The news that Jiang Tiansheng was shot to death in the Hongxing Ancestral Hall instantly swept through the entire Hong Kong underworld like a violent storm.

The twelve fit members of Hongxing Society who had dispersed not long ago gathered together again

"My suggestion is to mobilize everyone in the entire society to kill people. Even if Hong Kong Island is turned over, we must find the person who killed Mr. Jiang. Now the entire Hong Kong underworld and all societies are staring at our Hongxing. The leader of the society was beaten to death at the door of the ancestral hall. If we don't make a bigger noise, we will become a joke to the entire Hong Kong underworld!"

Big Brother B was the first to jump out and said that no matter what the cost, he must avenge Jiang Tiansheng.

"I agree with Brother B’s suggestion. Mr. Jiang cannot die in the dark, and the mastermind behind the scenes must be found out!"

As Jiang Tiansheng's confidant, the prince also spoke after Big Brother B finished speaking.

"I agree!"

Chen Yaoyan"810" was concise and concise, but as he spoke, his eyes kept scanning the faces of all the fit people, as if he wanted to understand who was the good guy and who was the bad guy.

"Could it be Liangkun's hand?"

At this time, a voice was like a shocking voice, causing the faces of all Hongxing members present to change slightly.

"Fat guy Li, stop saying unfounded things to avoid making a joke."

The Thirteenth Sister, who has always disliked fat guy Li, directly criticized him.

"What, what I said doesn’t make sense? As soon as Jiang Tiansheng proposed to expel Liang Kun from the club, he was killed. Thirteenth sister, tell me, should I doubt Liang Kun?"

The fat guy Li was contradicted by Thirteenth Sister, and he immediately retorted with a look of displeasure.

"Holding your mother in your mouth, fat guy Li, you can’t understand human language, right? Now that Longtou is beaten to death in the street, it’s already half a joke for us in Hongxing. Now you have no evidence and say that Jiang was killed by one of your own people. Sir, if word spreads, won't Hongxing become a complete joke?"

As a staunch ally of Thirteenth Sister, Han Bin immediately shouted loudly after Thirteenth Sister was criticized.


The fat guy Li is a pornographic magazine man, and he is not as good as Han Bin in terms of strength or financial resources. After being criticized by Han Bin, he could only snort coldly, and then kept silent.

"It's useless no matter how much we say here, let's take action. When I get back, I will ask everyone in the Causeway Bay hall to get active and try every means to dig out some clues."

As he spoke, Big Boss B turned and left.

After Big Boss B left, Han Bin, Thirteenth Sister and others also left one after another. In the end, only Chen Yao and Prince Edward, two close confidants of Jiang Tiansheng, remained.

"Ah Yao, now that Mr. Jiang is dead, what do you say? You know, I'm not smart, now it's all up to you."

The prince asked Chen Yaodao

"Wait, the person who killed Mr. Jiang must want benefits, so we will wait and see who will get the greatest benefits."

Chen Yao said slowly

"Could it really be Liangkun who did it?"

The prince asked again

"If Liangkun wants to kill Mr. Jiang, it is unlikely that he will spend a lot of money to bribe Si-Eyed Dragon and the others. In fact, I am not sure now whether it is our Hongxing who did it himself or someone from another society. I can only wait and see what happens.."

Chen Yao felt like he was shrouded in layers of fog at this moment and couldn't see anything clearly. As a Hongxing white paper fan, he felt for the first time that his brain was not enough.

On the other side, Big Brother B immediately sat down after leaving. He got into his Mercedes-Benz sedan, then took out his cell phone and dialed Shen Qiu’s number.

"Sir Shen, it’s me, just now……"

Boss B told Shen Qiu everything that had just happened in detail.

"Ah B, you go home now and have a good sleep. Tomorrow morning, you go to Junbao Law Firm and take away a lawyer named Shen Junbao. He will act out a play with you and tell you some things you need. Remember, Beat him more severely, more realistically, and more believably."

After listening to Big Brother B's words, Shen Qiu said lightly.

"Junbao Law Firm, Shen Junbao, strike harder...Okay, Sir Shen, I remember."

Big Brother B repeated what Shen Qiu said and nodded in response.


After Shen Qiu hummed, he hung up the phone. Then, Shen Qiu dialed Zhang Hua's mobile phone number.

"Ah Hua, you can take action now, let Liang Kun come out after staying at the police station for 48 hours."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said lightly

"Okay, Brother Qiu, I understand."

Ah Hua's voice came out from the receiver.

After hearing Ah Hua's words, Shen Qiu hung up the phone again, and then dialed Liu Jianming's number.

"Sir Liu, I am Shen Qiu. I have something I hope you can help me with."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu did not greet Liu Jianming politely and went straight to the topic.

"What's up?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the other end of the phone, Liu Jianming frowned slightly and asked

"I hope that from now on, you can upgrade Liangkun's guard level to a special guard. No one is allowed to see him without your permission.........."

Shen Qiu said slowly.

After hearing Shen Qiu's request, Liu Jianming pondered for a moment before nodding and saying:"Okay."

That night, the two Hongxing Society mazi who accused Liangkun of drug trafficking accidentally drowned in his own washbasin, and the other used Towel hang yourself.

After receiving the news, Superintendent Li Ailong of the Narcotics Investigation Bureau of West Kowloon Region immediately rushed to the home of Ma Zai, who drowned in his washbasin.

"Damn it, a person can drown in this sink, what the fuck, this is provocation, naked provocation, this guy Liangkun is provoking our police force! Provoke our Narcotics Investigation Department!"

Looking at the washbasin with a depth of less than 30 centimeters, Li Ailong was furious.

This Ma Zai was a key witness who he had used many methods and spent hundreds of thousands of informants to instigate rebellion. His death is equivalent to the chain of evidence. One link was broken, and the same was true for the other Ma Zai who hung himself with a towel. Once these two people died, the Narcotics Investigation Bureau would have no way to accuse Liangkun.

"Sir Li, we must not let this guy Liang Kun leave the police station so arrogantly, otherwise the face of our Narcotics Investigation Section will be completely lost!"

After Li Ailong finished speaking, a police officer standing next to him said.

"How to say?"

Li Ailong's eyes lit up slightly and he asked

"Sir Li, I heard that Jiang Tiansheng was shot dead tonight. Many people know that Liang Kun and Jiang Tiansheng are competing for the position of Hongxing leader 5.6. Now the two key witnesses in Liang Kun's case have been killed again. Liang Kun is very We are about to leave the police station. If we reveal this news to the people in Hongxing,……" the police officer whispered.[]

"We are the police, using gangsters to deal with suspects, right?……"

Li Ailong was a little hesitant

"Sir Li and Liangkun can do things like drowning people in the washbasin to insult our police, why can't we fight back?"

The police officer said with an angry look.

This time, Li Ailong didn't speak again, but nodded slowly.

But Li Ailong didn't know that the police officer who spoke was once a member of the society. His former boss was named Han Chen.

At this moment, Liangkun, who was fast asleep in the police detention room and dreaming of the return of the king, didn’t know that a big net to kill him had been woven. He not only wanted to die, but he also wanted to die well.……

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