Hong Kong Island, Wong Chuk Hang Police School

"Sir Shen, our special operations team has recruited 173 elite police officers from various departments of the police force to join, including 107 male members and 66 female members. We currently share a training base with the Flying Tigers, and the conditions are relatively difficult.……"

"Okay, tell all the team members to gather in the playground, I want to meet them."

After Shen Qiu received the transfer order, he rushed to the training base at Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy. The person who received him was named Jian Weida. He was the captain of the Special Operations Team 1 and Laoding's future commander.

"yes, sir!"

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Jian Weida immediately responded loudly.

As a direct descendant of Gui Lao, Jian Weida also came from the Political Department and had undergone 4 special training at Scotland Yard. He was originally the chief instructor of the special operations team because of Shen Qiu's airborne landing. , he could only temporarily serve as the captain of the first team.

Jian Weida was very unhappy with Shen Qiu, but his immediate superior, Director of the Security Department Shi Paiming, had told him not to have a head-on conflict with Shen Qiu for the time being, and to listen to him in everything. Order.

Therefore, Jian Weida suppressed his unhappy emotions and behaved very professionally.

Ten minutes later

"Report to Sir Shen that all 173 members of the special operations team have arrived."

Jian Weida ran to Shen Qiu and said loudly

"OK, back to the team."

Shen Qiu glanced at the more than 100 people in front of him, and saw Meazi at the first glance. After looking at each other, Shen Qiu glanced at everyone again, and then said lightly:"Everyone, the police force It is a disciplined force. The special operations team is the ace force among the disciplined forces. Here, everyone must have the ambition to become the strongest."

"Listen to me, I will only train elites and will never accept sex."

"Now everyone, if men are slower than women in the 10-kilometer race, they will be eliminated immediately. Women who cannot finish the 10-kilometer race will be eliminated immediately. This is the meeting gift I give you. Do you like it? Shen

Qiu came up and immediately showed off his power. Without waiting for anyone to reply, Shen Qiu continued:"There's nothing you can do if you don't like it. Now everyone is running with me!""

After saying this, Shen Qiu was the first to run to the playground track and started running.

After seeing Shen Qiu's move, Yazi was the first to follow and quickly followed Shen Qiu.

Then, whether they were willing or unwilling, they all started Shen Qiu's first training after taking office.

This training directly impressed most of the members of the special operations team.

For no other reason than Shen Qiu was too fast. He almost matched the pace of the second place, and didn’t even break a sweat.

"Come on, come on, come on, you haven’t eaten yet, right? Believe it or not, I will write a report later and return you to your original unit?"

After Shen Qiu ran 10 kilometers, he directly turned on the taunting mode and suppressed his subordinates. He knew very well that there was no difference between this place and the army. The best way to tame these people was to be stronger than them and to crush them. They are so strong that they are hopelessly strong.

For this reason, Shen Qiu specially asked Wang Jianjun and Guo Xuejun to compile a complete training plan according to the training methods of the mainland reconnaissance company, including a 10-kilometer run, a 10-kilometer weight-bearing run, and a 20-kilometer cross-country Run and wait.

Shen Qiu really wants to build a trump card force. Of course, it is not for the purpose of maintaining social security in Hong Kong Island. He simply wants to build this force into his base.

An hour later, Shen Qiu looked at The man who was panting in front of him said calmly:"Men are not as fast as women. Women will automatically leave the team if they do not complete 10 kilometers."

In Shen Qiu's first game, 5 male players and 4 female players failed to meet Shen Qiu's requirements, and Shen Qiu did not joke with them and asked them to leave the team directly.

"Sir Shen, isn't it too cruel to ask them to leave just once if they don't finish the job?……"

Seeing Shen Qiu being so cruel, Jian Weida was secretly happy. He felt that this was a good opportunity for him to win over people's hearts, so he immediately started to persuade him, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Shen Qiu.

"We are an ace unit, and the 10-kilometer run is just the simplest event. Starting tomorrow, you will be trained as a real ace. My request is that the Special Operations Team must surpass the Flying Tigers and become the ace of the Hong Kong Island Police Force. ace in"

"If you can't even pass the 10-kilometer test, it's impossible to become an ace."

At this point, Shen Qiu paused for a moment, then stared at Jian Weida and said word by word:"Sir Jian, listen carefully. I am the chief instructor of the special operations team. Here, my words are authoritative. I don't I hope to hear voices questioning me again in the future. Do you hear me clearly?"

"yes, sir!"

Jian Weida's face was ashen, but he could only say helplessly.

"Why, you are also tired from running and have no strength?"

Chen Qiu walked up to Jian Weida and shouted loudly

"yes, sir!"

Jian Weida had no choice but to endure the aggravation, use all his strength, and shouted loudly.

After giving Jian Weida another blow, Shen Qiucai continued:"I will make it clear to you now that in the future training, you will only I am getting tired day by day. If anyone feels that they can't bear it, they can apply to me to withdraw now. Are there any such people?"


Just like what Jian Weida said, those who can be selected into the special operations team and become the first batch of members are all elites in various departments. As elites, naturally no one thinks that they are weak.

"good very good! Now, please ask that person to leave the team!"

Shen Qiu said slowly.

On Shen Qiu's first day on duty, the number of members of the special operations team increased from 173 to 164. Then Shen Qiu organized these 164 into 16 teams. The next day, in With Shen Qiu's careful preparation, Ma Jun, Chen Jiaju, Mike, Jiang Lang, Qiu Gangao and others successfully became captains, and Shen Qiu also gained preliminary control over the entire male team of the special operations team through them.

As for the female team , , to be honest, Shen Qiu didn't pay much attention to it. He believed that with Meazi's strength and background, he would definitely be able to take care of those female team members. In the days that followed, Shen Qiu followed the training methods of the mainland reconnaissance company to train these special The members of the special operations team were tortured to the point of death.

But because Shen Qiu did all the training with them, no matter how tired they were, these members of the special operations team had nothing to say and could only grit their teeth and persist. In this situation that challenges the limits of human beings every day, a kind of emotion called sharing the joys and sorrows grows in everyone's hearts.

In this way, after 10 days of devilish training, the special operations team finally ushered in its first vacation, although it was only In just one day, they still made them happier than during the Chinese New Year

".Ah Qiu, take a day off, where are you going to relax?"

After officially starting her vacation, Yazi found Shen Qiu and asked with a smile.

"Would you like to see a movie? Do you want to go?"

(Li Hao) Shen Qiu asked with a smile

"So good!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Yazi agreed directly, and soon the two of them left the training base together.

On the other side, in the office of Shi Paiming, Director of the Security Department, Jian Weida gave a detailed history of what happened in the past 10 days. Pai Ming said it again.

Then Jian Weida continued:"Director Shi, although I personally hate Shen Qiu, I have to admit that he is indeed a capable person. I think if we want to target him, we must take action as soon as possible. Otherwise, if he continues to train like this for a while, the special operations team will really have to listen to his Shen Qiu's words."

Jian Weida has always regarded himself as the commander of the special operations team. According to Shen Qiu's approach, Jian Weida is very doubtful whether this special operations team will listen to his orders in the future, as the commander, or to Shen Qiu, the chief instructor.

"Sir Jane, don't worry, we either don't take action, or if we take action, we will completely knock down Shen Qiu and make him unable to stand up forever!"

When talking about Shen Qiu, Shi Paiming felt that the pain between his legs seemed to start again.

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