"Brother Qiu, this morning, when Big Brother B was sending his son and daughter to school, he was attacked by Liangkun’s leader, Ma Shaqiang, and was severely injured. He is now being treated in the hospital."

"The doctor said that he lost too much blood and suffered serious injuries to many key parts of his body. Even if he was rescued, he would most likely have to stay in bed for the rest of his life."

After hearing Gao Jin's words, Shen Qiu's eyes opened suddenly.

Originally, Shen Qiu's plan was to have Big Boss B, in the name of the leader, with the assistance of Gao Jin and Feng Yuxiu, first take over Hong Kong. They swallowed up Sha Ji, fat guy Li and others in the island area and became the largest force in Hongxing.

After that, Zhang Shihao and Big Brother B were allowed to cooperate inside and outside to kill the prince, Han Bin and others, so that Hongxing and the Hesheng Gang could completely defeat each other. It became a society that vassalized Shen Qiu.

But now Big Brother B's sudden serious injury completely disrupted Shen Qiu's plan.

Shen Qiu knew without thinking that this must be a conspiracy against Big Brother B. The person behind the scenes, It is very likely that it is Chen Yao, Sha Ji, Fatty Li, or even Han Bin and others.

As for why you don’t doubt whether it is Sha QiangTo avenge his boss Liangkun? Shen Qiu clearly remembers that Si Qiang was the first person to betray Liang Kun after Liang Kun died. Such a person would avenge Liang Kun. That would be even more outrageous than the Hong Kong governor publicly scolding the Queen of England.

"That silly strong man, where is he now?"

After pondering for a moment, Shen Qiu asked-

"He has been arrested by the police and is currently being held at Wan Chai Police Station. Gao

Jin immediately replied

"Detained at Wan Chai Police Station?"

Shen Qiu's eyes moved slightly, and then continued:"A Jin, what do you do next?……"


After hearing Shen Qiu's plan, Gao Jin nodded.

After giving Gao Jin instructions, Shen Qiu immediately dialed Qiu Gangao's number.

"Ao, it's me."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu immediately said

"Brother Qiu, what are your orders?"

Qiu Gangao's voice came out from the receiver. It could be heard from his tone that he had just woken up.

"Now invite Baozhu and the others to go to Wan Chai Police Station immediately and take a suspect named Sha Qiang to the interrogation room. I will be there in a minute."

The place where Qiu Gangao and others live is very close to the Wan Chai Police Station. It only takes 3 minutes to walk there. This is the place Shen Qiu rented specially for them.

"Okay, Brother Qiu."

Qiu Gangao immediately responded

"I will tell you in detail when we meet in person."

After that, Shen Qiu hung up the phone, then quickly got up, got dressed, and drove towards the Wan Chai Police Station.

More than 20 minutes later, at the door of the interrogation room at the Wan Chai Police Station

"Brother Qiu!"

After seeing Shen Qiu, Mo Yiquan immediately said hello to Shen Qiu

"People are already inside?"

Shen Qiu asked directly.


Mo Yiquan nodded.

"You, Ahua, and Baozhu will be guarding the gate later. No one can come in without my permission."

After Shen Qiu finished these instructions, he opened the door and walked into the interrogation room.

"Brother Qiu."

In the interrogation room, Qiu Gangao, Zhu Xuming, and Luo Jianhua immediately stood up and said hello when they saw that the person coming was Shen Qiu.

"Ah Hua, Pao Zhu, you and Ah Quan guard the door of the interrogation room."

After giving instructions to Luo Jianhua and Zhu Xuming, Shen Qiu walked up to Shaqiang, who was staring at him curiously, and said calmly:"Shaqiang, you deceive your master and destroy your ancestors, you even dare to chop off your own dragon's head, you are really good at it."

"Which one are you?"

Si Qiang raised his head and looked at Shen Qiu with a rebellious look on his face.

"Shen Qiu, leader of the Wan Chai Crime Squad."

Shen Qiu's official transfer order has not yet been issued, so he is still the leader of the serious crime team.

"It turned out to be Sir Shen, Sir Shen, let me tell you, that guy Ah B was the one who sent people to kill my eldest brother Liangkun. I don’t know Hong Xing Longtou, I only recognize my eldest brother Liangkun."

Si Qiang looked loyal and loyal. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Oh, I didn't know you had such a deep feeling for Liangkun. If he knew better and knew that he had such a loyal Ma Zai, he would be smiling."

A smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face.

"Huh, it’s not like you gang of cops are useless. It’s obvious that Ah B Gude’s gunman killed my eldest brother. But you gang of cops just said that there is no evidence, so there is no other way. I can only do it myself. Shaqiang held his head high and said loudly

"Haha, Silly Qiang, do you know that Ah B’s men have issued a wanted order and offered a reward of 1 million yuan, and now many people are waiting to kill you."

Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Shaqiang's eyes moved slightly, but Shen Qiu did not give him a chance to speak. Instead, he continued:"But Shaqiang, you don't have to worry. If you chop someone seriously, at least you will be injured. You have to spend five years in prison. After five years, no one will remember Ah B, let alone someone like you. When Sha

Qiang heard this, his originally tense face relaxed slightly, but immediately, Shen Qiu raised his voice and said loudly:"Si Qiang, I know you are not the mastermind of this matter. Tell me, who ordered you to do this?" of!"


Shaqiang was frightened by such a sudden move, and he was slightly stunned, and then he said:"Sir, what kind of instructions are there? To avenge my elder brother, do I need other people to instruct me?"

"Ao, give this guy a little greeting gift."

Chen Qiu stopped talking nonsense with Silly Qiang and turned to Qiu Gang'ao.

Next, Qiu Gang'ao used the police force's three-piece introductory suit, which is to touch water with a dragonfly, beat a cow across the mountain, and grow a lotus step by step.

The entire interrogation room suddenly became stunned. It was filled with Shaqiang's howls of pain and wailing.

However, I don't know what benefits Shaqiang got. This time he was very tough, and the three-piece entry-level set did not let him let go.[]

"Ao, take a rest."

After torturing Sha Qiang for half an hour, Shen Qiu asked Qiu Gangao to stop, then walked up to Sha Qiang, who was already pale and soaked in cold sweat, and said with a smile:"Si Qiang, have you thought clearly?"

"I miss your mother and I will definitely complain to ICAC about your violent interrogation."

Si Qiang said feebly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems you have gained a lot of benefits, silly Qiang."

Shen Qiu smiled and patted Shaqiang's face, then leaned into his ear and said coldly:"But Shaqiang, no matter how many benefits you get, you have to use them for your life. Guess what, if If I release you from the police station due to insufficient evidence, what will happen to you?"

"Shen Qiu, you are crazy. Even if I die, you won't be able to solve this case. It's almost done. Isn't it enough that you guys can solve the case?"

Hearing that Shen Qiu wanted to let him leave the police station, Shaqiang became anxious.

Chen Yao, Shaji, and fat guy Li found him yesterday evening and promised to give him 1,000 as long as they could kill Big Boss B. Thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

Shaqiang clearly remembers what Chen Yao said to him yesterday night. Killing with a knife is not a serious crime in Hong Kong Island. You can be released after a maximum of 5 years in prison. By then, let’s not say whether Big Boss B’s men will still be there. To take revenge on him, Shaqiang, he immediately took 10 million Hong Kong dollars to immigrate abroad and become a rich man. Wouldn’t it be nice to be a rich man?

Originally, Shaqiang was still a little hesitant, but Chen Yao told him that if he didn’t agree, he would shoot Jiang. He, a handsome guy, would have to bear part of the crime he was born with. When the time comes, Silly Qiang will either die on the streets or go swimming in the Victoria Strait.

Under Chen Yao's carrot and stick, Silly Qiang finally agreed to Chen Yao.

In fact, the person who killed Big Brother B this morning was arranged by Chen Yao. Silly Qiang was just stepping in to take the charge.

But all this has a prerequisite. If he is given 10 million and sentenced to 5 years in prison, Silly Qiang is willing , but taking 10 million to kill him, Shaqiang firmly disagrees

"Silly Qiang, I am good at everything, but I am not good at all. I am too upright and pursue the truth too much. Either you call out the mastermind behind the scenes, or I hire a lawyer for you and bail you out. These two options are , you choose."

Shen Qiu stared at Shaqiang and said slowly word by word.

An hour later, Shen Qiu quickly walked out of the Wan Chai Police Station with Qiu Gangao and others, as well as three arrest warrants.

"Why are you just unwilling to wait for death? If you have to make some noise and make the scene so ugly, you are in a hurry to reincarnate, right?"

Looking at the three arrest warrants in his hand, Shen Qiu whispered to himself.

As he spoke, Shen Qiu's eyes were filled with murderous intent... 二...

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