"Brother Qiu, there is news from the informant that Chen Yao is at his home now, Sha Ji is at his trading company, and fat guy Li is at the magazine."

In the car, Shen Qiu received a call from Yuan Haoyun.

Regardless of whether these societies in Hong Kong are willing or not, almost every society has been completely infiltrated by the police. Except for some of the most confidential things that the police do not know, such as a certain Where the boss is now, maybe the boss’s wife doesn’t know, but the police can investigate.

"Okay, Haoyun, you put that silly Qiang in a good place. No one is allowed to visit him without my order. Shen

Qiu said lightly.


On the other end of the phone, Yuan Haoyun nodded.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Qiu said to Qiu Gangao who was driving:"Go to Xihuan."

Ten minutes later, Shen Qiu, Qiu Gangao and others quickly walked into a trading company called Tong Sifang.

As a veteran fitter in Hongxing, Sha Ji did not show much strength. The main business is smuggling. This Tongsi"040" trading company is the leather bag company established by Shaji to facilitate his smuggling.

"Hey, who are you?"

As soon as Shen Qiu, Qiu Gangao and others walked into this trading company, two men who looked like young and Dangerous boys stopped in front of them.

"Wan Chai Police Station Crime Squad, please ask your boss, Sha Ji, to lead the way!"

Chen Qiu grabbed one of the young and Dangerous boys by the collar, pulled him in front of him, and said lightly

"If you ask me to lead the way, I will lead the way……"

The young and Dangerous boy originally wanted to say something tough, but after looking at Shen Qiu, he gave up. He closed his mouth and led Shen Qiu to the door of an office honestly.


Shen Qiu pushed the young and Dangerous boy away with one hand, opened the office door, walked in, and closed the office door again. There were only Sha Ji and Shen Qiu in the whole office.

"Who are you?"

Sha Ji looked at the uninvited guest in front of him and asked with a gloomy look.

"Chief Inspector of the Wan Chai Police Crime Unit, Shen Qiu."

Shen Qiu sat down in front of Shaji and said lightly.

"Sir Shen, what are you doing?"

Shaji's eyes moved slightly and he said coldly

"Silly Ji, I'm very busy this morning and don't have time to play pretend with you. You only have two choices now."

As Shen Qiu spoke, he photographed Sha Ji's arrest warrant in front of Sha Ji:"First, you are suspected of murdering Deng Zhiyong, the leader of Hongxing. I will arrest you and bring you to justice. Then everyone in the Hong Kong underworld will know that you deceived the master. Destroy ancestors"

"Second, you cooperate with me honestly"


Listening to Shen Qiu's words and looking at the arrest warrant in front of him, Shaji felt as if his whole body had been drenched in a basin of ice water, and he was chilled from beginning to end.

"Sir Shen, stop joking. Is there some misunderstanding? I have always been an honest businessman."

Si Ji's face squeezed out a smile that was even uglier than crying.

"Silly Ji, Silly Qiang are all ready."

Shen Qiu stared at Sha Ji and said quietly.


"Sir Shen, what do you want me to do?"

Shaji didn't hesitate for long and made his choice immediately.

"Tell me honestly why you wanted to kill Ah B. Who else was involved in this murder besides you, fat guy Li and Chen Yao."

At this point, Shen Qiu paused slightly, and then said with a hint of meaning:"Silly, the greater the responsibility of others, the smaller your responsibility. You may still have the opportunity to be a tainted witness."

"Han Bin, Dinosaur, and Thirteenth Sister were also involved in this matter. It was Han Bin and Dinosaur's men who attacked Ah B."

Although Shaji's nickname is silly, he is not stupid at all. Not only did he understand Shen Qiu's meaning, he even performed beyond normal.

Shen Qiu actually just wanted Shaji to bite Han Bin out, but Shaji wanted to find more Several people shared the blame and brought Dinosaur and Thirteenth Sister with them, which was exactly what Shen Qiu wanted.

"Silly boy, is it absolutely true?"

Shen Qiu stared at Shaji and said slowly

"Absolutely true!"

Si Ji nodded heavily and replied.

"Okay, if what you said is true, then I will apply to the court to let you be a tainted witness. Now come with me!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face.

Next, Shen Qiu used the same method to get rid of Fatty Li, with the confessions of Shaji and Fatty Li. , Han Bin, Dinosaur, and Thirteenth Sister also officially became suspects.

While Shen Qiu asked Jiang Lang and others who came to meet him to take Sha Ji and Fatty Li back to the police station to take notes, he notified Yuan Haoyun to ask him to do so as soon as possible. Make arrest warrants for Han Bin, Dinosaur, and Thirteenth Sister.

After doing all this, Shen Qiu took Qiu Gangao and others to Chen Yao's home in Sheung Wan to arrest the Hongxing white paper fan..

To be fair, Chen Yao's plan to murder Big Brother B this time was very clever. He used Silly Qiang, a handsome guy, to kill Big Brother B in the name of revenge for his big brother. He had motive and strength. In this way, Big Brother Even if B is dead, the police will not raise any suspicion on him, and Chen Yao won't even have to spend the 10 million Hong Kong dollars.

After all, after 5 years, who can guarantee that Shaqiang will not have any accidents in prison?

But He had calculated everything but failed to calculate that behind Big Brother B was Shen Qiu, a bad guy, and it only took him an hour to break through Silly Qiang's psychological defense.

In fact, even if he didn't break through, it didn't matter. From Shen Qiu From the moment they saw Silly Qiang, Chen Yao and the others were bound to die!

Half an hour later........

"Chen Yao, I am Chief Inspector Shen Qiu of the Wan Chai Police Crime Unit. You should know why we came to you, right? Shen

Qiu looked at Chen Yao in front of him and asked with a smile.

"Sir Shen, to be honest, I don’t know."

Chen Yao said calmly with a calm face.

"ok, no problem, let me tell you, now our police force suspects that you hired someone to murder Hong Kong Island man Deng Chi-yong. This is an arrest warrant. Now please follow us back to the police station for investigation."

Shen Qiu said slowly, word for word.[]

"Sir Shen, can you have a cigarette?"

After hearing what Shen Qiu said, Chen Yao's face remained calm, and he even asked the question with a smile.

Shen Qiu looked at Chen Yao with interest and made a gesture of invitation.

Chen Yao followed He took out a cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth, took out a lighter and lit the cigarette, took a deep breath, and then said with a smile:"Sir Shen, if I had known you were so serious about handling the case, I should have sent Get rid of stupid people"

"Chen Yao, you are quite interesting."

After Shen Qiu heard Chen Yao's words, the smile on his face became even bigger.

"I have no choice, I have to admit when I lose, I have to stand up when I get beaten, Silly Qiang and you policemen know everything, even if you don't come to arrest me, Sir Shen, I won't be able to survive in Hong Kong Island."

While speaking, Chen Yao exhaled a puff of smoke. Then, he smiled and asked Shen Qiu:"Sir Shen, can I be a tainted witness?"

"oh? Who do you want to report?"

Chen Qiu's eyes moved slightly and he asked

"I can't bear such a big crime of deceiving my master and destroying my ancestors by myself, right? Han Bin, Sha Ji, and Fatty Li also participated."

Chen Yao said with a smile.

"Chen Yao, you reported it 0.4 too late. Silly Guy and fat guy Li have already confessed Han Bin. They also confessed Dinosaur and Thirteenth Sister. But to be honest, I still prefer you guys. Xinglanzi looks so unruly and you are so cooperative, I feel so unfulfilled."

A teasing smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face.

Chen Yao was stunned on the spot. After a while, he cursed:"You are picking on their mother, not active in doing things, and betraying your brother so quickly."

"Chen Yao, I was originally going to arrest you directly, but you are a bit interesting. I can give you a chance. It depends on whether you want it or not. Shen

Qiu looked at Chen Yao in front of him and said with a smile.

"Sir Shen, what do you want me to do?"

Chen Yao's eyes moved and he asked

"Our police force has an undercover agent in Hongxing.……"

After chatting with Chen Yao for a few words, Shen Qiu felt that his New World Action seemed to be able to save lives, such as helping another Hongxing dragon head to the top.……

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