The news that Jiang Tiansheng, the leader of Hongxing, and Liang Kun, a fit man in Mong Kok, were shot dead one after another caused quite a stir in the underworld of Hong Kong Island. However, with so many things happening on Hong Kong Island every day, these two incidents soon became... Forgotten.

It's just that beside B, the new leader of Hongxing, there are two ruthless people who appear out of nowhere, one named Gao Jin and the other named Feng Yuxiu. With the help of the two and the identity of Hongxing leader, Big Brother B's power expanded rapidly. Not only did he compete with Chen Yiu-hing of Sun Kee in Wan Chai, but he also entered the Central and Western Districts and the Eastern District, provoking the fitters in the Western District Hall and the fitters in the North Point Hall. Fat guy Li was extremely dissatisfied.

But at this time, Big Brother B's power has been far greater than before. Silly Ji and Fatty Li did not dare to refute openly, so they found Chen Yao, the white paper fan of the club who had lost power. After the three of them combined, they Found Han Bin

"Han Bin, now that guy B is getting more and more outrageous. He sent people to come in at the Sai Wan Pier without saying a word. I asked him to evacuate the people, but he actually said that I couldn't defend him anyway, so why not? Come help me keep it and give me 2% dividend every month"

"If I hold his mother in my arms, why should I pay him two levels of dividends?"

Si Ji looked angry.

"Silly boy, you're damn lucky. I just took a set of nude photos of Ah B's sister-in-law a few years ago. As a result, this guy now holds a grudge. Now I'm in North Point, except for the printing factory and the magazine. If you still listen to me, in other areas, only Ah B will listen to the street guy."

Fat guy Li's resentment is worse than that of silly guy."

"Brother Ji, Brother Li, you have said so much, what do you want to do? And Brother Yao, are you also dissatisfied with Brother B?"

Han Bin looked calm and said to Sha Ji, Fatty Li and Chen Yao with a smile.

"Abin, what A B has done during this period has gone too far and interfered in the territory of other gangs. Mr. Jiang was not as domineering as him in the past. I hope you can join forces with us to remove A B from the leading position. We support you. Be the leader of Hongxing."

Chen Yao looked at Han Bin and said slowly

"Brother Yao, tell me, how are you going to compliment me?"

Han Bin's eyes moved slightly and he looked at Chen Yao with a smile on his face.

Just when Han Bin, Chen Yao, Sha Ji and others from Hongxing were plotting to dethrone Big Brother B from his position as the leader, the Saint in Central Maria Hospital, in a VIP ward, there is also a group of people plotting how to deal with Shen Qiu

"Sir Xia, I was so seriously injured this time. That Shen Qiu was only suspended for 7 days and suspended for three months. It is really unfair. Don’t say that I am from the Political Department. Even if I am just For an ordinary person, the crime of intentional injury will be sentenced to 2 or 3 years!"

Shi Paiming, Director of the Security Department, almost burst into tears as he spoke.

Shen Qiu's kick made him lie in bed for almost a month.

In fact, Shi Paiming's injury had already healed. , but every time he thought of the pain that made him suffocate on the spot, or even faint, his whole body trembled. He always felt that he was kicked to pieces by Shen Qiu, but the doctor checked and found nothing wrong, so he could only judge that it was him There was a psychological problem.

This was Shen Qiu's control of strength, which could not only make Shi Paiming faint on the spot, but also prevent him from being seriously injured. Beside

Shi Paiming's bed, there were two people standing, one of whom was the director of the operations department. Cai Yuanqi, the leader of the ghost faction of the police force, and the other is a bald ghost guy. Just from his blue eyes, blond hair and iconic aquiline nose, it can be seen that this ghost guy has the rank of a British aristocrat. Bloodline.

This ghost guy is the Chief Superintendent of the Political Department of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, John Cavendish, whose Chinese name is Xia Junxian.

Don’t look at the fact that Xia Junxian’s police title is only Chief Superintendent, but in fact, his status within the entire British Hong Kong government is not Lower than Commissioner of Police Han Yili, because the Political Department is only affiliated with the Hong Kong Island Police Force and is actually only responsible to the Hong Kong Governor. The core department of the Political Department is composed entirely of ghost elites, and almost half of the police force The top management all came from the Political Department, including Cai Yuanqi, who also served in the Political Department for 7 years. With the merits of guarding mainland agent Zeng Zhaoqiang, he was highly praised by the Political Department, and then he rose through the ranks and became the leader of the Ghost Sect in one fell swoop.

The previous few Yuexia Junxian returned to the UK to report on his work and take a vacation. He only returned to Hong Kong Island yesterday. After learning that he had returned to Hong Kong Island, Shi Paiming immediately asked his old boss for help, hoping that he could help him get justice.

After listening to Shi Paiming After Pai Ming's words, Xia Junxian did not immediately reply to Shi Paiming. Instead, he looked at Cai Yuanqi who was standing aside and said lightly:"Sir Cai, what do you think about this matter?""

Cai Yuanqi is the first Chinese police commissioner appointed by Gui Lao. Many matters have been handed over to him by Gui Lao, so even the head office building of HSBC Bank was crumbled by the bombing. As the person in charge of the scene, Cai Yuanqi was worried. Without any responsibility, he still holds the position of director of the operations department firmly.

Xia Junxian's intention is also very obvious, let Cai Yuanqi, a Chinese, come forward to bite Shen Qiu, a Chinese policeman.

After all, in Xia Junxian's view, treating Shen Qiu like this If the Chinese Chief Inspector takes action, it is an insult to his status. Shen Qiu is not worthy of letting him take action.

"Sir Xia, as you know, the explosion at the HSBC Headquarters Building caused a big fuss some time ago. It was not convenient for me to come forward at that time, so……"

"Sir Cai, let me ask you, what do you think now?"

Cai Yuanqi originally wanted to explain a few words for himself, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xia Junxian

"Sir Xia, I know Shen Qiu. He is Li Wenbin’s most promising subordinate. If we forcibly suppress him, it will definitely lead to resistance from Li Wenbin and his gang. This is not conducive to our plan. Isn’t the Security Department planning to form a police force recently? A counterterrorism special forces unit? I think we can transfer Shen Qiu to the Anti-Terrorism Team of the Security Department to serve as an instructor for this special force."

"At that time, Shen Qiu was working under Director Shi, so it was not Director Shi who had the final say on how to deal with him?"

Cai Yuanqi said a few words and kicked the ball back to Shi Paiming's feet.

Cai Yuanqi knew very well that he was very important to Gui Lao, but he was not so important that he was indispensable. If because of Shen Qiu, Li Wenbin's His violent reaction may affect his future career. It is better to let Shi Paiming be the villain himself. Li Wenbin will be unhappy and have to fight the ghost. Cai Yuanqi has nothing to do with him. After listening to Cai Yuanqi's words,

Xia Junxian looked at Shi Paiming said calmly:"Director Shi, what do you think of Sir Cai's proposal?"

"Sir Xia, I think it’s very good!"

At this moment, Shi Paiming's eyes were full of stern looks.

"Well, I will communicate with Director Han Yili about this matter. If you lose face, you should get it back by yourself. If you can't even do this……"

Although Xia Junxian had not finished what he said, Shi Paiming had already understood what his old boss meant and said quickly:"Sir Xia, please don't worry, I will definitely restore the face of our Political Department."


Xia Junxian didn't speak again, but nodded slightly.

A few days later, Wan Chai Police Station, Shen Qiu's office.

Ring ring ring~

A phone rang. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Which one?"

After Shen Qiu picked up the phone, he asked

"Ah Qiu, it’s me, Li Wenbin."

Li Wenbin's voice came from the receiver.

"Sir Li, is there anything you want me to do? Shen

Qiu asked with a smile.

"Ah Qiu, the police department just held a meeting of division chiefs and decided to set up a special anti-terrorism force within the anti-terrorism team under the Security Department. You were elected as the chief instructor of this special force."

At this point, Li Wenbin paused slightly, and then said in a deep voice:"Aqiu, who is the director of the Security Department? You should know better than me. This time it is clear that it is the revenge of the ghost guy, but the serious case of the police department is From team leader to chief instructor of the special forces, this is a promotion. I have no way to object, so you must be careful."

"Don't worry, Sir Li, I will be careful. Thank you very much for telling me such good news. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"Ah Qiu, if you have any difficulties in the future, please contact me directly. If the ghost guy wants to touch you, it won't be that easy."

Li Wenbin thought Shen Qiu was comforting himself, and after sighing, he said helplessly

"Sir Li, thank you!"

Shen Qiu's tone was full of sincerity.

Shen Qiu had already heard about the news from Meazi that the police force was going to set up a special anti-terrorism unit in the anti-terrorism team of the Security Department, but he didn't expect that Gui Lao would actually punish him because he wanted to Shen Qiu, transfer him to be the chief instructor of this special force.[]

There may be risks involved, but for Shen Qiu, this is a God-given opportunity.

Why does Li Wenbin have such a high status in the police force that even Cai Yuanqi, who is backed by a ghost guy, dare not offend him easily? Not because Li Wenbin and his father, Li Shutang, were running the business for two generations, but the police force didn’t know how many people were former disciples of the Li family.

In particular, Li Shutang served as the pilotHe was the first Chinese instructor of the Flying Tigers. During his tenure, he cultivated many confidants in the Flying Tigers. To this day, Li Wenbin still has a great influence on the Flying Tigers. Every commander of the Flying Tigers is a die-hard member of the Li family.

But now, this opportunity has come to Shen Qiu. As for the ghost's revenge?

If he, Shen Qiu, was afraid of the ghost guys' revenge, then he wouldn't beat up Shi Paiming. This time, Shen Qiu would let the ghost guys know what it meant to lose his wife and then lose his troops!.

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