Wan Chai Police Station, Commissioner's Office.

Not long after receiving Li Wenbin's call, Shen Qiu received another call from Huang Bingyao, asking him to go to the director's office.

"Ah Qiu, has Sir Li told you that you are going to be transferred to the anti-terrorist special forces as the chief instructor?"

Huang Bingyao looked at Shen Qiu in front of him and said slowly

"Sir Huang, you are very well informed. Sir Li also just called me. Shen

Qiu replied with a smile.

"Ah Qiu, this time you serve as the chief instructor of the Anti-Terrorism Special Forces. It’s not that simple. This Anti-Terrorism Special Forces belongs to the Security Department. Ah Qiu, you should also know who the director of the Security Department is."


Speaking of this, Huang Bingyao sighed:"I should have held you back then."

"Haha, Sir Huang, you couldn't hold me back at that time."

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"Fart, I am the deadly scissor kick, Lei Luo, do you know? Back then, he was trapped in the Kowloon Walled City. If I hadn't stopped dozens of Hehetu's mazai alone, Lei Luo would have been hacked to death inside the Walled City. How could he be as good as a five-billion-dollar detective?"

Huang Bingyao expressed dissatisfaction with Shen Qiu's contempt.

After hearing Huang Bingyao's words, Shen Qiu's eyes moved slightly. He probably knew why Huang Bingyao was able to sit in the position of Chief Superintendent without being attached to any faction, and in The Hong Kong Island Police Force can still have its own power.

It seems to have a lot to do with the fact that he rescued Lei Luo in the Kowloon Walled City.

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu looked unbelieving:"Wow 547, isn't it? Sir Huang, you It was such a beautiful scene back then, and one person blocked dozens of people. Even TVB did not dare to film it like this."

"Tsk, forget it if you don’t believe me, don’t talk about it anymore."

Huang Bingyao obviously didn't want to talk too much about that era. He waved his hand and then brought the topic back to Shen Qiu:"Aqiu, that ghost guy Shi Paiming is from the Political Department, one of those ghosts in the Political Department. Guys, everyone is narrow-minded and will retaliate. Minister of Political Department Xia Junxian just returned to Hong Kong Island a few days ago. I am sure that it must be Xia Junxian's handiwork that you were suddenly transferred to the anti-terrorist special forces this time."

"Those ghost guys must have back-ups, so be careful."

After several months of getting along, Huang Bingyao became more and more optimistic about the young man in front of him, especially his daughter Meazi, who has already reached the mouth of the pig in front of him. As long as he exerts a little force, the cabbage Meazi will be eaten. Huang Bingyao didn't want Shen Qiu to fall into the hands of a ghost, whether for himself or for Yaozi.

"Don't worry, Sir Huang, I will definitely be careful."

Shen Qiu nodded and responded.

"Ah Qiu, what I'm going to say to you next is only on paper among the top management of Hong Kong Island. You don't want to say it to anyone else."

After telling Shen Qiu to be careful, Huang Bingyao finally said his main topic.

"Ah Qiu, this anti-terrorism special force (bhab), the official name given to him by the police is the Special Operations Team. Unlike the Flying Tigers, the Special Operations Team will have an action team composed entirely of women. The police force said It's the Pink Army"

"After the training is completed, this special operations team will be stationed at airports and ports to respond to terrorist attacks on these public places."

"Yazi is now serving as the commander of the action team in the Red Pink Army. She will train the team members with the action team instructor Hu Huifang. In addition, there are also several of my subordinates in the special operations team. Aqiu, you can walk more with them. Helpful to you."

Huang Bingyao told Shen Qiu all the news he knew about the special operations team.

"Thank you Sir Huang for your concern."

Shen Qiu sincerely said thank you to Huang Bingyao.

"Ah Qiu, you are the chief instructor, and you have the power to select a few elite soldiers you like in the police force to join the special operations team. You should understand what I mean, right? Huang

Bingyao looked at Shen Qiu and said slowly


Huang Bingyao's suggestion coincides with Shen Qiu's idea. Shen Qiu plans to recruit Ma Jun, Qiu Gang'ao, Mo Yiquan, Zhu Xuming, Luo Jianhua, Jiang Lang, Chen Jiaju, and Mike, who have strong personal abilities and are close to Shen Qiu. Qiu brought people into the special operations team who had established a superior-subordinate relationship. Through these people, he had complete control over the newly established special forces from top to bottom.

"Ah Qiu, I have never doubted your ability. As long as you can pass this level, you will have a lot to do in the future."

Huang Bingyao said slowly to Shen Qiu with some deep meaning.

"Sir Huang, you understand what you mean. Don't worry, I will not only protect myself, but also protect Meazi."

Huang Bingyao, who originally looked concerned, changed his face instantly after hearing Shen Qiu's words, and his eyes towards Shen Qiu also changed slightly.

As a father, he can acquiesce that his daughter is with other men. , but that man is absolutely not allowed to mention this matter in front of him

"Sir Huang, you are busy, I will leave first."

Seeing that something was wrong in the atmosphere, Shen Qiu immediately rubbed oil on the soles of his feet and was about to run away.

However, just when Shen Qiu walked to the door of the office and was about to open the door, a faint voice came:"Don't make Meazi sad."

"yes, sir!"

Half an hour later, the crime squad office

"Everyone, let me tell you two good news. The first good news is that I will be the host and treat you to dinner tonight. The second good news is that you will have a new boss soon."

Shen Qiu said to everyone in the crime team with a smile. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Sir Shen, are you leaving the Crime Unit? Are you about to get promoted?"

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Yuan Haoyun immediately asked.

He was impressed by Shen Qiu's performance at Edinburgh International School, and later solved several cases with Shen Qiu. After seeing Shen Qiu's ability, he was even more impressed. Be convinced by Shen Qiu orally

"The police force will soon set up a special anti-terrorism force, and I will serve as the chief instructor of that special force."

Having said this, Shen Qiu looked at Jiang Lang sitting in the corner and said with a smile:"A Lang, are you interested in accompanying me to this special force?"

"Hey, Sir Shen, you invited Jiang Lang but not me, right? Do you think I'm not as capable as Jiang Lang?"

Before Jiang Lang could answer, Yuan Haoyun asked with a look of dissatisfaction.

"Haoyun, your situation is different from Jiang Lang. I am going to recommend you to Director Huang and Superintendent Peng to take over the position of leader of the serious crime team. Compared with the anti-terrorist special forces, staying in the serious crime team is more beneficial to your future."

Shen Qiu said to Yuan Haoyun with a smile.

"Sir Shen, I……"

Yuan Haoyun's eyes were full of emotion. He never expected that Shen Qiu would recommend him to take over the position of leader of the serious crime team.

"Haoyun, you have worked hard in the Crime Unit for more than ten years, and everyone has noticed it. To be honest, if I hadn't parachuted in, this position would have been yours."

Chen Qiu patted Yuan Haoyun on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Sir Shen, please don’t say that. I, Yuan Haoyun, am convinced of you. From now on, if you say anything to Sir Shen, I, Yuan Haoyun, will go through fire and water!"

Yuan Haoyun was extremely moved at this moment. Shen Qiu accepted another general.[]

"Sir Shen, I will go with you to the anti-terrorist special forces."

At this time, Jiang Lang also stood up and said to Shen Qiu

"Well, I, Shen Qiu, am so lucky to have brothers like you. We will not return until we get drunk tonight!"

Although he only stayed in the Wan Chai Police Station's Crime Unit for four months, Shen Qiu has already left his own mark here. Ring, ring, ring~

The next morning, Shen Qiu, who had been drinking until the early hours of the morning, was A cell phone ringtone wakes me up

"Which one? Shen

Qiu closed his eyes, picked up the phone, pressed the answer button, and asked.

Then, his eyes suddenly opened:"What did you say?"".

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