On the afternoon when Hongxing's leading boss B was seriously injured by Shaqiang's men, a piece of bombshell news shocked the entire Hong Kong underworld.

The Hong Kong Island Police Force publicly issued a wanted order to the whole society. They wanted Han Bin, a fit person in Kwai Tsing District, Hongxing, Dinosaur, a fit person in Tuen Mun District, and Shi Sanmei, a fit person in Portland Street. The reason was that the three of them hired people to murder Hong Kong people. Deng Zhiyong, an island man, also known as Big Brother B.

To deceive one's master and destroy one's ancestors, or to deceive one's master and destroy one's ancestors together, this kind of thing has not happened many times in the more than 100 years of underworld history in Hong Kong Island.

After the police issued a wanted order, Gang B's leader, Gao Jin, and Hongxing white paper fan Chen Yao jointly issued a murder order in the name of Gang B, the leader of Hongxing, offering a reward of 2 million Hong Kong dollars in bonuses. , Sanmei and three others.

Faced with this situation, Han Bin, Dinosaur, and Thirteenth Sister had only two choices.

First, they are waiting to be arrested by the police force. If the police force has real evidence, they will be convicted of deceiving their masters and destroying their ancestors. From then on, they will become street rats in the underworld world. Everyone screams for beatings, and finally they will die. It's possible that just like Liangkun, he might be shot in the dark and be completely disgraced for eternity.

The second is to run away immediately, leave Hong Kong Island first, wait for the storm to pass, and then return to Hong Kong Island to slowly fight with Chen Yao and others.

Between these two choices, even a fool like Han Bin knew which way to choose.

Therefore, without a moment's hesitation, Han Bin quickly took Dinosaur and Thirteenth Sister to contact the stowaway boat and was about to leave Hong Kong Island that evening.

In short, it is a sentence, leaving green hills without worrying about having no firewood.

That night, on a pier in Kwai Tsing District

"Holding his mother in his mouth, brother, the more I think about it, the more I feel aggrieved. Are we really going to let Chen Yao pour bad water on us and leave Hong Kong Island in despair?"

The more the dinosaur thought about it, the angrier he became, and he couldn't help complaining to his eldest brother Han Bin.

"There is no way, what we say now is not important anymore, what is important is that we cannot fall into the hands of the police, otherwise we will be sentenced to five or six years, which will be a dead end!"

"Let’s go to Thailand to avoid the limelight first, and we’ll come back after a while to settle the score with Chen Yao, the one who jumped on the street!"

When the name Chen Yao was mentioned, Han Bin's expression became extremely ferocious.

After hearing Han Bin mention Chen Yao, the Thirteenth Sister standing aside also said:"Han Bin, I always feel something is wrong, silly. You know better than me who gay, fat guy Li is. It makes no sense that they sold us but not Chen Yao, unless……"

Having said this, a cold light flashed in Thirteenth Sister's eyes:"Unless Chen Yao is a member of the Hong Kong Island Police Force!"

"It's impossible. Chen Yao has been in the society for more than ten years and is Mr. Jiang's right-hand man. If he was from the police force, then our Hongxing would have been eradicated by the police force long ago."

After Thirteenth Sister finished speaking, Dinosaur said with a look of disbelief.

"What the police force wants is not to eliminate our societies, but to keep our societies from causing trouble. When Jiang Tiansheng was in power, he was focused on doing business, so the police force would naturally not touch him. What if the new leader was someone like Liang Kun? People who cause trouble every day will give their police force more headaches, right?"

Thirteenth sister said slowly


Dinosaur thinks what Thirteenth Sister said makes sense, but it feels a little wrong.

"Okay, we will investigate whether Chen Yao is from the police force next time we return to Hong Kong Island. Now we have to leave Hong Kong Island first."

Han Bin interrupted the conversation between Thirteenth Sister and Dinosaur.

But what Han Bin, Dinosaur, and Thirteenth Sister didn't know was that from the moment they ran away, there was a pair of eyes that had been staring at them.

At this moment, the distance This pier is not far away

"Brother Yao, I can confirm that Han Bin, Dinosaur, and Thirteenth Sister are on this pier."

The speaker is Han Bin's confidant, and he is also the person arranged by Jiang Tiansheng and Chen Yao at Kwai Ching Hall.

As the leader who has been in charge of Hongxing for decades, Jiang Tiansheng has arranged personnel at each hall to monitor these people. fit people, and after Jiang Tiansheng died, these people naturally fell under Chen Yao.

The reason why Boss B was ambushed by Sha Qiang and others was also because Jiang Tiansheng arranged for the people at the entrance of Causeway Bay to betray Boss B Only then will Sha Qiang and others obtain his whereabouts.

"Well, you did a good job this time."

While speaking, Chen Yao handed a stack of Hong Kong banknotes to this mazi.

"Thank you Brother Yao."

The horse boy immediately beamed with joy and thanked Chen Yao repeatedly.

"There's nothing for you to do here anymore, let's go."

Chen Yao waved his hand, indicating that this horse boy could leave.

"Okay, Brother Yao, I'll leave first."

After the horse boy finished speaking, he turned around and left. However, after he turned around, Feng Yuxiu, who was standing next to Chen Yao, took action instantly and cut his throat with a dagger while covering the horse boy's mouth.

Very quickly. Soon, this Ma Zai died silently in the night.

Looking at Hong Xing Ma Zai lying on the ground like a dead dog, Chen Yao's eyes were full of helplessness and sadness.

People in the world, If he couldn't help himself, if he didn't kill someone, then not only Han Bin, Thirteenth Sister and Dinosaur would be waiting for death on the dock, but also his name, Hong Xing White Paper Fan

"Let's go, Chen Yao."

After Feng Yuxiu killed the Hong Xing mazai, Gao Jin, who was standing on the other side of Chen Yao, said lightly.

Chen Yao didn't speak, but followed Gao Jin and Feng Yuxiu to Han Bin, Shi Sanmei, and The direction where the three dinosaurs are. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this moment, Han Bin, Thirteenth Sister, and Dinosaur all had a cigarette in their mouths, quietly waiting for the stowaway boat. Arriving.

Step, step, step, step...

At this time, a burst of footsteps came from the darkness behind them.


Han Bin turned around suddenly and shouted sternly

"Han Bin, it’s me."

Chen Yao walked out of the darkness, looked at Han Bin, and said lightly

"List! Yao!"

Han Bin stared at Chen Yao, gritted his teeth and said fiercely

"I kill you!"

The dinosaur pounced directly towards Chen Yao, and then: with a bang, the dinosaur was kicked away by Feng Yuxiu and fell heavily to the ground.

Before the dinosaur could get up, Feng Yuxiu came to the dinosaur's side. , a dagger was inserted into his heart, and then he pulled it out. Hot blood suddenly sprayed on Feng Yuxiu's face.

Dinosaur, die!

Feng Yuxiu did not stop and continued to walk towards Han Bin and Thirteenth Sister. 950, as if what he had just killed was not a person, but a dog.

A few minutes later, looking at the four dead bodies of Chen Yao, Thirteenth Sister, Han Bin, and Dinosaur in front of him, Gao Jin took out his mobile phone and dialed next number

"Brother Qiu, everyone has been taken care of."

After the call was connected, Gao Jin said

"Okay, I understand. Let's inform Ah Sheng and them to dispose of the body."

Shen Qiu said lightly.

From the beginning, Shen Qiu had no intention of giving Chen Yao a way to live. It was just to make his death more valuable. What's more, brothers in a society must of course keep them in order.

Secondly Today, the Hong Kong Island Police broke the news again and issued a wanted order for Hongxing White Paper Fan Chen Yao, and defined Chen Yao as the main criminal.

There are only four wanted criminals: Chen Yao, Thirteenth Sister, Han Bin, and Dinosaur. It was as if the world had evaporated, and they disappeared from Hong Kong Island without a trace.

A few days later, Sha Ji and Fat Lai, who were successfully transformed into tainted witnesses, were released on bail by their lawyers, but in the evening after they were released on bail , Silly Ji died on the woman's bed because he took too many aphrodisiacs, while fat guy Li fell from the terrace on the third floor of his house and died on the spot.

After that, Big Boss B miraculously woke up, and Gao Jin took on the role of Big Boss B from then on. In name, he expanded his power in Hongxing and became the de facto leader of Hongxing in less than half a year. Of course, this is all a story later. On the other hand, after taking down Chen Yao and others, he solved the problem A few days after the Hongxing crisis, Shen Qiu waited for his transfer order.……

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