The next morning, Causeway Bay, Surang Nightclub.

Including Shaji, Han Bin, and the prince, Hongxing's fit people all came here, including Hongxing white paper fan Chen Yao

"B, what did you find? Did you call us here so early in the morning?"

Si Ji was the first to ask.

"Did you hear the news yesterday?"

Big Brother B didn't answer Sha Ji's question, but asked instead

"Are you talking about the person who testified against Liangkun? One drowned in his own washbasin, and the other hung himself with his own towel?"

With the police force's deliberate publicity, the news quickly spread

"Yes, I have heard the news. Once these two people die, the police will not have enough evidence to charge Liangkun. Liangkun will be released from the police station within 48 hours at most."

At this point, Big Boss B paused slightly, and then said in a deep voice:"Everyone, now that Mr. Jiang is dead, we in Hongxing must choose a new leader. If Liangkun comes out to choose, with his current financial resources and strength, Who among us can argue with him?"

"Ah B, you called us together, isn't it just to unite us to deal with Liangkun?"

The four-eyed dragon said with a smile.

"Of course not. My people dug all night last night and found a big fish."

Big Brother B clapped his hands, and then two men from the Causeway Bay Hall carried a middle-aged man with bruises all over his body and walked to the 18 people in Hongxing.

"Ah B, who is he?"

Si Ji was the first to couldn't help it and asked.

"This guy is Liangkun's attorney. He was the one who took people to see Liangkun yesterday. It took me a lot of effort to get him to speak. It was Liangkun who ordered someone to shoot Mr. Jiang dead."

Big Brother B's words were like thunder, shocking everyone present.

"Ah B, you can’t just talk about this kind of thing, you must have real evidence!"

After being stunned for more than ten seconds, Chen Yao, as Hong Xing's white paper fan, was the first to speak.

Although Chen Yao said so, he actually believed it in his heart. What he needs now is That is, Big Brother B can come up with something more powerful and directly hammer Liangkun to death

"Ah Yao, Liangkun is our Hongxing's fitter after all. Of course I can't conclude that he is the mastermind behind killing Mr. Jiang just because of a lawyer's words."

At this point, Big Brother B took out a tape from his pocket and said calmly:"The good thing about these lawyers is that no matter what they talk about, they like to record and retain evidence."

While speaking, Big Boss B winked at Ma Zai beside him, who immediately took out his Walkman from his pocket and handed it to Big Boss B.

"Ah Yao, listen to me and see if I am lying."

After inserting the tape into the Walkman, Boss B handed the Walkman to Chen Yao and said calmly


Chen Yao didn't speak. After taking the Walkman, he put on the headphones and pressed the play button.

After more than ten seconds, everyone saw that Chen Yao's face suddenly changed, and it became more and more ugly.

After a few minutes, Chen Yao slowly took off his headphones and handed the walkman to Han Bin.

Half an hour later, the faces of all the fit men in Hongxing became equally ugly, and the prince roared angrily:"I'm going to kill his mother, bully my master and destroy my ancestors. I'm going to kill Jingkun and avenge Mr. Jiang!""

"Prince, don't be so excited. Liangkun was arrested the day before yesterday and will be released this afternoon."

Big Brother B said calmly.

Then, without waiting for the prince's reply, Big Brother B continued to speak:"Everyone, it is now confirmed that Liangkun is the mastermind behind the murder of Mr. Jiang. Liangkun, we must kill him. , but I think there must be a charter for killing Liangkun."

"Ah B, what kind of regulations are there for killing people? Just ask someone to draw a lottery and get rid of Liangkun."

The prince said unhappy.

"Prince, now that Mr. Jiang is dead, we in Hongxing must choose a new leader. For the new leader, if he can kill Liang Kun, the mastermind behind the murder of Mr. Jiang, then it will be justifiable for him to become the leader."

"So I suggest that we choose the leader now, and then let the new leader take action to kill Liangkun!"

Big Brother B said slowly, word by word.

After hearing Big Brother B's words, the eyes of Han Bin, Thirteenth Sister, Dinosaur and the Prince all lit up.

Han Bin needless to say, Jiang Tiansheng and Liang Kun both No, he is Hongxing's strongest fitter and the most popular candidate for Hongxing's leadership.

The prince is actually very strong, and he has the help of Chen Yao. The only problem is that the prince is used to being aloof and looks down on this person. , despise that person, very unpopular, and not very bright. Although he has hope, but not much.

After finishing this sentence, Boss B looked at Chen Yao and asked:"Ah Yao ,how do you say?"

Chen Yao looked at Big Brother B deeply, and then replied:"I have no objection."

"Do you have any comments?"

Big Brother B continued to ask.

Obviously, everyone has no opinion.

"Ah Yao, you are the white paper fan of the association. Please come and open the forum. In half an hour, we will officially start the election."

Seeing that no one objected, Big Boss B said slowly.

A society like Hongxing, which claims to be Hongmen's orthodoxy, has a set of procedures, whether it is for appointment or election. It needs to open an altar, set up a city, and finally conduct a ceremony. No one could be careless.

In this half hour, all those who thought they had a chance to run for the leadership of Hongxing Society used all their abilities.

Soon, the time came to the scheduled election time.

In the temporary city Here, Chen Yao, as the person who opened the forum, said:"Now that the Hongxing community has no leader, who is willing to take the initiative to stand up and take charge of the overall situation?"


Big Boss B, Han Bin, and the Prince stood up immediately, while the rest of the fitters remained motionless.

"Okay, let’s start voting directly. Raise your hands in support of Han Bin."

After Chen Yao's words fell, Thirteenth Sister and Dinosaur immediately raised their hands, and then nothing happened.

"Your mother, Shaji, didn’t you promise to support my eldest brother? Raise your hand!"

Seeing this scene, the dinosaur instantly broke through the defense

"Damn, I just agreed, and now I'm regretting it, can't I?"

Si Ji said sternly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Your mother, me……"

The dinosaur was about to go berserk, but Han Bin sternly stopped him:"That's enough, dinosaur, you have to be able to lose.""

"Ah Yao, go ahead."

After stopping the dinosaur, Han Bin said to Chen Yao with a smile.

Chen Yao nodded slightly, and then continued:"Raise your hand in support of Ah B."

After Chen Yao finished speaking, except for the three candidates, Thirteenth Sister and Dinosaur, the other six fit people all raised their hands to support Big Brother B.

The result was instantly clear, the prince didn't even need to vote.

"OK, I announce that the new leader of Hongxing Society is Big Brother B."

After seeing this, Chen Yao's expression also changed slightly, but he quickly regained his composure and said slowly

"Thank you brothers for your support!"

Big Brother B looked around at the people present and said with a smile.

At this moment, Big Brother B looked calm and calm, but in fact, his heart was filled with huge waves. Everything that happened today was related to Shen Qiu. The plan was exactly the same, without any deviation.

What Shen Qiu told Big Boss B at the beginning was that as long as he told people like Sha Ji that Han Bin would take over, he would fully support Dinosaur and Thirteenth Sister, and most of Hong Xing's meat would be required. If you are eaten by three of them, you old guys can only drink the leftover soup. Then Sha Ji and others will definitely choose Big Brother B. 190 As for the prince? As long as Sha Ji and the others are smarter than the prince, they will definitely not choose the prince. There were no surprises or deviations. Shen Qiu was like a director who wrote the plot. Everyone acted according to his script.

"Brother B, now that you are the new leader of Hongxing Society, you will be responsible for Liangkun."

After Big Boss B finished speaking, the prince said with an unhappy look on his face.

"Don’t worry, I will kill Liangkun as soon as he leaves the police station this afternoon!"

Big Brother B looked at the prince and said slowly, word by word.

That afternoon

"Li Qiankun, you can leave."

Li Ailong stood outside the iron door of the detention room, stared at Liangkun, and said coldly

"Thank you sir."

Jiangkun replied angrily.

"Li Qiankun, let people drown in the washbasin and hang himself with his own towel. You are indeed a good trick. Let's play slowly in the future!"

Li Ailong's face was extremely cold.

After hearing Li Ailong's words, Liangkun was slightly startled, but soon he thought of Zhang Hua yesterday, thinking that Zhang Hua took action and fished him out.

Thinking of this, Liangkun smiled Then he said:"Sir, if you keep playing with me, I will come up with more tricks for you in the future."

"I'll wait and see!"

Li Ailong's tone became even colder.[]

Ten minutes later, Liangkun, who looked like a cockroach, walked out of the West Kowloon headquarters office building with steps as if he didn't recognize his relatives.

The moment Liangkun walked out of the West Kowloon headquarters office building, a short-haired man wearing a gray jacket pulled out the black star from his waist and pointed several shots at Liangkun.

Bang bang bang bang~

After firing the shot, the short-haired man threw away the black star in his hand and raised his hands to indicate that he wanted to surrender to the police.

And until Liangkun died, he still had that disgusting expression on his face. He fell into a pool of blood and refused to rest in peace.……

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