6 votes to 7.

This can be said to be a huge blow to the majesty of Jiang Tiansheng, the leader..

In fact, Jiang Tiansheng also knows that it is too urgent to expel Jing Kun from the club now, but Jiang Tiansheng is more worried that if Jing Kun uses money power and finally leaves the police station safely, it will be even more sad for him, Jiang Tiansheng.

Therefore, Jiang Tiansheng Only then did Tian Sheng resolutely choose to go into danger, hoping to rely on the power he had accumulated over the years as a leader to force Liangkun out of the club. But it was obvious that he not only lost the vote this time, but also lost the reputation of the leader.

But what Jiang Tiansheng didn't know was that just after Zhang Hua met Liangkun in the afternoon, several Hongxing's fitters received 2 million Hong Kong dollars from Liangkun Mazai, with only one request, and he would give it to him tonight. Liangkun had a chance.

Except for Silly Ji, who bounced the ticket, the rest of them were kind people, which made Jiang Tiansheng fail tonight.

"OK, since so many people think we can wait a little longer, then we will wait a little longer. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the end, Jiang Tiansheng had no choice but to accept tonight's failure. After saying this, he announced that the meeting was adjourned

"Mr. Jiang, something is a little abnormal tonight. I told that guy Four-Eyed Dragon that I will definitely support you tonight, but he actually bounced the ticket."

After everyone left, Chen Yao said to Jiang Tiansheng

"Ah Yao, I am anxious tonight and let others guess my intention. We can canvass for votes, and Liangkun can naturally canvass for votes. Forget it, wait until next time."

Jiang Tiansheng said slowly

"Yes, Mr. Jiang."

Chen Yao lowered his head and responded.

"What surprised me most today was Ah B. This guy promised me before that he would quit, but it has been more than two months. He has not heard from him at all. I hinted several times, but he pretended not to listen. Yes, this time he openly opposed me."

"This guy clearly wants Liangkun to fight with me. He is a centrist and wants both Liangkun and I to win over him."


At this point, Jiang Tiansheng snorted coldly:"Play tricks with me and see how long he can laugh."

Next, Jiang Tiansheng talked with Chen Yao in the Hongxing Ancestral Hall for more than 20 minutes before taking Chen Yao and leaving the Hongxing Ancestral Hall.

At the same time, in a tenement building more than 500 meters away from the Hongxing Ancestral Hall.

Thor placed an SVD sniper rifle on the window, aiming it through the scope in the direction of the Hongxing Ancestral Hall. He maintained this position for more than an hour, until Jiang Tiansheng and Chen Yao walked out of the Hongxing Ancestral Hall. Thor immediately , pulled the trigger[]

There was a gunshot.

A 7.62 mm bullet passed through the chest of Jiang Tiansheng who had just walked out of the Hongxing Ancestral Hall. The huge impact directly knocked Jiang Tiansheng to the ground and killed him with one shot.

"Mr. Jiang! Mr. Jiang! Call an ambulance!"

Everything happened so fast. Chen Yao, who was standing next to Jiang Tiansheng, was stunned for a few seconds before he reacted. He immediately shouted to Jiang Tiansheng's driver to call an ambulance. However, no matter how Chen Yao shouted, Jiang Tiansheng could not wake up again..Chiang

Tiansheng, a generational tycoon of the Hong Kong underworld, died..

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